How to display certain field in cakephp use scaffold - cakephp-2.0

i want to display certain field in database use scaffold , please help me
Product Model has property is ("name", "description", "price", "created_at")
and i want to display field 'name','description' and 'price' use scaffold
Thanks for any help!

I'm not sure its a good way to do this but it will work for you---
Just define a table schema on model class.
Like your-
public $_schema = array(
'name' => array(
'type' => 'string',
'length' => 30
'description' => array(
'type' => 'text'
'price' => array(
'type' => 'float'


prestashop multiple checkboxes do not save values

I can't figure out why the checkbox values are not saved in the database using helpers.
Trying to save some customers ids from my module's setting :
The array :
$custs = Customer::getCustomers();
foreach ($custs as $key => $value) {
$options[] = array(
'id_customer' => (int)$value['id_customer'],
'infos' => $value['firstname'].' '.$value['lastname'].' | '.$value['email']
The checkboxes :
'input' => array(
'type' => 'checkbox',
'label' => $this->l('Customers'),
'desc' => $this->l('Select the Customers.'),
'values' => array(
'query' => $options,
'id' => 'id_customer',
'name' => 'infos',
The $_POST is always empty but works well with another input. Any help will be appreciated.
Thank you.
I don't think its in PS docs. But with a bit of code inspecting you can see in
<input type="checkbox" name="{$id_checkbox}" id="{$id_checkbox}" class="{if isset($input.class)}{$input.class}{/if}"{if isset($value.val)} value="{$value.val|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}"{/if}{if isset($fields_value[$id_checkbox]) && $fields_value[$id_checkbox]} checked="checked"{/if} />
add the porperty 'val' to option.
$options[] = array(
'id_carrier' => $carrier['id_carrier'],
'name' => $carrier['name'],
'val' => $carrier['id_carrier'],
Adn you get the desired serialization for the input values.
"transportistas" => array:2 [▼
0 => "73"
1 => "78"
Your code is correct, I tried it and this is result
You have to click at least one checkbox.
Show data on server :
a better could be using groupbox but its quite difficult, take a look to the AdminCustomers controller class in the controllers directory of the prestachop, this has a multiselect group that used a relational table event stored in single field
If you want to be easy, using a single field to store in the database, take a look to THE COMPLETE CODE AND ALL THE STEPS AT:!topic/venenuxsarisari/z8vfPsvFFjk
at the begining dont forget to added that line:
// aqui el truco de guardar el multiselect como una secuencia separada por comas, mejor es serializada pero bueh
$this->fields_value['MY_MODULE_CUSTOMERS[]'] = explode(',',$obj->id_employee);
this $obj are the representation of the loaded previous stored value when go to edit ... from that object, get the stored value of the field of your multiselect, stored as "1,3,4,6"
and the in the field form helper list of inputs define the select multiple as:
'type' => 'checkbox',
'label' => $this->l('Select and employee'),
'name' => 'MY_MODULE_CUSTOMERS[]',
'required' => false,
'col' => '6',
'default_value' => (int)Tools::getValue('id_employee_tech'),
'values' => array(
'query' => $options,
'id' => 'id_customer',
'name' => 'infos',
an then override the post process too
public function postProcess()
if (Tools::isSubmit('submitTallerOrden'))
$_POST['MY_MODULE_CUSTOMERS'] = implode(',', Tools::getValue('MY_MODULE_CUSTOMERS'));
this make stored in the db as "1,2,3"

CakePHP 2.7 GoogleChart Plugin

First of all, sorry if I'm asking for help regarding this question but I have been working on this for almost a day now. I searched this site and was able to find a post similar to my question but I cannot get it to work.
Anyway, I am using CakePHP 2.x, and I need to show reports via charts. I saw this plugin for CakePHP CakePHP GoogleCharts Plugin by Scott Harwell. I did everything step-by-step and somehow my views keep on appearing empty. I made sure it wasn't because of conflicting files so I decided to make a new CakePHP project, unfortunately, it didn't work.
Here are my codes:
App::uses('AppController', 'Controller');
App::uses('GoogleCharts', 'GoogleCharts.Lib');
class ChartsController extends AppController {
public $uses = array('Student');
public $helpers = array('GoogleCharts.GoogleCharts');
public function test_chart(){
$student= $this->Student->getStudentAges();
$studentAgesChart= new GoogleCharts();
$studentAgesChart->options(array('title' => "Student Ages"));
//Each column key should correspond to a field in your data array
'name' => array(
'type' => 'string',
'label' => 'Student Name'
'age' => array(
'type' => 'number',
'label' => 'Student Age'
foreach($student as $row){
$studentAgesChart->addRow(array('age' => $row['Student']['age'], 'name' => $row['Student']['name']));
<div id="chart_div" >
object(GoogleCharts) {
[private] type => 'LineChart'
[private] columns => array(
'name' => array(
'type' => 'string',
'label' => 'Student Name'
'age' => array(
'type' => 'number',
'label' => 'Student Age'
[private] rows => array(
(int) 0 => array(
(int) 0 => 'Student 1',
(int) 1 => '17'
(int) 1 => array(
(int) 0 => 'Student 2',
(int) 1 => '16'
[private] options => array(
'width' => (int) 400,
'height' => (int) 300,
'title' => 'Student Ages',
'titleTextStyle' => array(
'color' => 'red'
[private] callbacks => array()
[private] div => 'chart_div'
public function getStudentAges(){
$student_ages = $this->find('all',
'order' => array('' => 'ASC'),
'limit' => 3,
'fields' => array(
return $student_ages;
The way I see it, it doesn't contain any errors but my view is empty.
#Scrappy, do you see any output (JavaScript or HTML) included in the DOM when you view source on your page? Or, is the plugin not generating any content at all? If you do see JavaScript code added, is your page reporting JS errors in the console that might prevent the chart from loading properly? If you do not see the JS code, then you likely have not loaded the plugin in your bootstrap file.
Is the page available on the public Internet for review?
The plugin has not seen updates from me in a few years, but there are a few developers that have forked it and updated it for CakePHP 3.0 too. But, this version should still be working unless something changed on the Google end, which I am sure I would have heard about if that was the case.

