Code becomes slower as more boxed arrays are allocated - arrays

Edit: It turns out that things generally (not just array/ref operations) slow down the more arrays have been created, so I guess this might just be measuring increased GC times and might not be as strange as I thought. But I'd really like to know (and learn how to find out) what's happening here though, and if there's some way to mitigate this effect in code that creates lots of smallish arrays. Original question follows.
In investigating some weird benchmarking results in a library, I stumbled upon some behavior I don't understand, though it might be really obvious. It seems that the time taken for many operations (creating a new MutableArray, reading or modifying an IORef) increases in proportion to the number of arrays in memory.
Here's the first example:
module Main
import Control.Monad
import qualified Data.Primitive as P
import Control.Concurrent
import Data.IORef
import Criterion.Main
import Control.Monad.Primitive(PrimState)
main = do
let n = 100000
allTheArrays <- newIORef []
defaultMain $
[ bench "array creation" $ do
newArr <- P.newArray 64 () :: IO (P.MutableArray (PrimState IO) ())
atomicModifyIORef' allTheArrays (\l-> (newArr:l,()))
We're creating a new array and adding it to a stack. As criterion does more samples and the stack grows, array creation takes more time, and this seems to grow linearly and regularly:
Even more odd, IORef reads and writes are affected, and we can see the atomicModifyIORef' getting faster presumably as more arrays are GC'd.
main = do
let n = 1000000
arrs <- replicateM (n) $ (P.newArray 64 () :: IO (P.MutableArray (PrimState IO) ()))
-- print $ length arrs -- THIS WORKS TO MAKE THINGS FASTER
arrsRef <- newIORef arrs
defaultMain $
[ bench "atomic-mods of IORef" $
replicateM 1000 $
atomicModifyIORef' arrsRef (\(a:as)-> (as,()))
Either of the two lines that are commented get rid of this behavior but I'm not sure why (maybe after we force the spine of the list, the elements can actually by collected).
What's happening here?
Is it expected behavior?
Is there a way I can avoid this slowdown?
Edit: I assume this has something to do with GC taking longer, but I'd like to understand more precisely what's happening, especially in the first benchmark.
Bonus example
Finally, here's a simple test program that can be used to pre-allocate some number of arrays and time a bunch of atomicModifyIORefs. This seems to exhibit the slow IORef behavior.
import Control.Monad
import System.Environment
import qualified Data.Primitive as P
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Concurrent.Chan
import Control.Concurrent.MVar
import Data.IORef
import Criterion.Main
import Control.Exception(evaluate)
import Control.Monad.Primitive(PrimState)
import qualified Data.Array.IO as IO
import qualified Data.Vector.Mutable as V
import System.CPUTime
import System.Mem(performGC)
import System.Environment
main :: IO ()
main = do
[n] <- fmap (map read) getArgs
arrs <- replicateM (n) $ (P.newArray 64 () :: IO (P.MutableArray (PrimState IO) ()))
arrsRef <- newIORef arrs
t0 <- getCPUTimeDouble
cnt <- newIORef (0::Int)
replicateM_ 1000000 $
(atomicModifyIORef' cnt (\n-> (n+1,())) >>= evaluate)
t1 <- getCPUTimeDouble
-- make sure these stick around
readIORef cnt >>= print
readIORef arrsRef >>= (flip P.readArray 0 . head) >>= print
putStrLn "The time:"
print (t1 - t0)
A heap profile with -hy shows mostly MUT_ARR_PTRS_CLEAN, which I don't completely understand.
If you want to reproduce, here is the cabal file I've been using
name: small-concurrency-benchmarks
build-type: Simple
cabal-version: >=1.10
executable small-concurrency-benchmarks
main-is: Main.hs
build-depends: base >=4.6
, criterion
, primitive
default-language: Haskell2010
ghc-options: -O2 -rtsopts
Edit: Here's another test program, that can be used to compare slowdown with heaps of the same size of arrays vs [Integer]. It takes some trial and error adjusting n and observing profiling to get comparable runs.
main4 :: IO ()
main4= do
[n] <- fmap (map read) getArgs
let ns = [(1::Integer).. n]
arrsRef <- newIORef ns
print $ length ns
t0 <- getCPUTimeDouble
mapM (evaluate . sum) (tails [1.. 10000])
t1 <- getCPUTimeDouble
readIORef arrsRef >>= (print . sum)
print (t1 - t0)
Interestingly, when I test this I find that the same heap size-worth of arrays affects performance to a greater degree than [Integer]. E.g.
Baseline 20M 200M
Lists: 0.7 1.0 4.4
Arrays: 0.7 2.6 20.4
Conclusions (WIP)
This is most likely due to GC behavior
But mutable unboxed arrays seem to lead to more sever slowdowns (see above). Setting +RTS -A200M brings performance of the array garbage version in line with the list version, supporting that this has to do with GC.
The slowdown is proportional to the number of arrays allocated, not the number of total cells in the array. Here is a set of runs showing, for a similar test to main4, the effects of number of arrays allocated both on the time taken to allocate, and a completely unrelated "payload". This is for 16777216 total cells (divided amongst however many arrays):
Array size Array create time Time for "payload":
8 3.164 14.264
16 1.532 9.008
32 1.208 6.668
64 0.644 3.78
128 0.528 2.052
256 0.444 3.08
512 0.336 4.648
1024 0.356 0.652
And running this same test on 16777216*4 cells, shows basically identical payload times as above, only shifted down two places.
From what I understand about how GHC works, and looking at (3), I think this overhead might be simply from having pointers to all these arrays sticking around in the remembered set (see also: here), and whatever overhead that causes for the GC.

