Add Hyperlink to Alert with Titanium - mobile

Is it possible to add a hyperlink to an alert box when using Titanium? If so, how?

if you are asking for android then use androidView property of alertDialog. You can use any view like label or webview for hyperlink in android and assign it to alert dialog's view.
For IOS you need custom View which would look like alert dialog


How to create popup in cake php

my question is about :I want to create a popup window in the same page with a transparent UI stuff and few buttons in that which cane be in the same action
try to search "modal" on Google. It running on Javascript and CSS

Hide/Show a FormPanel in GWT

I'm building a web application with GWT/GAE, and i wanna show a Pop-up to allow user to upload images.
According to this tutorial, i need a FormPanel with a FileUpload widget to do the Job. I have extended the Panel and added the proper Widgets, but i don't know how to show the panel when -for example- a user clics a link.
FormPanel javadoc doesn't have a show or hide method, which i used when i worked with PopupPanel or DialogBox. How can i accomplish this in GWT?
PS: I'm not using UIBinder, only plain Java Code
How about adding the FormPanel as a child to a PopupPanel and DialogBox?
PopupPanel and DialogPanels are HTML absolute divs, attached to the document root, which is why they seem to float freely from the rest of your application. A FormPanel is just a widget and is a div elemen positioned relative to the parent it's attached.

Iphone Style checbox

I am developing a WPF application an need checkbox like we do inIphone interface.
I am able to get that done with help of this.
But I want user can silder the slider as they can do in Iphone. So they can either click or silder the slider to toggle the check box.
Thanks in advance
Also found this link that enables to use WP7 togglebutton in WPF. But am unable to see any output.

Display modal Silverlight popup on HTML button click

I have the following desired workflow: on HTML button click a Silverlight modal popup (dialog) must be displayed. No Silverlight content is displayed before HTML button click and no Silverlight content must be displayed after exiting from modal SL popup.
According to our customer inclination we couldn't use another technology for such popups.
Any thoughts on how to accomplish mentioned workflow?
I'm quite new to Silverlight so all the ideas are highly appreciated.
The requirement is a little unusual, but here goes...
I am assuming you have a Silverlight test project and know enough HTML/JScript to popup a window, as you tagged this question as Silverlight only.
Think of Silverlight as just another component you can put on a web page. Any web page. It can be a small control, or fill a HTML window.
In your case you want to simply put your Silverlight startup code into a html page that a popup window can show. The popup window will be triggered by JScript attached to a button.
The Silverlight startup code is usually generated for you in a HTML test webpage in your Silverlight Webproject. Copy it from there.
If you need more detailed instructions for a specific example, please provide more detail.

open new silverlight window when button click

I created a Silverlight window and I want it to appear when I press a button. How can
I do that? It doesn't has a "show" method...
To open a new address in a new window use:-
HtmlPage.Window.Navigate(new Uri("the address here"), "_blank");
Silverlight Simplified MVVM Modal Popup
If you want to browse to a new silverlight application hosted in another html page you should use the NavigationService class to accomplish that.
If you on the other hand want to display another view defined in your silverlight application then you should do something like this Silverlight 3 Navigation.
