Memory out of bounds once function exits despite heap allocation? - c

General problem: implementing a dictionary.
Specific problem: according to gdb, my allocations and everything are working exactly as intended. The problem arises once types_dict_add is called with a key of "c". Everything is once again allocated as it should be and the entire dictionary is intact throughout the function context (all pointers are accessible and the structures at those pointers have their set values), but once the function exits back to main, the mydict pointers are all out of bounds. The actual pointer addresses stored in the mydict are all unchanged, but are suddenly inaccessible. Up until the call with "c", the mydict is also intact and as it should be in main.c
What am I doing wrong here? It's really confusing me as I've checked with gdb over and over again and the len value is being set correctly so there is definitely a proper amount of space being realloc'd each go.
#ifndef _TYPES_H_
#define _TYPES_H_
union types {
long int ival;
char *sval;
struct kv {
char* key;
union types val;
struct kv **types_dict_init();
void types_dict_add(struct kv**, char*, union types);
struct kv *types_dict_get(char*);
void types_dict_free(struct kv**);
struct kv **
struct kv **newdict;
newdict = calloc(1, sizeof(struct kv*));
newdict[0] = NULL;
return (newdict);
types_dict_add(struct kv** d, char* k, union types v)
int len;
if (d[0] == NULL) {
d = realloc(d, sizeof(struct kv*) * 2);
d[0] = malloc(sizeof(struct kv));
d[0]->key = k;
d[0]->val = v;
d[1] = NULL;
} else {
for (len = 1; d[len - 1] != NULL; len++)
d = realloc(d, sizeof(struct kv*) * ++len);
d[len - 2] = malloc(sizeof(struct kv));
d[len - 2]->key = k;
d[len - 2]->val = v;
d[len - 1] = NULL;
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "bencode/types.h"
int main(int argc, char **argv)
struct kv **mydict;
union types toadd;
toadd.sval = "test";
mydict = types_dict_init();
types_dict_add(mydict, "a", toadd);
types_dict_add(mydict, "b", toadd);
types_dict_add(mydict, "c", toadd);
types_dict_add(mydict, "d", toadd);
for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
printf("%d: %s\n", i, mydict[i]->key);
return (EXIT_SUCCESS);

In types_dict_add you modify the local variable d. This change is not reflected in main's variable mydict, because C passes function arguments by value. You will need to add an extra level of indirection if you want types_dict_add to be able to do realloc on mydict.
I think it would be simpler to use length-counting instead of a terminating NULL; then you can make your controlling structure be something like:
struct dict
struct kv **members;
size_t n_members;
This would also avoid a triple pointer (some people are uncomfortable with those).

Always check the return value of realloc. realloc may fail in some cases.
d = realloc(d, sizeof(struct kv*) * 2);
do the check before accessing d.


memcpy boolean to void *

I was just creating a testing function in which i have to pass boolean in void * so that i can parse it in other function and use it.
but i am stuck and not able to know that how should i memcpy the boolean in void *.
but when i am parsing it in another fucntion i am always getting the value true.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
typedef struct {
int a;
uint8_t var_data[];
} s;
void parse(s * dummy)
void *var_data = dummy->var_data;
uint8_t *len;
char type[128];
bool *leaf;
for(int i = 0; i < dummy->a; i++)
len = (uint8_t *)var_data;
var_data += 1;
memcpy(type, var_data, *len);
type[*len] = '\0';
var_data += *len;
leaf = (bool *)var_data;
var_data += 1;
printf("%s\n", type);
printf("leaf: %s\n\n", leaf ? "true" : "false");
int main()
// Write C code here
char val[] = "dummy value";
uint8_t len = strlen(val);
bool v = false;
int b = 2;
int sz = sizeof(s) + b * (sizeof(bool) + len + 1);
s * dummy = (s *) malloc(sz);
dummy->a = b;
void *var = dummy->var_data;
for(int i = 0; i < dummy->a; i++){
memcpy(var, &len, 1);
var += 1;
memcpy(var, val, len);
var += len;
memcpy(var, &v, sizeof(bool));
var += sizeof(bool);
return 0;
can body help me with this problem.
var_data is uninitialized. You should allocate var_data with malloc, and copy the data in leaf into it:
void *var_data = malloc(sizeof(bool));
bool leaf = false;
memcpy(var_data, &leaf, sizeof(bool));
And you can cast it to bool * like this:
bool *leaf;
leaf = (bool *) var_data;
In addition, you increment var_data pointer. So var_data points to a different memory location now.
