AngularJS ng-repeat img ang video - angularjs

How to implement the idea of ​​a slider showing images and video.
How to get repetition via ng-repeat of different data types?
I have a list of files:
var scr = [
{src: 'img1.png', title: 'Pic 1'},
{src: 'img2.jpg', title: 'Pic 2'},
{src: 'vid1.mp4', title: 'Vid 1'},
{src: 'vid2.mp4', title: 'Vid 2'}
Images can be inserted through ng-repeate:
<div class="slide" ng-repeat="image in images" ng-show="image.visible">
<img src="./img/slides/{{image.src}}"/>
How to insert videos in this list?
Maybe there are other ways to get a slider?
I would be grateful for any help.

If you can modify the data array,
var scr = [
{src: 'img1.png', title: 'Pic 1', type: 'imge'},
{src: 'img2.jpg', title: 'Pic 2', type: 'imge'},
{src: 'vid1.mp4', title: 'Vid 1', type: 'video'},
{src: 'vid2.mp4', title: 'Vid 2', type: 'video'}
Then you can use ng-if to determine the element to use
<div class="slide" ng-repeat="media in scr">
<img ng-if="media.type == 'image'" ng-src="./img/slides/{{media.src}}" />
<video ng-if="media.type == 'video'" ng-src="{{media.src}}"></video>

have you seen this? for different data-types use
ng-switch on="image"
and then compare it with src or title
ng-switch-when="image.src == 'video'"
#.... render video object here
do some default behaviour of showing your image
sorry missed the type thing in your src, or you can split your string and use the same as well :) your choice


How to add multiple data objects using Array.fill in Angular

I am developing some code using Angular. In my ts file, I have created an array as below
ArrayB= [
{ id: 1, src: 'url' },
{ id: 2, src: 'url' },
{ id: 3, src: 'url' },
{ id: 4, src: 'url' },
{ id: 5, src: 'url' }];
This is ArrayA
ArrayA = Array(5).fill(' ').map((index,_)=>({id:index,src:url}));
I have created grid in HTML file. I want put images (in URL) on each grid tiles.
<mat-grid-list cols="10">
<mat-grid-tile *ngFor="let cell of ArrayA; let i = index">
[style.background]="i == indexOver ? 'yellowgreen' : 'yellowgreen'"
(mouseover)="this.indexOver = i"
(mouseout)="indexOver = -1" >
<div cdkDrag>
<span *ngIf="!cell.src"></span>
<div *cdkDragPlaceholder></div>
So how can I put multiple data objects to ArrayA like ArrayB and assign images to each grid tile.

Angular advanced searchbox doesn't display suggestedValues

I use Angular advanced searchbox to create a search box.But when adding suggestedValues into scope availableSearchParams it doesn't display suggestions and my modal get undefined.Please let me know what went wrong.
Scripts load order
app.js // contain app module
<div class="form-group">
<label class="col-md-2 col-lg-2 control-label"></label>
<div class="col-md-10 col-lg-10">
<nit-advanced-searchbox ng-model="searchParams" parameters="availableSearchParams" placeholder="Search..."></nit-advanced-searchbox>
$scope.availableSearchParams = [
{ key: "team", name: "Team", placeholder: "filter by team", restrictToSuggestedValues: true, suggestedValues: ['Berlin', 'London', 'Paris'] },{ key: "testtype", name: "TestType", placeholder: "filter by test type",restrictToSuggestedValues: true, suggestedValues: ['Smoke', 'Regression', 'Benchmark'] }, { key: "text", name: "Text", placeholder: "filter by text" } ];
$scope.$on('advanced-searchbox:modelUpdated', function (event, model) {
You must include ui.bootstrap in your module, before angular-advanced-searchbox:
angular.module('SensacionalApp', [

Understand first for result Angular2 ngFor

I have an array multidimensional with multiples results:
books: any[] = [
name: "The Name book",
chapter: [{
name: 'Alpha',
pages: '180'
}, {
name: 'Beta',
pages: '100'
name: "Jungle Book",
chapter: [{
name: 'Whole book',
pages: '300'
I would like to understand how to create a *ngIf when a book has just one chapter like "Jungle book" or multiples as "The Name Book."
Thanks for your help
I am not sure I have fully understood the selection creteria.
Anyway, assuming the template where you want to add the *ngIf check is defined in the same Component where you define the books property, I would try something like this
In the template
<div *ngFor="let book of books">
<div *ngIf="isBookToShow(book)">
<!-- here goes the rest of your html -->
with the corresponding method isBookToShow(book) in the class
isBookToShow(book) {
return book.chapter.length > 0

