Solr cloud distributed search on collections - solr

Currently I have a zookeeper instance controlling replication on 3 physical servers. It is the solr integrated zookeeper. 1 shard, 1 collection.
I have a new requirement in which I will need a new static solr instance (1 new collection, no replication). Same schema as previous collection. A copy of this instance will also be placed on the 3 physical servers mentioned above. A caveat is that I need to perform distributed searches across the 2 collections and have the results blended.
Thanks to javacreed I now know that sharding is not in my solution. Previous questions answers here and here.
In my current setup I run the following command on the server running zookeeper -
java -Dbootstrap_confdir=solr/myApp/conf -Dcollection.configName=myConfig -DzkRun -DnumShards=1 -jar start.jar
Am I correct in saying that this will not change and I will now also manually start the non replicated collection. I really only need to change my search queries to include the 'collection' parameter? Something like -
This example is from Solr documentation. I am slightly confused as to whether it should be ...solr/collection1/select?... or ...solr/collection2/select?... or if it even matters?

Thanks for your kind word stewart.You can search it directly on solr as
There is no need to mention any collection path since you are defining them in the collection parameters.


Migrate solr standalone index to solrcloud

There are indexes of some solr cores which I convert them from solr4 to solr6 but in solr standalone mode. so they don't have the "version" field that solrcolud require.
Here now I want to migrate to solrcloud 6 and I need to put them under cluster. Because the version field dose not exist there in these indexes when I put them Under a solrcloud leader core on the data directory the replicas in the shard didn't update as I saw. so I decided to read them by lucene, get each doc fields, add them to a solrdoc and then put them doc by doc in solrcloud. But cause there are fields that not stored in these indexes so all fields that exist here in these indexes don't move there.
At the end it seems there is no way for me than re-indexing.
I appreciate if there is any better idea or solutions that can help me migrate more easily.
If there is any chance to reindex, just do so, it's going to be the best in the end (you have to deal with two separate issues: a) migrate from 4.X to 6.0 and b)from standalone to's going to be messy).
If you cannot reindex:
are all your fields stored OR have docValues=true? If so, you can get the original contents of your docs. Read them and index them with solrj or with some script.
if not, and you have a version field: try to manually put the index in Solrcloud. Not straighforward, but possible.
if you don't have a version field, I think it is impossible to put the index as is in Solrcloud (although some post on the net make you think it is). You could try to write some lucene code to add version field to all docs (with values that make sense), but this should be the very last resort.

How to Insert a document to a specific shard in Apache Solr Cloud Mode

Is there a way we can add documents into a specific shard?
For example, documents type A will always get inserted into shard1 and document type B always go to shard2.
I have tried using custom router but it does not guaranty that different prefix will route to different shard.
PS. I am on Solr 5 using cloud mode.
A caveat: I'm using SolrNet to access SolrCloud, and it doesn't integrate with ZooKeeper yet. For Java clients, this might be far easier.
Despite what I read here and here with regard to the CompositeId Router, I could never get it to work. What #jay helped me figure out is a way to use "implicit" routing to achieve this. If you create your collection like this (leave out the numShards parameter):
then add a field to your schema.xml named "shard" (matching the router.field parameter), you can index to a specific shard simply by adding the shard field to the document being indexed and specifying the shard name. At query time, you can specify shards to search -- more here (I was able to simply specify the shard name w/o a specific address).
I haven't tested this in production yet, but have verified using multiple VirtualBox instances, with ZooKeeper, HAProxy, and several Solr nodes, and it's doing exactly what I expected. Corrections and comments welcome.

