How to compare multiple files (by content, not date and hour) if they are exactly the same - file

I need to compare 2 folders with files if they are exactly the same, and the files in one folder are not corrupt. I tried with Total commander but it works only with one file. I tried with Beyond compare and it didn't gave me any resoults :/ Any idea?

Try this command in CMD
FC /B pathname1 pathname2
for more parameters check this

You can get the MD5 checksums of all the files in both directories and compare them using a graphical text editor. The checksum looks purely at the contents of the files, not their timestamps.
Downoad FCIV from Microsoft for free (here).
Then run the following in CMD
FCIV -wp folder1 > f1.txt
FCIV -wp folder2 > f2.txt
notepad f1.txt
notepad f2.txt


How to create a batch file that will zip few different files in one .zip file

I want to create a batch/shell script for windows and mac that will take few different files with different types and will compress it to a .zip file.
I already saw a few questions and answers about it, but all of them either compress all the files in the folder or compress them individually.
Example (look at attached image):
I have a folder that contains 1.txt, 2.xml, a sub directory.
And I want to turn all of them into a .zip file.
If possible to get a solution both for windows and Mac.
On Windows there is the file 7zip.chm in directory %ProgramFiles%\7-Zip which is the help file of 7-Zip. Double click on this file to open the help.
On Contents tab there is the list item Command Line Version with the help pages:
Syntax ... Command Line Syntax
Commands ... Command Line Commands
Switches ... Command Line Switches
The target is to compress everything in folder test into a ZIP file with name of the folder as file name.
This could be done for example with the command line:
"%ProgramFiles%\7-Zip\7z.exe" a -bd -mx=9 -r -y -- "C:\Path to Directory\test\*"
This command line adds (a) everything in directory C:\Path to Directory\test recursive (-r) to a ZIP file with name in current working directory without progress indicator (-bd) using best ZIP compression (-mx=9) with assuming Yes on all queries (-y).
In other words the file in current directory contains after execution the subdirectory main with everything inside and the files 1.txt and 2.xml.

Batch script to zip a folder using InfoZip

i'm a near complete beginner to batch scripting.
I'm currently learning how to create batch files. My goal is to compress a folder using exclusively InfoZip, add the date to the file name, and have that file copied to an USB memory stick plugged on H:\
The reason why i need to use InfoZip, even though it is a very old program, is because i need somthing that works even on Win95.
InfoZip is not installed, it is just unpacked in folder and ready to use.
It is possible to download InfoZip 3.0 from here:
Anyway, so far, the only thing i could come up with is this...
Title : Your folder will be zipped into an archive that will be copied on the USB memory stick plugged on your computer. Please DO NOT remove the memory stick during the operation.
call d:\infozip\wiz.exe
It just brings up the InfoZip window on the screen, but then i have absolutely no idea about how to make it zip a folder, add the date, and copy that zipped file to the USB.
All the regular commands meant for 7-zip or Winzip don't seem to work with InfoZip.
I could really use some help, please :)
Using the waybackmachine I was able to get the documentation for info-zip:
In contrary to what zip.exe shows, the syntax for zipping files is this:
zip -r zipfilename zipfilecontents
zip -r c:\myfolder\*.*
The -r parameter includes subfolders as well.
Problem is that the complete folder structure is included in the zip. I have not found a solution for this yet.
To solve the structure folder problem, add a cd command that will target the folder container which has inside your file or files. This before running the code proposed by Martien de Jong upside.
for example:
The path of my file is: cd C:\aa\B\file.txt
So the path you will put in the cd to target the folder container is: cd C:\aa\B
cd C:\aa\B
zip -r B\*.*
*Remember that this code will zip all the files included in B folder.

