AngularJS: combine REST with Socket.IO - angularjs

In the single page webapp I've recently built I'm getting data for my models using Restangular module. I'd like to add real-time updates to the app so whenever any model has been changed or added on the server I can update my model list.
I've seen this working very well in webapps like Trello where you can see the updates without refreshing the web page. I'm sure Trello webclient uses REST API.
What is a proper way to architect both server and client to archive this?

First of all, your question is too general and can have a lot of solutions that depend
on your needs and conditions.
I'll give you a brief overview for a single case when you want to leave REST APIs
and add some realtime with web sockets.
Get all data from the REST -- Sokets for notifications only.
Pros: Easy to implement both server side and client side. You only need to emit events on the server with
info about modified resource (like resource name and ID), and catch these events on the client side and fetch
data with REST APIs.
Cons: One more request to the server on every notification. That can increase traffic dramaticaly when you have a lot of active clients for a single resource (they will generate a lot of reverse requests to the server).
Get initial load from the REST -- Sockets for notifications with data payload.
Pros: All info comes with the notification and will not cause new requests to the server, so we have less traffic.
Cons: Harder to implement both server side and client side. You will need to add data to all the events on the server. You will need to fetch data from all the events on the client side.
Updated according to the comment
As for handling different types of models (just a way to go).
Client side.
Keep a factory for each model.
Keep in mind that you need realtime updates only for displayed data (in most cases), so you can easily
use memory caching (so you can find any entity by its ID).
Add listener for every type of changes (Created, Updated, Deleted).
In any listener you should call some initObject function, that will find entity in the cache by ID and extend it, if there is no entity with such ID, just create a new one and add it to cache.
Any Delete just removes an entity from the cache.
Any time you need this resource, you should return the link to cache object in order to keep two way databinding (that is why I use extend and not =). Of course, you need to handle the cases like: "User is editing the resource while notification about deleting comes".
Server side.
It is easier to send all the model then just modified fields (in both cases you must send the ID of resource).
For any Create, Update, Delete event push event to all engaged users.
Event name should contain action name (like New, Update, Delete) and the name of resource (like User, Task etc.). So, you will have NewTask, UpdateTask events.
Event payload should contain the model or just modified fields with the ID.
Collection changes can be handled in two ways: with add/update/remove items in collection or changing all the collection as a whole.
All modifications like PUT, POST, DELETE are made with REST of course.
I've made a super simple pseudo gist for the case 1). but it can be updated for case 2) like so
Hope this helps.


What Should Be the M in MVVM

In an MVVM architecture, where should the model be? Does the client have to have a seperate model (which we might call client model) or can we consider the web API the client is communicating with as the "M" in MVVM.
It might be more helpful to explain it over an example. Let's say we have a WPF application for shopping (which is tightly integrated to the server as opposed to a calculator like application). When a customer adds a product to the cart, "AddProductToCart(product)" is called via Web API and returns "OK" on successful operation completion. Then, should we keep a cart object at the client side as well and add the newly added product object to cart? Or rather than keeping such a state, should we just update the UI, notifying the customer of the successful aoperation and when the user navigates to another page that requires the knowledge of products in the cart, the client queries the web API and get the fresh data?
If such a model does not exist at the client, then server can return DTO's which can be used as the view model. But otherwise, I guess I will need to keep some kind of a modified version of the business model at the client side(since it would not be right to use the business model entities for the client model). Would that be more in line with the MVVM architecture? If so, is there a best practice for the formation of that model? Because I guess it will need flattening and will requre holding some view specific fields, too.

Salesforce – Notify external API (or create activity event) on custom object change

I need a fairly trivial thing: every time a user changes a salesoforce custom object field, I need to notify the external service about the change.
Either push the notification or somehow log the object change event somewhere in salesforce. (and make the external service regularly check those latest events for any new activity)
Is either of those options possible?
The only info I could find on this issue is this somewhat relevant SO thread, but it's 3 years old and doesn't answer anything.
This can be done by creating a PushTopic and subscribing to it via Streaming API.