My scope apply isn't working correctly

I have tried to research this issue and have had no luck. My ng-repeat doesn't display dynamic content from the controller on the first try. I was told to use a .digest or apply to get angular to hit my page again but I am not quite clear how to implement. From the examples I saw online this should work
var shopItems = angular.module('shopItems', []);
var trophyEarns = angular.module('trophyEarns', []);
var app = angular.module('app', ['shopItems', 'trophyEarns']);
shopItems.controller('shopItemController', function ($scope) {
$scope.shopItems = [{
//id: 01,
name: 'One',
//img: '',
price: '$3.99',
altprice: '1 mile',
desc: 'This is a fake description.',
prog: '50%'
//id: 02,
name: 'Two',
//img: '',
price: '$3.99',
altprice: '1 mile',
desc: 'This is a fake description.',
prog: '50%'
trophyEarns.controller('trophyEarnsController', function ($scope) {
$scope.trophyEarns = [{
//id: 01,
name: 'One',
//img: '',
price: '$3.99',
altprice: '1 mile',
desc: 'This is a fake description.',
prog: '50%'
//id: 02,
name: 'Two',
//img: '',
price: '$3.99',
altprice: '1 mile',
desc: 'This is a fake description.',
prog: '50%'
Here is a snippet of the html and controller
<div ng-app="app">
<div ng-controller="shopItemController">
<div class="itm" ng-repeat="shopItem in shopItems">
<div class="imag"></div>
<h2>{{ }}</h2>
<div class="hff">Earn it: {{ shopItem.altprice }}</div>
<div class="hf">Buy it: {{ shopItem.price }}</div>
<div class="desc"><div>{{ shopItem.desc }}</div></div>
<div class="prog"><div>{{ shopItem.progress }}</div></div>
But this does nothing and no errors pop up. I am still forced to reload every time I leave and go back to the pages with the controllers to see the dynamic content. Am I using this correctly? Is digest better?

Bootstrap AngularJS carousel - how to know the active slide object

Is there any way I can know what is the current active slide?
var slides = slides = [];
slides.push({text: 'Slide 1', type: "chart", chartConfig : {
options: {chart: {type: 'bar'}},
series: [{data: [10, 15, 12, 8, 7]}],
title: {text: 'Hello 1'},
loading: false
slides.push({text: 'Slide 3', type: "chart", chartConfig : {
options: {chart: {type: 'bar'}},
series: [{data: [10, 35, 52, 8, 7]}],
title: {text: 'Hello 2'},
loading: false
<slide ng-repeat="slide in slides">
<highchart id="chart{{$index}}" config="slide.chartConfig"></highchart>
I am not sure were i need to add watch though?
Please treat this as a seperate question:
You can see from my code there are 2 charts information in the slide.
But when its presented / slided second one alone gets squeezed in width.
In other words is there any way i can auto scale the highchart at the time of rendering?
Is there any work around to fix it.
Actually, angular-ui does allow you to set an active property on the slide directive which will be set to true when the slide becomes active.
In this example: will be set to true when the slide is active.
<slide ng-repeat="slide in slides" active="">
<highchart id="chart{{$index}}" config="slide.chartConfig"></highchart>
var slides = slides = [];
active: false
, text: 'Slide 1'
, type: "chart"
, chartConfig : {
options: {chart: {type: 'bar'}},
series: [{data: [10, 15, 12, 8, 7]}],
title: {text: 'Hello 1'},
loading: false }
active: false
, text: 'Slide 3'
, type: "chart"
, chartConfig : {
options: {chart: {type: 'bar'}},
series: [{data: [10, 35, 52, 8, 7]}],
title: {text: 'Hello 2'},
loading: false }
// May return `undefined` if no slide is active
// (e.g. when the carousel hasn't initialised)
$scope.getActiveSlide = function () {
return slides.filter(function (s) { return; })[0];
There was an issue to add this information to the slide event, but they decided not to do it.
There are some workarounds to it though:
This comment on the issue
Twitter Bootstrap Carousel - access current index
I've been able to get the current index of the carousel slide with the following jQuery code (the carousel html must have the id="myCarousel"):
$('#myCarousel .active').index();
I used it for adding the ng-swipe-left/right to the carousel and it works (if you are interesed, full answer with the controller js code here: angular ui.bootstrap.carousel call next()/prev() from $scope)
It works for bootstrap 3.0.2