Deciphering "Make EXE from BAT" Script written by Jason Faulker

I came across a way to convert my .bat with dependencies on tool to an .exe file. However when I try using the script and run the .exe created, I always getting an error. Seems I modified the script incorrectly.
Anyone can help, please?
Here's the code with my modifications:
ECHO Written by: Jason Faulkner
REM Usage:
MakeExeFromBat BatFileToConvert -bat MyProgram.bat
REM Required Parameters:
BatFileToConvert -save MyProgram
REM Source batch file to use to produce the output Exe file.
REM Optional Parameters:
IncludeFile -include Tool.exe
REM Additional files to include in the Exe file.
REM You can include external tools used by the batch file so they are available on the executing machine.
REM Configuration (no quotes needed):
SET PathTo7Zip=C:\Desktop\
REM ---- Do not modify anything below this line ----
SET OutputFile="%~n1.exe"
SET SourceFiles="%TEMP%\MakeEXE_files.txt"
SET Config="%TEMP%\MakeEXE_config.txt"
SET Source7ZFile="%Temp%\MakeEXE.7z"
REM Remove existing files
IF EXIST %OutputFile% DEL %OutputFile%
REM Build source archive
ECHO "%~dpnx1" > %SourceFiles%
IF {%2}=={} GOTO EndInclude
ECHO "%~dpnx2" >> %SourceFiles%
GOTO AddInclude
"%PathTo7Zip%\7za.exe" a %Source7ZFile% #%SourceFiles%
REM Build config file
ECHO ;!#Install#!UTF-8! > %Config%
ECHO RunProgram="%~nx1" >> %Config%
ECHO ;!#InstallEnd#! >> %Config%
COPY /B "%PathTo7Zip%\7zsd.sfx" + %Config% + %Source7ZFile% %OutputFile%
REM Clean up
IF EXIST %SourceFiles% DEL %SourceFiles%
IF EXIST %Config% DEL %Config%
IF EXIST %Source7ZFile% DEL %Source7ZFile%
This doesn't really convert a bat file to an exe. It just creates a selfextracting archive (exe) which contains the bat file. On execution it extracts the file to a temporary folder and runs it from there. You can even extract the bat from the exe just by using 7zip/rar/winzip or any other archiver.
If you want to convert a bat to an exe for real you should use one of the tools from the web (like this one: or concider using a simple script language like AutoIt.
If you pick the second, you can simply execute your bat code with Run("put your bat code in here") and you can compile your script to a "real" exe file.
For an alternative approach, you can basically do the same thing as described in the accepted answer (making a 7z-SFX) with WinRAR. That way, you can also do it with a GUI, and I will try to add some more useful information.
Actually, you can also use the latter approach to generate portable applications and it also works with "converting" every runnable (or openable) file into an .exe.
If you need that "portability hack", you should unpack your .exe or .msi installer with Universal Extractor. Details can be found in this Article, Step 1 to 4. Newer Versions of 7zip or WinRAR also come with comparable features.
Now you add all needed files to the archive. In the easiest case, this is just your .bat script or whatever file you want to "convert" into an .exe applivation. (Step 5 here)
Steps 6 and 7 are just some Settings for the SFX-Archive, 8 is the interesting one, as you select what you actually want to run there. Input the name of your (.bat-)file.
Step 9 lets you select where to unpack to - you do this setting manually and programmatically in the MakeExeFromBat.bat-script.
After this process you created a Portable App in SFX archiever form, enjoy
The word "converting" was put into quotation marks, because running that .exe actually works like this:
The contents of the (SFX-)EXE file are extracted from the "archive part" to a directory as the specified temp directory.
( The config file generated by the script is read. )
The file, that was previously contained in the EXE file and then extracted, is now executed in a new window.
a) This file could besides a .bat be anything - as e.g. an image, a MP3 or a video
b) or also a Python Script (of course your OS needs to know how to deal with that file.
Once finished, the temp files are removed.
You can also derive some limitations from that. If you have a .bat that needs the content of the working directory, you will have a problem. (Say, a batch that renames all files in the current dir from 1 to n.) In some cases that can be dealt with by adding all needed files to the archive too. On Windows Vista and all newer OSes, you might encounter a message box after the script is run. After selecting ‘This program installed correctly’, the message box will not be displayed in the future for this file. Because the EXE file launches in a new window, the typical way of logging output (using the > char) will not work as expected. In order to log the output, you would need to handle this natively in your source script.
All references were already linked, but once again: Big credit goes to Jason Faulkner for providing the Article and 7zip-Approach, binbert for the WinRAR-SFX Solution (which is as hinted much more versatile -> portability) and some credit to creative8 for finding the two and the article comparing them.
Actually, I was develping another solution using AutoHotkey. In my case, I just want to be able to add my .bat to the windows start menu - but the options are not limited to that.
The script itself is just a oneliner and .AHK is easily converted to .exe (I used v1.1.33.09):
run % SubStr(A_ScriptName, 1, -4) ;// run also has the option to run your file minimized or hidden, see the source 2 below
Source 2
What it does is taking its own name, removing the .ahk or .exe respectively (the last 4 characters, hence -4) and running excactly that. Usage could not be easier: you have a runme.bat, so you rename the program I provide to runme.bat.exe. Say you want the .exe to open an image.png - guess what, rename it to image.png.exe. You get the gist - that's it. It dynamically checks its name to find what to run. In my opinion, this is not much less mighty than "unpacking the .bat and then run it", but (again imho) it is much more elegant.
Use it as you wish, I should probably start a public github page or so.

