Get only numeric part of a column data? - sql-server

I have a column in my database containing both numeric and alphanumeric characters.
I only want to get the numeric (6 numbers) from the column.
Example of data:
I want to create a select statement that returns all rows from this column where all but numbers are filtered out.
I´m using SQL Server, so probably Charindex needs to be used, but no idea how.

To strip off all alphanumeric characters you can create a function as:
CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[RemoveAlphaCharacters](#InputString VARCHAR(1000))
WHILE PATINDEX('%[^0-9]%',#InputString)>0
SET #InputString = STUFF(#InputString,PATINDEX('%[^0-9]%',#InputString),1,'')
RETURN #InputString
and then use it to get desired result as:
select dbo.RemoveAlphaCharacters(databasename)
from T1;
SQL Fiddle

This will work for all of your examples:
PATINDEX('%[0-9]%', databasename),
LEN(databasename) - (PATINDEX('%[0-9]%', REVERSE(databasename)) + PATINDEX('%[0-9]%', databasename)) + 2)
FROM dbs
Here is a SQLFiddle with how the code works.


Is there a SQL Server collation option that will allow matching different apostrophes?

I'm currently using SQL Server 2016 with SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AI collation. As expected, queries with the letter e will match values with the letters e, è, é, ê, ë, etc because of the accent insensitive option of the collation. However, queries with a ' (U+0027) do not match values containing a ’ (U+2019). I would like to know if such a collation exists where this case would match, since it's easier to type ' than it is to know that ’ is keystroke Alt-0146.
I'm confident in saying no. The main thing, here, is that the two characters are different (although similar). With accents, e and ê are still both an e (just one has an accent). This enables you (for example) to do searches for things like SELECT * FROM Games WHERE [Name] LIKE 'Pokémon%'; and still have rows containing Pokemon return (because people haven't used the accent :P).
The best thing I could suggest would be to use REPLACE (at least in your WHERE clause) so that both rows are returned. That is, however, likely going to get expensive.
If you know what columns are going to be a problem, you could, therefore, add a PERSISTED Computed Column to that table. Then you could use that column in your WHERE clause, but display the one the original one. Something like:
USE Sandbox;
--Create Sample table and data
CREATE TABLE Sample (String varchar(500));
VALUES ('This is a string that does not contain either apostrophe'),
('Where as this string, isn''t without at least one'),
('’I have one of them as well’'),
('’Well, I''m going to use both’');
--First attempt (without the column)
FROM Sample
WHERE String LIKE '%''%'; --Only returns 2 of the rows
--Create a PERSISTED Column
ALTER TABLE Sample ADD StringRplc AS REPLACE(String,'’','''') PERSISTED;
--Second attempt
FROM Sample
WHERE StringRplc LIKE '%''%'; --Returns 3 rows
--Clean up
The other answer is correct. There is no such collation. You can easily verify this with the below.
SELECT ' UNION ALL SELECT ''' + name + ''' AS name, IIF( NCHAR(0x0027) = NCHAR(0x2019) COLLATE ' + name + ', 1,0) AS Equal'
FROM sys.fn_helpcollations()
), 12, 0+ 0x7fffffff)
+ ') t
ORDER BY Equal, name';
PRINT #dynSql;
EXEC (#dynSql);

Issues using multiple parameters in SSRS report (stored procedure)

I've read countless posts on this topic but I can't seem to get any of the recommendations to apply to my particular situation (which isn't different than others...)
I have an SSRS report. Dataset 1 is using a stored procedure and in the where clause I have
and (#param is null or alias.column in
(select Item from dbo.ufnSplit(#param,',')))
I borrowed the dbo.ufnSplit function from this post here:
FUNCTION [dbo].[ufnSplit]
(#RepParam nvarchar(max), #Delim char(1)= ',')
RETURNS #Values TABLE (Item nvarchar(max))AS
--based on John Sansoms StackOverflow answer:
DECLARE #Piece nvarchar(100)
SELECT #chrind = 1
WHILE #chrind > 0
SELECT #chrind = CHARINDEX(#Delim,#RepParam)
IF #chrind > 0
SELECT #Piece = LEFT(#RepParam,#chrind - 1)
SELECT #Piece = #RepParam
INSERT #Values(Item) VALUES(#Piece)
SELECT #RepParam = RIGHT(#RepParam,LEN(#RepParam) - #chrind)
IF LEN(#RepParam) = 0 BREAK
In dataset 2 I am getting the values that I want to pass to dataset 1
select distinct list from table
My parameter for #param is configured to look at dataset 2 for available values
My issue is that if I select a single value from my parameter dropdown for #param, the report works. If I select multiple values from the dropdown, I only return data for the first value selected.
My values in dataset 2 do not contain any ,'s
Did I miss anything for fail to provide enough information? I'm open to criticism, feedback, do's and don'ts for this, I've struggled with this issue for some time, and by no means a SQL expert :)
Update So SQL Profiler is showing me this:
exec sp... #param=N'value1,value2 ,value3 '
Questions are:
1. Shouldn't every value be wrapped in single quotes?
2. What's with the N before the list?
3. Guessing the trailing spaces need to be trimmed out
When you select multiple values from a parameter dropdown list they are stored in an array. In order to convert that to a string that you can pass to SQL you can use the Join function. Go to your dataset properties and then to the Parameters tab. Replace the Parameter Value with this expression:
=Join(Parameters!param.Value, ",")
It should look like this:
Now your split function will get one comma separated string like it's supposed to. I would also suggest having the split function trim off spaces from the values after it has separated them.
So I figured it out and wanted to post my results here in hopes it helps someone else.
Bad data. One trailing space was blowing up my entire result set, and I didn't notice it until I ran through several scenarios (choosing many combinations of parameters)
My result set had trailing spaces - once I did an rtrim on it I didn't have to do any fancy join/split's in SSRS.

