I'm trying to compare teams' compositions to known configurations in order to see where I might have a problem :
The trials columns are to be compare against the differents scenarios to see if a column is a superset of a particular scenario (error being default).
Can it be done using index+match/lookup, or do I have to write some VB macro ?
EDIT : I've updated the question with a worksheet with input data.
Worksheet : https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BxwDbXStIEAsUmpONHp1RVRzR2s/edit?usp=sharing
Github Gist : https://gist.github.com/lucasg/11177852 (python script for data gen)
(xlwt module needed to create excel workbooks).
I've simplified the problem using soccer teams : given 7 positions ( 1 goalie, 2 defenders, 2 midfield and 2 forward) and list of presence to certains week-end, I would like to know whether I'm gonna be able to provide a full team or am I to forfeit the match due to lack of key-players.
The positions :
styles = {
"Goalkeeper" : ["Goalkeeper"],
"Defender" : ["Centre back", "Wing"],
"Midfielder" : ["Centre midfield", "Wide"],
"Forward" : ["Centre forward","Winger"]
Most football players can play only one position, but some are more versatile and can play any positions in their own field (defense-midfield-attack).
Example of a team (18 pers.):
example_players = {
"Forward": [
[1, "Winger"],
[2, "Winger"],
[3, "Centre forward"],
[4, "Centre forward"]
"Defender": [
[5, "Centre back"],
[6, "Centre back", "Wing"],
[7, "Centre back", "Wing"],
[8, "Wing"],
[9, "Centre back"]
"Goalkeeper": [
[10, "Goalkeeper"],
[11, "Goalkeeper"]
"Midfielder": [
[12, "Centre midfield"],
[13, "Centre midfield"],
[14, "Wide", "Centre midfield"],
[15, "Centre midfield"],
[16, "Centre midfield"],
[17, "Wide", "Centre midfield"],
[18, "Wide", "Centre midfield"]
To make it more simple, I need at least one person in each zone (goal-def-mid-attack) to be able to play, the most comfortable situation being one person in each of the 7 positions.
ex scenario :
"no_defense_4" : ["Goalkeeper", "Wide", "Winger" ] ,
"no_attack_1" : ["Goalkeeper", "Centre midfield", "Centre back", ] ,
Now, given a list of a hundred weekends, and the list of the presence/abscence of players, I want to know the resulting situation.
I'm looking preferentially for a formula-based solution, since the worksheet will be uploaded and used in google drive
You can represent sets as bit vectors and then use bit operators "equal" or "AND" to test which sets get matched. Using bit vectors as set representation will solve problem of ordering and duplicate values automatically as position of each value in the bit vector is fixed and each bit will be "set" only once, regardless of how many times the value appears in the column that defines the set.
Simple to use bit vector representation in Excel including operators OR, AND, NOT is listed here: http://chandoo.org/wp/2011/07/29/bitwise-operations-in-excel/#comment-207723
For example following function
Converts values in the range $B$3->$B$12 into a bit vector representation having bits 0..5 defined so that the bit is set if the value in any column in the range is equal to:
bit 0 = T1
bit 1 = T2
bit 2 = S
bit 3 = PL
bit 4 = CC
bit 5 = GC
You can add more bits with other values easily by following the same copy/paste pattern.
So to check if certain column matches certain scenario, just compare the bit vectors. Use expression like IF(x=y;"warn2";IF(..)) and substitute bit vector of the column for x and bit vector of the warn2 scenario for y.
If partial matching is needed, you can use the bitwise AND operator as defined in the above article.
This solution as opposed to a VBA-based solution will require some copy/pasting discipline, e.g. when new trial column or new scenario will be added few expressions will have to be copy/pasted and few will have to be updated.
VBA-based solution might solve this maintenance problem automatically for you by using auto-detected CurrentRegions, all necessary logic hidden behind one macro-click.
EDIT: The bit vectors concept applied to the new soccer teams dataset
Worksheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AtZPnBk7a3pvdHcyWDV6ZFFoUTNyWWF0bjl3VFpaRkE&usp=drive_web#gid=0
As it is ambiguous what will be the exact team setup on a given day as one player may be assigned different positions, I have simplified the problem in such a way that instead of "present" or "absent" I expect the table to contain player's position. It should not be a problem to achieve as if you know what positions the player can play then instead of absent,present you can define the set of valid values to be (empty or anything else),Midfielder,Centre midfield,Wide for players 14,17,18. List of valid available values can be configured for each cell using the "Data validation" rules. The abstract role Midfielder stands for "this player can play a midfielder, exact position is not known yet".
