AngularJS: ngModel with ngSwitch, cannot watch? - angularjs

I'm trying to make a very simple signup form, which is supposed to work in 2 steps.
I ask the user for his email in the first step
in the second step, I ask the user for the other details (step == 2).
The template is simple;
<div class="input-group layout-container" ng-switch on="step">
<!-- Login -->
<img src="images/yeoman.png">
<form name="signup">
<input type="text" class="form-control login" placeholder="firstname" ng-model="firstname" ng-switch-when="2">
<input type="text" class="form-control login" placeholder="lastname"ng-model="lastname" ng-switch-when="2">
<input type="email" class="form-control login" placeholder="email" ng-model="email" ng-switch-when="1" required>
<span class="error" ng-show="signup.input.$error.required">Cannot be blank</span>
<span class="error" ng-show="signup.input.$">Not a valid email</span>
<input type="password" class="form-control login" placeholder="password" ng-model="pass" ng-switch-when="2"> <br/><br/>
<div class="btn-container">
<button class="btn btn-primary" ng-click="next()">Next</button>
As you can see, there's some basic validation going on as well, and I assign the value of the email to a model I call email.
And the controller goes like this:
.controller('SignupCtrl', function ($scope) {
$scope.msg = "First, your email";
$scope.step = 1;
$ = ''; // this still doesn't help
$scope.$watch('email', function (now, then, scope) {
console.log('email change', now, then);
$ = function () {
$scope.step = Math.min($scope.step + 1, 2);
The problem is this: the $watch on 'email' doesn't ever trigger at all. Where's this going wrong?

I agree with #miqid, that ng-switch creates a new scope implicitly. All the value changes of <input> are actually happened in this isolated child scope. Its parent, where you are doing $watch, will NOT be notified. That's the reason why you cannot watch the variable changes. This is a common pitfall to angular users.
LT;DR simply change any ng-model="foo" to ng-model="$" in your ng-switch block.

Here is a working jsfiddle (of just the part you have a problem with): demo
function ctrl($scope) {
$scope.items = ['one','two'];
$scope.selection = 'two';
$ = {email:''};
$scope.$watch('', function (now, then, scope) {
console.log('email change', now, then);
Note that it will only trigger the watch if the email is valid if the input is type="email".
Edit: updated for use with ng-switch.
Explanation: As noted by miqid, when you use primitives, child scopes have no access to parent scope variables, but when they're objects angular creates a reference in the child scopes.


Reset form after ng-Submit and suppress ng-messages

I have a form which when I submit, I reinitialise it as the form has been submitted. I then show a message and stay on the same page.
However, the form's fields come up with the error messages as the form has been "touched".
Demonstrated below:
I have read some articles about how to go around this but none are working for me.
<form name="newPost" ng-submit="makeNewPost()">
<div class="form-group">
<input name="title" maxlength="46" minlength="2" type="text" class="form-control" ng-model="post.title" required="required">
<div ng-messages="newPost.title.$error" ng-if="newPost.title.$touched">
<div class="errorMessage" ng-message="required">Title is mandatory *</div>
<input type="submit" value="Submit" class="btn btn-success" id="submit">
My controller code to reset the data:
var resetData = function(){
$ = {};
Of course there are more fields but to solve the problem, just this simple code will demonstrate it.
Any input will help. Thanks chaps!
Your resetData function should be:
$scope.resetData = function(){
$ = {};
where newPost is form name & $setUntouched, $setPristine will make form pristine just like initially loaded. Call this function in the end of submit function.

js form submit is not working

I am trying to submit a form, but the values are always empty.
my HTML:
<form novalidate name="creditCardForm" id="creditCardForm" method="POST">
<input type="hidden" name="EPS_MERCHANT" value="{{}}">
<input type="hidden" name="EPS_TIMESTAMP" value="{{}}">
<input type="hidden" name="EPS_TYPE" value="{{}}">
<div class="text-center">
<button class="btn btn-primary" ng-click="">Save</button>
and my js part:
function save(){
and from inspection, these fields all have values
but from the request, these fields are all empty:
update my question:
because this is a special form post that it will call NAB bank api to verify something, so I cannot put each fields into an object and do a ajax/$resource/$http call.
That's a not angular way to submit the form via action attribute. Use ng-submit form attribute and make a $ request async.
<form novalidate name="creditCardForm" id="creditCardForm"
<!-- no input hidden -->
<div class="text-center">
<button class="btn btn-primary">Save</button>
And you dont need hidden inputs in this way.
If I get your question and your requirement correct. You should be using following way:
<form novalidate name="creditCardForm" id="creditCardForm" method="POST">
<input type="hidden" name="EPS_MERCHANT" ng-model="">
<input type="hidden" name="EPS_TIMESTAMP" ng-model="">
<input type="hidden" name="EPS_TYPE" ng-model="">
<div class="text-center">
<button class="btn btn-primary" ng-click="">Save</button>
This is assuming that credit is the alias for your controller.
I have tried to keep your ways of ng-click to call a method on controller. However with forms in angular, you can do the same via ng-submit directive also.
In your controller you will have something like:
$ = function(data){
//use data here as you like
//data.merchantId and other fields
If you are using alias form, then use:
//vm or any other name you have for your `this` instance = function(){
// use data here as you like
I want to try to fix your problem. The first thing that you have to do is add ng-model and ng-value in your form. For example:
<form novalidate name="creditCardForm" id="creditCardForm" ng-submit="save()">
<input type="hidden" ng-model="credit_card.eps_merchant" name="eps_timestamp" ng-value="{{}}">
<input type="hidden" ng-model="credit_card.eps_timestamp" name="eps_timestamp" ng-value="{{}}">
<input type="hidden" ng-model="credit_card.eps_type" name="eps_type" ng-value="{{}}">
<div class="text-center">
<button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary">Save</button>
For the next you can create controller. For example:
angular controller:
.controller('AddCreditCartCtrl', [
function($scope, $location, $http) {
$scope.credit_card = {};
$ = {
merchantId: 'your-merchant-id',
currentGMTTimestamp: 'your-currentGMTTimestamp',
epsType: 'your-epsType'
$ = function () {
$'/yourUrl', {credit_card: $scope.credit_card}).then(function(res){
// Successfully create data
function(response) {
// Failed to create data
I hope this can help you. :)
thanks every body above. just want to share the root cause
I have a directive called <credit-card></credit-card>, and inside this directive, I have the form, with both name and id to be creditCardForm, so when this directive is used in several places, and in the controller I use document.forms["creditCardForm"], js did not know which is the target form, and this results in empty values in the request
hope it can help someone with same problem