You didn't dereference leaf in this line:
printf("leaf: %s\n\n", leaf ? "true" : "false");
Since leaf is a non-zero pointer, it will always evaluate to true in C. You want to print *leaf instead:
printf("leaf: %s\n\n", *leaf ? "true" : "false");
Some other misc remarks:
void* arithmetic (i.e. var_data += 1) is illegal in C, although gcc will not complain. Use a char* because this is the type that's supposed to be used for serialization.
As mentioned in other answers, using pointers like you are doing right now can lead to subtle errors. If your pointer is pointing to an address and you want to dereference it (read the value stored there), it's better to do this sooner than risk this location being changed by some other code in the meantime.
So, just copy the data from the char* array into the target struct (or a primitive like uint8_t) and then advance the pointer.
The only way you are technically allowed to cast pointers in C is to cast them from a specific pointer (like something*) to a char*, in order to inspect their contents. You can also implicitly cast from and to void*, but only if you are not aliasing the pointer (trying to modify the underlying type). Any casting in the other direction is a violation of strict aliasing, so you should try to use memcpy instead. It may look uglier, but compiler will optimize it anyway (see for yourself) and you'll be safe(r) from the horrors of aliasing.
One nice habit to have it to try to utilize const-correctness wherever you can, it helps the compiler warn you if you're doing something wrong. If your function is parsing the array, the parameter should be const char*.
Finally, if your goal is to serialize and deserialize structs, perhaps you should look into protocol buffers or some similar serialization framework. It is fast, efficient, portable and, best of all, already written.
So, something like:
typedef struct {
int len;
char * var_data;
} example;
// note the const keyword - this means this function is
// not going to change the struct, only read it
void parse(const example * dummy)
// again, pointer to const char
const char * var_data = dummy->var_data;
// move all variables to the innermost scope
for (int i = 0; i < dummy->len; i++)
uint8_t len = 0;
memcpy(&len, var_data, sizeof(len));

Creating, returning, and casting a struct with a char pointer in C

I'm pretty bad at remembering C rules with structs. Basically, I have a struct like this:
typedef struct {
char* ptr;
int size;
} Xalloc_struct;
Where the char* ptr will only be one character max.
In my program, I have to allocate and free memory to a fake disk (declared globally as char disk[100];) using my own functions:
char disk[100];
void disk_init() {
for(int i = 0; i < 100; ++i) {
disk[i] = memory[i] = 0;
struct Xalloc_struct* Xalloc(int size) {
// error checking
// ...
// run an algorithm to get a char* ptr back to a part of the global disk
// array, where index i is the index where content at disk[i] starts
char* ptr = &disk[i];
struct Xalloc_struct *ret = malloc(sizeof(struct Xalloc_struct));
ret->size = size;
ret->ptr = malloc(sizeof(char));
ret->ptr = ptr;
return ret;
int Xfree(void* ptr) {
struct Xalloc_struct* p = (struct Xalloc_struct*) ptr;
int size = p->size;
int index = *(p->ptr);
// .. more stuff here that uses the index of where p->ptr points to
return 0;
int main() {
struct Xalloc_struct* x = Xalloc(5);
return 0;
When this compiles I get quite a few errors:
error: invalid application of ‘sizeof’ to incomplete type ‘struct Xalloc_struct’
struct Xalloc_struct *ret = malloc(sizeof(struct Xalloc_struct));
error: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
ret->size = size;
error: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
error: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
int size = cast_ptr->size;
error: dereferencing pointer to incomplete type
int free_ptr = *(cast_ptr->ptr);
So, how should I be allocating and deallocating these structs? And how can I modify / edit what they contain?
First problem is Xalloc_struct is a type, not the name of a struct. You declared that type with this:
typedef struct {
char* ptr;
int size;
} Xalloc_struct;
typedef is of the form typedef <type name or struct definition> <name of the type>. So you declared the type Xalloc_struct to be struct { char *ptr; int size; }.
That means you use it like any other type name: Xalloc_struct somevar = ...;.
