x86 Struct scanf - c

I am trying to convert C to x86. I am using a struct...
struct person_record_struct
char last_name[128];
char first_name[128];
char year_of_birth[10];
int month_of_birth; // January => 1
int day_of_birth; // 1st Day of a Month => 1
char drivers_license_no[128];
typedef struct person_record_struct person_record;
I am having trouble getting my scanf to work. Here is the C..
result = scanf("%s\n%s\n%s\n%d\n%d\n%s\n", &records[counter].last_name[0],
&records[counter].first_name[0], &records[counter].year_of_birth[0],
&records[counter].month_of_birth, &records[counter].day_of_birth,
And my x86..
;counter # [ebp-4]
;records # [ebp-16]
; format_string_main_2 db '%s\n%s\n%s\n%d\n%d\n%s\n', 0
; read in info
; push drivers_license_no
mov ebx, [ebp-16] ;
mov eax, [ebp-4]
mov ecx, struct_size
mul ecx
add eax, ebx
lea eax, [eax+276]
push eax
; push day_of_birth
mov ebx, [ebp-16]
mov eax, [ebp-4]
mov ecx, struct_size
mul ecx
add eax, ebx
lea eax, [eax+272]
push eax
; push month_of_birth
mov ebx, [ebp-16]
mov eax, [ebp-4]
mov ecx, struct_size
mul ecx
add eax, ebx
lea eax, [eax+268]
push ax
; push year_of_birth
mov ebx, [ebp-16]
mov eax, [ebp-4]
mov ecx, struct_size
mul ecx
add eax, ebx
lea eax, [eax+256]
push eax
; push first_name
mov ebx, [ebp-16]
mov eax, [ebp-4]
mov ecx, struct_size
mul ecx
add eax, ebx
lea eax, [eax+128]
push eax
; push last_name
mov ebx, [ebp-16]
mov eax, [ebp-4]
mov ecx, struct_size
mul ecx
add eax, ebx
lea eax, [eax+0]
push eax
push format_string_main_2
call scanf
add esp, 28
mov [ebp-12], eax
I'm using a check to see if result is 6 and if it's not my program that prints an error and exits. It keeps having an error and I'm not sure what I am doing wrong. Any help would be much appreciated. Thank you.
This is my calloc call which appears to be correct...
; // allocate the buffer of all the records
; records = (person_record *)calloc(number_of_records, sizeof(person_record));
push struct_size
mov eax, [ebp-8]
push eax
call calloc
add esp, 8
mov [ebp-16], eax

Under month_of_birth you have push ax instead of push eax. This would push only the lower 16 bits of the address on the stack, virtually guaranteeing a crash in scanf. Fix that and it should be OK.

There are many weird/wrong things going on in your code. It will be easier to show a cleaner way. You have not mentioned the Assembler you are using, there are a few for x86 and each has its own syntax. Here is how you can do it using NASM:
extern printf, scanf, calloc, exit, free, puts
global main
struc person_record
.last_name resb 128
.first_name resb 128
.year_of_birth resb 10
.month_of_birth resd 1
.day_of_birth resd 1
.drivers_license_no resb 128
.size equ $ - person_record
section .data
Space db 32, 0
input_format db "%s%s%s%d%d%s", 0
output_format db "%s %s %s %d %d %s", 0
section .text
push person_record.size
call calloc
add esp, 4 * 2
mov esi, eax
mov ebx, eax
mov edi, MAX_RECORDS - 1
lea eax, [ebx + person_record.drivers_license_no]
push eax
lea ecx, [ebx + person_record.day_of_birth]
push ecx
lea edx, [ebx + person_record.month_of_birth]
push edx
lea eax, [ebx + person_record.year_of_birth]
push eax
lea ecx, [ebx + person_record.first_name]
push ecx
lea edx, [ebx + person_record.last_name]
push edx
push input_format
call scanf
add esp, 4 * 7
push Space
call puts
add esp, 4 * 1
add ebx, person_record.size
dec edi
jns .FillRecord
mov ebx, esi
mov edi, MAX_RECORDS - 1
lea eax, [ebx + person_record.drivers_license_no]
push eax
mov ecx, [ebx + person_record.day_of_birth]
push ecx
mov edx, [ebx + person_record.month_of_birth]
push edx
lea eax, [ebx + person_record.year_of_birth]
push eax
lea ecx, [ebx + person_record.first_name]
push ecx
lea edx, [ebx + person_record.last_name]
push edx
push output_format
call printf
add esp, 4 * 7
push Space
call puts
add esp, 4 * 1
add ebx, person_record.size
dec edi
jns .ShowRecord
push esi
call free
add esp, 4 * 1
push 0
call exit
And the input and output of 2 records:


