AngularJS: Factory and Provider Scenarios - angularjs

I'm learning AngularJS and I noticed that A Factory is a short-hand for a Provider.
Can you tell me specific scenarios where I should/must use a Provider instead of a Factory? The codes stays much more readable if use a Factory method instead of the provider.

A Provider is necessary when the provider itself has methods that you want the user of your service to call during the configuration phase of the application.
See for example the $location service: it has a $locationProvider which allows setting it to html5 mode, while the application is being configured (using module.config()).


In NestJS how to get request object in service without injecting request from controller

How can I inject the request or the execution context in a service without the help of controller without any performance issues?
The docs make it very clear that to pass the request to a service you can use a REQUEST scoped service with #Inject(REQUEST) or you can get the request in the controller via #Req() and pass that to the service method.
There is nestjs-cls which may be helpful as well, but generally, you either pass it on or you take the performance hit for REQUEST scoping the provider.

Blocking / Initialization service with angular.js

My apps are using many web services on the intranet, and url-s for those depend on the server environment.
My apps are hosted on IIS, which adds an HTTP response header like this: Environment: DEV, so every web app knows in which server environment it is running, and thus which intranet servers it must use to call all the services.
Each of my angular apps uses a service that issues a simple GET against the app's own root just to get any response with the environment name in it, and set configuration accordingly.
How should an angular app implement such a service that would execute as the very first thing in the application, and make sure that while it is getting that first response, nothing in the app tries to execute an HTTP request against other services, or even try to use any configuration provided by my environment service?
Is there a way to implement such a service in angular that could block every other service / factory in the application till it is done initializing itself?
I have many other services in the app, and none of them really know what to do till my environment service has finished its initialization.
Looking at it from another angle.... is it possible to implement such an interceptor in angular that could do the following?:
execute an HTTP request and block the app's execution till it gets a response
make information from the response available throughout the app as a service/factory/config.
Angular lifecycle could be one solution. Using the angular.config() phase you could peek at the headers of the HTTP service.
Create a factory called 'httpInterceptor'
function httpInterceptors(siteConfig, $q, $injector) {
return {
response: function(data, status, headers) {
return data;
Then in angular.config()
If you truly want to block the other option is to use UI router resolve property to block routes loading until the request has been made you can add the resolve method to the root state.
You can use resolve to provide your controller with content or data that > is custom to the state. resolve is an optional map of dependencies which > should be injected into the controller.
If any of these dependencies are promises, they will be resolved and converted to a value before the controller is instantiated and the $stateChangeSuccess event is fired.

Karma Jasmine AngularJS testing with real HTTP requests

I want to test my code with real API calls (so I can test the API as well, and when I change the API I don't have to change the JS test as well, and a lot more benefits.) instead of the regular $httpBackend.expectPOST('').response(200).
Essentially, I want to test a ProductsController that expects to be logged in through an AuthService.login() method and receive a list of products through ui-router's resolve feature.
In this case, the login method receives data that needs to be used to gather products.
From the $httpBackend documentation found here:$httpBackend
As opposed to unit-testing, in an end-to-end testing scenario or in scenario when an application is being developed with the real backend api replaced with a mock, it is often desirable for certain category of requests to bypass the mock and issue a real http request (e.g. to fetch templates or static files from the webserver). To configure the backend with this behavior use the passThrough request handler of when instead of respond
So, something like: $httpBackend.whenGET(/.*/).passThrough(); should suffice.

Configure phase of angularJS

What is going on in the configure phase of bootstrapping angular app. Unable to imagine it. Right now i am confused with providers. SO may be insight to configure phase help me understand whole process.As provider can be injected in config phase.
An angular application uses services ($http, $location, etc.).
It's sometimes necessary to configure these services before using them. For example, the $location service has two modes of execution: the "normal" mode, and the "html5" mode. $http might need some headers configured before even sending its very first HTTP request.
To configure these services, Angular uses providers. Providers are objects whose role is to accept configuration options during the configuration phase, and then, once everything is set up, to create the unique instance of a service.
So, to configure the $location service, you use its $locationProvider during the configuration phase. Once that phase is done, Angular, during the run phase, will call the provider's $get() method, which will create and return the $location service (hence the name "provider").

Get raw request / response from $http call

I am writing an AngularJs app to test an API we developed. The app uses the $http object to make requests to the API. One of the asks is that after the call it's possible to review the raw HTTP (headers and bodies) Request/Response, similarly to what's available in Fiddler via Raw tabs.
Is it something that $http provides out of the box?
If not, it appears that the only challenge is gaining access to the actual request http headers. It's easy to get the response headers and request/response bodies, but not sure how to get the actual request headers.
If you are using $http service to make your API calls, you can use Interceptors to achieve what you want.
Here is what docs tell us about them:
For purposes of global error handling, authentication, or any kind of synchronous or asynchronous pre-processing of request or postprocessing of responses, it is desirable to be able to intercept requests before they are handed to the server and responses before they are handed over to the application code that initiated these requests. The interceptors leverage the promise APIs to fulfill this need for both synchronous and asynchronous pre-processing.
You can find more in depth explanation in the official docs. For example, here.
Also, there are some questions about interceptors on this site. There are some examples of their usage for displaying loading screen in applications: here, here and, probably, somewhere else.
Hope, this helps.
Yes, AngularJs is wrapped around some JQuery or internally JQlite if JQuery is not present and written in Javascript and it provides some pre-defined services. A typical service looks like the following.
AngularJS docs: tutorial step 5
$ Prefix Naming Convention You can create your own services, and in
fact we will do exactly that in step 11. As a naming convention,
Angular's built-in services, Scope methods and a few other Angular
APIs have a $ prefix in front of the name.
The $ prefix is there to namespace Angular-provided services. To
prevent collisions it's best to avoid naming your services and models
anything that begins with a $.
If you inspect a Scope, you may also notice some properties that begin
with $$. These properties are considered private, and should not be
accessed or modified.
.factory('myService', function ($http, $injector) {
'use strict';
return $http.get('/endpoint')
.then(function () {
return $injector.get('endpoint');
.error(function () {
// handle error
Have a look a the image in AngularJS docs which shows a number of services with the $ prefix. Mostly, wrappers over service. It is reserved. More at FAQ.