Had you declared the struct with a name...
struct Xalloc_struct {
char* ptr;
int size;
Then it would be struct Xalloc_struct somevar = ...; as you have.
The rule of thumb when allocating memory for an array (and a char * is an array of characters) is you allocate sizeof(type) * number_of_items. Character arrays are terminated with a null byte, so for them you need one more character.
Xalloc_struct *ret = malloc(sizeof(Xalloc_struct));
ret->ptr = malloc(sizeof(char) * num_characters+1);
But if you're only storing one character, there's no need for an array of characters. Just store one character.
typedef struct {
char letter;
int size;
} Xalloc_struct;
Xalloc_struct *ret = malloc(sizeof(Xalloc_struct));
ret->letter = 'q'; /* or whatever */
But what I think you're really doing is storing a pointer to a spot in the disk array. In that case, you don't malloc at all. You just store the pointer like any other pointer.
typedef struct {
char* ptr;
int size;
} Xalloc_struct;
Xalloc_struct *ret = malloc(sizeof(Xalloc_struct));
ret->ptr = &disk[i];
Then you can read that character with ret->ptr[0].
Since you didn't allocate ret->ptr do not free it! That will cause a crash because disk is in stack memory and cannot be free'd. If it were in heap memory (ie. malloc) it would probably also crash because it would try to free in the middle of an allocated block.
void Xalloc_destroy(Xalloc_struct *xa) {
Here's how I'd do it.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
char disk[100] = {0};
typedef struct {
char *ptr;
int idx;
} Disk_Handle_T;
static Disk_Handle_T* Disk_Handle_New(char *disk, int idx) {
Disk_Handle_T *dh = malloc(sizeof(Disk_Handle_T));
dh->idx = idx;
dh->ptr = &disk[idx];
return dh;
static void Disk_Handle_Destroy( Disk_Handle_T *dh ) {
int main() {
Disk_Handle_T *dh = Disk_Handle_New(disk, 1);
printf("%c\n", dh->ptr[0]); /* null */
disk[1] = 'c';
printf("%c\n", dh->ptr[0]); /* c */
What you are attempting to accomplish is a bit bewildering, but from a syntax standpoint, your primary problems are treating a typedef as if it were a formal struct declaration, not providing index information to your Xalloc function, and allocating ret->ptr where you already have a pointer and storage in disk.
First, an aside, when you are specifying a pointer, the dereference operator '*' goes with the variable, not with the type. e.g.
Xalloc_struct *Xalloc (...)
Xalloc_struct* Xalloc (...)
Why? To avoid the improper appearance of declaring something with a pointer type, (where there is no pointer type just type) e.g.:
int* a, b, c;
b and c above are most certainly NOT pointer types, but by attaching the '*' to the type it appears as if you are trying to declare variables of int* (which is incorrect).
int *a, b, c;
makes it much more clear you intend to declare a pointer to type int in a and two integers b and c.
Next, in Xfree, you can, but generally do not want to, assign a pointer type as an int (storage size issues, etc.) (e.g. int index = *(p->ptr);) If you need a reference to a pointer, use a pointer. If you want the address of the pointer itself, make sure you are using a type large enough for the pointer size on your hardware.
Why are you allocating storage for ret->ptr = malloc(sizeof(char));? You already have storage in char disk[100]; You get no benefit from the allocation. Just assign the address of the element in disk to ptr (a pointer can hold a pointer without further allocation) You only need to allocate storage for ret->ptr if you intend to use the memory you allocate, such as copying a string or multiple character to the block of memory allocated to ret->ptr. ret->ptr can store the address of an element in data without further allocation. (it's unclear exactly what you intend here)
You are free to use a typedef, in fact it is good practice, but when you specify a typedef as you have, it is not equivalent to, and cannot be used, as a named struct. That is where your incomplete type issue arises.
All in all, it looks like you were trying to do something similar to the following:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
typedef struct {
char* ptr;
int size;
} Xalloc_struct;
char disk[100] = "";
Xalloc_struct *Xalloc (int size, int i) {
char *ptr = &disk[i];
Xalloc_struct *ret = malloc (sizeof *ret);
ret->size = size;
// ret->ptr = malloc (sizeof *(ret->ptr)); /* you have a pointer */
ret->ptr = ptr;
return ret;
int Xfree (void *ptr) {
Xalloc_struct *p = (Xalloc_struct *) ptr;
// int size = p->size; /* unused */
// int index = *(p->ptr); /* what is this ?? */
// .. more stuff here that uses the index of where p->ptr points to
// free (p->ptr);
free (p);
return 0;
int main (void) {
int i = 0;
Xalloc_struct *x = Xalloc (5, i++);
return 0;
Look at the difference in how the typedef is used and let me know if you have any questions.

