cakephp pagination GET params - cakephp

I have problem with cakephp pagination if i pass GET url
everything work fine if i don't add use GET param
like this
page #2
but when i add GET param the like become this
it come which extra 'imsystem', how to remove this?
for the $paginator->options($opt);
this is for normal url
$opt['url'] =
'', $this->params['action']);
if with GET param
i set
$opt['url'] = $args;
which is array
Array (
[url] => Array
[?] => Employee_name=&akhir_tanggal=&Employee_branch_id=1&Employee_departement_id=1

Please verify your html urls
they proubly have something like <a href ="#imsystem/">

It's not apparent where the second imsystem comes from as the code which is apparently responsible for defining that is in the question. However:
That won't work
Unless you're using js (in which case - you don't really need js for defining the pagination links) - if you have a url of the form:
The only thing that is seen server side is:
The url fragment only exists on the browser, which means that irrespective of the url, it will be page one with default sort/limit/order.
It's probably a good idea to setup pagination using get parameters, which will "just work" and go from there.


Pretty url with Angularjs/.htaccess

I've been struggling with this for a week now. I use Anguarjs and I set the html5mode(true) to get rid of the hash sign "#" that you needed in the url before.
Everything works fine amd my URL logic works with Query Parameters.
And it changes and refresh the page when I click on something else and then it displays the right content.
I just want to be able to have a link like:
And come to the same page.
That actually will point you to the first one with query params.
I feels like I've tried everything in the .htaccess file with rewrite rules and everything with angular routing. I just don't get it.
you want to use the : syntax in your routing.
In your routing add a route like this:
Then you can use:
To get the value "banana"
This might help ... AngularJS: Read route param from within controller

angular automatically removes parameters form url

In my application i am passing parameters for controller and read it using javascript as below.
now problem is if i open my conroller in url and than append #parameter=value than only it works.
but i want to put whole link in anchor tag.
and when i click outside application than it automatically reroute localhost:8080/app/conroller and don't accept parameters.Although when opening that url if i apped #parameter=value* part than it works perfect.
i am using html5mode = true.
i search lots of document but didnt find right solution for this.
Not exactly sure if I get what you are asking but I think this is what you are getting at:
href="/app/conroller#parameter=value" target="_self"
Try adding the target self.
If that doesn't work you could try setting a base url <base href="/"></base>
You could try using ? for the query parameter instead of the #

AngularJS: How to clear query parameters in the URL?