You are paying linear overhead every minor GC per mutable array that remains live and gets promoted to the old generation. This is because GHC unconditionally places all mutable arrays on the mutable list and traverses the entire list every minor GC. See for more information, as well as my mailing list response to your question:

I think you're definitely seeing GC effects. I had a related issue in cassava ( where the GC time was increasing linearly with increasing heap size.
Try to measure how the GC time and mutator time increase as you hold on to more and more arrays in memory.
You can reduce GC time with playing with the +RTS options. For example, try setting -A to your L3 cache size.


Array assembly and StaticArrays under Julia: Why is my performance so bad?

I need to prepare "flattened" versions of 2D fftfrequencies in the shape Nx^2 * 2. Those are basically constructed like a ravel(meshgrid(fftfreqs1d,fftfreqs1d)) in matlab or python.
This appears to be no big deal in python, but can hang for reasonable array sizes in julia, especially when i want to build a StaticArray out of the intermediate results. To make it more confusing, #btime pretends that my arrays are created in no time, while they are clearly not.
My question is why this happens and how it is done right.
I am aware that using julia it might be a waste to keep the full 2D fftfreqs in memory instead of using the 1D versions and a loop, but let us assume for a moment that i need it this way.
function my_freqs1(Nnu::Int,T)
dx = 2. /Nnu
freq1d = fftfreq(Nnu).*dx
nu = hcat( vec([ i for i in freq1d, j in freq1d ]),
vec([ j for i in freq1d, j in freq1d ]))
return nu
#btime my_freqs1(100,Float64)
28.528 μs (10 allocations: 312.80 KiB)
Julia, converting to a static array (in the hope for better performance of other code later on)
function my_freqs2(Nnu::Int,T)
### the same as above ###
return SMatrix{Nnu^2,2,T}(nu)
#btime my_freqs2(100,Float64)
94.540 μs (36 allocations: 470.38 KiB)
def my_fftfreqs(xy):
freqs = np.fft.fftfreq(np.shape(xy)[0],d=xy[1]-xy[0])
fx,fy = np.meshgrid(freqs,freqs,indexing="ij")
freq_list = np.transpose(np.asarray( [np.ravel(fx),np.ravel(fy)] ))
return freq_list
%time f=my_fftfreqs(np.linspace(0,1,100));
CPU times: user 1.08 ms, sys: 0 ns, total: 1.08 ms
Wall time: 600 µs
My observation is that while python %time reports a much longer time, it will actually run in a very reasonable time while the julia version has a noticable delay and the version with the static array will hang for a long time and completely crash for larger sizes.
Please help me to understand how i would do this correctly in Julia and whether (why not?) creating a static array seems to be such a bad idea.
Rather than making a SMatrix{Nnu^2,2} I think you probably want to make a Vector{SVector{2}}. The former will require recompiling for each new value of Nnu which is fairly inefficient.
You may also consider:
using FFTW
my_freqs3(ν) = fftfreq(ν)*2/ν |>
(w -> [repeat(w, inner=length(w)) repeat(w, outer=length(w))])
# or
my_freqs3alt(ν) = ( w = fftfreq(ν)*2/ν ;
[repeat(w, inner=length(w)) repeat(w, outer=length(w))] )
which is more Julian and "if-I-understand-correctly" is equivalent.
Usually shorter/simpler functions are also more efficient.
Julia features used:
Unicode nu variable.
Piping |> operator.
Definition with no function keyword.
repeat standard library vector filling function.
Matlab-like hcat [v1 v2] notation.
Multi-statement block enclosed in ( ) separated by ;.