To represent positions I use bit vector calculated with this formula
=POWER(10;6)*MIN(COUNTIF(D2:ZZ2;"Goalkeeper");1)+POWER(10;5)*MIN(COUNTIF(D2:ZZ2;"Centre back");1)+POWER(10;4)*MIN(COUNTIF(D2:ZZ2;"Wing");1)+POWER(10;3)*MIN(COUNTIF(D2:ZZ2;"Centre midfield");1)+POWER(10;2)*MIN(COUNTIF(D2:ZZ2;"Wide");1)+POWER(10;1)*MIN(COUNTIF(D2:ZZ2;"Centre forward");1)+POWER(10;0)*MIN(COUNTIF(D2:ZZ2;"Winger");1)
the formula calculates bit vector from a range D2:ZZ2 in such a way so that each position in the range is counted only once and in final vector each position has a fixed place. It is useful to set number format of the vector to custom numeric format 0000000. For example a row containing Wide,Winger,Goalkeeper in any order with any number of repeats will evaluate to vector 1000101 where the left-most bit 6 stands for Goalkeeper and 2nd from the right goes bit 2 standing for Wide. The most comfortable situation is the one with bit vector evaluating to 1111111. The only purpose of this bit vector is to detect the comfortable situation
For matching scenarios to team setups I use another vector composed of 4 digits with this meaning:
leftmost digit 3 - number of goalies (at most 1 counts)
digit 2 - number of defenders (at most 2 counts)
digit 1 - number of midfielders (at most 2 counts)
rightmost digit 0 - number of forwards (at most 2 counts)
The formula to calculate this vector for range D2:ZZ2 looks like this
=POWER(10;3)*MIN(COUNTIF(D2:ZZ2;"Goalkeeper");1)+POWER(10;2)*MIN(COUNTIF(D2:ZZ2;"Defender")+COUNTIF(D2:ZZ2;"Centre back")+COUNTIF(D2:ZZ2;"Wing");2)+POWER(10;1)*MIN(COUNTIF(D2:ZZ2;"Midfielder")+COUNTIF(D2:ZZ2;"Centre midfield")+COUNTIF(D2:ZZ2;"Wide");2)+POWER(10;0)*MIN(COUNTIF(D2:ZZ2;"Forward")+COUNTIF(D2:ZZ2;"Centre forward")+COUNTIF(D2:ZZ2;"Winger");2)
It is useful to set number format of the vector to custom numeric format 0000. This same formula can calculate the 4-digit vector for team setup and for scenario.
Besides position names it can count also abstract position names like Defender.
For example in a row containing Centre back,Centre back,Goalkeeper,Goalkeeper,Goalkeeper,Defender,Defender,Midfielder,Midfielder,Winger the vector looks like 1221.
There are (1+1)*(2+1)*(2+1)*(2+1) = 54 different possible scenarios. I assume each of them is listed in the constraints sheet. You should be able to generate them all in python quite easily.
There are 2 sheets constraints with scenarios and events with days and team setups. The lookup formula that takes the vector calculated for a team setup in row #2 and searches the constraints sheet for a row with exactly the same vector and returns the value from the value column looks like this
$A2 - contains the 4-digit vector formula for the team setup
constraints!$A - column in the sheet with scenarios containing the 4-digit vector formula for the scenario
constraints!$B - column in the sheet with scenarios containing the scenario name - the thing you are looking for
2 - index of column constraints!$B
FALSE - means the lookup column does not have to be sorted
? - fallback value if no matching scenario was found (should not occur)
The Google docs link above contains the formulas, example 3 days and example 11 scenarios.
If there's something unclear let me know and I'll improve the answer as the Google docs link will vanish some day
I am looking to find a formula that calculates the cumulative points a team has for its last 5 games (so the first 5 games would have no values) in the last column. So it should return a number between 0 and 15. In the image below you can see an extract of the dataset. The range can also not continue to move down because then for the last 4 games, only the last 4, 3, 2, 1 game points would be added (hope I did not confuse you more).