Generic stack in plain C does not copies structures correct

So I have implemented a generic stack in Plain C. It should copy different type of data, inclusive structures. And by structures I have the problem.
So here's the structure of the stack:
* Definite genStack as a structure.
* Pointer elems points to the objects lying on the stack
* The variable elemSize spiecifies the size of an element
* The variable logLength specifies the number of actually
* lying on the stack objects
* The variable allocLenght specifies the allocated size
typedef struct{
void* elems;
int elemSize;
int logLength;
int allocLength;
Push and pop functions:
void GenStackPush(genStack *s, const void *elemAddr)
/* if stack is full - allocates more memory */
if (GenStackFull(s))
GenStackAlloc(s, s->elemSize);
memcpy((char*) (s->elems)+(s->logLength), elemAddr, sizeof(*elemAddr));
void GenStackPop(genStack *s, void *elemAddr)
fprintf(stderr, "Can't pop element from stack: stack is empty.\n");
} else
memcpy((void*) elemAddr, (s->elems)+(s->logLength), sizeof(s->elems[s->logLength]));
Simple structures test:
#ifndef GENTEST1_H
#define GENTEST1_H
typedef struct {
char* name;
int age;
char gender;
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "gentest1.h"
#include "genstacklib.h"
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
genStack StructStack;
person testPerson[5];
person* newPerson;
person* test;
int i;
newPerson = (void*) malloc (sizeof(person));
testPerson[0].name = "Alex";
testPerson[0].age = 21;
testPerson[0].gender = 'm';
testPerson[1].name = "Vanja";
testPerson[1].age = 20;
testPerson[1].gender = 'm';
testPerson[2].name = "sjrgsde";
testPerson[2].age = 11;
testPerson[2].gender = 'w';
testPerson[3].name = "wergsggsd";
testPerson[3].age = 99;
testPerson[3].gender = 'y';
testPerson[4].name = "adaasxx";
testPerson[4].age = 13;
testPerson[4].gender = 'g';
GenStackNew(&StructStack, sizeof(person));
printf("sizeof(person) = %lu\n", sizeof(person));
for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
newPerson = &testPerson[i];
GenStackPush(&StructStack, newPerson);
printf("Pushed: %s, %d, %c\n", newPerson->name, newPerson->age, newPerson->gender);
test = (void*) malloc (sizeof(person));
test->name = "test";
test->age = 0;
test->gender = 't';
GenStackPop(&StructStack, test);
printf("Popped: %s, %d, %c\n", test->name, test->age, test->gender);
return 0;
And here's the output I get:
elemSize = 16 GenStackInitialAlocationSize = 4
sizeof(person) = 16
Pushed: Alex, 21, m
Pushed: Vanja, 20, m
Pushed: sjrgsde, 11, w
Pushed: wergsggsd, 99, y
New size of alloc = 8
Pushed: adaasxx, 13, g
Popped: adaasxx, 0, t
Popped: wergsggsd, 0, t
Popped: sjrgsde, 0, t
Popped: Vanja, 0, t
Popped: Alex, 0, t
As you can see, I can receive names, but no age or gender. I've tried a lot of options, but still getting Segmentation Fault or the output from above. For moment, the output above is the finest output I get, but still not what I want.
The question is - how can I get the output I need?
Thanks in advance.
To avoid some questions:
sizeof(person) = s->elemSize
It is defined by creating the stack:
void GenStackNew(genStack *s, int elemSize)
void* newElems;
/* Allocate a new array to hold the contents. */
newElems = (void*) malloc(elemSize * GenStackInitialAlocationSize);
printf("elemSize = %d\tGenStackInitialAlocationSize = %d\n",
elemSize, GenStackInitialAlocationSize);
if (newElems == NULL)
fprintf(stderr, "Error with allocating the stack.\n");
exit(1); /* Exit, returning error code. */
s->elems = newElems;
s->elemSize = elemSize;
s->allocLength = GenStackInitialAlocationSize;
s->logLength = 0; /*is empty*/
GenStackNew(&StructStack, sizeof(person));
printf("sizeof(person) = %lu\n", sizeof(person));
your push function is copying sizeof(*elemAddr) and that is a void *, so it has the size of a pointer not the inteded size of a person struct. So you are probably copying only the first 4 bytes
As stated above the push is copying the wrong size of data. It should be elemSize.