Assembly x86-32 and some c functions

I never learn C language so it makes me confuse. I just like to know if I did it correctly or where I need to improve. For this code I used assembly x86 32 bit. Thanks
This is what I supposed to do:
Write a procedure with the signature
char *strchar(char *s1, char c1)
that returns a pointer to the first occurrence of the character c1 within the string s1 or, if not found, returns a null.
This is what I came out with:
strchar (char*, char):
push ebp
mov ebp, esp
mov dword ptr [ebp-24], edi
mov EAX , esi
mov BYTE PTR [ebp-28], al
mov EAX , dword ptr [ebp-24]
movzx EAX , byte ptr [ EAX ]
test AL, AL
je .L2
mov EAX , dword PTR [ebp-24]
movzx EAX , BYTE PTR [ EAX ]
cmp BYTE PTR [ebp-28], al
jne .L3
mov eax, dword PTR [ebp-24]
jmp .L6
add dword PTR [ebp-24], 1
jmp .L5
LEA eax, [ebp-9]
The lines:
mov dword ptr [ebp-24], edi
mov EAX , esi
mov BYTE PTR [ebp-28], al
assume that a stack frame has been allocated for this function which doesn’t appear true; I think you should have something like:
sub esp, 32
after the
mov ebp,esp
Also, the three lines after L2 seem confused. The only way to get to L2 is if the nil (0) byte is discovered in the string, at which point, the code should return a NULL pointer.
The exit path in the code (L6) leaves eax alone, so all that should be needed is:
mov eax, 0
It might make debugging easier if you kept the alias up to date; so:
mov eax, 0
mov [ebp-24], eax
Also, the calling convention used here is a bit odd: the string is passed in edi and the character in esi. Normally, in x86-32, these would both be passed on the stack. This looks like it might have been x86-64 code, converted to x86-32....
A final note; this assembly code looks like the output of a compiler with optimisations disabled. Often, generating the assembly with the optimisations enabled generates easier to understand code. This code, for example, could be much more concisely written as below, without even devolving into weird intel ops:
mov edx, esi
mov eax, edi
mov dh, [eax]
test dh, dh
jz null
cmp dh, dl
je done
inc eax
jmp L
mov eax, 0
Here is one with stack overhead
[global strchar]
push ebp
mov ebp, esp
mov dl, byte [ebp + 12]
mov ecx, dword [ebp + 8]
xor eax, eax
.loop: mov al, [ecx]
or al, al
jz .exit
cmp al, dl
jz .found
add ecx, 1
jmp .loop
.found: mov eax, ecx
Here is one without stack overhead
[global strchar]
mov dl, byte [esp + 8]
mov ecx, dword [esp + 4]
xor eax, eax
.loop: mov al, [ecx]
or al, al
jz .exit
cmp al, dl
jz .found
add ecx, 1
jmp .loop
.found: mov eax, ecx
These are using the 'cdecl' calling convention. For 'stdcall' change the last 'ret' to 'ret 8'.