My AngularJS application needs to have access to the user's LinkedIn profile. In order to do that I need to redirect the user to a LinkedIn URL which contains a callback redirect_uri parameter which will tell LinkedIn to redirect the user back to my webapp and include a "code" query param in the URL. It's a traditional Oauth 2.0 flow.
Everything works great except that LinkedIn redirects the user back to the following URL:
I would like to remove ?code=XXX&state=YYY from the URL in order to make it clean. The user does not need to see the query parameters I received from LinkedIn redirect.
I tried $location.absUrl($location.path() + $location.hash()).replace(), but it keep the query params in the URL.
I am also unable to extract the query parameters, e.g. "code", using ($
It seems like having ? before # in the URL above is tricking Angular.
I use
$'key', null)
As this not only deletes my key but removes it from the visibility on the URL.
I ended up getting the answer from AngularJS forum. See this thread for details
The link is to a Google Groups thread, which is difficult to read and doesn't provide a clear answer. To remove URL parameters use
To remove ALL query parameters, do:
To remove ONE particular query parameter, do:
$'myQueryParam', null);
To clear an item delete it and call $$compose
if ($location.$$search.yourKey) {
delete $location.$$search.yourKey;
derived from angularjs source :
You can delete a specific query parameter by using:
delete $location.$$search.nameOfParameter;
Or you can clear all the query params by setting search to an empty object:
$location.$$search = {};
At the time of writing, and as previously mentioned by #Bosh, html5mode must be true in order to be able to set $ and have it be reflected back into the window’s visual URL.
See for more info.
But if html5mode is true you can easily clear the URL’s query string with:
This will also alter the window’s visual URL.
(Tested in AngularJS version 1.3.0-rc.1 with html5Mode(true).)
Need to make it work when html5mode = false?
All of the other answers work only when Angular's html5mode is true. If you're working outside of html5mode, then $location refers only to the "fake" location that lives in your hash -- and so $ can't see/edit/fix the actual page's search params.
Here's a workaround, to be inserted in the HTML of the page before angular loads:
if ("code=")){
var newHash = "/after-auth" +;
if (window.history.replaceState){
window.history.replaceState( {}, "", window.location.toString().replace(, ""));
window.location.hash = newHash;
If you want to move to another URL and clear the query parameters just use:
Just use
Instead of
If you are using routes parameters just clear $routeParams
$routeParams= null;
How about just setting the location hash to null
if you process the parameters immediately and then move to the next page, you can put a question mark on the end of the new location.
for example, if you would have done
you can do this instead:
I've tried the above answers but could not get them to work. The only code that worked for me was $ = ''
I can replace all query parameters with this single line: ${});
Easy to understand and easy way to clear them out.
The accepted answer worked for me, but I needed to dig a little deeper to fix the problems with the back button.
What I noticed is that if I link to a page using <a ui-sref="page({x: 1})">, then remove the query string using $'x', null), I don't get an extra entry in my browser history, so the back button takes me back to where I started. Although I feel like this is wrong because I don't think that Angular should automatically remove this history entry for me, this is actually the desired behaviour for my particular use-case.
The problem is that if I link to the page using <a href="/page/?x=1"> instead, then remove the query string in the same way, I do get an extra entry in my browser history, so I have to click the back button twice to get back to where I started. This is inconsistent behaviour, but actually this seems more correct.
I can easily fix the problem with href links by using $'x', null).replace(), but then this breaks the page when you land on it via a ui-sref link, so this is no good.
After a lot of fiddling around, this is the fix I came up with:
In my app's run function I added this:
$rootScope.$on('$locationChangeSuccess', function () {
$rootScope.locationPath = $location.path();
Then I use this code to remove the query string parameter:
$'x', null);
if ($location.path() === $rootScope.locationPath) {

cakephp pagination: how to set a different 'page' parameter

Is there any way to configure a different param for the current page number?
for example, I have this paginated url:
And I would like to have the url like this:
Thank you!
You could simply use the router to transform the URL into something else that matches your needs by adding a rewrite rule for that URL. Without researching it further I think this is the most easy solution.
Another one might be to check in Controller::beforeFilter() if your custom named arg is set and copy/set it to params['named']['page'].
Or extend the Paginator component and create your customized version of it.

How can I access a parameter sent through the URL within my view files in CakePHP?

I'm new to CakePHP but I've been though their FAQs and guides to no avail. This is so simple that I just must not be thinking straight:
How can I access a parameter sent through the URL within my view files?
How would I take that parameter ("6") and cycle it through the controller to another view page?
If that's too complex for a quick answer, how can I reference the 6 within the view page itself? The 6 in this situation is the "Id" value in my database, and I need to set it as the "parent" -
Parameters can be retrieved like this
Returns an array (numerically indexed) of URL parameters after the Action.
// URL: /posts/view/12/print/narrow
[0] => 12
[1] => print
[2] => narrow
To access the parameter in your view look in $this->params
The URL, as you have it, will call the 6() method of your ViewController, which is not a valid method name. You may have to play with your routes to make that work.
If you don't want to configure your routes, you'll need the controller in the URL, like so:
which will call thingerControllerObject->view("6"). If you want "/view/" to go to a different method, edit the routes. See:
Cake controllers
Cake routes
Use the code below in the view file :
$url=Router::url($this->here, true);
To see the content of $url been exploded simply print it using pr() as below :
It will print associative array, thus you can access any particular number of parameter sent via url.
