My first question! I'm moderately familiar with vb but am a n00b with wpf.
I have a form with a listbox and a button. I populate the listbox from a dataset connected to an Access database. The table I am working with is named Entries and has just two columns, EntryID and Entry. When I click on the button, a new entry is added to the database but the listbox is not repopulated.
I have read every answer for this search: "listbox collectionviewsource repopulate" but none seem to address my specific problem.
I set up my Resources as follows:
<CollectionViewSource x:Key="cvsEntries"
Source="{Binding Source={StaticResource TestDataSet}, Path=Entries}">
<scm:SortDescription PropertyName="Entry" />
I set up the listbox as follows:
<ListBox Name="lstEntries"
DataContext="{StaticResource cvsStandardEntries}"
DisplayMemberPath="Entry" />
My code behind for the click event is:
Private Sub btnAdd_Click(sender As Object, e As RoutedEventArgs) Handles btnAdd.Click
Dim taEntries As TestDataSetTableAdapters.EntriesTableAdapter = New TestDataSetTableAdapters.EntriesTableAdapter
taEntries.Insert(NewEntryID, NewEntry)
The database is properly updated but the listbox is not. Based on my understanding of binding, it should be. Am I doing something wrong in my overall approach or have I missed something in the listbox and/or button code.
I know I can add this code to the button:
With taEntries
.ClearBeforeFill = True
.FillByCategory(Entry, EntryID)
End With
I can force the listbox to update but that seems to violate my understanding of Binding and a bit of brute force.
Thanks in advance.
First, Access? sad face...
Second, your DataContext use there is a bit odd. Try this:
<ListBox Name="lstEntries"
ItemsSource="{Binding Source={StaticResource cvsStandardEntries}}"
DisplayMemberPath="Entry" />
Third, TestDataSet isn't observable, so changes made to your database won't be automatically populated back to WPF. Ideally, you should abstract your data layer away -in this case, since you're displaying lists of items in the UI that might change on the fly, you should be using something like ObservableCollection.
That said, if you don't want to go to that effort, you could refresh your collection view manually:
Dim collectionView As ICollectionView = TryCast(lstEntries.ItemsSource, ICollectionView)
I'm finding that if I use a CollectionViewSource with my ComboBox, when I close the window, an extra call to the SelectedValue Setter is executing, if SelectedValue is bound to a string property. If I set the ItemsSource binding directly to the VM, this call does not happen. The extra call is causing values to change in the VM, resulting in incorrect data. I have other ComboBoxes setup the same way, but they bind to integer values.
CollectionViewSource definition:
<CollectionViewSource x:Key="AllClientsSource" Source="{Binding AllClients}" >
<scm:SortDescription PropertyName="ClientName" />
ComboBox with CollectionViewSource:
<ComboBox Grid.Column="2"
ItemsSource="{Binding Source={StaticResource AllClientsSource}}"
DisplayMemberPath="ClientName" SelectedValuePath="ClientId"
SelectedValue="{Binding Path=ClientId}"
Visibility="{Binding Path=IsEditingPlan, Converter={StaticResource BoolVisibility}}" />
ComboBox direct to VM (Forgoing sorting):
<ComboBox Grid.Column="2" ItemsSource="{Binding AllClients}"
DisplayMemberPath="ClientName" SelectedValuePath="ClientId"
SelectedValue="{Binding Path=ClientId}"
Visibility="{Binding Path=IsEditingPlan, Converter={StaticResource BoolVisibility}}" />
Can anyone tell me why there is an extra setter call using the CollectionViewSource? What's different about the string binding? Is there a way to properly work around it?
EDIT: I tried changing it up and using the SelectItem property on the ComboBox. Same result. So it seems that if the item is a scalar data type, it works as expected. If it's an object, you get an extra setter call with a null value. Again, if I remove the CollectionViewSource from the equation, it works as expected.
EDIT, AGAIN: I added a link to a sample project that illustrates the issue. Targets .Net 4.5.
Run the project.
Click to display View One
Select a Client and the client's name will display on the right.
Click to display View Two
Go back to View One - Note that the selected client is no longer selected.
Click to display View Three
Select a Region and the region's name is displayed on the right.
Go back to View Two
Go back to View Three - Note that the selected region is still selected.
The only difference between the views is that One and Two use a CollectionViewSource. Three binds directly to the ViewModel. When you move to a new tab from One or Two, the setter for the selected item is getting called with a null value. Why? What's the best work-around?
Apparently this is caused when the CollectionViewSource is removed from the visual tree... I moved the CollectionViewSource to the ViewModel and exposed it as a property and the issue is effectively worked-around.
My application has a couple of ObservableCollections, one which is nested within an element of the other. Each contain a number of fields e.g.
ObservableCollectionA (called Listings)
Images As MediaItems
ObservableCollectionB (called MediaItems)
Currently I have been accessing ObservableCollections as follows:
My application has the main Window display the items from Listings and a UserControl which contains a ListBox which displays the items from MediaItems.