Why does importing the numpy zeros function fail for parallelization using numba?

According to the Numba docs, numpy array creation functions zeros and ones should be supported. However, testing this with simple functions leads to a nopython error when I import the zeros function from numpy. However, if I do import numpy as np and use np.zeros, there is no problem. Is there some difference in the functions I'm getting from numpy? I'd prefer only to import the functions I need, rather than the entire numpy library.
This code snippet fails:
from numpy import array
from numpy import zeros
from numpy.random import rand
from numba import njit, prange
# #njit()
def prange_test(A):
s = 0
z = zeros((3, 3))
for i in prange(A.shape[0]):
s += A[i]
return s
A = rand(10)
test = prange_test(A)
This code snippet works:
from numpy import array
from numpy.random import rand
from numba import njit, prange
import numpy as np
def prange_test(A):
s = 0
z = np.zeros((3, 3))
for i in prange(A.shape[0]):
s += A[i]
return s
A = rand(10)
test = prange_test(A)
I'm using Numba version 0.35.0, Numpy version 1.13.2
Let's go step by step
a ) the #numba.njit( parallel = True ) decorator's parallel option is (cit.) "experimental" in its efforts to auto-detect chances in the code to introduce some form of parallelism.
b ) the code is almost exactly the code-snippet from numba documentation, using almost exactly the same prange()-constructor code-block, but inside an #autojit decorated example:
from numba import autojit, prange
def parallel_sum(A):
sum = 0.0
for i in prange(A.shape[0]):
sum += A[i]
return sum
c ) error message reports problems inside almost with such auto-detect transformation related to the line 12 which only weakly referenced might be s += A[i], referring to some kind of a problem inside the "automated-understanding" of the intent expressed in the Intermediate Representation of the code-block, where the prange-index ought be used - Var($parfor_index_tuple_var.14) but some type-related or tuple-decoupling-related problem was not able to get resolved by numba.jit-LLVM translator. Yet, the traceback also mentions call_parallel_gufunc to have problems to detect the upper bound of the prange-constructor stop = load_range( stop ), whereas the numba documentation so far mentions that only CPU-directed parallel-code is supported ( not any { GPU | guvectorize | et al }-non-CPU-kernel(s) ), here a better documented MCVE altogether with matching error Traceback would be appreciated, instead of a weakly referring PNG-picture.
d ) last but not least, the numba requires as a mandatory step in the documentation the parallel=True to be used only (cit.) "in conjunction with nopython=True"
How to proceed?
1 ) test the above copied numba-published code as-is, to see, whether the newer release of numba still keeps all the promises that were already working in the previous releases. I.e. use #numba.autojit-decorator and re-run the exact code copy to { POSACK | NACK }-this test.
2 ) test the code, POSACK-ed from step 1, this time under #numba.njit( parallel = True, nopython = True ) decorator ( no other change except the decorator ) to
{ POSACK | NACK }-influence of the decorator-policy.
3 ) test the code, POSACK-ed from step 2, this time with other modifications
Conceptual remarks:
With all due respect to the numba-team, there could hardly be a worse example of parallel and prange() anti-pattern than this one.
Besides the awfully immense overhead costs of the [PAR]-process section setup and an absolutely nothing to efficiently compute in parallel ( just notice the actual value dependency-graph .. ) the criticism on the Amdahl's Law initial, add-on overheads-agnostic, formulation shows how much one can pay for principally just worse than original performance. Parallel process scheduling typically has exactly the opposite motivation.
If indeed interested in smarter code-execution, use numba.jit having much better performance/cost ratio:
shave off any residual type-analyses related parts of the IR-code using explicit announcements of the calling-interface signatures
avoid memory allocations inside the performance-tuned code, rather pre-allocate and pass as another parameter
extend calling interface, so as to avoid things well known at the caller side to be deferred into the numba-automated code-analyses
#numba.jit( 'float64( float64[:], int64, float64[:,:] )', nogil = True, nopython = True )
def prange_test( vectorA, #
vectorAshape0, # avoids numba-code to speculate on type
arrayZ # avoids "local" new memory allocation
sum = 0
return sum
from zmq import Stopwatch; aClk = Stopwatch()
def a_just_vectorised_sum( vectorA ):
return vectorA.sum()
A = np.random.rand( 1000000 )
aClk.start(); s = a_just_vectorised_sum( A ); aClk.stop()
Benchmark. Always. Always on a real-world sized dataset. Never rely on a schoolbook sized artifacts, but go into real-world scales.
Results show that the 1.000.000 cell-sized vector took about 1,200 [us] ~ 0.0012 [s] to sum(), leaving less than about 1.2 [ns] per cell sum()-ed this sets a yardstick to compare any other implementation against.