The memcpy is also overwriting its own data. Something like this should work.
memcpy((char*) (s->elems)+(s->logLength)*elemSize, elemAddr, elemSize);
You're not using elemSize in all the relevant places...
void GenStackPush(genStack *s, const void *elemAddr)
memcpy((char*) (s->elems)+(s->logLength), elemAddr, sizeof(*elemAddr));
This is very wrong; the type of the expression *elemAddr is void, which is a constraint violation (sizeof may not be called on an expression of incomplete type, and void is an incomplete type). You will want to turn up the warning level on your compiler. I wrote a test program to compute sizeof on expressions of type void * and void, and I get a warning with gcc -pedantic. If I drop the -pedantic I don't get a warning, but the result I get for sizeof (void) is 1, which I'm pretty certain is not the size of a person. Why aren't you using s->elemSize here?
Secondly, why are you casting s->elems to char *?
If I may offer some advice, I've womped up a few generic containers in the past, and here are the lessons I've come away with:
First, delegate all type-aware operations (allocation, deallocation, copy, compare, display, etc.) to separate functions, which are called via function pointers passed as parameters to the generic container's functions; i.e., a push would be defined like
GenStackPush(genStack *stack, const void *data, void *(*copy)(const void *))
stack->elems[++stack->logLength] = copy(data);
void *myIntCopyFunc(const void *data)
const int *inputData = (const int *) data;
int *copy = malloc(sizeof *copy);
if (copy)
*copy = *inputData;
return copy;
GenStackPush(&myIntStack, &intVal, myIntCopyFunc);
One issue you have with your person type is that you're not doing a deep copy of the name member; you're just copying a pointer value to the stack. In this case it's not a big deal since you're working with string literals, but if you were using, say, a local char [], you'd have problems. By writing a separate copy function for each type, you can deal with those sorts of issues, instead of trying to do a one-size-fits-all allocation in the container function itself.
Secondly, don't call your generic container functions directly; put a type-aware interface between you and the container (basically, the poor man's version of function overloading):
void pushInt(GenStack *stack, int intVal)
GenStackPush(stack, &intVal, myIntCopyFunc);
genStack myIntStack;
pushInt(&myIntStack, 5);
This gives you two benefits; first, it allows you to pass literal values as parameters (which you can't do with parameters of type void *). Secondly, it gives you a way to enforce type safety on your container. You can't accidentally push a value of the wrong type this way.
Is this a lot of extra work? Oh my yes. There's a lot of magic that has to happen under the hood for generic container types to work properly. If you're trying to replicate the same kind of functionality that you get with the C++ std::stack container type, you're going to be writing a lot of code.

malloc() of struct array with varying size structs

How does one malloc an array of structs correctly if each struct contains an array of strings which vary in size?
So each struct might have a different size and would make it impossible to
realloc(numberOfStructs * sizeof(structName))
malloc(initialSize * sizeof(structName)
How does one allocate memory for this and keep track of what is going on?
If your structure has a char *, it takes up the size of one pointer. If it has a char[200], it takes up two hundred bytes.