Get pristine value in Angular controller

I need to be able to see in the Angular controller if the datepicker is pristine or not. Tried all sorts of things including sending the pristine value in a method but cannot get this value. Below is the view code:
<form name="myForm">
<!-- Datepicker From -->
<div class="small-6 medium-5 large-2 columns" ng-if="vm.subViewActive">
<div class="input-group">
<input name="valuationDatePickerFrom" ng-model="name" type="text" class="datepicker" id="valuationDatePickerFrom" placeholder="DD/MM/YYYY" pikaday="vm.datePickerFrom" on-select="vm.selectStartDate(pikaday)" year-range="{{ vm.yearRange }}" >
<div class="input-group-addon">
<label for="valuationDatePickerFrom" class="postfix">
<i class="fa fa-calendar"></i> From
and then I also tried :
var isPristine = $scope.myForm.valuationDatePickerFrom.$pristine;
in my controller but cannot get the pristine value. Read lots of posts here but mainly to do with CSS classes and front-end control or setting the pristine state from the backend not getting or checking the pristine state.
Thanks anybody that can help.
You are using:
var isPristine = $scope.myForm.valuationDatePickerFrom.$pristine;
but your form's name is not myForm.
Change <input name="name"... <input name="valuationDatePickerFrom"...
Then you can use:
var isPristine = $scope.userForm.valuationDatePickerFrom.$pristine;
Also, the controller is getting called before the view is created, so no myForm exists at the time the controller runs. Try adding a $timeout like so:
$timeout(function() {
var isPristine = $scope.userForm.valuationDatePickerFrom.$pristine;
}, 100);
The above solution only works on page load, but you need to know this value when the page is being used. Instead pass the value to the controller when an action happens:
<form name="myForm">
<input type="text" name="valuationDatePickerFrom" ng-model="valuationDatePicker" ng-blur="alerty(myForm.$pristine)">
.controller('MainController', function($scope) {
$scope.alerty = function(isPristine){
alert('isPristine: ' + isPristine);

