How to use Custom Action Date (Date Type) in WCM? - websphere-portal

My Question is very specific to Custom Actions in WCM. There is one option called Custom Action Date available in Date type dropdown box while creating a Custom Action. I just want to know what it is and how can it is related to this function
public Date getExecuteDate(Document arg0) {
// code goes here
return SomeDate
which we get while implementing interface CustomWorkflowAction like below-
public class MyCustomWorkFlowAction implements CustomWorkflowAction { }
one can visit this link-
to check the code for CustomWorkflowAction. please help.

Sometimes all you need is just open javadoc
java.util.Date getExecuteDate(Document document)
Get the Date that this action should execute. This method is always called prior to running the execute method.
document - Target document. Custom code must not modify the document in this method.
Execute date. If date is in the past, the action will be executed immediately. Use the CustomWorkflowAction.DATE_EXECUTE_NOW constant to execute immediately. If the date is in the future, the action will be scheduled for this date. The returned execute date must be the same when run on any server where the action is syndicated. If the execute date is different, the scheduled action will run at different times on different servers.
if you just want you action executed, use this
public Date getExecuteDate(Document document) {


Instance of 'PostgrestFilterBuilder<dynamic>' to bool

i'm working on a flutter app and supabase. I have a table with some information and one of the column is a bool type.
when I recall an information of that column, I receive Instance of 'PostgrestFilterBuilder' and not a true/false information.
the code i used is this:
autorizzazione = supabase.from('profili').select('autorized').textSearch('usernumber', matricola!)
I think I'm so wrong with that code.
Update (31/12/2022)
I tried some experiments and I found a part of solution: Future function asynced.
If I use a function like this:
Future<Map<String, String>> _nameOfFunction(BuildContext context, String Input) async {
var output = supabase.from('table').select('column1, column2').textSearch('column1', Input);
...other code here...
return userinfo;
I receive exactly what I want, because "userinfo" saved the info. But, if I recall that funcion in a `Widget build(BuildContext context) {}', that doesn't work. It returns "Instance of 'Map<String, String>' " and not the real output.
However, my problem is to recall that info stored in that table on supabase before create the SideBar and used it for enable or disable the buttons.

flink / spark stream - track user inactivity

I am new to Flink and have a use case I do not know how to approach.
I have events coming
"id" : "AAA",
"event" : "someEvent",
"eventTime" : "2019/09/14 14:04:25:235"
I want to create a table (in elastic / oracle) that tracks user inactivity.
id || lastEvent || lastEventTime || inactivityTime
My final goal is to alert if some group of users are in active more then X minutes.
This table should be updated every 1 minute.
I do not have prior knowledge of all my id's. new ids can come at any time..
I thought maybe just use simple process function to emit event if present or else emit timestamp (that will update the inactivity column).
Regarding my solution - I still need to have another piece of code that check if event is null or not and update accordingly. If null --> update inactivity. else update lastEvent.
Can / should this code by in the same flink/spark job?
How do I deal with new ids?
Also, how can this use case can be dealt in spark structured stream?
.process(new MyProcessWindowFunction());
public class MyProcessWindowFunction
extends ProcessWindowFunction<Tuple2<String, Long>, Tuple2<Long, Object>> {
public void process(String key, Context context, Iterable<Tuple2<String, Long>> input, Collector<Tuple2<Long, Object>> out) {
Object obj = null;
obj = input.iterator().next();
if (obj!=null){
out.collect(Tuple2.of(context.timestamp(), obj));
} else {
out.collect(Tuple2.of(context.timestamp(), null));
I would use a KeyedProcessFunction instead of the Windowing API for these requirements. [1] The stream is keyed by id.
KeyedProcessFunction#process is invoked for each record of the stream, you can keep state and schedule timers. You could schedule a timer every minute, and for each od store the last event seen in state. When the timer fires, you either emit the event and clear the state.
Personally, I would only store the last event seen in the database and calculate the inactivity time when querying the database. This way you can clear state after each emission and the possibly unbounded key space does not result in every growing managed state in Flink.
Hope this helps.