Assigning values to array - Assembly

I am trying to read chars from input file, and place them in an array (except new line chars).
here is my code:
mov dword [counter], 0
mov edi, [size]
mov esi, state
cmp [counter], edi ; read all chars of the file
je end_loop
mov eax, 3
mov ebx, dword [file_desc]
mov ecx, read_char
mov edx, 1
int 0x80
cmp byte [read_char], '1'
je put_char
cmp byte [read_char], ' '
je put_char
jmp loop
mov edx, [read_char]
mov [esi + counter], edx
;; print number of char read from 0 to size-1
mov ecx, dword [counter]
push ecx
push printInt
call printf
add esp, 8
;; print char read
push edx
push printChar
call printf
add esp, 8
;; print value stored in state[counter]
push dword [esi + counter]
push printChar
call printf
add esp, 8
mov eax, [counter]
inc eax
mov [counter], eax
jmp loop
the printing inside the loop works fine, as i get the char number, the char i have just read and the char in [esi + counter] (supposed to be state[counter]).
however, trying to print it after the reading loop, with this code:
mov dword [counter], 0
mov edi, [size]
mov esi, state
cmp [counter], edi
je end
push dword [esi + counter]
push printChar
call printf
add esp, 8
mov ecx, [counter]
inc ecx
mov [counter], ecx
jmp printarray
all I get is blanks (new char lines every line, from my printChar).
I don't understand my the values I read are not stored in the array.
There is no code between end loop and mov dword [counter], 0 just before the printarray loop.
mere are my data and bss:
section .data
newLine: DB "", 10, 0
printInt: DB "%d", 10, 0
printString: DB "%s", 10, 0
printChar: DB "%c", 10, 0
hello: DB "hello", 10, 0
section .bss
file_name resb 80
file_desc resd 1
WorldLength resd 1
WorldWidth resd 1
generations resd 1
print_freq resd 1
state resb 60*60
read_char resb 1
counter resd 1
size resd 1
Thank you for your help.
First of all, don't use 32-bit registers when operating on bytes. I'm sure that even if your code worked, some data would be overwritten.
I believe that your problem resides somewhere in statements similar to these
mov [esi + counter], edx
push dword [esi + counter]
They actually mean: "take the address of counter and add it to esi", which I think isn't what you want.
Onto this,
- reading the file character by character is terribly inefficient
- using counter variables instead of ecx is inefficient
- incrementing register rather than a memory location iself is inefficient too
I've tried to rewrite your code as much as I could, and I hope it was worth something.
mov eax, 3
mov ebx, dword [file_desc]
mov ecx, state
mov edx, [size]
int 0x80
; eax now contains the number of bytes read, so why not to use it?
mov ebx, eax
add ebx, state
mov byte [ebx], 0x0 ; this will be end-of-string, although it may not really be necessary
xor ecx, ecx ; this will be our counter now
_loop: ; loop is actually an instruction
cmp ecx, eax
je _end
inc ecx ; ecx++
mov dl, '\n'
cmp byte [state + ecx], dl ; is newline?
jne _loop ; nope? ok, try again
mov dl, ' ' ; yes?
mov byte [state + ecx], dl ; replace newline with space character
jmp _loop
; print the result
mov edx, eax ; the size - number of bytes read
mov eax, 4
mov ebx, dword [file_desc]
mov ecx, state
int 0x80
Problem solved.
I should have used this to put the char in the array:
mov dl, [read_char]
mov [esi], dl
mov eax, [counter]
inc eax
mov [counter], eax
inc esi
jmp loop
I removed the printing, those were for debugging only.
Thanks :)

Cannot get loop to run

I am trying to get my frequency table to fully display but while trying to run the loop
through the next label it gives me an exception handler error. I am wondering how I can get my loop to run fully
My code:
INCLUDE Irvine32.inc
freqTable DWORD 256 DUP(0)
introPrompt BYTE "Here are the indexes in hex and their counts in the array: ", 0ah,
0dh, 0
prompt BYTE "Location ", 0
prompt2 BYTE " : ", 0
numcount DWORD 0
sLength DWORD ?
location DWORD ?
count DWORD 0
temp BYTE ?
main PROC
mov edx, OFFSET target
call StrLength
mov sLength, eax
Get_frequencies PROTO,
pval1: DWORD,
tableVal: DWORD
INVOKE Get_frequencies, ADDR target, ADDR freqTable
mov eax, numCount
call WriteDec
call crlf
mov edx, OFFSET introPrompt
call WriteString
;Writes the frequency table
mov esi, OFFSET freqTable
mov ecx, 256
mov edx, OFFSET prompt
call WriteString
mov eax, count
call WriteHex
mov edx, OFFSET prompt2
call WriteString
mov eax, [esi]
call WriteDec
call crlf
add esi, 4
inc count
loop top
call WaitMsg
main ENDP
Get_frequencies PROC USES edi esi,
pval1: DWORD,
tableVal: DWORD
mov edi, pval1 ;edi points to target array
mov esi, pval1 ;esi points to freqTable
mov edx, 0
mov eax, 0
mov numCount, 0
mov al, [edi]
mov dl, [esi]
mov temp, dl
cmp al, 0
jne L2
jmp next
inc edi
cmp al, dl
jne L1
inc numCount
jmp L1
mov ecx, esi
mov ecx, tableVal
imul edx, 4
add ecx, edx
mov ebx, numCount
mov [ecx], ebx
cmp temp, 0
je finish
inc esi
inc edi
jmp L1
Get_frequencies ENDP
END main
So the numCount global variable contains how many times a character is repeated and I add the number to the frequency table depending on the hex value. I try to increase the esi and edi to go again starting at the following value on the start but it gives me an exception handle error.
Thank you very much