I am making some guesses here, based on the information you have provided. The only reason I can see for wanting to realloc an array of structs is if you want to add more structs to that array. That's cool. There are plenty of reasons to want that kind of dynamic storage. The best way to handle it, especially if the structures are themselves dynamic, is to keep an array of pointers to these structures. Example:
1. Data structure:
typedef struct {
int numberOfStrings;
char ** strings;
typedef struct {
int numberOfStructs;
stringHolder ** structs;
2. Managing dynamic arrays of strings:
void createNewStringHolder(stringHolder ** holder) {
(*holder) = malloc(sizeof(stringHolder));
(*holder)->numberOfStrings = 0;
(*holder)->strings = NULL;
void destroyStringHolder(stringHolder ** holder) {
// first, free each individual string
int stringIndex;
for (stringIndex = 0; stringIndex < (*holder)->numberOfStrings; stringIndex++)
{ free((*holder)->strings[stringIndex]); }
// next, free the strings[] array
// finally, free the holder itself
void addStringToHolder(stringHolder * holder, const char * string) {
int newStringCount = holder->numberOfStrings + 1;
char ** newStrings = realloc(holder->strings, newStringCount * sizeof(char *));
if (newStrings != NULL) {
holder->numberOfStrings = newStringCount;
holder->strings = newStrings;
newStrings[newStringCount - 1] = malloc((strlen(string) + 1) * sizeof(char));
strcpy(newStrings[newStringCount - 1], string);
3. Managing a dynamic array of structures:
void createNewStructList(structList ** list, int initialSize) {
// create a new list
(*list) = malloc(sizeof(structList));
// create a new list of struct pointers
(*list)->numberOfStructs = initialSize;
(*list)->structs = malloc(initialSize * sizeof(stringHolder *));
// initialize new structs
int structIndex;
for (structIndex = 0; structIndex < initialSize; structIndex++)
{ createNewStringHolder(&((*list)->structs[structIndex])); }
void destroyStructList(structList ** list) {
// destroy each struct in the list
int structIndex;
for (structIndex = 0; structIndex < (*list)->numberOfStructs; structIndex++)
{ destroyStringHolder(&((*list)->structs[structIndex])); }
// destroy the list itself
stringHolder * addNewStructToList(structList * list) {
int newStructCount = list->numberOfStructs + 1;
size_t newSize = newStructCount * sizeof(stringHolder *);
stringHolder ** newList = realloc(list->structs, newSize);
if (newList != NULL) {
list->numberOfStructs = newStructCount;
list->structs = newList;
createNewStringHolder(&(newList[newStructCount - 1]));
return newList[newStructCount - 1];
return NULL;
4. Main program:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
int main (int argc, char * argv[]) {
structList * allHolders;
createNewStructList(&allHolders, 10);
addStringToHolder(allHolders->structs[4], "The wind took it");
addStringToHolder(allHolders->structs[4], "Am I not merciful?");
addStringToHolder(allHolders->structs[7], "Aziz, Light!");
printf("%s\n", allHolders->structs[4]->strings[0]); // The wind took it
printf("%s\n", allHolders->structs[4]->strings[1]); // Am I not merciful?
printf("%s\n", allHolders->structs[7]->strings[0]); // Aziz, Light!
stringHolder * newHolder = addNewStructToList(allHolders);
addStringToHolder(newHolder, "You shall not pass!");
printf("%s\n", newHolder->strings[0]); // You shall not pass!
printf("%s\n", allHolders->structs[10]->strings[0]); // You shall not pass!
return 0;
You don't, generally. There are two reasons you might want to do this:
So that a single free() will release the entire block of memory.
To avoid internal memory fragmentation.
But unless you have an exceptional situation, neither are very compelling, because there is crippling drawback to this approach:
If you do this, then block[i] is meaningless. You have not allocated an array. There is no way to tell where your next struct starts without either examining the struct or having outside information about the size/position of your structs in the block.
It is not so clear how your struct type is declared. C99 has a special construct for such things, called flexible array member of a struct:
As a special case, the last element of
a structure with more than one named
member may have an incomplete array
type; this is called a flexible array
You could do something like
typedef struct myString myString;
struct myString { size_t len; char c[]; };
You may then allocate such a beast with
size_t x = 35;
myString* s = malloc(sizeof(myString) + x);
s->len = x;
and reallocate it with
size_t y = 350;
myString* tmp = realloc(s, sizeof(myString) + y);
if (!tmp) abort(); // or whatever
tmp->len = y;
s = tmp;
To use this more comfortably you'd probably better wrap this into macros or inline functions.

Can strings be used as an array index?

Can a string be used as array index in C?
String Corresponding value
"ONE" 1
"TWO" 2
"FIVE" 5
"TEN" 10
When a string in the above list is passed to the function, the function must return the corresponding value indicated above. Can this be achieved by declaring a constant array with string as index
int *x;
x["ONE"] = 1;
x["TWO"] = 2;
x["FIVE"] = 5;
x["TEN"] = 5;
return x["string received by the function"];
The above logic does not work as expected; is there a workaround to implement the above logic in order to have a string-indexed array?
