Sql server, time format - sql-server

I have recently starter working with sql server instead of mysql.
I have a time column which I've noticed stores time as such: hh:mm:ss:nnnnnnn
Thing is I only want to to store hh:mm:ss, and I can't seem to figure out how to do that.
I do apologize if this is really obvious, I have had a long day and my searches did not return anything that helped.

time has a precision parameter which is "fractional second precision" so if you need hh:mm:ss you have to use time(0) as datatype

use the Time datatype which is available since 2008 onwards

If on SQL 2008, use the time datatype, and just store the hh:mm:ss; the nanoseconds will be 0. Just display the value back in the desired format in your presentation layer.
If on SQL 2005 (or older), you'll need to store the data as a datetime, and input the date version as some constant (usually 1900-01-01). Again, format the data at the presentation layer, not at the database.


storing datetime2 in ssis variable

I'm using SQL Server 2012 Enterprise. I have a requirement where I've to store data with DATETIME2 datatype in SSIS Variable. Unfortunately, SSIS variables don't have that data type.
If I'm storing it into datetime data type, I'm losing information. Can anyone help in giving workaround?
PS: My source system is SQL Server 2012 as well and I'm reading the data from column with datetime2 datatype.
SSIS, at least currently, has a "known" shortfall in that the variable value type, DateTime only has a precision to the second; effectively the same as a datetime2(0). If you therefore need to store anything more accurate that a second, such as if you are using datetime and the 1/300 of a second is important or if you are using datetime2 with a precision of 1 or more, the value type DateTime, will not serve your goal.
A couple of different options are therefore to store the value of as a String or numerical value. This does, however, come with it's own problems; most and foremost that neither of these datatypes are date and time datatypes.
It therefore depends what your goal is. I would most likely make use of a String datatype and ensure it has the ISO format ('yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ss.nnnnnnn'). If you're then using something like a T-SQL Task you can pass your variable as normal to the task and the data engine will interpret the literal string as a datetime2(7) (or whichever literal precision you used).

Skype persistent chat timestamp converstion

I am building a tool which displays Skype persistent chat information along with participants information. For one of the requirement, I need to filter the tblComplianceParticipant table in a given date range.
I tried many different approaches to convert tblComplianceParticipant.joinedAt column to human-readable format like 'yyyy-mm-dd', etc. but no luck so far. Data in this column are 18 digit numbers, starting with "63" for example 636572952018269911 and 636455769656388453.
These values are also not in 'windows file time' format because https://www.epochconverter.com/ldap gives the future dates with above values.
I tried looking at #JonSkeet's answer on 18 digit timestamp to Local Time but that is c# specific. I tried to replicate similar logic in SQL but no luck.
Is there any way to convert this 18 digit numbers to normal date format and perform where clause on it?
Online converter which gives desired output: https://www.venea.net/web/net_ticks_datetime_converter#net_ticks_to_date_time_and_unix_timestamp_conversion
However, I was looking for underlying logic to convert it myself as I need to perform where clause on it in SQL server stored procedure.
Our Skype administrator provided me with a SQL function (fnDateToTicks) which was part of Skype database (mgc) (Earlier, I didn't have permission so could not see it). I am verifying with him whether it is an internal IP or standard solution by Microsoft so I can share it with the larger community.
The only thing i can think is worth trying:
select CAST ([Timestamp Column] as datetime)
Which will format it as yyyy-mm-dd 00:00:00:000
This may work for SQL Server 2008 and onwards

SQL Server - Date is converted to integer

I am exporting data from Excel to SQL Server through an API. Everything is supposed to save as nvarchar but date is stored as int value (automatically). How can I keep, in SQL table, date value as it is i.e. like 01/01/1990 instead of 32874.
Might be a basic question, Googled and looked into SO but couldn't find what I am after yet. Help appreciated!
In SQL Server, you can convert to a date by using:
select dateadd(day, 32874, '1899-12-31')
There is probably also a way to fix this when importing the data, by treating it as an actual date or string.

Why does Azure lose timezone information in DateTimeOffset fields?

We're working on a IOS app using Microsoft's Azure Mobile Services. The web GUI creates date-time as DateTimeOffset fields, which is fine. But when we have the mobile put datetimes into the database, then read them from the database, via Entity Framework, we're seeing them adjusted to UCT. (We see the same thing when we view the records in SSMS.)
I've always been frustrated by the lack of timezone support, in SQL's standard datetime types, and I'd thought that DateTimeOffset would be better. But if I wanted my times in UTC, I'd have stored them in UTC. If a user enters a time as 3:00 AM, CST, I want to know he entered CST. It makes as little sense to me to convert it to UTC, and throw away the offset, as it did to assume that 3:00 AM CST and 3:00 AM PDT were the same.
Is there some kind of database configuration I can do to keep the Azure database from storing the dates in UTC?
The issue is that at some point in Azure Mobile Services, the property is converted to a JavaScript Date object, which cannot not retain the offset.
There are a couple of blog posts describing this issue, and possible workarounds:
Essentially, they both take the same approach of splitting out the offset into a separate field. However, looking closely at these, they both make a crucial mistake:
Should actually be:
The DateTime of a DateTimeOffset will always have DateTimeKind.Unspecified, and thus ToUniversalTime will assume the source is local, rather than using the offset of the DTO.
There are a few other similar errors I see in the code in these posts, so be careful to test thoroughly. However, the general approach is sound.
We're using a Node.js backend and noticed the same thing with DATETIMEOFFSETs read from our SQL Server database being returned in UTC regardless of the offset. Another alternative is to convert the DATETIMEOFFSET at the query-level so that it is outputted as a string with the timezone information. The following converts a DATETIMEOFFSET(0) field to the ISO8601 format; however, other possible styles can be used as documented here:
SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(33), [StartDate], 126) AS [StartDate] FROM [Products];
The new output is now: "2016-05-26T00:00:00-06:00" instead of "2016-05-26T06:00:00+00:00"
Of course, this means that the client must serialize the string into their respective format. In iOS, the ISO8601 library can be used to read the output as either a NSDateComponents or NSDate.
One benefit of this approach is that any database-level checks or triggers can do date comparisons using the DATETIMEOFFSET instead of trying to take into account a separate offset column with a basic DATETIME.

Microsoft SQL Server 2005 time of day data type

Is there a data type which represents time of day? Such as a datetime data type without the date.
when i format 41 seconds into a datetime data type this is what I get:
1/1/1900 12:00:41 AM
I'm trying to store a duration of time in a table.
In SQL Server 2008, there is a Time data type which only stores the time. In versions of SQL Server prior to 2008, your only choice is the DateTime data type (and SmallDateTime) which stores both the date and the time. However, there are means in most languages including T-SQL to show the time portion. What are you trying to accomplish?
Not in 2005 no, there are plenty of discussions around on this subject.
This being just one of them