Optimize a file writing operation in OCaml?

basically in my project, I am trying to write a list of strings into file like this:
val mutable rodata_list : (string*string) list = []
let zip1 ll = (fun (h,e) -> h^e) ll in
let oc = open_out_gen [Open_append; Open_creat] 0o666 "final_data.s" in
List.iter (fun l -> Printf.fprintf oc "%s\n" l) (zip1 rodata_list);
Here is my problem, usually the rodata_list can reach as long as 800,000 size, and the above code on our server (64-bit, 32 core Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2690 0 # 2.90GHz) takes about 3.5 seconds.. The OCaml version I use is 4.01.0.
This is not acceptable, especially as I have 4 piece of code like this to write into a file. Totally they could take me over 15 seconds..
I tried this:
Printf.fprintf oc "%s\n" (String.concat "\n" (zip1 rodata_list));
But no obvious improvement..
So I am wondering that, how to optimize this part? I appreciate any solutions. Thank you!
Don't use ^ to concatenate a bunch of strings in performance critical code, as it will lead to quadratic complexity;
Try not to rely on *printf functions, when performance matters (although in OCaml 4.02 it is pretty fast);
Don't apply several iterations on a list in a row, since OCaml doesn't have a deforesting. Try to do as much operations in an iteration as possible;
If you're using lists of 1 million elements, then you're actually doing something wrong. Try to use different data structure;
So, given the advices above we have the following:
List.iter (fun (x,y) ->
output_string oc x;
output_string oc y;
output_char oc '\n') rodata_list
Also, any optimizations should start from profiling, to get the profile you need to compile it with profiling info, for example like this:
ocamlbuild myprogram.p.native
Then you can run program to collect the profile, that can be read with gprof. My guess, that you will spend all the time not in the actual IO, or even concatenation, but in garbage collection, since your zip, will create millions of string.
How fast it should be
So to proof, that you're actually trying to optimize wrong part of your code, I've wrote this small program:
let rec init_rev acc = function
| 0 -> acc
| n -> init_rev (("hello", "world") :: acc) (n-1)
let () = List.iter (fun (x,y) ->
print_string x;
print_endline y) (init_rev [] 1000_000)
It creates a list of one million elements and outputs it:
$ ocamlbuild main.native
$ time ./main.native > data.txt
real 0m0.998s
user 0m0.211s
sys 0m0.783s
This is on macbook laptop. Moreover we spend most of the time in the system, with only 200ms in OCaml. And a simple loop for 1000_000 iterations without creating a list, takes only 11ms.
So, profile.

Haskell Constant Propagation on Data Structures?

