Postgres CASE statement - database

I cant seem to make the CASE part work
SELECT ROUND((SUM((to_number(g.grade, '9D99') * s.subjunits)))/(SUM(s.subjunits)), 2), CASE WHEN g.grade='DRP' THEN '5.00' END
FROM (grade g
INNER JOIN registration r ON r.grade_id = g.grade_id)
INNER JOIN subject s ON s.subjcode = r.subjcode
WHERE g.grade NOT IN ('INC', 'W', 'INP')
AND = right(to_char(extract(year from now()- interval '1 year'),'9999'), 4)||'-'||right(to_char(extract(year from now()), '9999'),4)
AND r.sem IN ('1', '2')
AND r.studid='2012-0004'
GROUP BY g.grade;
all I really want is to do is, if a student has a grade of DRP it'll automatically be counted as 5.0 so that the database could include DRP in calculating the GPA.
but it just says
ERROR: invalid input syntax for type numeric: " "
********** Error **********
ERROR: invalid input syntax for type numeric: " "
SQL state: 22P02
currently using postgresql 9.3.2

A case statement returns a value that has nothing inherently to do with any of the values that you fed into it. You seem to be thinking that your case statement will update the value of g.grade. It won't. I think what you want to do is use a case statement in place of the value for g.grade in your first function. Maybe:
SELECT ROUND((SUM((to_number((case when g.grade='DRP' then '5.00' else g.grade end), '9D99') * s.subjunits)))/(SUM(s.subjunits)), 2)
I don't have a copy of Postgres handy so I can't test this, and I'm not familiar with the to_number function (it's been years since I used Postgres). But that's not the point of your question, so if that's not the correct way to call to_number, that's a different issue.

The CASE part is ok (although you miss an ELSE there, it should still work and optionally return NULL).
The error is caused by the TO_NUMBER() function.


Snowflake with regular expression

Trying to run the below SQL in Snowflake:
SELECT fm_id ,
WHEN regexp_instr(ASSD,'...',1) > 0
THEN regexp_SUBSTR(ASSD,1,regexp_instr(ASSD,'...',1)-1)
(SELECT a.fm_id,
listagg(a.STUID, '; ') within GROUP (
from stu_d a
where fm_id = 1222
group by a.fm_id
Getting error:
"Invalid parameter value: 0. Reason: Position must be positive"
seems it is failing at -1 or 0 value in above case statement.
What am I doing wrong?
Without seeing your table it's hard to say, but regexp_instr() will return 1 when the pattern is at the beginning of the string. Then, you subtract 1, and 0 is an invalid position argument to regexp_substr(). doc
Perhaps you intended to use SUBSTR not REGEX_SUBSTR()

SSMS Error "An expression of non-boolean type specified in a context where a condition is expected, near '('"

I am getting the titled error from a number of SQL Server views I am trying to create. They are modified from a MS Access database I'm upgrading to use SQL as the back end. See SQL below:
SELECT dbo.Site_Info_All.SiteID,
IIf(dbo.Site_Info_All.Fixed_Charge, N'Yes', N'No') AS [Fixed Charge],
dbo.Site_Info_All.Fixed_Charge_Date, dbo.MG_Definition.MG_Definition
FROM dbo.MG_Definition INNER JOIN
dbo.Site_Info_All ON dbo.MG_Definition.MG_DefinitionID =
It looks as though I'm being told that the Fixed_Charge field is not boolean, except that it is. I'm encountering this issue with multiple views. What am I doing wrong?
It's not boolean. It's a bit. :)
A bit column doesn't directly evaluate to true or false, the way a bool does in other languages. You actually have to compare it to another bit value to return the boolean value.
declare #bit bit = 1;
if (#bit) print '#bit was true'; -- this does not work
if (#bit = 1) print '#bit = 1 was true'; -- this works
What you want is:
... IIf(dbo.Site_Info_All.Fixed_Charge = 1, N'Yes', N'No') ...
SELECT dbo.Site_Info_All.SiteID,
IIf(dbo.Site_Info_All.Fixed_Charge = 1, N'Yes', N'No') AS [Fixed Charge],
FROM dbo.MG_Definition
INNER JOIN dbo.Site_Info_All ON dbo.MG_Definition.MG_DefinitionID = dbo.Site_Info_All.MG_DefinitionID
In the end, I decided that IIF simply wasn't working for whatever reason. An answer to that would be very welcome, btw.
I used
SELECT dbo.Site_Info_All.SiteID,
CASE WHEN dbo.Site_Info_All.Fixed_Charge = 1
END AS [Fixed Charge], dbo.Site_Info_All.Fixed_Charge_Date,
FROM dbo.MG_Definition INNER JOIN
dbo.Site_Info_All ON dbo.MG_Definition.MG_DefinitionID =
That gave me the results I was after, but only after pulling out what little hair I have left.

