This seems to be an issue that keeps coming back in every web application; you're improving the back-end code and need to alter a table in the database in order to do so. No problem doing manually on the development system, but when you deploy your updated code to production servers, they'll need to automatically alter the database tables too.
I've seen a variety of ways to handle these situations, all come with their benefits and own problems. Roughly, I've come to the following two possibilities;
Dedicated update script. Requires manually initiating the update. Requires all table alterations to be done in a predefined order (rigid release planning, no easy quick fixes on the database). Typically requires maintaining a separate updating process and some way to record and manage version numbers. Benefit is that it doesn't impact running code.
Checking table properties at runtime and altering them if needed. No manual interaction required and table alters may happen in any order (so a quick fix on the database is easy to deploy). Another benefit is that the code is typically a lot easier to maintain. Obvious problem is that it requires checking table properties a lot more than it needs to.
Are there any other general possibilities or ways of dealing with altering database tables upon application updates?
I'll share what I've seen work best. It's just expanding upon your first option.
The steps I've usually seen when updating schemas in production:
Take down the front end applications. This prevents any data from being written during a schema update. We don't want writes to fail because relationships are messed up or a table is suddenly out of sync with the application.
Potentially disconnect the database so no connections can be made. Sometimes there is code out there using your database you don't even know about!
Run the scripts as you described in your first option. It definitely takes careful planning. You're right that you need a pre-defined order to apply the changes. Also I would note often times you need two sets of scripts, one for schema updates and one for data updates. As an example, if you want to add a field that is not nullable, you might add a nullable field first, and then run a script to put in a default value.
Have rollback scripts on hand. This is crucial because you might make all the changes you think you need (since it all worked great in development) and then discover the application doesn't work before you bring it back online. It's good to have an exit strategy so you aren't in that horrible place of "oh crap, we broke the application and we've been offline for hours and hours and what do we do?!"
Make sure you have backups ready to go in case (4) goes really bad.
Coordinate the application update with the database updates. Usually you do the database updates first and then roll out the new code.
(Optional) A lot of companies do partial roll outs to test. I've never done this, but if you have 5 application servers and 5 database servers, you can first roll out to 1 application/1 database server and see how it goes. Then if it's good you continue with the rest of the production machines.
It definitely takes time to find out what works best for you. From my experience doing lots of production database updates, there is no silver bullet. The most important thing is taking your time and being disciplined in tracking changes (versioning like you mentioned).
My company's workflow relies on two MSSQL databases: one for web content data and the other is the ERP. I've been doing some proof of concept on some tools that would serve as an intermediary that builds a relationship between the datasets, and thus far its proving to be monumentally faster.
Instead of reading out to both datasets, I'd much rather house a database on the local Linux box that represents the data I'm working with. That way, its less pressure on the system as a whole.
What I don't understand is if there is a way to update this new database without completely dropping the table each time or running through a punishing line by line check. If the records had timestamps, this would be easy...but they don't.
Does anyone have any tips? Am I missing some crucial feature I don't know about, or am I
Finally, is there one preferred database stack out there anyone thinks might work better than another? I'm not committed to any technology at this point.
Have you read about the MERGE statement in SQL? It allows update or inserts on existing tables.
I assume your tables have primary keys even though you say there is no timestamp.
I have some data that isn't properly "partitioned" (for lack of a better word).
All inserts, processing and reporting happen on the same table. The bulk of the processing happens not long after the insert and not long after that it becomes immutable (we're talking days).
I could do all inserts and processing on a new table that I replicate to the old table. When I detect that the data has become immutable I would delete the data from the new table, but I would edit the delete replication stored procedure so that the delete did not replicate.
How bad an idea is this? <edit1>That is, editing the replication stored procedure.</edit1>
It seems attractive at the moment (I haven't slept on it yet) because it might mitigate a performance problem with only very small changes to the application. It also seems like it might be a good way to shoot myself in the foot.
I like the idea of inserting into two tables because I can avoid the view and the maintenance window described in Jono's answer. No offense, Jono, I actually use this technique elsewhere.
