AngularJS: Two Parallel Views, One URL - angularjs

I'm building a dashboard/control panel app that is basically made up of two tabs (bootstrap) at the root level, called "dispatch" and "admin". Each tab has a good bit of its own multi-tiered navigation and functionality, and they don't need to directly interact with each other. The problem I'm running into is how to deep-link to sub-views within one of the tabs without losing the "state" of the inactive tab. To clarify, I can achieve this just fine if I don't worry about updating the URL, but when I try to add deep-linking, that's when I get stuck.
An example of the desired behavior:
When you click on the "Admin" tab, the route becomes "/admin"
Click on a sub-nav item, route becomes "/admin/foo"
Select 3rd-tier sub-level item, route becomes "admin/foo/thing1"
Click on the "dispatch" tab, route becomes "/dispatch"
Click back on the "admin" tab, route goes back to "admin/foo/thing1"
So basically, if you're at the "admin/foo/thing1" route in the middle of filling out a text field, then switch to another tab, then switch back, the text field should still be there just as you left it.
Like I said, the problem isn't switching from tab to tab, since by default the tabs just show and hide things on the page without reloading any views dynamically. I just don't know how to deep-link to a given tab's "bookmarked" position when you switch to it. The way I keep thinking of it is that clicking on a tab should only update the first segment of the URL(/admin or /dispatch), and then some sort of $watch function would update the remaining segments based on the last "location" within that tab. Would something like that work?
Also, I'm using ui-router to handle all my routing and states, so I have to factor that into how I'm going to handle the desired behavior.

I worked on both those topics (deep state reactivation and parallel states) and integration into ui-router. Grab my github fork of ui-router and build using grunt. Then, mark your two tab states as parallel: true and deepStateRedirect: true.
Git repo:
Example plunker:

I would just save the current state in a variable, then either dynamically change the link of the tab to whatever the last subview was.
For example, if the user is on /admin/billing, the Admin tab would link to admin/billing. When they leave that tab, the /admin tab remains the same. If you are using ui-router, you can do this with ui-srefs. You could also just manually check the variable when the state changes, and route the user there from the controller.


Angular Retain Proper Scroll Position when Transitioning Routes or Refreshing

I'm using ui-router.
A similar question has been asked on this a Number of times... But the solutions seem to be all over the place and either the question doesn't address a simple idea or the answer doesn't, either.
Here's my simple ui-view setup:
A master view has the navbar and footer
Children of the master view/route that can be activated include the Homepage, About Us page and Learn More page
Pretty simple...
By default, if the homepage is activated, and scrolled down 500px, and I click on a route to the "About Us" page, that page will be scrolled down 500px. Obviously this is not desired.
So... Everyone's solution is some variation of setting document.scrollTop(0) on every state change success. This is atrocious.
While it fixes the issue at hand, it clobbers the browser back button behavior. Here are some problems:
When a refresh is called, the standard browser behavior of refreshing to the current location is ruined
When the back button is clicked, the homepage would then scroll all the way to the top
If the back and forward button were clicked, I wouldn't retain the correct spot on the next page, either
This whole document.scrollTop(0) or any variation of it, really doesn't seem to be viable and I've yet to see a clear solution to this.

Tab is not switching but the URL of that tab is changing

I am using tabstrip and angular UI routing to navigate those tabs. When I click on the tab, its URL changes but the tab does not switch.
I have 3 tabs. The first 2 tabs work as expected. But the last tab does not switch even though its URL changes.
Here is my code.
Please let me know if you need further information.
It appears you have the k-state-active class set on a particular li, since you're using ui-sref you can use ui-sref-active="k-state-active" on all the li elements instead of the class you have on the first, the ui-sref-active state will apply the

Angularjs state routing and keeping DOM Intact

I'm trying to create single page application and one use case is i have details page which can be triggered from multiple parent pages, more like acting as modal box but without any absolute property. I was checking how to show/hide based on the state change from parent.
This is what i have done till now
If you take a look when clicking View Home from home DOM is not removed while navigating to next state .
But if you are in About Page and click View About, DOM is getting removed.
How can we show/hide ui-view. if we are navigating to different state with same url ?
The same url
url: '^/details/:id',
for both the states is the issue.
Try having a wrapper state say "details" and then in that state's controller you may redirect based on some parameter that tells wrapper state which state to go to.

Ionic - Wrong tab active after changing tabs template

I am learning Ionic and I am stuck in one place because I want to change my default tabs layout to other one.
When I change to state where I reload my tabs layout, in new layout there is always selected second one, no matter what I do... I want first tab to be selected.
Here is plnkr. Go to friends, click one and look on tabs at bottom. Second one is active :(
$ionicTabsDelegate is not working (Or I have done something wrong)
Do you have any ideas why it's happening?

How to create multi-page app with ExtJs 4

I should create ExtJs4 app, which should have main menu, and each menu item should open a new page with different url, so if the user copies the url and pastes on other browser tab, the app should open that menu item.
I want to use ExtJs's recommended MVC architecture, but I don't know how I can use it with multiple pages/urls. All their examples are using single page.
One option is to reload the page each time when the user clicks on particular menu Item, so every url/menu item/page will be separate ExtJS app with it's MVC. But I think this approach has drawbacks, since the page will be reloaded every time and it's not good for performance. Also it's causes difficulties in reusing of components (common models, stores and views for different pages ).
So I would like to have one single app for all pages, but I don't know is there any solution to have different urls for different views (in my case: for different menu items).
Or is there another approach for such applications?
You would probably want to use a Viewport, and make the Center Region a Container.
The Center Region Container would usually have a Card or Tab layout.
When the user navigates to a new view (Component), you add that view to the Container, and make it active.
The big mistake is to change the URL first. You don't want to do that.
You want to navigate, and then set the URL if the navigation was successful. You should probably not use ExtJS's History component, as it is incorrectly implemented. I would recommend using HTML5 pushState.
You should make sure your navigation system works without changing the URL bar too.
I would recommend reading up on Navigation in Microsoft Prism, WPF, and Silverlight, as there is more documentation there, and then apply that to ExtJS.
Here is an example Navigation process:
call app.requestNavigate('contacts/5'); you would add this yourself.
you parse this fragment to:
navigationContext = {
fragment: 'contacts/5',
xtype: 'contacts-form',
id: 5
OPTIONAL: If using forms:
get active item from the navigation region (your center region). if exists, call confirmNavigationRequest(callback) . you will need to add this method or event.
if callback(true), proceed with the navigation. this allows the user to cancel a navigation, if say the form is "dirty"
the easy way is to then create a new widget of navigationContext.xtype, add it to the navigation region, then call setActiveItem(widget). destroy the previous active item if it existed.
then call history.pushState(null, null, navigationContext.fragment)
then raise a 'navigatedto' event on the view, passing the context, and you can load the data from there.
More advanced scenarios include:
keep the previous component alive if you expect to return to it. add a keepAlive property and if true, don't destroy when add new components to container.
search the container and ask each component if it wants to handle the current navigation request (for example if a form loaded with contact-5 was already hidden in your navigation region, or if you want to re-use a form)