Query to search an alphanumeric string in a non-alphanumeric column

Here is the issue - I have a database column that holds product serial number that are filled in by users, but without any kind of filters. For example, the user can fill the field as: DC-538, DC 538 or DC538, depending on his own interpretation - since the serial number is usually in the metal part of the product and it can be difficult to know If there's a blank space for examplo.
I can't format the current column values, because that are so many brands and we couldn't know for sure If taking out a non alpha numeric character can lead to problems. I mean, If they consider these kinds of character as part of an official number. For example: "DC-538-XXX" and "DC538-XXX" could be related to 2 different products. Very unlikely, but we cannot assume it doesn't happen.
Now I need to offer a search by serial number in my website... but, If the user searchs for "DC538" instead of "DC 538" he won't find it. What's the best approach ?
I believe that the perfect solution would be to have a kind of select that would search the exact string and also strip the non-alpha-num from the search term and compare to a stripped string in the database (that I don't have). But I don't know If there's a way to do that with SQL only.
Any ideas ?
By using the below function, which was offered as an answer here and modifying it to return numeric characters:
CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[RemoveNonAlphaCharacters] (#Temp VARCHAR(1000))
SET #KeepValues = '%[^a-z0-9]%'
WHILE PatIndex(#KeepValues, #Temp) > 0
SET #Temp = Stuff(#Temp, PatIndex(#KeepValues, #Temp), 1, '')
You can do the following:
SET #Input = '%' + dbo.RemoveNonAlphaCharacters('text inputted by user') + '%'
FROM Table
WHERE dbo.RemoveNonAlphaCharacters(ColumnCode) LIKE #Input
Here is a sample working SQLFiddle

SQL Server string getting truncated

I have a column (col1) with nvarchar(max).
I am trying to do
DECLARE #my_string NVARCHAR(max)
set #my_string = N'test'
UPDATE dbo.tab1
SET col1 = #my_string + ISNULL(col1, N'')
no luck , I have no idea why it is happening. #marc_s
The string value in col1 getting truncated after 250 characters. This happening in both SQL Server 2005 and 2008.
First of all - I'm not seeing this behavior you're reporting. How and why do you think your column gets truncated at 250 characters?? Are you using a tool to inspect the data that might be truncating the output??
You could check the length of the column:
SELECT col1, LEN(col1) FROM dbo.tab1
Is it really only 250 characters long???
Also: you're mixing VARCHAR (in #my_string) and NVARCHAR (col1) which can lead to messy results. Avoid this!
Next: if you want NVARCHAR(MAX), you need to cast your other strings to that format.
Try this:
DECLARE #my_string NVARCHAR(200)
set #my_string = N'test'
UPDATE dbo.tab1
SET col1 = CAST(#my_string AS NVARCHAR(MAX)) + ISNULL(col1, N'')
As I said - in my tests, I didn't need to do this - but maybe it works in your case?
Go to menu - Query --> Query options --> Results --> Text
There is an option Maximun number of characters displayed in each column and mine was defaulted to 256.
Once I set this to 1000 the problem was fixed.
Do you test in SSMS? If so, check in options Query Results > SQL Server > Results to Grid - Maximum characters retrieved > Non XML data. Is there a value 250 or similar?

Getting at string data in SQL

I have a row entry with the following format:
[number] above can be from 1...infinity. So I need to split out the [number] to use in another select statements where clause. Site=[number] is always at the beginning in the string and the data is always separated by a semi-colon.
declare #t nvarchar(100) = 'Site=230;this=that;foo=bar;';
select convert(int, substring(#t,6, charindex(';',#t,0)-6))
Why are you storing data in the database in this format? Split it up into columns so that you can do meaningful queries.
You can play with the string this way:
declare #tx as nvarchar(100)
set #tx = 'Site=[number];this=that;foo=bar;'
print substring(
CHARINDEX('[', #tx)+1,
Hope this helps.
I don't have MS Sql Server available to try this out, but have you tried something like
convert(bigint, substring(field, 6)) as thenum
where field is the name of the field containing site=[number];...
The theory goes that substring will strip off site= off the beginning, and convert
will (hopefully) convert the number portion and ignore the rest of the text from the semicolon onwards.
It may or may not work. If not you may need to write an elaborate function instead.