I might want to use replication because one table might be in another database (I know, I didn't mention this) and that way I don't have to worry about committing to two tables, I just let replication handle that.
My actual concern (that I didn't make clear) is that editing the replication stored procedure could end up being a deployment/maintenance headache.
I wouldn't advocate replication to solve a performance issue (unless it's a problem of physical data distribution); if anything it's going to slow your system down as the changes are propagated to their destination. If you're using a single server, I'd suggest adding a second table with the same schema as the first, but with your indexes optimised for the kind of work you do in your processing phase. Then create a view that selects from both tables, and use that view in any query where you want the union of both tables. You could then throw more hardware at the second table (I'm thinking of a separate file group over more spindles) and then migrate the data on a weekly delay into the first table, during an available maintenance window.
What are some strategies that people have had success with for maintaining a change history for data in a fairly complex database. One of the applications that I frequently use and develop for could really benefit from a more comprehensive way of tracking how records have changed over time. For instance, right now records can have a number of timestamp and modified user fields, but we currently don't have a scheme for logging multiple change, for instance if an operation is rolled back. In a perfect world, it would be possible to reconstruct the record as it was after each save, etc.
Some info on the DB:
Needs to have the capacity to grow by thousands of records per week
50-60 Tables
Main revisioned tables may have several million records each
Reasonable amount of foreign keys and indexes set
Using PostgreSQL 8.x
One strategy you could use is MVCC, Multi-Value Concurrency Control. In this scheme, you never do updates to any of your tables, you just do inserts, maintaining version numbers for each record. This has the advantage of providing an exact snapshot from any point in time, and it also completely sidesteps the update lock problems that plague many databases.
But it makes for a huge database, and selects all require an extra clause to select the current version of a record.
If you are using Hibernate, take a look at JBoss Envers. From the project homepage:
The Envers project aims to enable easy versioning of persistent JPA classes. All that you have to do is annotate your persistent class or some of its properties, that you want to version, with #Versioned. For each versioned entity, a table will be created, which will hold the history of changes made to the entity. You can then retrieve and query historical data without much effort.
This is somewhat similar to Eric's approach, but probably much less effort. Don't know, what language/technology you use to access the database, though.
In the past I have used triggers to construct db update/insert/delete logging.
You could insert a record each time one of the above actions is done on a specific table into a logging table that keeps track of the action, what db user did it, timestamp, table it was performed on, and previous value.
There is probably a better answer though as this would require you to cache the value before the actual delete or update was performed I think. But you could use this to do rollbacks.
The only problem with using Triggers is that it adds to performance overhead of any insert/update/delete. For higher scalability and performance, you would like to keep the database transaction to a minimum. Auditing via triggers increase the time required to do the transaction and depending on the volume may cause performance issues.
another way is to explore if the database provides any way of mining the "Redo" logs as is the case in Oracle. Redo logs is what the database uses to recreate the data in case it fails and has to recover.
Similar to a trigger (or even with) you can have every transaction fire a logging event asynchronously and have another process (or just thread) actually handle the logging. There would be many ways to implement this depending upon your application. I suggest having the application fire the event so that it does not cause unnecessary load on your first transaction (which sometimes leads to locks from cascading audit logs).
In addition, you may be able to improve performance to the primary database by keeping the audit database in a separate location.
I use SQL Server, not PostgreSQL, so I'm not sure if this will work for you or not, but Pop Rivett had a great article on creating an audit trail here:
Pop rivett's SQL Server FAQ No.5: Pop on the Audit Trail
Build an audit table, then create a trigger for each table you want to audit.
Hint: use Codesmith to build your triggers.
In the past I've never been a fan of using triggers on database tables. To me they always represented some "magic" that was going to happen on the database side, far far away from the control of my application code. I also wanted to limit the amount of work the DB had to do, as it's generally a shared resource and I always assumed triggers could get to be expensive in high load scenarios.