Synchronizing Clients with Gmail

What is Synchronizing client with gmail ? Can anybody give a detailed explanation, because i want to have a better understanding over this concept.
For example, if your client keeps any local cache of the Gmail mailbox data like the Message.Id and labels, or headers, or the entire email. Then in order to update your client you're synchronizing it with Gmail--pulling new updates down to your client. In cases of clients designed for offline use, then synchronizing may also mean pushing local updates back up to the server (e.g. label updates made by client while "offline" that get applied at some later point). That's the general definition of synchronizing.
For the Gmail API specific case, Gmail has a backend mailbox-wide history Id. Any change that affects that account in any way gets a history identifier and most (but not all) history changes affect the state of email messages. Like adding a new message, changing the labels on a message, or deleting a message. Clients of the Gmail API can poll the history Id and find out what's changed since the last time they synchronized and pull down updates to maintain their sync.

Is it better to process auto-complete/suggestions on the client or server?

I am building a web app that will use an auto-complete/suggestions for the end user as they type their information in. This will be specifically for entering Country, Province, City information.
Do a wild card search on the database on each keystroke:
WHERE CityName LIKE '%#CityName%'
Return a list of all Cities to a given Province to the client and have the client do the matching:
WHERE ProvinceID = #ProvinceID
These would be returned to the client as a JSON string via an ajax call to a web service. My thoughts are that javascript would be able to handle the list of 100+ entries via JSON faster than the database would be able to do a wildcard search, but I'd like the communities input.
In the past, I have used both techniques. If you are talking about 100 or so entries, and assuming each entry is very small, it will likely be faster to do the autocomplete filter on the client side. That will provide you with better response time (although probably negligible) and will reduce the load on your server.
Google actually does a live search while the user is typing, and it seems to be pretty responsive from the user's point of view. This is an example where the query must be executed server-side because the dataset is far too large to transfer to the client.
One thing you might do is wait until the user types two keystrokes before fetching the list from the server, thus narrowing down the results initially. Of course, that adds complexity - you would then need to refresh the list if the user changes either of the first two keystrokes.
We have implemented same functionality using ajax auto complete control we wait the user type three keystroke before fetching the list from server we have not done any coding at client side we just assigned web services method which return list to ajax control and its start working
In the end user's interest, it is always better to handle this client-side.
The Telerik Autocomplete controller allows for both ways.
Of course under load client-side autocomplete is likely to make the application crawl.

Listening to changes in sling's users and groups

I want to be notified of changes to users or groups in sling's userManager as they happen. For example, when a new group is created, I need to create a new node with the same name under /content. When a new user is created, I want to give them write-permissions for /content/foo. And similar tearDown steps when objects are deleted.
I tried registering a EventHandler (org.osgi.service.event.EventHandler), with event.topics set to "*" (all topics), but this captured only resource changes and not userManager changes because users and groups are synthetic resources (I think)
I tried using a, but the SlingRequestEvent did not come with any info that would help me distinguish the request (or I didn't know how). Also, I am not sure if this is can even be used for callbacks that need to be called AFTER the request is processed.
I have used Filters for a different issue and I tried applying them for this purpose too. But they have their limitations - My filter is called BEFORE the request, so it's not possible to know if the request will result in SUCCESS before deciding to take action.
Any suggestions on how to listen and respond to changes in sling's user and group models?
In Ian Boston suggests using a SlingPostProcessor service to be informed of calls to the user management's POST servlets.
I haven't tried it myself, and if you do it you might anyway miss changes that are done via Sling's user management APIs - but that might be good enough depending on your use case.
Apart from that I don't think there's currently a surefire way of being notified of such changes. To implement that in Sling we'd need to wrap the* objects (Group, User, UserManager) to send events when they're changed. Certainly doable but would require changes to that Sling bundle.