I have tried to use SUMIF, SUMIFS with relative row numbers in the cell address within a function but sadly, that did not help. I also looked at SUMIF for first 5 cells meeting criteria but that did not make me any wiser.
Link to the full dataset: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/thu7f8ajsz9g8wtfo9q2w/Data.xlsx?dl=0&rlkey=aq8d7xi4zyg7hvkophsrhswpi
Does anyone know how to do this?
FTHG = Full-Time Home Goals
FTAG = Full-Time Away Goals
FTR = Full-Time Result
PH = Points Home
PA = Points Away
Not sure I really get what you want, but I have used two vlookup's to collect PH and PA and add them using a list of unique names from column A.
Here is the formula as text:
Given your original table and assuming that for any particular row, you are interested in the five games above that row (played by the same home team), you can use:
=LET(x,FILTER(G2:$G$2, B2:$B$2=B2),IF(COUNT(x)>=5,SUM(INDEX(x,SEQUENCE(5))),0))
You can see the first NON-ZERO result is in Row 65
I'm hoping to search an excel column for the sequence in it most similar to a sequence I enter.
For instance, in the following example, the sequence I provide is: 1, 2.5, 3.5, 2.5, 1. It's depicted on the following graph as black.
In the column I'm searching, there are a few sequences. The most similar one to mine is colored blue. It goes: 1, 2, 3, 2, 1.
Do any of you know an excel formula, or series of formulas and steps, that would allow Excel to determine this -- so that when I enter the black sequence, for instance, it will match it with the blue sequence as the most similar one?
Thanks tothis Stack overflow answer, I already know how to search a set of numbers for an exact sequence by using the following formula:
=MATCH([Criteria 1]&[Criteria 2],[Data 1st val]:[Data last val]&[Data 2nd val]:[Data last + 1 val],0)
For instance, if I have the following numbers: 1, 3, 5, 1, 4, and I am hoping to find the sequence, 1, 4, this formula will direct me towards it in that set of numbers.
I ALSO already know how to find the closest match to a number I enter, using this formula (which will make more sense if you look in the example image below): =INDEX($A$1:$A$10,MATCH(MIN(ABS(C1-B1:B10)),ABS(C1-$B$1:$B$10),0))
When I press control+shift+enter, this formula will produce the number 4, indicating row 4, because the number I entered in C1, which was 39, is closest to the number 40, which is located in the 4th row.
So I have both the components -- finding exact sequences, and finding the closest number -- but now the question is, how do I combine these two formulas to show me the closest sequence of numbers, the one which would look most similar if drawn on a graph like in my first example with the blue and black line?
And bonus points if you can help find not only the closest sequence but the closest sequences in order of most similar to least similar.
And once again, I don't need this to be rolled into one formula; I am happy to go through a couple steps and different formulas manually to arrive at the answer.
And if you think this would be better solved in some other way, please let me know! But I do not have any coding experience so I figured Excel would be my best bet.
Thank you so much!!!
Not sure how you exactly have set this up, but if I visualize your graph in a table you could use the below (if one has Microsoft365):
Formula in H2:
With all your data in a single column, below you can find an example for if you'd have sequences of 5.
Formula in C2:
If you would want to make this applicable for your dataset from A1:A500 with sequence of 10 numbers:
And if will be even better if you had acces to LET() and it will be a piece of cake to just change the range reference:
To make it more dynamic you can use:
Where "W" is the nth closest match and where "Y" is the length of the sequence, 11 in the example.
My approach would be to calculate a match-value between each color and the input values, like the sum of the differences for each point.
The formula for this is:
Where [inputrange] is the range of your input (indicated red in the picture below, $C$6:$G$6) and [colorrange] is the range of that color (indicated blue, C2:G2).
The color with the lowest difference is the match:
Where [matchvalues] is the range of match values (indicated blue in the picture below, Cells A2:A4) and [rangeofmatchandcolors] is both the match values as well as the colors (indicated red, A2:B4)
I want to determine whether or not an input array of integers "matches" a set of rules.
The Matcher
The Matcher is built from a set of helper methods to describe rules for input data. These rules are essentially logic gates on arrays of integers:
AND(1, 2) // Requires both 1 AND 2 be present in the input array.