Currently my Window is bound to Listings using code in the New method:
Dim AppLocal As Program = Application.CurrentItem
AppLocal.CurrentItem = 0
Me.DataContext = Listings.Item(AppLocal.CurrentItem)
For the Listings ObservableCollection, the UserControl has a XAML DataContext which references a local method which pulls the records from the nested MediaItems ObservableCollection.
<ObjectDataProvider ObjectType="{x:Type local:ThumbImageLoader}" MethodName="LoadImagesv2" IsAsynchronous="True" />
<Grid x:Name="ThumbListBoxGrid">
<ListBox x:Name="ThumbListBox" ItemsSource="{Binding}" IsSynchronizedWithCurrentItem="True" />
The method is here:
Public NotInheritable Class ThumbImageLoader
Public Shared Function LoadImagesv2() As List(Of MediaItems)
Dim AppLocal As Program = Application.Current
Dim ThumbImages As New List(Of MediaItems)
ThumbImages = Listings(AppLocal.CurrentItem).MediaItems
Return ThumbImages
End Function
End Class
Whilst developing the UI layout I have just been binding the first item (0 index). I now want to be able to set AppLocal.CurrentItem from anywhere in the application so the Window and the ListBox are updated.
Ideally I would like it so when the global property index changes, the UI is updated.
How do I do this?
Is there a better way to go about it?
Ok, I discovered the joy of CollectionView. Offered exactly what I was after and was excrutiatingly easy to implement. I was blown away at not only how easy it was to implement, but I managed to cut out more lines of code than I used to implement it.
I implemented a public CollectionViewSource
Public ListingDataView As CollectionViewSource
In my main Window, I implemeted it as follows:
<CollectionViewSource x:Key="ListingDataView" />
and bound my top-level Grid to it:
<Grid DataContext="{Binding Source={StaticResource ListingDataView}}">
In my Application Startup I set the CollectionView Source
AppLocal.ListingDataView = CType(Application.Current.MainWindow.Resources("ListingDataView"), CollectionViewSource)
AppLocal.ListingDataView.Source = Listings
The next part which impressed me the most was implementing it for my User Control. I remembered the UserControl is inheriting from the main window so it has access to the CollectionView already, so I ditched the separate Class and Method binding in favour for this:
<ListBox ItemsSource="{Binding Path=MediaItems}" VerticalAlignment="Top" IsSynchronizedWithCurrentItem="True" />
Now whene I want to set the Current List Index, I simply call this:
A few milliseconds later, the UI updates automatically.
When you want multiple source data (like your observable collection properties and the index for the observable collection) to a single target you should use MultiBinding.
So in your case somethign like this should help...
<ListBox x:Name="ThumbListBox" IsSynchronizedWithCurrentItem="True" >
<MultiBinding Converter="{StaticResource CollectionAndIndexCollaborator}">
<Binding Path="Listings" />
<Binding Path="Application.CurrentItem.CurrentItem" />
provided that ....
Your data context is some class that holds the Application object via a property of same name Application and the Listings collection via property of same name Listings.
Your DataContext class and Application class must have INotifyPropertyChanged implemented. It should also raise notifications for Application and Setter of CurrentItem and CurrentItem.CurrentItem properties.
CollectionAndIndexCollaborator.Convert() method returns the same indexed value as the final collection....
return ((ObservableCollection)values[0]).Item(int.Parse(values[1])) ;
where assuming MyListingType is the T of your Listings collection.
This way when anyone changes the global Application.CurrentItem.CurrentItem the multi binding above will get notified and will select the required Listings item.
I am fairly new to WPF, have been working on finding an answer to this for a couple days without much luck, it seems like there should be a way. I have set up a DataTemplate whose DataType is a custom class of mine. Within the DataTemplate definition, I have set up a resources collection using . I did this because I want to create an ObjectDataProvider that will be available to the controls in the DataTemplate - I want the ObjectInstance of this ObjectDataProvider, to be currently bound data item (teh current instance within a list, of my custom class) - because then I want to be able to run a method on the current data instance - when the user changes the text in a textbox that is part of the DataTemplate. Hard to explain but this should make it clearer, here is my xaml:
<DataTemplate x:Key="TierDisplay" DataType="{x:Type tiers:PopulatedTier}">
<ObjectDataProvider x:Key="FilteredItems" MethodName="GetDisplayItems">
<StackPanel Orientation="Vertical">
<TextBox Name="txtMaxSupplyDays" LostFocus="txtMaxSupplyDays_LostFocus"></TextBox>
<DataGrid ItemsSource="{Binding Source={StaticResource FilteredItems}}" />
Each instance of the DataTemplate is bound to an instance of the PopulatedTier class. When the user leaves the textbox, txtMaxSupplyDays, I have code in the code-behind to take the value they have entered, and put it into the first MethodParameter of my ObjectDataProvider (whose key is FilteredItems). This works fine using the C# code-behind below, the code finds FilteredItems and plugs the desired value into the MethodParameter. But I can't figure how to tie FilteredItems into the current instance of PopulatedTier so that its GetDisplayItems will run. (If this worked, then presumably the DataGrid would refresh, using the output of GetDisplayItems as its ItemsSource.) In fact, in the C# below, it finds/recognizes the DataContext property of the textbox (sender) as being an instance of PopulatedTier. But how can I refer to this in the XAML within the ObjectDataProvider definition? THANK YOU and let me know if I can clarify further. Of cousre alternate suggestions are welcome; I'd like to keep as much in the XAML and out of the code-behind as I can.