That said, I have found a couple of instances where triggers have made sense to use (at least in my opinion they made sense). Recently though, I found myself in a situation where I sometimes might need to "bypass" the trigger. I felt really guilty about having to look for ways to do this, and I still think that a better database design would alleviate the need for this bypassing. Unfortunately this DB is used by mulitple applications, some of which are maintained by a very uncooperative development team who would scream about schema changes, so I was stuck.
What's the general consesus out there about triggers? Love em? Hate em? Think they serve a purpose in some scenarios?
Do think that having a need to bypass a trigger means that you're "doing it wrong"?
Triggers are generally used incorrectly, introduce bugs and therefore should be avoided. Never design a trigger to do integrity constraint checking that crosses rows in a table (e.g "the average salary by dept cannot exceed X).
Tom Kyte, VP of Oracle has indicated that he would prefer to remove triggers as a feature of the Oracle database because of their frequent role in bugs. He knows it is just a dream, and triggers are here to stay, but if he could he would remove triggers from Oracle, he would (along with the WHEN OTHERS clause and autonomous transactions).
Can triggers be used correctly? Absolutely.
The problem is - they are not used correctly in so
many cases that I'd be willing to give
up any perceived benefit just to get
rid of the abuses (and bugs) caused by
them. - Tom Kyte
Think of a database as a great big object - after each call to it, it ought to be in a logically consistent state.
Databases expose themselves via tables, and keeping tables and rows consistent can be done with triggers. Another way to keep them consistent is to disallow direct access to the tables, and only allowing it through stored procedures and views.
The downside of triggers is that any action can invoke them; this is also a strength - no-one is going to screw up the integrity of the system through incompetence.
As a counterpoint, allowing access to a database only through stored procedures and views still allows the backdoor access of permissions. Users with sufficient permissions are trusted not to break database integrity, all others use stored procedures.
As to reducing the amount of work: databases are stunningly efficient when they don't have to deal with the outside world; you'd be really surprised how much even process switching hurts performance. That's another upside of stored procedures: rather than a dozen calls to the database (and all the associated round trips), there's one.
Bunching stuff up in a single stored proc is fine, but what happens when something goes wrong? Say you have 5 steps and the first step fails, what happens to the other steps? You need to add a whole bunch of logic in there to cater for that situation. Once you start doing that you lose the benefits of the stored procedure in that scenario.
Business logic has to go somewhere, and there's a lot of implied domain rules embedded in the design of a database - relations, constraints and so on are an attempt to codify business rules by saying, for example, a user can only have one password. Given you've started shoving business rules onto the database server by having these relations and so on, where do you draw the line? When does the database give up responsibility for the integrity of the data, and start trusting the calling apps and database users to get it right? Stored procedures with these rules embedded in them can push a lot of political power into the hands of the DBAs. It comes down to how many tiers are going to exist in your n-tier architecture; if there's a presentation, business and data layer, where does the separation between business and data lie? What value-add does the business layer add? Will you run the business layer on the database server as stored procedures?
Yes, I think that having to bypass a trigger means that you're "doing it wrong"; in this case a trigger isn't for you.
I work with web and winforms apps in c# and I HATE triggers with a passion. I have never come across a situation where I could justify using a trigger over moving that logic into the business layer of the application and replicating the trigger logic there.
I don't do any DTS type work or anything like that, so there might be some use cases for using trigger there, but if anyone in any of my teams says that they might want to use a trigger they better have prepared their arguments well because I refuse to stand by and let triggers be added to any database I'm working on.
Some reasons why I don't like triggers:
They move logic into the database. Once you start doing that, you're asking for a world of pain because you lose your debugging, your compile time safety, your logic flow. It's all downhill.
The logic they implement is not easily visible to anyone.
Not all database engines support triggers so your solution creates dependencies on database engines
I'm sure I could think of more reasons off the top of my head but those alone are enough for me not to use triggers.
"Never design a trigger to do integrity constraint checking that crosses rows in a table" -- I can't agree. The question is tagged 'SQL Server' and CHECK constraints' clauses in SQL Server cannot contain a subquery; worse, the implementation seems to have a 'hard coded' assumption that a CHECK will involve only a single row so using a function is not reliable. So if I need a constraint which does legitimately involve more than one row -- and a good example here is the sequenced primary key in a classic 'valid time' temporal table where I need to prevent overlapping periods for the same entity -- how can I do that without a trigger? Remember this is a primary key, something to ensure I have data integrity, so enforcing it anywhere other than the DBMS is out of the question. Until CHECK constraints get subqueries, I don't see an alternative to using triggers for certain kinds of integrity constraints.
