Serving blobstore images through SSL - google-app-engine

After adding SSL for our domain, I started seeing these kind of warnings:
The page at '' was loaded over HTTPS, but displayed insecure content from '': this content should also be loaded over HTTPS.
What is the best way to serve those images through SSL aswell. Currently I have a lot of Jinja2 templates referring to the images like this:
I can simply replace http with https like this:
{{blobstore_image|replace('http', 'https'}}
But is there a way to always return https links from a Serve Handler's send_blob() instead ?

you could just strip the http: part from the link and it will automatically serve the link with the protocol your page is serving.
so the link would look like this:

You can specify secure_url=True if you are serving the image using the get_serving_url() method:
from google.appengine.api import images
image_serving_url = images.get_serving_url(blob_key, secure_url=True)
This will return a serving URL with the SSL.


after deployment react project is not working

I have made a simple hacker-news project. It has simple functionalities like search ,redirect to next page etc.
It works perfectly fine on loacalhost but after I deployed it none of the functionalities work what should I do.
This is my github repo:
This is the deployed version:
Looks like you are trying to call http from an HTTPS:
Table.js:40 Mixed Content: The page at
was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure resource
''. This request has been
blocked; the content must be served over HTTPS.
Change your urls to https and it will work just fine. I put it in a sandbox and tested:

React app SPA on S3 AWS while refreshing the page shows 404 page

I have a SPA made with React JS on a S3 Bucket and I’m using Cloud Front to work through HTTPS and with a custom domain. When I refresh the page - if I have another Route that is not the BASE_URL (for example, S3 sends me a 404 error.
I also tried redirecting the error page to BASE_URL but it doesn’t work, it redirects me to the Http default domain that S3 provides me and again, it gives me an 404 error page.
I don’t know if there exists an alternative way to keep the URL without any change ( and avoid the 404 error the way a web server (apache) handles.
If you are using CloudFront to host s3 website, the effective way to get rid of 404 on reload of non-index route like or similar non / is by the following steps:
Go to your CloudFront distribution
Go to Error Pages
Create a new error page with the following params:
HTTP Error Code: 404
TTL: 0
Custom Error Response: Yes
Response Page Path: /index.html
HTTP Response Code: 200
credits going to this article
You have two options. Either use CloudFront error page as a catch-all that redirects to / (you mentioned you tried setting an error page but did not detail what you did. This should work). The downside is that it will respond with the HTML page for all not found paths, even for mistyped CSS paths, for example.
The other solution is to use Lambda#Edge to rewrite the origin request path. This is a more customizable solution and you can define which paths you want to redirect to the root.

request has been blocked; the content must be served over HTTPS

I'm doing application with spring security and Spring MVC in back end and Angular in front end.
My problem is that I do the logged in correctly, but the problem in logged out I implemented correctly in my localhost: http://localhost:8080 worked without problem. When I change it to https:// I get this error:
Mixed Content: The page at '' was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure XMLHttpRequest endpoint ''. This request has been blocked; the content must be served over HTTPS.
I want to know how to correct that? And how to know which url blocked by https in the browser for example chrome?
This post which gives a solution to your problem:
All the details are explained there, basically all you have to do is add this two lines to my file:
I fixed by removing a forward slash from the end of a URL fixing everything.this is help me : GET request throws error after app implemented SSL: Mixed Content: This request has been blocked; the content must be served over HTTPS"
This happens when the server is using http (non secured). You can fix it by enforcing https for all resources in the backend. Check here for more details.
In #Jabir Minjibir's answer there is very good link to describe the error. As sum up, when your application works with httpS scheme you can't make visits to unsecure links which is http.
I got this error and fixed it like I wrote below:
Mixed Content: The page at '' was loaded over HTTPS, but
requested an insecure XMLHttpRequest endpoint ''.
This request has been blocked; the content must be served over HTTPS.
You can mask unsecure links with simple-https-proxy npm package. In my experience I was coding an angular sample on httpS:// and I was trying to connect to an Elasticsearch server which doesn't have a domain name. I needed to make it working with ssl but I couldn't modify it's scheme. Thus I installed a proxy which can work secure (httpS).
I installed the npm package:
npm i -g simple-https-proxy#latest
Then I created certificate:
simple-https-proxy --makeCerts=true
Then I ran it
simple-https-proxy --target= --port=9201 --rewriteBodyUrls=false
In another example:

Firebase hosting - Can not load Bootstrap

Im using Bootstrap and AngularFire for my Web project. Everything ok but when I host it on The layout has changed
Mixed Content: The page at '' was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure stylesheet ''. This request has been blocked; the content must be served over HTTPS.
Mixed Content: The page at '' was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure script ''. This request has been blocked; the content must be served over HTTPS.
What happens with Bootstrap? Thanks in advance!
Firebase uses HTTPS to serve content. As you can see from the error, you are referring the content to be loaded over HTTP. Though this should not be happening, but it could be one of recent features of Chrome where they block, non-secure requests over a secure channel.
In order to solve it, you should change the URLs in your code to point at HTTPS versions of Bootstrap CDN.
Further Read:
I was having the same issue:
you just need to make the http to https
in the bootstrap link inside the code.
That will resolve the issue.

Configure Amazon S3 static site with Angular JS ui.router html5Mode(true) on page refresh

How can I configure an Amazon S3 static webpage to properly route Angular ui.router html5Mode routes? On page refresh, it will make a request for a file that doesn't exist, and angular can't handle it. In the docs, they recommend changing your URL rewrites on the server.
However, S3 is storage, and doesn't offer the same redirection options
I have been trying to use the built in redirection rules such as
<HttpErrorCodeReturnedEquals>404</HttpErrorCodeReturnedEquals >
<HostName>[[ your application's domain name ]]</HostName>
However, this just leads to a redirect loop.
Any suggestions?
In the Frequently Asked Questions, they rewrite almost everything to serve the index.html page. For HTML5 fallback mode you need to use #!/ (hashbang).
You could change this:
More details on this answer:
You may also need to configure your app for using that prefix:
.config(function($locationProvider) {
Make sure you have the index route configured for your website. Mostly it is index.html
Remove routing rules from S3 configurations
Put a Cloudfront in front of your S3 bucket.
Configure error page rules for your Cloudfront instance.
In the error rules specify:
Http error code: 404 (and 403 or other errors as per need)
Error Caching Minimum TTL (seconds) : 0
Customize response: Yes
Response Page Path : /index.html
HTTP Response Code: 200
Basically there are 3 options, use an EC2 instance to perform the actual server rewrites to the configured HTML5 routes, or, like dnozay suggested, use the fallback mode and re-write requests to use the #! hashbang. Finally, you could just use the standard angular routes, which is the option I went with. Less hassle, and when Angular 2.0 rolls around, you can update to that.
Doesn't really address the routing issue here.
here is another option using nginx proxy_pass, it also allows you to have multiple projects in subfolders and use subdomains
S3 Static Website Hosting Route All Paths to Index.html