I want to know how deeply Haskell evaluates data structures at compile time.
Consider the following list:
simpleTableMultsList :: [Int]
simpleTableMultsList = [n*m | n <- [1 ..9],m <- [1 ..9]]
This list gives a representation of the multiplication table for 1 through 9. Now, suppose we want to change it so that we represent the product of two one digit numbers as a pair of numbers (first digit, second digit). Then we may consider
simpleTableMultsList :: [(Int,Int)]
simpleTableMultsList = [(k `div` 10, k `rem` 10) | n <- [1 ..9],m <- [1 ..9],let k = n*m]
Now we can implement multiplication on one digit numbers as a table lookup. YAY!! However, we want to be more efficient than this! So we want to make this structure an unboxed array. Haskell gives a really great way to do this using
import qualified Data.Array.Unboxed as A
Then we can do:
simpleTableMults :: A.Array (Int,Int) (Int,Int)
simpleTableMults = A.listArray ((1,1),(9,9)) simpleTableMultsList
Now if I want a constant time multiplication of two one digit numbers n and m, I can do:
simpleTableMults ! (n,m)
This is great! Now suppose I compile this module we've been working on. Does the simpleTableMults get fully evaluated so that when I run the computation simpleTableMults ! (n,m), the program literally makes a lookup in memory ... or does it have to build the data structure in memory first. Since it is an unboxed array, my understanding is that the Array must be created at once and is completely strict in its elements -- so that all the elements of the array are fully evaluated.
So really my question is: when does this evaluation occur, and can I force it to occur at compile time?
------- Edit ---------------
I tried to dig further on this! I tried compiling and examining information about the core. It seems GHC is performing a lot of reductions on the code at compile time. I wish I knew more about core to be able to tell. If we compile with
ghc -O2 -ddump-simpl-stats Main.hs
We can see that 98 beta reductions are performed, an unpack-list operation is carried out, many things are unfolded, and a bunch of inlines are performed (around 150). It even tells you where the beta reductions occur, ... since the word IxArray is coming, I am more curious if some sort of simplification is occuring. Now the interesting thing from my point of view is that adding
simpleTableMults = D.deepseq t t
where t = A.listArray ((1,1),(9,9)) simpleTableMultsList
increases the number of beta reductions, inlines, and simplifications quite substantially at compile time. It would be really great if I could load the compiled into a debugger of some sort and "view" the data structure! I am, as it stands, more mistified than before.
------ Edit 2 -------------
I still don't know what beta reductions are being performed. However, I did find out some interesting things based on sassa-nf's repsonse response. For the following experiment, I used the ghc-heap-view package. I changed the way Array was represented in the source according to the Sassa-NF answer. I loaded the program into GHCi, and immediately called
:printHeap simpleTableMults
And as expected got a index too large exception. But under the suggested unpacked datatype, I got a let expression with a toArray and a bunch of _thunks, and some _funs. Not really sure yet what these mean ... The other interesting thing is that by using seq, or some other strictness forcing in the source code, I ended up with all _thunks inside of the let. I can upload the exact emission if that helps.
Also, if I perform a single indexing, the array gets completely evaluated in all cases.
Also, there is no way to call ghci with optimizations, so I might not be getting the same results as when compiled with GHC -O2.
Let's exaggerate:
import qualified Data.Array.Unboxed as A
simpleTableMults :: A.Array (Int,Int) (Int,Int)
simpleTableMults = A.listArray ((1,1),(10000,2000))
[(k `div` 10, k `rem` 10) | n <- [1 ..10000],m <- [1 ..2000],let k = n*m]
main = print $ simpleTableMults A.! (10000,1000)
ghc -O2 -prof b.hs
b +RTS -hy
......Out of memory
hp2hs b.exe.hp
What happened?! You can see the heap consumption graph to go above 1GB, and then it died.
Well, the pair is computed eagerly, but the projections of the pair are lazy, so we end up with tons of thunks to compute k ``div`` 10 and k ``rem`` 10.
import qualified Data.Array.Unboxed as A
data P = P {-# UNPACK #-} !Int {-# UNPACK #-} !Int deriving (Show)
simpleTableMults :: A.Array (Int,Int) P
simpleTableMults = A.listArray ((1,1),(10000,2000))
[P (k `div` 10) (k `rem` 10) |
n <- [1 ..10000],m <- [1 ..2000],let k = n*m]
main = print $ simpleTableMults A.! (10000,1000)
This one is fine, because we eagerly computed the pair.