Triggers can be very helpful. They can also be very dangerous. I think they're fine for house cleaning tasks like populating audit data (created by, modified date, etc) and in some databases can be used for referential integrity.
But I'm not a big fan of putting lots of business logic into them. This can make support problematic because:
it's an extra layer of code to research
sometimes, as the OP learned, when you need to do a data fix the trigger might be doing things with the assumption that the data change is always via an application directive and not from a developer or DBA fixing a problem, or even from a different app
As for having to bypass a trigger to do something, it could mean you are doing something wrong, or it could mean that the trigger is doing something wrong.
The general rule I like to use with triggers is to keep them light, fast, simple, and as non-invasive as possible.
I find myself bypassing triggers when doing bulk data imports. I think it's justified in such circumstances.
If you end up bypassing the triggers very often though, you probably need to take another look at what you put them there for in the first place.
In general, I'd vote for "they serve a purpose in some scenarios". I'm always nervous about performance implications.
I'm not a fan, personally. I'll use them, but only when I uncover a bottleneck in the code that can be cleared by moving actions into a trigger. Generally, I prefer simplicity and one way to keep things simple is to keep logic in one place - the application. I've also worked on jobs where access is very compartmentalized. In those environments, the more code I pack into triggers the more people I have to engage for even the simplest fixes.
I first used triggers a couple of weeks ago. We changed over a production server from SQL 2000 to SQL 2005 and we found that the drivers were behaving differently with NText fields (storing a large XML document), dropping off the last byte. I used a trigger as a temporary fix to add an extra dummy byte (a space) to the end of the data, solving our problem until a proper solution could be rolled out.
Other than this special, temporary case, I would say that I would avoid them since they do hide what is going on, and the function they provide should be handled explictly by the developer rather then as some hidden magic.
Honestly the only time I use triggers to simulate a unique index that is allowed to have NULL that don't count for the uniqueness.
As to reducing the amount of work: databases are stunningly efficient when they don't have to deal with the outside world; you'd be really surprised how much even process switching hurts performance. That's another upside of stored procedures: rather than a dozen calls to the database (and all the associated round trips), there's one.
this is a little off topic, but you should also be aware that you're only looking at this from one potential positive.
Bunching stuff up in a single stored proc is fine, but what happens when something goes wrong? Say you have 5 steps and the first step fails, what happens to the other steps? You need to add a whole bunch of logic in there to cater for that situation. Once you start doing that you lose the benefits of the stored procedure in that scenario.
Total fan,
but really have to use it sparingly when,
Need to maintain consistency (especially when dimension tables are used in a warehouse and we need to relate the data in the fact table with their proper dimension . Sometime, the proper row in the dimension table can be very expensive to compute so you want the key to be written straight to the fact table, one good way to maintain that "relation" is with trigger.
Need to log changes (in a audit table for instance, it's useful to know what ##user did the change and when it occurred)
Some RDBMS like sql server 2005 also provide you with triggers on CREATE/ALTER/DROP statements (so you can know who created what table, when, dropped what column, when, etc..)
Honestly, using triggers in those 3 scenarios, I don't see why would you ever need to "disable" them.
The general rule of thumb is: do not use triggers. As mentioned before, they add overhead and complexity that can easily be avoided by moving logic out of the DB layer.
Also, in MS SQL Server, triggers are fired once per sql command, and not per row. For example, the following sql statement will execute the trigger only once.
UPDATE tblUsers
SET Age = 11
WHERE State = 'NY'
Many people, including myself, were under the impression that the triggers are fired on every row, but this isn't the case. If you have a sql statement like the one above that may change data in more than one row, you might want to include a cursor to update all records affected by the trigger. You can see how this can get convoluted very quickly.