Checkbox not sending false value

I have a rails application which use AngularJS and I have a problem with a form, the problem is that I want to use a checkbox to send values true or false, but it only send true if it's checked and false if it's checked and unchecked after that, but if the user doesn't touch the checkbox, then it's not even sent as parameter.
<div class="checkbox">
<input type="checkbox" ng-model="car"> Do you have a car?
What can I do to make it send false if it the user doesn't ever check it?
Edit: The entire form is this, BTW, the form it's about creating a Poll, the car thing was just an example...
<h1>Create Poll</h1>
<form ng-submit="addPoll()" style="margin-top:30px;">
<div class="form-group">
<input type="text" class="form-control" ng-model="title"></input>
<div class="form-group">
<textarea type="text" class="form-control" ng-model="description"></textarea>
<div class="checkbox">
<input type="checkbox" ng-model="allow_anonymous_answer" ng-false-value="false"> Allow anonymous answers
<div class="form-group">
<label>Welcome message</label>
<textarea type="text" class="form-control" ng-model="initial_message"></textarea>
<div class="form-group">
<label>Outgoing Message</label>
<textarea type="text" class="form-control" ng-model="final_message"></textarea>
<button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary" style="float: right;">Continue</button>
When you hit Continue I make HTTP POST request with Restangular to create a Poll, but the problem is that when I don't touch the checkbox this is what I see in the log of Rails...
Started POST "/polls.json" for at 2016-01-26 14:05:57 -0300
Processing by PollsController#create as JSON
Parameters: {"title"=>"asddddddddddddddda", "description"=>"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa", "initial_message"=>"asdasdddddddddd", "final_message"=>"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad", "poll"=>{"title"=>"asddddddddddddddda", "description"=>"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa", "initial_message"=>"asdasdddddddddd", "final_message"=>"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad"}}
Note that the parameter allow_anonymous_answer doesn't even appear, if I check the checkbox then I can see that the parameter is set as true, if I check it and then uncheck it, then it's set as false, but the problem is when the user doesn't even touch this, when this happens then the parameter is not even shown...
Just in case you wanna see, this is the controller of AngularJS...
angular.module('myapp').controller('CreatePollCtrl', ['$scope', 'Restangular',
function($scope, Restangular) {
$scope.addPoll = function() {
var poll = {title: $scope.title, description: $scope.description, allow_anonymous_answer: $scope.allow_anonymous_answer, initial_message: $scope.initial_message, final_message: $scope.final_message};
Restangular.all('polls').post(poll).then(function(response) {
I think you should put a variable in your controller to achieve the binding between your HTML component and your JS code.
I am currently developing an Angular app, and what i do is to initialize all the ng-model variables in the first lines of my controller, so why dont you give a try to this:
In your first controllers lines:
$scope.allow_anonymous_answer = false;
Did you take a look at angular docs:[checkbox]
You can explicitly state what value the checkbox should send when it is not selected using ng-false-value
Add an ng-click to that checkbox and update the model there. Works fine.
<div class="checkbox">
<input type="checkbox" ng-model="car" ng-click="updateCar(this)">Do you have a car?</input>
In your controller:
var updateCar = function(checkbox) {
if (checkbox.checked) {
car = false;
else {
car = true;
I solved it...
In the controller
if ($scope.allow_anonymous_answer == null)
$scope.allow_anonymous_answer = false

Angular form name is passed as string when passed as parameter

I'm simply trying to reset a form using the angular functions $setPristine & $setUntouched (several forms are created with ng-repeat).
I assign the form name dynamically by using the syntax {{ someName }} (the name is build on the server side and is passed as json (string)).
The name of the form is correctly assigned in the markup and validations are working as expected. The problem arrises when I pass that name as a parameter in the ng-click="reset(someName)" function.
When debugging the name comes as a string and not as the form object which causes the error. I did a quick test by hard-coding the name and pass that same name and it works fine.
My assumption is, the name coming from json is a string and the type is forwarded to the function as is, instead of the object.
So the question is: is there a way to convert that name so it is interpretated correctly by the controller. Or maybe there is something else I'm missing...
Here is the markup ( notice the name of the form uses {{ resto.contactForm }} ):
<form novalidate name="{{ resto.contactForm }}" ng-submit="submit(restoContact, resto.contactForm.$valid)" class="sky-form">
<div class="form-group">
<label class="checkbox state-success">
<input type="checkbox" ng-model="restoContact.sameAsUser" name="sameAsUser" id="sameAsUser" value="true" ng-click="contactAutoFill()"><i></i>Contact name is same as current user.
<input type="hidden" name="sameAsUser" value="false" />
<div class="form-group">
<label class="control-label" for="contactName">Contact Name</label>
<input type="text" ng-model="restoContact.contactName" name="contactName" id="contactName" placeholder="John, Doe" class="form-control" required />
<div ng-show="{{ resto.contactForm }}.contactName.$error.required && !{{ resto.contactForm }}.contactName.$pristine" class="note note-error">Please enter a name or check the box 'Same as current user'.</div>
<div class="form-group">
<label class="control-label" for="contactPhoneNumber">Contact Phone Number</label>
<input type="text" ng-model="restoContact.contactPhoneNumber" name="contactPhoneNumber" id="contactPhoneNumber" placeholder="+1 555-1234-567" class="form-control" required ng-pattern="phoneNumberPattern" />
<div ng-show="({{ resto.contactForm }}.contactPhoneNumber.$error.required || {{ resto.contactForm }}.contactPhoneNumber.$error.pattern) && !{{ resto.contactForm }}.contactPhoneNumber.$pristine" class="note note-error">Please enter a valid phone number.</div>
<div class="margin-leftM19">
<button class="btn btn-primary">Save Changes </button>
<button class="btn btn-default" ng-click="reset(resto.contactForm)">Cancel </button>
Here is the reset function in the controller (form comes as "contactForm1" which is the correct name but is a string and not the object):
$scope.reset = function (form) {
if (form) {
//$scope.user = angular.copy($scope.master);
I have not implemented th submit method but I'm sure I will be running into the same issue.
Any suggestions or advices are welcome.
Thanks in advance...
Here is the fidle.js. the variable data is an exact response from the server.
I removed $setUntouched as it throws an error.
You can't dynamically name a <form> or <ng-form>.
Although what you want, is make the form usable in the controller. You could do the following:
// in controller
$scope.form = {};
$scope.reset = function() {
// in html
<form name="">
This is happening because resto.contactForm is a string defined on the scope. The angular directive for form is just creating a variable on the scope with the same name. To get the variable by a string, use $eval. This should work:
$scope.reset = function (formName) {
var form = $scope.$eval(formName);
if (form) {
//$scope.user = angular.copy($scope.master);
