Automatically sending mails to Content Authors if the content's modification date exceeds 2 years in WCM - websphere-portal

I have a requirement in IBM WCM which can Automatically send mails to Content Authors if the content's modification date exceeds 2 years. What should be the best approach to achieve this?
Please let me know the steps and links which can guide me in achieving this. I am using WCM 7.

All you need is understand what is WCM workflows, stages and actions.
Actions are atomic functions that applied to your content items (publish, expire, email)
Stages are sets of actions to get complete impact on content items (publish item, call custom code, notify users)
Workflows are set of stages. For example WCM has default three steps workflow - Draft, Publish, Expire.
Go to Applications -> Web Content -> Library -> Workflow items
You need workflow with two stages:
Your publish stage must contain two actions:
Publish action
Scheduled move action (Live date + offset = 24 month) This action will move your content to next stage
You Expire stage must content two actions:
Email action to send nitifications
More details here


Confusion regarding permissions (write access) for the calendar resource

I have a google account with my company domain. I received super user status so that I can access all the calendars in the workspace. I registered my app and followed oAuth2.0 authorization steps with these scopes -
Now I am able to read all the events and subscribe to the web_hook. My doubt is twofold -
For the same user, when I fetch the calendar list using CalendarList.list method (Calendar A), it is different from the list I get when I hit calendar list API from the admin directory side (Calendar B).
Is it because there are 2 sets of calendars being maintained for the user side and one from the admin side (that is domain wide)? If so, how can I modify or create an event in calendar B? (it is pretty simple from the UI side, I open my calendar and add that particular room to the meeting).
If there is a meeting (event) planned and I need to release the meeting room (i.e. the calendar itself because the rooms are coming as calendar resources themselves) from the meeting, which API should I hit?
Actually I need to simulate real life scenario where I have a meeting scheduled in a meeting room but then I want to keep the meeting but not the room, so that the room is no longer occupied and others might use it. It is during implementation of this flow that I had above 2 doubts.
Please help me out here as I am completely new to programming and it has been days since I started banging my head over it.
To answer your concerns, please see below:
Yes, that is correct. The calendars mentioned(user and admin) are completely different calendars. As for modification in calendar B, as long as you have the calendarId, you can use Events: insert .
The room should appear in the event resources and you can update it via Events: update.

How do you get a URL to a shared O365 calendar?

I have been playing around with the Graph API to access the shared calendars and events within an organization.
I can successfully query my organization users and the calendar/events for any of those users. What I would like to do now is to generate a URL allowing you to jump to an outlook web session (eg - directly to a particular user's calendar (that you have access to).
I can see that Events have a 'WebLink' property that allows you to do this with a calendar event, but I can't find any documentation that indicates how you could jump to a calendar the same way.
I did find some old stuff implying that the old school OWA used to allow this but those url's don't look like they work anymore.
I also tried to pull apart the URL's provided when you 'share' you calendar with an external email address and it sends them a 'click here to add the calendar, or here to see a web view' etc email. That looked kind of promising because it actually DOES provide a direct link to a web version of the calendar; but it it includes a few fields in the URLthat I can't figure out (more than likely the external user auth) so I can't reverse engineer it to build one with the info I have available in the Graph API.
URL was of the form:<userid>#<domain>/<52CharacterHex_ProbablyAHashedTokenForTheExternalUsersAuth>/<WindowsUserSID_ProbablyToRepresentTheExternalUserOrProxyAccessEntity>/reachcalendar.html
Anyone else got any ideas on how I can launch a web session of another uses calendar (that I have access to)? Ultimately what I am doing is creating a small management dashboard (using a summary built via Graph API data) that shows an overview of a collection of user's calendars but allows you to jump into the any individual user's full calendar if more info is required.
Publish to the web. follow this:
OWA -> Settings
Calendar -> Shared Calendars
Publish a Calendar -> copy HTML

How can Zapier create Trello Cards for Closed Won Salesforce Opportunities when the Opportunity is not new?