Non-monolithic arrays in Haskell

I have accepted an answer to the question below, but It seemed I misunderstood how Arrays in haskell worked. I thought they were just beefed up lists. Keep that in mind when reading the question below.
I've found that monolithic arrays in haskell are quite inefficient when using them for larger arrays.
I haven't been able to find a non-monolithic implementation of arrays in haskell. What I need is O(1) time look up on a multidimensional array.
Is there an implementation of of arrays that supports this?
EDIT: I seem to have misunderstood the term monolithic. The problem is that it seems like the arrays in haskell treats an array like a list. I might be wrong though.
EDIT2: Short example of inefficient code:
fibArray n = a where
bnds = (0,n)
a = array bnds [ (i, f i) | i <- range bnds ]
f 0 = 0
f 1 = 1
f i = a!(i-1) + a!(i-2)
this is an array of length n+1 where the i'th field holds the i'th fibonacci number. But since arrays in haskell has O(n) time lookup, it takes O(n²) time to compute.
You're confusing linked lists in Haskell with arrays.
Linked lists are the data types that use the following syntax:
defined as:
data [a] = [] | a : [a]
These are classical recursive data types, supporting O(n) indexing and O(1) prepend.
If you're looking for multidimensional data with O(1) lookup, instead you should use a true array or matrix data structure. Good candidates are:
Repa - fast, parallel, multidimensional arrays -- (Tutorial)
Vector - An efficient implementation of Int-indexed arrays (both mutable and immutable), with a powerful loop optimisation framework . (Tutorial)
HMatrix - Purely functional interface to basic linear algebra and other numerical computations, internally implemented using GSL, BLAS and LAPACK.
Arrays have O(1) indexing. The problem is that each element is calculated lazily. So this is what happens when you run this in ghci:
*Main> :set +s
*Main> let t = 100000
(0.00 secs, 556576 bytes)
*Main> let a = fibArray t
Loading package array- ... linking ... done.
(0.01 secs, 1033640 bytes)
*Main> a!t -- result omitted
(1.51 secs, 570473504 bytes)
*Main> a!t -- result omitted
(0.17 secs, 17954296 bytes)
Note that lookup is very fast, after it's already been looked up once. The array function creates an array of pointers to thunks that will eventually be calculated to produce a value. The first time you evaluate a value, you pay this cost. Here are a first few expansions of the thunk for evaluating a!t:
a!t -> a!(t-1)+a!(t-2)-> a!(t-2)+a!(t-3)+a!(t-2) -> a!(t-3)+a!(t-4)+a!(t-3)+a!(t-2)
It's not the cost of the calculations per se that's expensive, rather it's the need to create and traverse this very large thunk.
I tried strictifying the values in the list passed to array, but that seemed to result in an endless loop.
One common way around this is to use a mutable array, such as an STArray. The elements can be updated as they're available during the array creation, and the end result is frozen and returned. In the vector package, the create and constructN functions provide easy ways to do this.
-- constructN :: Unbox a => Int -> (Vector a -> a) -> Vector a
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as V
import Data.Int
fibVec :: Int -> V.Vector Int64
fibVec n = V.constructN (n+1) c
c v | V.length v == 0 = 0
c v | V.length v == 1 = 1
c v | V.length v == 2 = 1
c v = let len = V.length v
in v V.! (len-1) + v V.! (len-2)
BUT, the fibVec function only works with unboxed vectors. Regular vectors (and arrays) aren't strict enough, leading back to the same problem you've already found. And unfortunately there isn't an Unboxed instance for Integer, so if you need unbounded integer types (this fibVec has already overflowed in this test) you're stuck with creating a mutable array in IO or ST to enable the necessary strictness.
Referring specifically to your fibArray example, try this and see if it speeds things up a bit:
-- gradually calculate m-th item in steps of k
-- to prevent STACK OVERFLOW , etc
gradualth m k arr
| m <= v = pre `seq` arr!m
pre = foldl1 (\a b-> a `seq` arr!b) [u,u+k..m]
(u,v) = bounds arr
For me, for let a=fibArray 50000, gradualth 50000 10 aran at 0.65 run time of just calling a!50000 right away.