Compare output of "DOS" command to something

(by DOS I mean windows cmd.exe - I don't want to enforce powershell or similar on the end user)
I want to run a command line file that prints output to CON / the screen.
I want to capture that output and compare it to an expected output.
... in a .bat / .cmd file?
Specifically, the identify command of ImageMagick, and I want to run this over +- 300 files and compare the actual sizes to expected sizes.
example output:
$ identify rose.jpg
rose.jpg JPEG 640x480 sRGB 87kb 0.050u 0:01
If I understand the question correctly, you want to run the identify command on all the jpg files in a directory and capture the output of that command into a text file for later comparison. The comparison however is not part of the spec?
Something like the line below should do that job. Just run it from the folder the jpg files are located:
for /R %%X in (*.jpg) do identify %%X >> PicInfo.txt
This will capture the rose.jpg JPEG ... line for every .jpg file you have in the directory (and subdirectories thanks to '/R') that you run the command in and append it to the file PicInfo.txt.
You can call your identify program with a symbol that redirects console output to a file, which is the > character. Something like:
identify rose.jpg > myoutput.txt
Additionally, the >> will append output to what is already in the file. So using
identify rose.jpg >> myoutput.txt
...should create one file with all your output.
You can then use the DOS COMP command, which compares the contents of two files. The syntax is:
COMP [data1] [data2] [/D] [/A] [/L] [/N=number] [/C] [/OFF[LINE]]
Which you could also redirect to an output file using the > symbol.

Executing .bat file in FOR loop

Edit: Brief Summary
I have number files in a directory, called crash0, crash1 etc. I want to run a .bat file for each of this with a command line like:
abc.bat crash0 > crash0.txt
How can I make another .bat file that loops over all the crashXX files calls abc.bat once for each one of them?
Original Question
Please find my situation below..
I have some files (number may vary each time) in a folder with its name starting with crash. That is crash0, crash1..etc. I want to provide these files as an input to a .bat file (let it be abc.bat) and then navigate the out put a corresponding text file. The command looks like abc.bat crash0 > crash0.txt. I have to do this to all the crash files in the folder. This abc.bat files actually converts the non-readable files to a readable format. So at the end I should have txt files like crash0.txt, crash1.txt.. etc for the corresponding crash files which i provided as the input. Can any one help with a .bat script to run this in cmd?? am new to .bat scripting.. thx in advance
for %%i in (crash*) do #call abc.bat %%i > %%i.txt