Weird SQL Error (Bug)

So this is really weird.
I run a sql command from .net on sqlserver with a 'Select Count(*)' and get a response like "Needs attention CA" (which is in a varchar of one field of one record of the inner joined tables).
Huh? How can Count(*) return a string? 999 out of 1000 times this code executes correctly. Just sometimes on some clients servers it will throw a string of errors for an hour or so only to miraculously stop again.
This is my sqlcommand:
SELECT Count(*)
FROM patientsappointments
INNER JOIN appointmenttypes
ON patientsappointments.appointmenttypeid =
WHERE ( ( > #WeekStartDate
AND < #WeekFinishDate )
AND ( patientsappointments.status = 'Pending' )
AND ( patientsappointments.doctorid = #DoctorID )
AND ( appointmenttypes.appointmentname <> 'Note' ) )
And these are the parameters:
#WeekStartDate = 24/06/2013 12:00:00 AM (DateTime)
#WeekFinishDate = 1/07/2013 12:00:00 AM (DateTime)
#DoctorID = 53630c67-3a5a-406f-901c-dbf6b6d1b20f (UniqueIdentifier)
I do a sqlcmd.executescalar to get the result. Any ideas?
The actual executed code is:
SyncLock lockRefresh
Dim WeekFulfilled, WeekPending As Integer
Using conSLDB As New SqlConnection(modLocalSettings.conSLDBConnectionString)
Dim mySQL As SqlCommand
mySQL = New SqlCommand("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM PatientsAppointments INNER JOIN AppointmentTypes ON PatientsAppointments.AppointmentTypeID = AppointmentTypes.AppointmentTypeID " & _
"WHERE ((PatientsAppointments.Date > #WeekStartDate AND PatientsAppointments.Date < #WeekFinishDate) AND (PatientsAppointments.Status = 'Pending') " & _
"AND (PatientsAppointments.DoctorID = #DoctorID) AND (AppointmentTypes.AppointmentName <> 'Note'))", conSLDB)
mySQL.Parameters.Add("#WeekStartDate", SqlDbType.DateTime).Value = MonthCalendar1.SelectionStart.Date.AddDays(-MonthCalendar1.SelectionStart.Date.DayOfWeek).AddDays(1)
mySQL.Parameters.Add("#WeekFinishDate", SqlDbType.DateTime).Value = MonthCalendar1.SelectionStart.Date.AddDays(-MonthCalendar1.SelectionStart.Date.DayOfWeek).AddDays(8)
mySQL.Parameters.Add("#DoctorID", SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier).Value = cboDoctors.SelectedValue
'got errors here like "Conversion from string "R2/3" to type 'Integer' is not valid." Weird.
'failing on deadlock - maybe due to simultaneous updating from udp event. Try adding random delay to refresh
WeekPending = mySQL.ExecuteScalar
Catch ex As Exception
ErrorSender.SendError("frmAppointmentBook - RefreshHeader 1", ex, New String() {String.Format("mySQL.commandtext: {0}", mySQL.CommandText), _
String.Format("mySQL.Parameters: {0}", clsErrorSender.ParamsListToString(mySQL.Parameters))})
End Try
Me.lblPendingWeek.Text = WeekPending
mySQL.CommandText = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM PatientsAppointments INNER JOIN AppointmentTypes ON PatientsAppointments.AppointmentTypeID = AppointmentTypes.AppointmentTypeID WHERE " & _
"(PatientsAppointments.Date > #WeekStartDate AND PatientsAppointments.Date < #WeekFinishDate) AND (PatientsAppointments.Status = 'Fulfilled') AND " & _
"(PatientsAppointments.DoctorID = #DoctorID) AND (AppointmentTypes.AppointmentName <> 'Note')"
'didn't get the error here... but just in case...
WeekFulfilled = mySQL.ExecuteScalar
Catch ex As Exception
ErrorSender.SendError("frmAppointmentBook - RefreshHeader 2", ex, New String() {String.Format("mySQL.commandtext: {0}", mySQL.CommandText)})
End Try
End Using
End SyncLock
The exact error message is:
Conversion from string "Needs Attention DC" to type 'Integer' is not valid.
Your problem has nothing to do with the COUNT(*) portion of your code. The problem is somewhere else in your query. What that particular error is telling you is that at some point you are comparing a character field (it probably usually contains numbers) to an integer field. One of the values of the character field happens to be "Needs Attention DC". If I had to guess it is probably either patientsappointments.appointmenttypeid or appointmenttypes.appointmenttypeid. Double check the datatype of each of those columns to make sure they are in fact INT. If they are both INT then start checking the other explicitly named columns in your query to see if you have any surprises.
You must have an error somewhere in your implementation...
Per the documentation, count always returns an int data type value.
Since this doesn't always happen, it must be a result of one of the paramenter values that is sent in. This is one of the lbuiggest problems with using dynamic SQL. What I would do is create the dymanic SQl and then store it in a database logging table with the date and time and user who executed it. Then when you get the exception, you can find the exact SQL code that was sent. Most likely you need more controls on the input variables to ensure the data placed in them is of the correct data type.
I am going to make another guess. I am guessing that this is a multi threading issue. You probably are sharing the connection between multiple threads. Once in a while the thread will get that man from somewhere else and execute it. Make sure that the connection variable is local, and only one thread can access it at a time.
As Martin points out, the following answer is wrong. I'm keeping this here to show that this is wrong.
From what everyone has already said, there is a type mismatch on your columns. Since your where clause appears to be fine, and your join is fine, it must be elsewhere. I would check to see if patientsappointments or appointmenttypes are views. Maybe the view has a join that's throwing the exception. Check the schema definition of all your joins/where's. Somewhere in there you're storing integers in a character field. It's fine for most rows, but one of them has your string.
If it's not in your views, it may be a trigger somewhere. The point is that somewhere there is a schema mismatch. Once you find your schema mismatch, you can find the row by querying for that string.