It might compile, but it won't work.
It's not entirely clear what you're trying to achieve. I think you want an associative array, in which case you should find a library implementation of one.
If you're looking for something more like an enumerated type, and you can rely on C89, look at something like:
enum cardsuit {
If you can't rely on C89, then you should try some typedef trickery.
There are other excellent answers to what you should do, so I thought I'd explain what you are doing and why it's compiling and not working.
In C, array reference is done by having an array or pointer and an integer of some sort. (in x[1], x is the array and 1 is the integer). As long as you're using some integral type, it'll work as you expect.
Suppose you have something that's not an integer. In that case, the C implementation will see if it can convert it to the appropriate type, so you wind up with array and integer. It's cases like this where you get into trouble (and slightly more sophisticated versions of this in C++ have confused more experienced people than you).
In C, a literal string like "one" is of type const char *, meaning pointer to characters you can't change. The actual value is the memory address of where the string actually resides in memory. Normally, you'd pay no attention to this pointer value, and look at the string value, but there's a gotcha here.
In C, any data pointer can be converted to some sort of integer, and will be automatically. Therefore, you've got a string like "one", and its value is whatever number that represents the memory address. Use it where C expects some sort of integer, and it'll get converted to some integral value or other.
Therefore, this is what's happening with x["ONE"]. The C system has to put the string "ONE" somewhere in memory, and it doesn't matter where. It's likely to be somewhere with a fairly large memory address, quite possibly in the billions. When it sees x["ONE"], it tries to convert that value to an integer, and uses it as a subscript. Therefore, you're trying to access the array x far, far beyond its bounds, and that's causing the problem. Either you're trying to use memory you're not allowed to, and the system just stops you, or you're mucking with a chunk of memory you should be leaving alone, and it's likely to fail in some mysterious way later.
You can easily build lookup tables with the function bsearch() provided by stdlib.h. A working example is this:
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#define count(ARRAY) (sizeof(ARRAY)/sizeof(*ARRAY))
struct item
const char * name;
int value;
static _Bool sorted;
static struct item items[] =
{ "one", 1 },
{ "two", 2 },
{ "three", 3 },
{ "ten", 10 }
static int compare(const void * p1, const void * p2)
return strcmp(*((const char **)p1), *((const char **)p2));
int get(const char * name)
qsort(items, count(items), sizeof(*items), compare);
sorted = 1;
struct item * item = bsearch(&name, items, count(items), sizeof(*items),
return item ? item->value : 0;
int main(int argc, char ** argv)
int i;
for(i = 1; i < argc; ++i)
printf("%i\n", get(argv[i]));
return 0;
You will need to write a function that maps strings to integers, or alternatively use enumerations throughout (and then perhaps a function that maps enumerated values to strings).
In general, it's nicer to do the latter: to pass integers, so that the implementation isn't dependent on the details of strings that might be used in the representation. For example, think about how you would manage localization (translation) if ever you need to make those strings palatable to somebody speaking a different language.
What you are looking for is probably the equivalent of an associative array which can't be provided with the same syntactic sugar in C unfortunately without some silly results.
However, what you can provide is a hashmap if your data conforms to key -> value pairs. What you will need is an appropiate hash function.
There's a decent simple example of a hashtable here:
As already indicated, you need an associative array or hash map or equivalent. One possible source for such code is Hanson's "C Interfaces and Implementations" (code at Google Code - double check licencing terms etc before using it.)
