How to convert colored TIFF image to black and white using BitMiracle.LibTiff.Silverlight.dll - silverlight

I have a Silverlight application wherein I want to convert colored TIFF image with LZW compression into black and white image with CCITT4 compression.

There is a sample that shows how to Convert System.Drawing.Bitmap to a black and white TIFF.
You should get what you want if you combine the sample above with the answer that shows how to convert a Silverlight image to bytes.


Jfreechart vertical line is blurry

I am using JFreechart to generate some plots, and I found the lines in my plot is blurry, but the demo shows that all the lines are thin and without any blurry, I was wondering if there any to generate good quality plot on a panel.
With more information, I can't explain the rendering and resampling artifact illustrated in your question. Starting from in the demo, I added this line to get the PNG image shown.
ChartUtilities.saveChartAsPNG(new File("temp.png"), jfreechart, 1024, 768);
In particular,
I chose a larger size, as it's generally better to have more pixels than fewer when resampling.
I chose PNG, a lossless image format used in the MinMaxCategoryRenderer API image.
Click to enlarge:

ChartUtilities.saveChartAsPNG didn't encode japanese characters properly

Any one knows the answer?
I create a Jfreechart, and use ChartUtilities.saveChartAsPNG to save the chart into a png image. But when I open the image file, all japanese characters inside the jfreechart are shown as squares.
Please help!!

How can I get pixel ARGB information from an image in Silverlight?

Is there any way to get pixel RGB in silverlight? I have a PNG image which I'm going to find RGB and alpha of some pixels (I'm going to display ARGB of mouse position on image)
Seems like Bitmap.GetPixel (MSDN) would be a good place to start

UIElement to PNG - Text slightly blurred

I am using ImageTool's PNG encoder to create an image.
I have a Grid that contains multiple TextBlocks, each TextBlock contains dynamic text.
When I create a WriteableBitmap from the grid containing the TextBlocks, I then use ImageTool's encoder to convert the WriteableBitmap to a PNG image.
All works well, however, when I view the PNG image (am saving the file to the hard drive for testing purposes) - the text looks slightly blurred. Is this an issue with the encoder or the WriteableBitmap class? And - has anyone experienced this before and are there workarounds?
I'm a part of ImageTool project but I'm playing as a tester since I'm using this library in one of my project... If you can create a sample then you can probably show us so that we can test in our machine.
You can also try with Joe Stegman's encoder or fJCore JPEG encoder.

Silverlight Pixel Api

Lets say I have a black and white .jpeg image. How could I change the white pixels in the jpeg image to red using the hexidecimal format (ie going from #FFFFFFFF to #FFFF4F4B)?
You could also use a Pixel Shader Bitmap Effect.
Here is a similar example.
if you are using silverlight 3 then you should look at WriteableBitmap
here is a sample