Maybe this just isn't possible with the available Salesforce actions in Zapier, but I thought I'd ask.
You can monitor for a new opportunity, but I only want to create cards for opportunities which are closed won. So if a new opportunity is created on Monday and on Friday it is Closed Won, Zapier will never get notified when it is updated.
Seems like a very common use case, I figure someone has figured this out.
I took this to Zapier Support and they said....
So the tricky thing here is the "New Opportunity" trigger will only
happen when the Zap sees the record for the first time. Even if it's
updated later, the Zap will not re-trigger on it.
We do have a way to trigger on updated Salesforce records, but it
would require using their Workflow Rules and Outbound Messaging
option. Then on the Zapier side, you'd use the Salesforce "New
Outbound Message" trigger.
You basically set a workflow rule + outbound message in Salesforce.
And so all your triggering conditions (like which object/field) are on
the Salesforce side.
First you'd set up the Outbound Message, specifying the object and
fields you want to send, and the Zap url:
Then you'd set up the Workflow Rule, specifying the conditions where
the rule should trigger, and which actions to trigger (the outbound
message action that you just made):
The one caveat here is that workflow rules are only available on some
editions of Salesforce. So you may have to check and see if your
edition supports it.
Please let me know if you have any questions about that -- happy to
And that worked so yay Zapier for helping me with Salesforce!

Create custom paypal button with link direct after payment

I am trying to create a custom paypal button for selling digital goods, that will direct the buyer to a link that will allow him to download the file.
I've read a bit this paypal article about advanced html variables but I am not sure which I have to use to make it work:
Obviously the download should only initiate based on the payment ID to prevent free downloads, or is that done automatically by paypal?
What I would recommend us utilizing Instant Payment Notification (IPN) to handle all your post-payment processing tasks like updating your database, sending out email notifications (including one with a download link), etc.
Instant Payment Notification (IPN) is a message service that notifies
you of events related to PayPal transactions. You can use IPN messages
to automate back-office and administrative functions, such as
fulfilling orders, tracking customers, and providing status and other
transaction-related information.
This will allow you to not only automate the procedures, but also correctly handle things like e-checks or any other type of payment that may originally be in a "pending" status. You wouldn't want to deliver the digital goods until that payment actually clears. With IPN you will get 1 notification that your script can handle when the payment comes through as pending, and you would get another one when the payment updates to Completed, or Failed, or whatever.
The IPN's happen in real-time so buyers won't have to wait on anything. Whatever you're doing within the script would happen instantly upon the transaction completing.

How to get a trigger when a Google app is deleted by a domain

This query is related to Google Apps. Is there a way we can get a trigger or a callback or force the user to visit a page from my app when user deletes my app from his domain?
I want to perform some operations when a user deletes the app from his domain.
Please help.
No. Mappings are completely independent of the app - they just 'point' at it. You can't get notifications when a user adds or deletes them.
The license notifications API allows you to retrieve a list of license-related events that have occurred for customers of your application. These events may be of four types:
provisions — A new license of the application has been provisioned.
expiries — A license of the application has expired.
deletions — An application has been deleted from a domain.
reassignments — An administrator has assigned or revoked a seat license for the application on the provided domain.
The license notification API allows several optional parameters:
timestamp — The time, measured in milliseconds since the UNIX epoch, to begin querying for notifications. The API will return results that occurred approximately after this time, but occasionally may return results that occurred prior to the timestamp. If you must have a list of notifications that only contains results after the timestamp, it is recommended that you apply a second filter in your code. The timestamp may not be used simultaneously with a start-token.
start-token — A continuation token, returned from a previous query, that may be used to continue retrieving notifications after the previous result set stopped. The start-token may not be used simultaneously with a timestamp.
max-results — The maximum number of notifications to return.
For a complete description of all response fields and possible values for those fields, see the reference.
For more :