This is an old thread, but I thought this might still be useful for anyone out there looking for an implementation. It doesn't take too much code; I did mine in ~100 lines of without any extra library like Hank Gay suggested. I called it a dictionary since it parallels (sort of) the python datatype. Here is the code:
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
typedef struct hollow_list hollow_list;
struct hollow_list{
unsigned int size;
void *value;
bool *written;
hollow_list *children;
//Creates a hollow list and allocates all of the needed memory
hollow_list hollow_list_create(unsigned int size){
hollow_list output;
output = (hollow_list) {.size = size, .value = (void *) 0, .written = calloc(size, sizeof(bool)), .children = calloc(size, sizeof(hollow_list))};
return output;
//Frees all memory of associated with a hollow list and its children
void hollow_list_free(hollow_list *l, bool free_values){
int i;
for(i = 0; i < l->size; i++){
hollow_list_free(l->children + i, free_values);
//Reads from the hollow list and returns a pointer to the item's data
void *hollow_list_read(hollow_list *l, unsigned int index){
if(index == 0){
return l->value;
unsigned int bit_checker;
bit_checker = 1<<(l->size - 1);
int i;
for(i = 0; i < l->size; i++){
if(bit_checker & index){
if(l->written[i] == true){
return hollow_list_read(l->children + i, bit_checker ^ index);
} else {
return (void *) 0;
bit_checker >>= 1;
//Writes to the hollow list, allocating memory only as it needs
void hollow_list_write(hollow_list *l, unsigned int index, void *value){
if(index == 0){
l->value = value;
} else {
unsigned int bit_checker;
bit_checker = 1<<(l->size - 1);
int i;
for(i = 0; i < l->size; i++){
if(bit_checker & index){
l->children[i] = hollow_list_create(l->size - i - 1);
l->written[i] = true;
hollow_list_write(l->children + i, bit_checker ^ index, value);
bit_checker >>= 1;
typedef struct dictionary dictionary;
struct dictionary{
void *value;
hollow_list *child;
dictionary dictionary_create(){
dictionary output;
output.child = malloc(sizeof(hollow_list));
*output.child = hollow_list_create(8);
output.value = (void *) 0;
return output;
void dictionary_write(dictionary *dict, char *index, unsigned int strlen, void *value){
void *hollow_list_value;
dictionary *new_dict;
int i;
for(i = 0; i < strlen; i++){
hollow_list_value = hollow_list_read(dict->child, (int) index[i]);
if(hollow_list_value == (void *) 0){
new_dict = malloc(sizeof(dictionary));
*new_dict = dictionary_create();
hollow_list_write(dict->child, (int) index[i], new_dict);
dict = new_dict;
} else {
dict = (dictionary *) hollow_list_value;
dict->value = value;
void *dictionary_read(dictionary *dict, char *index, unsigned int strlen){
void *hollow_list_value;
dictionary *new_dict;
int i;
for(i = 0; i < strlen; i++){
hollow_list_value = hollow_list_read(dict->child, (int) index[i]);
if(hollow_list_value == (void *) 0){
return hollow_list_value;
} else {
dict = (dictionary *) hollow_list_value;
return dict->value;
int main(){
char index0[] = "hello, this is a test";
char index1[] = "hello, this is also a test";
char index2[] = "hello world";
char index3[] = "hi there!";
char index4[] = "this is something";
char index5[] = "hi there";
int item0 = 0;
int item1 = 1;
int item2 = 2;
int item3 = 3;
int item4 = 4;
dictionary d;
d = dictionary_create();
dictionary_write(&d, index0, 21, &item0);
dictionary_write(&d, index1, 26, &item1);
dictionary_write(&d, index2, 11, &item2);
dictionary_write(&d, index3, 13, &item3);
dictionary_write(&d, index4, 17, &item4);
printf("%d\n", *((int *) dictionary_read(&d, index0, 21)));
printf("%d\n", *((int *) dictionary_read(&d, index1, 26)));
printf("%d\n", *((int *) dictionary_read(&d, index2, 11)));
printf("%d\n", *((int *) dictionary_read(&d, index3, 13)));
printf("%d\n", *((int *) dictionary_read(&d, index4, 17)));
printf("%d\n", ((int) dictionary_read(&d, index5, 8)));
Unfortunately you can't replicate the list[x] syntax, but this is the best alternative I have come up with.
In "plain C" you can mimic using a string as an index, but not QUITE in the way you seem to be wanting. However, doing so is seldom useful and mostly an excellent way of making your code unreadable. What you seem to be wanting is to be able to use string keys into a dictionary (or "hash table", if you prefer) and there are no built-in data structure for that in C. The exact design would depend on what you want (and, indeed, if this is part of homework, you may not even need to use a full-fledged hash-table implementation but could probably get away with less performant static coding).
An example using a string (OK, a char array) in the "index position) of an a[b] construct:
int main (void)
char *str = "This is a test string";
int x;
for (x=0; x < 12; x += 3)
return 0;
The above is, as far as I can tell, legal C, with a well-defined output (the string "Tss ssi"). It relies on the fact that a[b] is defined to be the same as *(a+b).