OR(3, 4, 5) // Requires that 3 OR 4 OR 5 be present in the input array.
NOR(6, 7) // Requires that neither 6 NOR 7 be present in the input array.
XOR(8, 9) // Requires that either 8 (X)OR 9 be present in the input array, but not both.
Thus, I could say that, given the input array:
[0, 1, 2, 3]
I could build a Matcher like:
AND(OR(0, 1), AND(1, 2) NOR(4))
Which would match the input, because the input satisfies:
OR(0, 1) // 0 or 1 is present
AND(1, 2) // Both 1 and 2 are present
NOR(4) // 4 is not present
And each of those cumulatively satisfies the overarching AND rule.
The Problem
I need to reduce matchers to the simplest and most basic form that still describes the rules. For example, given the above matcher, a sample reduction could be:
rules = {
or: [1, 2],
xor: [], // No XORs
nor: [4]
Each rule has three arrays of sub-rules, comprised of integers or rules.
Notice that the ORs are empty, because 1 is required anyways, which means OR(0, 1) => [0, 1] is redundant because it must be satisfied.
Since Matchers need to be comparable (I need to be able to determine an equivalence between the underlying rules), it becomes a bit more complicated when I get to:
input = [1, 2, 5, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 17]
XOR(OR(AND(1, 2), NOR(3, 4), XOR(3 11), AND(11, 14)), AND(1, 5, 17))
Now, a large amount of that is redundant and/or contradictory, so what I was thinking I could do was first place it into a tree-like structure, and then recurse it and reduce unnecessary entries. Any ideas for a better way to do this?
I'm specifically looking for something deterministic (any set of input rules that mean the same thing yield the same final reduced form). If there is a better way to express this problem, I'm interested, and if rules are contradictory it's fine for the reducer to break and throw an exception. This is intended for occasional use in the program, so performance is not much of an issue.
What you are actually dealing with here is propositional logic. Consider the integer your propositions being either false or true depending on whether they are present in the input array.
Your constraints (XOR, AND, etc.) then form a logical formula that is either satisfiable or not. It is in fact hard to figure out for any given formula whether it is satisfiable. However, at first sight this shouldn't concern you because you only have to check whether a given input satisfies the formula.
Unfortunately what you are actually asking is how you can determine whether two propositional formulas are equivalent. It turns out this is equally hard: https://math.stackexchange.com/questions/1050127/how-to-efficiently-determine-if-any-two-propositional-formulas-are-equivalent
I'm using conditional formatting such as:
This will result in the 3 largest or highest amounts. But is there a formula that will result in automatically producing the top 10, or 9, or 8, or etc.? So I won't have to go back and change the format based on criteria for that given week?
In other words, I'm looking a formula to replace the "3" that will look at the range and produce the top 10, or 9, or 8, or etc.
Any help appreciated!
Try Top/Bottom Rules, Top Ten Items... and select a value in the left hand window to suit (and change formatting if desired).
To exclude values of 0 from the highlighting, use Top 10 for 10 items but also Format only cells that contain, Cell Value, equal to, =0 and set no format. Make sure this rule is at the top of any others, applies to a suitable range and that Stop If True is checked:
I'm building an application where users are able to create profiles for themselves by answering a bunch of multiple-choice questions. Users are also able to search for other users by specifying criteria for answers to these questions.
Let's say we have 9 questions q1 .. q9, each with 6 possible answers (0 through 5). This could be represented in a user profile as something like:
class UserProfile(db.Model):
user = db.StringProperty(required=True)
q1 = db.IntegerProperty()
q9 = db.IntegerProperty()
Now, consider that a user wants to run a query for users that answered:
0, 1 or 2 for q1
1, 2 or 5 for q2
3, 4, or 5 for q9
We could write a query such as:
q = UserProfile.all()
q.filter("q1 IN", [0, 1, 2])
q.filter("q2 IN", [1, 2, 5])
q.filter("q9 IN", [3, 4, 5])
Unfortunately, this would generate close to 20,000 sub-queries (assuming that the user specified 3 possible answers for each filter), which is significantly greater than the 30 allowed, not to mention its horrible inefficiency.
Is there a design pattern to do this efficiently?