private void txtMaxSupplyDays_LostFocus(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
var textBox = sender as TextBox;
if (textBox == null) return;
int value;
bool valueOK = Int32.TryParse(textBox.Text, out value);
if (valueOK)
((ObjectDataProvider)textBox.FindResource("FilteredItems")).MethodParameters[0] = value;
You have right thoughts about your code-behind - it have to be as small as possible. Its one of the slogan of MVVM pattern, that is what you need - learn MVVM. Internet have a lot of resources, so it wouldn't be a problem to find it.
my question is, how do I sort related items of an entity.
In an invoice editing window, I have one ComboBox displaying all customers:
<CollectionViewSource x:Key="cvsCustomers"
d:DesignSource="{d:DesignInstance local:Customer, CreateList=True}" />
<ComboBox ItemsSource="{Binding Source={StaticResource cvsCustomers}}" .../>
Dim cvsCustomers As System.Windows.Data.CollectionViewSource
cvsCustomers = CType(Me.FindResource("cvsCustomers"), System.Windows.Data.CollectionViewSource)
Dim qryCustomers = _
From c In myEntities.Customers _
Order By c.CustomerCode
Select c
cvsCustomers.Source = qryCustomers
Now I have a 2nd ComboBox displaying all contact persons of the selected customer. This works fine, but the entries in this second ComboBox are unsorted / sorted by ID.
<ComboBox ItemsSource="{Binding Path=myInvoice.Customer.Contacts}" .../>
How do I get the list on the 2nd ComboBox sorted?
King regards,
and thanks in advance for tips/suggestions,
I think there are two possible things.
When loading the data: It sounds like you are using the lazyloading feature of EF to load the Contacts related to the Customer. To sort Contacts, you would need to set what is sort option, were it's and when it's, but with the lazyloading these cannot be set. So you can use the Eagerly loading or the Explicitly loading to get the Contacts ordered. Please check to Using DbContext in EF 4.1 Part 6: Loading Related Entities, based on EF4.1. Something like this, the Explicitly loading case:
//Oh, I'm not familiar with VB.NET, so it's C# code
var customer; // it's assumed to be initialized.
context.Entry(customer).Collection(c => w.Contacts)
.Query().Orderby(c =>c.Name).Load();
Through CollectionView after loading the data unordered: you can let the CollectionView order the Contacts. Please check to CollectionViewSource Class(MSDN).
I have a DataGrid bound to a CollectionViewSource in XAML.
<local:MainWindowViewModel x:Key="ViewModel"/>
<CollectionViewSource x:Key="cvsEntries"
Source="{Binding LogEntriesStore,
Source={StaticResource ViewModel}}"/>
LogEntriesStore is an ObservableCollection (LogEntry is a DTO that's not important in this discussion)
The DataGrid is declared as:
<DataGrid AutoGenerateColumns="False"
ItemsSource="{Binding Source={StaticResource cvsEntries}}"
Now I have context menus on various cells in this DataGrid, to kick off a request for filtering. Right click on a cell, and pick filter to filter all the rows, and show only this particular value.
The MVVM gets the request to filter, but the now the tricky bit. How do I set the filter on the CollectionViewSource?
(as an aside -- this would have been a walk in the park with a Silverlight PagedCollectionView but that doesn't seem to be available in WPF, is that right?)
Very simple. You just need to move the collection view inside the view model:
In MainWindowViewModel define a property of type ICollectionView:
public ICollectionView LogEntriesStoreView { get; private set; }
Right after you have initialized the LogEntriesStore property, you need to initialize the LogEntriesStoreView property with the following code:
LogEntriesStoreView = CollectionViewSource.GetDefaultView(LogEntriesStore);
Then you need to remove the CollectionViewSource from XAML and modify the ItemsSource binding to point to the newly created collection view property:
<DataGrid AutoGenerateColumns="False"
ItemsSource="{Binding LogEntriesStoreView, Source={StaticResource ViewModel}}"
That's it. Now you have the access to the collection view inside your view model, where you can modify the filter.
There are several solutions to your problem, but in my opinion, the best solutions are the ones which uses only styles with the standard WPF DataGrid control without inventing a new inherited DataGird type or depending on another third-party control. The followings are the best solutions I found:
Option 1: which I personally use: Automatic WPF Toolkit DataGrid Filtering
Option 2: Auto-filter for Microsoft WPF DataGrid