Getting Collection of particular Type with Hybris ModelService

I want all objects(rows in Test Type) with ModelService
So I could iterate through collection and update a Single row (object)'s attribute with new value
I see getModelService.create(TestModel.class) and
but will they not create a new object/row rather than update a existing object?right
I don't want to create a new one rather selecting one of the existing matching my criteria and update one attribute of that
can somebody help with List<TestModel> testModels = getModelService.get(TestModel.class) will that return me all rows (collection) of Test Type/Table?
unfortunately I can't test it so need help
Actually I am in validateInterceptor ... and on the basis of this intercepted model changed attribute value I have to update another model attribute value...
ModelService.create(new TestModel.class) will create a single instance of the specified type and attach it to the modelservice's context.
But it will only be saved to the persistence store when you call
ModelService.get() returns a model object but expects a Jalo object as input, (Jalo being the legacy persistence layer of hybris) so that won't work for you.
To retrieve objects you can either write your own queries using the FlexibleSearchService or you can have a look at the DefaultGenericDao which has a bunch of simple find() type of methods.
Typically you would inject the dao like e.g.:
private GenericDao<TestModel> dao;
public void myMethod()
List<TestModel> allTestModels = dao.find();
There are a lot more methods with which you can create WHERE type of statements to restrict your result.
Regarding ValidateInterceptor:
Have a look at the wiki page for the lifecycle of interceptors:
It's not a good idea to modify 'all' objects of a type while being an interceptor of that type.
So if you're in an interceptor declared for the Test item type, then don't try to modify the items there.
If you happen to be in a different interceptor and want to modify items of a different type:
E.g. you have Type1 which has a list of Type2 objects in it and in the interceptor for Type1 you want to modify all Type2 objects.
For those scenarios you would have to add the instances of Type2 that you modify to the interceptor context so that those changes will be persisted.
That would be something like:
void onValidate(Test1 model, InterceptorContext ctx) throws InterceptorException
List<Type2> type2s = dao.find();
for (Type2 type2 : type2s)
// do something with it
// then make sure to persist that change
ctx.registerElementFor(type2, PersistenceOperation.SAVE);
First of all - i think it's not a good idea, to create/update models in any interceptor, especially in 'validation' one.
Regarding your question:
ModelService in most of the cases works with single model, and
designed for create/update/delete operations.
To retreive all models of certain type, you have to use FlexibleSearchService
Then to update each retrieved TestType model, you can use ModelService's save method.
A query to retreive all TestType models will look like:
You could simply use the Flexible Search Service search by example method, and the model service to save them all. Here is an example using Groovy script, with all products :
import java.util.List
import de.hybris.platform.core.model.product.ProductModel
import de.hybris.platform.servicelayer.model.ModelService
FlexibleSearchService fsq = spring.getBean("flexibleSearchService")
ModelService ms = spring.getBean("modelService")
ProductModel prd = ms.create(ProductModel.class)
List<ProductModel> products = fsq.getModelsByExample(prd)
//Do Whatever you want with the objects in the List

Using Session.Flush then ITransaction.Commit makes data rollback

I'm trying to update an entity using Session.Update then continue to execute another SQL query. The other query did not see the changed value. When i traced it using profiler, Session.Update did nothing.
public class InvoiceService()
public void Update(Invoice invoice)
using (var trans = BeginTransaction())
Session.Update(invoice); //Nhibernate did not update invoice.
ExecuteNamedQuery(); //Query executed before invoice updated.
trans.Commit(); //Invoice updated.
Then i add Session.Flush after Session.Update.
using (var trans = BeginTransaction())
After Session.Flush executed, SQL query for update is executed also.
It works perfectly. The execution order is correct. But then i executed another method to get all invoices. Committing transaction makes nhibernate execute update query to update my updated invoice earlier with old values. (ex: Quantity = 20, updated to 10, then updated again to 20)
public void FindAll()
using (var trans = BeginTransaction())
var invoices = Session.CreateCriteria<Invoice>().List<Invoice>();
trans.Commit(); // In here invoice that i updated earlier get updated again, using old values.
return invoices;
Why it's getting updated again?
What's the solution for this problem?
Thanks in advance.
Update is an unfortunate name for the method; the purpose of Update is to attach a transient instance to a new session. See the documentation for update and make sure you understand instance states.
The invoice is updated to the original values because NHibernate thinks it has changed. This "phantom" update may be caused by a property changing unexpectedly. A typical root cause is a nullable database column mapped to a non-nullable property (or vice-versa). The easiest way to troubleshoot is to turn on dynamic-update in the session factory configuration so that you can see which properties NHibernate detects as dirty.

Hibernate and date comparisons

Let's say I have a due date and a reminder timespan. How do I find the ones where due date is less than current date + reminder with Hibernate 3.6 criteria queries? In other words, I want to find my Events I've displayed the reminder. The reminder is a Long marking when the reminder should be sent either days or milliseconds, whichever is easier.
To summarize, my entities are following:
java.util.Date Event.DueDate
Long Event.Type.Reminder.Before // (in days or millis)
Today is 2012-06-11.
DueDate is 2012-06-15 and Before is 30 days.
DueDate is 2012-06-15 and Before is 1 day.
Ultimately this is just what ANSI SQL calls date/time arithmetic and specifically you are looking for INTERVAL datatype handling. Unfortunately, databases vary widely on support for INTERVAL datatype. I really want to support this in HQL (and possibly criterias, although that relies on agreement in the JPA spec committee). The difficulty, like I said, is the varied (if any) support for intervals.
The best bet at the moment (through Hibernate 4.1) is to provide a custom function (org.hibernate.dialect.function.SQLFunction) registered with either the Dialect (search google to see how this is done) or the "custom function registry" (org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration#addSqlFunction). You'd probably want this to render to your database-specific representation of date-arith with an interval.
Here is an example using the Oracle NUMTODSINTERVAL function:
public class MySqlFunction implements SQLFunction
public Type getReturnType(Type firstArgumentType,
Mapping mapping) throws QueryException
return TimestampType.INSTANCE;
public String render(Type firstArgumentType,
List arguments,
SessionFactoryImplementor factory) throws QueryException
// Arguments are already interpreted into sql variants...
final String dueDateArg = arguments.get( 0 );
final String beforeArg = arguments.get( 1 );
// Again, using the Oracle-specific NUMTODSINTERVAL
// function and using days as the unit...
return dueDateArg + " + numtodsinterval(" + beforeArg + ", 'day')";
public boolean hasArguments() { return true; }
public boolean hasParenthesesIfNoArguments() { return false; }
You would use this in HQL like:
select ...
from Event e
where current_date() between e.dueDate and
interval_date_calc( e.dueDate, e.before )
where 'interval_date_calc' is the name under which you registered your SQLFunction.