Assembly EAX register resetting without reason

I have the following assembly code:
; File: strrev.asm
; A subroutine called from C programs.
; Parameters: string A
; Result: String is reversed and returned.
global strrev
_strrev: nop
push ebp
mov ebp, esp
; registers ebx,esi, and edi must be saved if used
push ebx
push edi
xor esi, esi
xor eax, eax
mov ecx, [ebp+8] ; load the start of the array into ecx
jecxz end ; jump if [ecx] is zero
mov edi, ecx
cmp byte[edi], 0
je reverseLoop_1
inc edi
inc eax
jmp reverseLoop
mov esi, edi ;move end of array into esi
mov edi, ecx ;reset start of array to edi
mov al, [esi]
mov bl, [edi]
mov [esi], bl
mov [edi], al
inc edi
dec esi
dec eax
jnz reverseLoop_2
pop edi ; restore registers
pop ebx
mov esp, ebp ; take down stack frame
pop ebp
Which works fine until you start looping through reverseLoop_2. Using gdb, eax is listed as being 11, which it should be (this is the length of the string I passed in through a separate c program). This is show in the debugger as:
Breakpoint 2, reverseLoop_2 () at strrev.asm:40
40 mov al, [esi]
(gdb) display $eax
1: $eax = 11
However, if I step through the program to the next line, it resets to 0.
(gdb) next
41 mov bl, [edi]
1: $eax = 0
I need eax to be preserved since its the one keeping track of how many times reverseLoop_2 needs to loop. Why is it resetting to 0 after the call to mov?
If you're using eax as a loop counter, you shouldn't write to it inside the loop :
mov al, [esi]
Remember that al is the least significant byte of eax :
I think this should work.
mov eax, address of your string
push esi
push edi
mov edi, eax
mov esi, eax
; find end of string
sub ecx, ecx
not ecx
sub al, al
repne scasb
; points to the byte after '0x00'
dec edi
dec edi
; main loop will swap the first with the last byte
; and increase/decrease the pointer until the cross each other
cmp esi, edi ; if both pointers meet, we are done
jg _done
mov al, [edi]
mov bl, [esi]
mov [esi], al
mov [edi], bl
inc esi
dec edi
jmp _loop
pop edi
pop esi

How to reverse an array in Irvine Assembly Language?

I am writing a number manipulation program, and one step is to reverse the array. So far I have
reverseArray proc
mov eax, arraySize
mov temp, eax
Imul eax, 4
mov esi, eax
mov eax, 0
mov number, 0
jne L1
cmp temp, 0
je L3
mov eax, numbers[esi]
mov tempnumbers[ecx], eax
mov eax, tempnumbers[ecx]
call writeDec
call crlf
sub esi,4
add ecx, 4
sub temp, 1
loop L1
.If(number >= 0)
mov esi, 0
mov eax, number
cmp eax, arraySize
je L2
mov eax, tempnumbers[esi]
mov numbers[esi], eax
add esi, 4
add number, 1
loop L3
However this only reverses about half of my array. Did I do something wrong with the esi or ecx counters? Any help would be appreciated.
Use edi instead of ecx, and set it to 0 at the start.
