Sitecore:Remove Files from existing package in Sitecore - package

Can any one suggest me on how to remove files from a existing sitecore package(Sitecore Media Framework Brightcove rev. 130924
) so that it contains only sitecore items and no sitecore files(dll or config files or xml controls that we see in sitecore modules folder).
And we will be deploying the files manually after installing this new package .

It's a zip archive. Inside it you will find another zip; "". Inside that package file, you will find a root folder named "files". Remove that folder, and zip the whole think back up again.
Should be all you need.
Documentation here:

You can delete files folder direct from Zip file.


Sitecore Download Package

I created a package for items in Sitecore, but forgot downloading the package in wizard.
Is there any way to download the package I created??
Many items have been changed, so creating the package again is not working.
A little old, but from within sitecore:
Start the installation wizard,
Click browse
Find the package (UI sucks, not sorting or anything)
Click download
From the sitecore file explorer, I couldn't go all the way the data folder (outside the website folder)
It will be in your data folder under the /packages directory.
If you haven't got access to the sever directly you can download the file using the File explorer.
More info here
The pacakage will be in your “~/Data/packages” folder.

Adding folder to custom DNN extension

I am creating a custom extension for DNN using Christoc's DotNetNuke Module and Theme Development Template
I add folders to my extension project and i do a release build, once i install the extension on my site the folders are not there. These folders are part of the extension project. Do i need to add them as resource to the extension or something? because my JavaScript folder and CSS folder are there once installed and i created these folders manaully my self also
Thank You
You need to add the Folder, or the FILE TYPES in the folder to the BuildScripts within my project templates. Look at the ModulePackage.targets file.

File Path to jar inside another jar

For an Eclipse plugin, I need to refer to a jar file inside the plugin directory (to provide code to users). This works perfectly when running the plugin while developing (inside a runtime-eclipse-application).
But when I build an update site, my plugin is built into a jar file. File paths for images are still working, but when the jar should be imported, eclipse shows the following error:
Description Resource Path Location Type
The container 'DoodleDebug' references non existing library 'file:\C:\Users\Me\.eclipse\org.eclipse.platform_3.7.0_740800064\plugins\ch.unibe.scg.doodledebug_1.0.0.201208281642.jar!\DoodleDebug-Client.jar'
The outer jar path is correct and when inspecting it with WinRAR, I can see the desired jar file inside it!
Why isn't this working as expected?
You will need to install your plugin in an exploded form. To do this, in your MANIFEST.MF file, add the following line:
Eclipse-BundleShape: dir
This will ensure that your plugin is installed as a directory, not a jar file. There is no way to reference nested jars, so they must be exploded.
See here for more information:

Dnn Module Packaging Question

I have folders inside a module which I developed and there are many files inside them.
How can I package the folders with files?
Should I archive the folders in a zip file? If so, how can I extract them again?
You have a few options.
Include a file, that will be extracted for you upon installation, just be sure to include the in your .dnn file list.
If you are using a DNN 5.x manifest, you could keep the folder structure within the module and just use the folder names items in the 5.x manifest.

Deploying a XAP file into ~/ClientBin using VSeWSS

I have a SharePoint (using VSeWSS 1.3) project that creates a WSP file which installs my custom content types. One of the type also installs a custom version of DispForm.aspx which is hosting a Silverlight control, located in the ~/ClientBin as a XAP file.
Is there a way in the ListDefinition.xml file to instruct VSeWSS to deploy my XAP file into ~/ClientBin as part of the WSP solution? I know how to deploy images to the TEMPLATES\images folder, but not to ~/ClientBin .
To get the XAP file into the ClientBin directory you could try this. Let the solution deploy the XPA file to a folder within the TEMPLATE directory (12 Hive). With a FeatureRecevier that triggers on the FeatureInstalled event you could then copy the XAP file from its location in the sub folder of the TEMPLATE directory to the ClientBin folder.
The FeatureUnistalled event can be used to remove the XAP file from the ClientBin folder when the solution is retracted.
WSP can place the Files in following locations
Any Sub Folder inside 12 Hive
Bin directory of the Web Application.
Considering the above I recommand you to Change the Location where you keep the XAP file. You can think about placing it in the _Layouts. That is how I Did