Query with integers not working

I've been searching here on stackoverflow and other sources but not found a solution to this
The query below works as expected expect for when either custinfo.cust_cntct_id or custinfo.cust_corrcntct_id = '' (blank not NULL) then I get no results. Both are integer fields and if both have an integer value then I get results. I still want a value returned for either cntct_email or corrcntct_email even if custinfo.cust_cntct_id or custinfo.cust_corrcntct_id = blank
Can someone help me out in making this work? The database is PostgreSQL.
cntct.cntct_email AS cntct_email,
corrcntct.cntct_email AS corrcntct_email
public.cntct corrcntct
invchead.invchead_cust_id = custinfo.cust_id AND
cntct.cntct_id = custinfo.cust_cntct_id AND
corrcntct.cntct_id = custinfo.cust_corrcntct_id;
PostgreSQL won't actually let you test an integer field for a blank value (unless you're using a truly ancient version - 8.2 or older), so you must be using a query generator that's "helpfully" transforming '' to NULL or a tool that's ignoring errors.
Observe this, on Pg 9.2:
regress=> CREATE TABLE test ( a integer );
regress=> insert into test (a) values (1),(2),(3);
regress=> SELECT a FROM test WHERE a = '';
ERROR: invalid input syntax for integer: ""
LINE 1: SELECT a FROM test WHERE a = '';
If you are attempting to test for = NULL, this is not correct. You must use IS NOT NULL or IS DISTINCT FROM NULL instead. Testing for = NULL always results in NULL, which is treated as false in a WHERE clause.
regress=> insert into test (a) values (null);
regress=> SELECT a FROM test WHERE a = NULL;
(0 rows)
regress=> SELECT a FROM test WHERE a IS NULL;
(1 row)
regress=> SELECT NULL = NULL as wrong, NULL IS NULL AS right;
wrong | right
| t
(1 row)
By the way, you should really be using ANSI JOIN syntax. It's more readable and it's much easier to forget to put a condition in and get a cartesian product by accident. I'd rewrite your query for identical functionality and performance but better readability as:
cntct.cntct_email AS cntct_email,
corrcntct.cntct_email AS corrcntct_email
public.custinfo ci
INNER JOIN public.invchead
ON (invchead.invchead_cust_id = ci.cust_id)
INNER JOIN public.cntct
ON (cntct.cntct_id = ci.cust_cntct_id)
INNER JOIN public.cntct corrcntct
ON (corrcntct.cntct_id = ci.cust_corrcntct_id);
Use of table aliases usually keeps it cleaner; here I've aliased the longer name custinfo to ci for brevity.

Using a bit input in stored procedure to determine how to filter results in the where clause

I'm beating my head against the wall here... can't figure out a way to pull this off.
Here's my setup:
My table has a column for the date something was completed. If it was never completed, the field is null. Simple enough.
On the front end, I have a checkbox that defaults to "Only show incomplete entries". When only pulling incomplete entries, it's easy.
FROM Sometable
WHERE Completed_Date IS NULL
But offering the checkbox option complicates things a great deal. My checkbox inputs a bit value: 1=only show incomplete, 0=show all.
The problem is, I can't use a CASE statement within the where clause, because an actual value uses "=" to compare, and checking null uses "IS". For example:
FROM Sometable
WHERE Completed_Date IS <---- invalid syntax
FROM Sometable
WHERE Completed_Date =
CASE WHEN #OnlyIncomplete = 1 THEN
NULL <----- this translates to "WHERE Completed_Date = NULL", which won't work.. I have to use "IS NULL"
Any idea how to accomplish this seemly easy task? I'm stumped... thanks.
WHERE #OnlyIncomplete = 0
OR (#OnlyIncomplete = 1 AND Completed_Date IS NULL)
Hmmm... I think what you want is this:
FROM Sometable
WHERE Completed_Date IS NULL OR (#OnlyIncomplete = 0)
So that'll show Date=NULL plus, if OnlyIncomplete=0, Date != Null. Yeah, I think that's it.
If you still want to use a CASE function (although it may be overkill in this case) :
FROM Sometable
(CASE WHEN #OnlyIncomplete = 0 THEN 1
WHEN #OnlyIncomplete = 1 AND Completed_Date IS NULL THEN 1
