WPF ShowDialog DialogResult - wpf

I am working on a WPF desktop application, which has screen-lock feature that shows the log-in dialog after application is inactive for some time. Everything works great until user walks away from the computer and there's modal dialog (other than the log-in dialog) opened in the app.
Quick summary of the scenario:
User deletes something in the application.
Delete confirmation (modal) dialog opens, with "Delete" and "Cancel" options.
User walks away for a bit, while the modal dialog is up.
After some time, the confirmation dialog will be hidden and the log-in dialog opens.
Here's a bit of the codes
var deleteConfirmationDialog = new deleteConfirmationDialog(deleteConfirmationViewModel);
var dialogResult = deleteConfirmationDialog.ShowDialog();
if (dialogResult ?? false) { //Delete item }
The issue is when the deleteConfirmationDialog is hidden, and the log-in (modal) dialog is opened, then the dialogResult from the deleteConfirmationDialog will return with dialogresult == false.
Technical implementation and philosophy aside, why does ShowDialog() returns with a DialogResult == false, even though I did not close that dialog? Is there away to prevent deleteConfirmationDialog from returning False?
Thank you very much in advance! Please let me know, if any part of this doesn't make sense.


Save Dialog box in Silverlight

i am working on Silverlight 5,
Application has functionality like save data in user's local pc as CSV. while developing functionality it's working perfect at our local PC. when we click on "Export" Button save file dialog box appear and save at selected location. but after deployed on our server save file dialog box will not appear on screen.
dialog = new SaveFileDialog();
dialog.DefaultFileName = "Exported Data";
dialog.Filter = string.Format("File Type (*{0}) | *{0}", (".csv"));
dialog.DefaultExt = string.Format("{0}", ("csv"));
//Show the dialog
bool? dialogResult = dialog.ShowDialog();
Make sure you call ShowDialog() method right after "Export" button click event, this is Silverlight security feature.
See: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-au/library/system.windows.controls.savefiledialog(v=vs.95).aspx
You show a save dialog control using the ShowDialog method. For security purposes Silverlight file and print dialogs must be user-initiated. This means you must show them from a user-initiated action such as the click event handler for a button. In addition, there is a limit on the time allowed between when the user initiates the dialog and when the dialog is shown. If the time limit between these actions is exceeded, an exception will occur.

Displaying a modal dialog (ChildWindow) from a user control

I have a user control that has a Grid as a main container. This control needs to display a modal dialog. However, when I show the dialog (implements ChildWindow) from the control, nothing happens, no errors and no dialog.
MyDialog dialog = new MyDialog();
If ChildWindow is something that can only be displayed from the main page and not user control, what's my alternative?
Solved the problem by creating a user control and putting it in the same grid location as the original control with Visibility:Collapsed. Every time I'd need a modal dialog, I'd disable the user control that is visible and set Visibility:Visible on the modal dialog user control.
This blog post helped a great deal: Silverlight Tutorial Part 6: Using User Controls to Implement Master/Detail Scenarios

When Modal Dialog is shown in WPF and a user clicks on the parent window, make the modal dialog flash, blink or shake

New Thought, Maybe I am looking at this totally incorrectly. So Here is exactly what I am trying to do in case there is another option I am not aware of.
I have a WPF app, the main window shows a smaller dialog window using ShowDialog(), when a user clicks on the parent window that showed the dialog, I need to make the dialog window, flash, shake or blink.
AresAvatar posted a link that looks like it might be able to use, but is there another option I am not aware of?
My original Question.
Mouse click event when Modal window's parent is clicked in WPF app?
I have a wpf app that shows a modal window using ShowDialog().
I would like to fire an event when the user tries to click the parent window that is now disabled.
Is it possible on the parent to receive a click event when it has shown a modal window?
When I attempted this using an interaction trigger, the events never fired on parent window.
Otherwise, what suggestions / options are there.
No WPF events are sent under these conditions. The only Windows message I can see that gets sent is WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING. You could check for that message, and check if the window was disabled when it occurred. Here's a good article on checking WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING.
Edit: that link seems to be dead. Here's an example on StackOverflow of checking window messages.
I know this is an old question but I'll post my solution in case any one needs it.
Set the dialog.owner prior to calling ShowDialog().
var dialog = new DialogWindow();
dialog.owner = MainWindow;
The result is that clicking on the main window, brings the dialog window to the front and makes the dialog window flash.

WinForms modal windows alt+tab problem

Suppose multiple Modal Windows shown above each other.
All of those have ShowInTaskbar = false, which means that in the TaskBar you only see the MainForm and all Modal Windows are hidden.
Now you press ALT+ TAB and the most upper modal Windows disappears. But you cannot get it back in front.
How should be this done correctly in your opinion?
If a modal window is getting stuck behind the main form, it sounds like you are not setting its owner. When you call showDialog(), you need to pass in the main form like this:
Any time you call showDialog(), and your program has another form that should be underneath, it is best to pass it as the owner. If you show modal window when there is already a modal window up, then pass the first modal window as the owner.
OK Just to complete it:
This is how to set an Owner to be a Winform for a Winform:
This is how to set an Owner to be a Winform for a WPF Window:
MyWpfDialog dialog = new MyWpfDialog();
new System.Windows.Interop.WindowInteropHelper(dialog).Owner = ownerInstance.Handle;
This is how to set an Ownder to be a Wpf Window for a Wpf Window:
.Owner = Window.GetWindow(ownerInstance)

Popup window and context menu

I am using the ToolStripDropDown to host the user control as the pop-up window. The problem is when a context menu strip is displayed from within this pop-up window, the pop-up itself closes in the moment the context menu opens.
I have tried to subclass the ContextMenuStrip and added WS_EX_NOACTIVATE to CreateParams but nothing changed. First I thought that there is no way to do this since it is common behavior but then I tried to put a TextBox class onto the pop-up user control and invoke the Edit control context menu - and the parent pop-up window did not close.
What am I missing?
Had a similary Problem. On my UserControll was a toolstrip. When I pressed the toolsstripdropdownbutton the dropdown was shown but the popup disapeared.
The reason was that popup.Autoclose was true. After Setting to false the Popup is not closed any more.
ToolStripDropDown popup = new ToolStripDropDown();
popup.AutoClose = false; //Set to FALSE
popup.Margin = Padding.Empty;
popup.Padding = Padding.Empty;
ToolStripControlHost host = new ToolStripControlHost(userControl1);
host.Margin = Padding.Empty;
host.Padding = Padding.Empty;
popup.Show(button1, new Point(100,100));
Actual Solution should be the one in Martin's final comment:
Use ContextMenu Instead of ContextMenuStrip
That one worked for me, and the ToolStripDropDown no longer closes by itself when right clicking one of its content controls, like it should. We still need it to AutoClose, disabling AutoClose on ToolStripDropDown will do bad things, it is supposed to close on losing focus. Example: open any other app window, and the ToolStripDropDown will continue to appear on top