I can envision a way to turn each of these filters into single equality filters by representing each filter as an integer using binary encoding (e.g., [1, 2, 5] -> b100110 = 38) and storing each user answer in the datastore as a list of queries it would match (e.g., 1 -> bxxxx1x -> [2, 3, 6, 7, 10, 11, .. , 62, 63]). However, this seems a bit kludgy.
I would appreciate if anyone has a more efficient suggestion for an implementation.
UPDATE (on proposed binary encoding):
Nick Johnson raised some interesting concerns about the binary encoding proposed above, so I would like to clarify the proposed encoding in more detail to allow him and others to provide a clear evaluation of its merits and challenges.
I think a concrete example will work best. Also, I think that starting with the query mechanism is also more intuitive.
Continuing with the example from above, let's assume that there are 9 questions with 6 possible answers each (0 through 5). Let's also define that each query will be in the form of a filter on a number of these questions for matching against multiple possible answers (as described above). I propose to convert each query of the form "q2 IN [1, 2, 5]" to an equality filter using binary encoding, where each bit position is 1 if it's one of the queried responses and 0 otherwise. For example, "q2 IN [1, 2, 5]" would translate to "q2 == b100110" or "q2 == 38". Applying this further, the composite query described above would be translated into the following multiple equality filters:
0, 1 or 2 for q1 -> q1 == b000111 -> q1 == 7
1, 2 or 5 for q2 -> q2 == b100110 -> q2 == 38
3, 4, or 5 for q9 -> q9 == b111000 -> q9 == 56
To enable turning the "IN" filters into "==" filters, we need to determine in advance which queries (in their binary-encoded form) a profile response will match. For example, if a user selects 2 (among 0 through 5) as the answer, then that response will match any query whose binary encoding has a 1 in the 2-position, i.e. of the form bxxx1xx, where x could be 0 or 1. The set of integers defined by bxxx1xx are [b000100, b000101, b000110, b000111, b001100, b001101, ... , b111100, b111101, b111110, b111111] or in decimal form: [4, 5, 6, 7, 12, 13, ..., 60, 61, 62, 63], which is a list of 32 integers. In general, this "query match set" will have 2^(n-1) elements for a response to a question with n possible answers, because 1 of the n bits in the binary encoding will be fixed to 1, while the others could be 0 or 1.
Therefore, if we had m questions with n possible answers each, then the number of index entries for each entity storing these "query match sets" for each question would be m x (2 ^ (n-1)). If I have:
9 questions with 6 possible answers each, this would require 9 x 2^5 = 288 index entries
10 questions with 8 possible answers each, this would require 10 x 2^7 = 1280 index entries
15 questions with 9 possible answers each, this would require 15 x 2^8 = 3840 index entries
20 questions with 10 possible answers each, this would require 20 x 2^9 = 10240 index entries (which is above the 5000/entity limit imposed by App Engine)
Therefore, I agree that this is not a suitable approach for an arbitrarily large number of questions, especially if the possible number of answers to questions is large also. However, it appears feasible if the number of questions to be indexed is 10-15 and the possible answers don't number more than 6, at least for a majority of the questions.
I will have no more than 10 questions that need to be indexed. Most of them have 3-5 possible answers. Some have 6-7 possible answers, so I'm expecting less than 300 index entries per entity (unless I'm wrong about how I'm calculating the index requirements above).
I don't really view this as a very elegant solution, but:
It appears that indexing overhead could be manageable (i.e. well below the 5000 index rows limit)
It will return exactly what I'm filtering for (rather than getting a partially filtered list of entities, which all need to be transported over the network, only to be filtered further by the application)
I had gathered that the built-in merge-join would be fast enough for this to be effective.
I would still appreciate perspectives on the following questions:
Based on this more detailed explanation, do you think that the indexing requirements could be reasonable? If you think that this still bumps up against limitations, I really would appreciate your insights on this.
Even if the indexing requirements could be reasonable, do you think that writing a query planner would yield a more efficient solution? If so, I would be grateful for (a) a brief explanation of why this would be more efficient and (b) a pointer to how to go about doing this. I'm not sure about how to even get started with a query planner.
There's simply no efficient way to structure the data for queries as you describe them. The only way to do this is to query on the criteria you think will be most restrictive, then filter manually in memory for the remaining criteria.
If you tell us more about the specific sorts of queries people might execute and why, we may be able to provide concrete suggestions for something more efficient.