Apache Solr setup for two diffrent projects

I just started using apache solr with it's data import functionality on my project
by following steps in
but now I have to make two different instances of my project on same server with different databases but with same configuration of solr for both projects. How can I do that?
Please help me if anyone can?
Probably the closest you can get is having two different Solr cores. They will run under the same server but will have different configuration (which you can copy paste).
When you say "different databases", do you mean you want to copy from several databases into one join collection/core? If so, you just define multiple entities and possibly multiple datasources in your DataImportHandler config and run either all of them or individually. See the other question for some tips.
If, on the other hand, you mean different Solr cores/collections, then you just want to run Solr with multiple cores. It is very easy, you just need solr.xml file above your collection level as described on the Solr wiki. Once you get the basics, you may want to look at sharing instance directories and having separate data directories to avoid changing the same config twice (instanceDir vs. dataDir settings on each core).

Index my own data in Solr

I am new to Solr and have a couple of questions to ask help from more experienced people:
I am able to get example running, however what is exactly the start.jar?
I know by running "java -jar start.jar", i can start solr. But do i run this command after i index my own data, not the given sample data? if not, what should i do to run my own solr instance with my own indexed data?
I do need to index my own sample data, not related to the given example solr thing at all. How exactly should i do it? Should i copy the example directory then modify the fields in sechema.xml? should i then run the accordingly to index the data like what i did to set up the example solr?
Thanks a lot for your help!
Decide what will be the document structure u store in SOLR. (Somewhat like creating the schema of a relational DB for one table).
remove the example core and create your own core with that schema
once the schema works with no errors (you check the server logs that hosts the SOLR app) You can start feed the data you have into SOLR. You POST it via HTTP in a specific structure which is documented in the SOLR Wiki. Various frameworks have some classes to handle that.
Marked as Wiki as this is too broad an answer for someone who did not bother to RTFM...
Dear custom indexing is not a difficult task as I have worked on it just a few days ago. First you need to write your documnet is xml,csv or json( format supported in solr) containing fields according to your schema.xml, then run following command in example/exampledocs
For a document mydoc.xml
./ mydoc.xml
if in output, status value is 0 then indexing is successful and you can search your document in solr
Though the question is old, but I am writing for new visitors with same issue. The question can't be answered in few words. You must understand what Solr is, whats Solr Admin UI, why we need Solr instead a relational database. Then you can understand how to import sample data. I have recently published two articles i.e. Solr Introduction and Importing Sample Data, these might be helpful for you.

Running Solr in read-only mode

I think I'm missing something obvious here. I have to imagine a lot of people open up their Solr servers to other developers and don't want them to be able to modify the index.
Is there something in solrconfig.xml that can be set to effectively make the index read-only?
Update for clarification:
My goal is to use Solr with an existing Lucene index managed by another application. This works just fine, but I want to be sure Solr never tries to write to this index.
Exposing a Solr instance to the public internet is a bad idea. Even though you can strip some components to make it read-only, it just wasn't designed with security in mind, it's meant to be used as an internal service, just like you wouldn't expose a RDBMS.
From the Solr Security wiki page:
First and foremost, Solr does not
concern itself with security either at
the document level or the
communication level. It is strongly
recommended that the application
server containing Solr be firewalled
such the only clients with access to
Solr are your own. A default/example
installation of Solr allows any client
with access to it to add, update, and
delete documents (and of course
search/read too), including access to
the Solr configuration and schema
files and the administrative user
Even ajax-solr, a Solr client for javascript meant to run in a browser, recommends talking to Solr through a proxy.
Take for example it's well-known that they use Solr for searching, but they built an API to let others access their content. This way they can define and control exactly what and how they want people to search for things.
Otherwise, any script kiddie can write a trivial loop to DoS your Solr instance and therefore bring down your site.
You can probably just remove the line that defines your solr.XmlUpdateRequestHandler in solrconfig.xml.
Replication is a nice way to setup read-only while being able to do indexation. Just setup a master with restricted access and a slave that is read-only (by removing your XmlUpdateRequestHandler from the config). The slave will be replicated from the master but won't accept any indexation directly.
I just read that in Solr 1.4, you can disable component. I just tried it on the /update requestHandler and I was not able to index anymore.
