Maven default compile not picking up custom plugin goal - maven-plugin

I have written a custom plugin, then I installed it. Then I modified the pom.xml of the project from which I want to use the custom plugin. When I invoke my plugin goal directly the plugin goal is executed successfully, but when I try to mvn compile my custom plugin goal is not executed. What might be the reason?
My plugin's pom.xml:
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<name>Datanucleus-enhance Maven Plugin</name>
My project using custom plugin I added following:
<!-- enhance JDO classes -->
I followed section Attaching the Mojo to the Build Lifecycle from maven guide site:
The following command successfully calls my plugin goal:
The following command does NOT successfully call my plugin goal:
mvn compile
Thanks for any inputs!

I came across this link:
How do I link a plugin execution to a phase in maven without forcing me to specify plugin on command line
So I removed <pluginManagement> tags so <plugins> appear directly under '<build>'. Then I tried 'mvn compile' from command line and it successfully called my custom plugin goal!
But when I checked pom.xml in Eclipse I saw another error referenced here How to solve “Plugin execution not covered by lifecycle configuration” .
Since the command line is working correctly, I think this is m2e Eclipse plugin error and so I have disabled the marked by going to 'Eclipse' -> 'Window' -> 'Show View' -> 'Markers' -> right click that marker -> 'Delete'. Now Eclipse is not showing any error and command line is also working as expected. Hope this helps someone else.


Allure reports folder created but no report seen in the folder

I have added the required dependencies in my POM.xml and also added the required plugin in the runner class. But when I run, I see that the allure reports folder is created and it has a json file. I don't see the html report generated. Am I missing something here? My plugin code is below.
plugin = { "pretty", "html:target/cucumber-html-reports", "io.qameta.allure.cucumberjvm.AllureCucumberJvm",
Ideally there should be a html report which is generated.
Below is the part of pom.xml for the surefire reports
-Dcucumber.options="--plugin io.qameta.allure.cucumberjvm.AllureCucumberJvm"

Maven cxf plugin logging

I'm using the Apache cxf maven plugin (v3.3.0) to successfully to generate java wrappers.
However, the output from the maven build contains thousands of DEBUG logging lines from the wsdl2java which I am unable to remove. Is there an extraarg or other way to silence the process so I get just a success (or possibly failure) message?
<!--Some Web Service -->
It appears that under Java 9+ the plugin forces code generation in a forked JVM regardless of the default being documented as false and regardless of any explicit configuration of this option. The plugin execution doesn't see any logging configuration from the project. CXF is logging using java.util.logging and any log down to FINER severity gets printed to the console.
I solved this by providing an explicit path to a logging configuration file to the forked JVM using the plugin's additionalJvmArgs configuration option:
The system property for Logback (as in my case) is logback.configurationFile. For Log4j that would be log4j.configurationFile.
In the logging configuration file the following loggers can be added (Logback):
<!-- entries below silence excessive logging from cxf-codegen-plugin -->
<logger name="org.apache.cxf" level="info"/>
<logger name="org.apache.velocity" level="info"/>
This way the plugin execution will still print to the console all warnings and errors, but all the repetitive debug information goes away. The drawback is that you need to have such a logging configuration file visible in each of your projects. But then, you probably should have one anyway. The same one as for (unit) tests can often be used.
Sorry for not getting into the root solutions, but adding this in my dependencies help:
or put following in plugin execution helps too except for velocity logs
Hope this would give a hints for someone to come out with a much proper solution.
Using maven-3.8.4 and cxf-codegen-plugin:3.5.1:wsdl2java, I've reduced log level with:
More details here: Apache CXF

Bad request when updating Appengine with mvn appengine:update

i'm getting the following error, when I try to update a appengine-application with the appengine-maven-plugin:
400 Bad Request
Error when loading application configuration:
Unable to assign value '1.8.3' to attribute 'version':
Value '1.8.3' for version does not match expression '^(?:^(?!-)[a-z\d\-]{0,62}[a-z\d]$)$'
This is confusing to my because my appengine-web.xml looks like follows:
<appengine-web-app xmlns="">
<property name="java.util.logging.config.file" value="WEB-INF/"/>
I'm wondering why appengine-maven-plugin wants to use 1.8.3 as application-version. 1.8.3 is the version of appengine-sdk i want to use.
In my POM it's configured as follows:
and later on
${} points to 1.8.3
I'm using Maven in Version 3.1 and Java 1.7.0_25
What do I wrong? Can anyone help my?
Thanks a lot
I had the same issue as you described. When I added the "version" element in the configuration element, with value pointing to the version of the app in my appengine-web.xml file, mvn appengine:update completed successfully. (maven v3.1.0, appengine plugin v1.8.3)
in pom.xml:
in appengine-web.xml:
If you generated the project with the archetype skeleton, like I did, and you have a block similar to
in your pom.xml and your appengine-web.xml looked like
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<appengine-web-app xmlns="">
when it got made, then, modify appengine-web.xml to be ${app.version} because they so helpfully already added that property with the archetype but never used it anywhere. Then, update your pom.xml's app.version to be your appropriate version (if you don't use "1"). Then, scroll down in the pom.xml to where you see
and inside the configuration block there add
Try to change appengine-web.xml entry from <version>0-0-1</version> to <version>1</version>. Regards, Adam.
In changed only the pom.xml file by adding the plugin>configuration>version tag (per below)...
The way I solved this issue was trivial in my console I executed mvn clean install and then the appcfg.cmd -A [your app] update target\appengine-try-java-1.0 command.

mvn-gae-plugin suddenly broken

I'm not sure what happened but I've made not changes to my pom and have only done a clean install but now running my app with mvn gae:run gives me the following error:
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal net.kindleit:maven-gae-plugin:0.9.4:run (default-cli) on project geoip-service: Execution default-cli of goal net.kindleit:maven-gae-plugin:0.9.4:run failed: Plugin net.kindleit:maven-gae-plugin:0.9.4 or one of its dependencies could not be resolved: Failed to collect dependencies for net.kindleit:maven-gae-plugin:jar:0.9.4 (): Failed to read artifact descriptor for net.kindleit:gae-runtime:pom:1.7.5: Could not find artifact net.kindleit:maven-gae-parent:pom:0.9.6-SNAPSHOT in genius (our_own_repo_here)
I'm using the 1.7.2 version of the sdk so I'm not sure where the 1.7.5 could be coming from.
For the time being, you can use this ugly hack
I still don't know what the issue was, I.e. who was pulling in gae-runtime of version 1.7.5 but this is the work around that worked for me. Add the following under your maven-gae-plugin in profile/build/plugins/plugin etc.

maven-pmd-plugin uses only the bundled rulesets

I am using the maven-pmd-plugin on my project and this is how I have configured it
Here are the properties used in the above configuration
The problem is when I run mvn pmd:check, it gives me 8 violations -- only from the basic, unusedcode and imports. It simply doesn't use all the rules that I have listed in the custom ruleset file. I have even tried using the logging-java.xml and strings.xml directly in the ruleset without using the custom ruleset file and it still doesn't work.
When i run mvn pmd:pmd, i get a BUILD SUCCESS but the errors still show up in my target folder. Why do I get a build success here?
I solved this by simply adding the plugins in the build section along with the ones in the reporting section.
Somehow it needed to be in the as well to be able to run all the rulesets. Earlier I was under the impression that we put plugins in the build only if we want to run them during the build and deploy phase.