CakePHP save failing with validation errors set but empty

A model that I am using with both TranslateBehavior and TreeBehavior is failing to save. I suspect it is something to do with one of these behaviors. Here's the data going in:
'Category' => array(
'id' => '3252',
'parent_id' => null,
'sort_order' => '0',
'name' => array(
'eng' => 'english name',
'fra' => 'french name',
'deu' => 'german name',
'ita' => 'italian name',
'spa' => 'spanish name'
And $this->Category->validationErrors is:
'parent_id' => array(),
'sort_order' => array()
There are no validation rules defined in the model. There is no beforeSave() or beforeValidate() method defined.
I am not getting any validation errors displayed on screen, although all fields have the red "error" outline.
Edit - the save operation is not getting as far as Category::beforeSave(). I created that function and it does not get run. It gets as far as Category::beforeValidate().
$validates = $this->Category->validates($this->request->data);
$saved = $this->Category->saveAll($this->request->data);
In the above code, $validates is true, $saved is false. Category beforeSave is not called at any point in the above process. The validation seems to fail on the call to saveAll(). I need to use saveAll rather than save to save all translations at once (I am doing this elsewhere with another model with no problems).
So, after a while debugging I have found the problem:
public $hasMany = array(
'Category' => array('className' => 'Category', 'foreignKey' => 'parent_id', 'counterCache' => true),
I have no idea why I wrote this - I should have been aware that it was going to cause problems, I think I meant to write...
public $hasMany = array(
'Children' => array('className' => 'Category', 'foreignKey' => 'parent_id', 'counterCache' => true),
Anyway, changed it to the latter and these errors have gone.
Maybe it doesn't like the null and zero value of parent_id and sort_order? Also in the database what are their field types set as? Do they allow null values? etc. I'm guessing that as there are no validation rules in the model or parent/App model, then it must be some default validation with cake's lib linking to the database/mysql table itself. So I would check the Categories table structure for the parent_id and sort_order fields.

Saving data array in AppModel with CakePHP

I have this function in CakePHP's AppModel (This is used to install initial data in CakePHP) However, I can't seem to get it to save my data, and I get no errors.
Here is my function inside App/Model/AppModel.php:
public function importData() {
$initialOptionData = array(
array( 'Option' => array( 'name' => 'version', 'value' => '1.0.0', )),
array( 'Option' => array( 'name' => 'site-name', 'value' => 'Site Title', )),
From you posted code it seems you're trying to save you data to options table, and to do that you need to use Option model.
But you're code is within AppModel, so first import Option model and then execute your save statements.
Your code should look like:
public function importData() {
$initialOptionData = array(
array( 'Option' => array( 'name' => 'version', 'value' => '1.0.0', )),
array( 'Option' => array( 'name' => 'site-name', 'value' => 'Site Title', )),
App::import('model','Option'); // Import the Option Model
$Option = new Option(); // create instance of Option class
// save statements
Code you're trying will work if you write that within app/model/Option.php file.
I suppose it would be enough to store the values as model property. No need to call $this->save...
public $initialOptionData = array(
array( 'Option' => array( 'name' => 'version', 'value' => '1.0.0', )),
array( 'Option' => array( 'name' => 'site-name', 'value' => 'Site Title', )),
all models will inherit initialOptionData...

Trying to get "City" data from Event->Venue->City using 'contain' in CakePHP

I'm trying to return a list of events, and include the city where it's taking place. The city is only associated through the Event's Venue though.
Below is the code I'm using. It returns all the correct data, but it doesn't return ANY city data (other than the city_id field in Venue - which I'm not sure why it's returning).
Event belongsTo Venue
Venue hasMany Event
Venue belongsTo City
City hasMany Venue
$events = $this->Event->find('all', array(
'limit' => 5,
'order' => 'Event.created DESC',
'fields' => array(
'contain' => array(
'Venue' => array(
'fields' => array(
'City' => array(
'fields' => array(
'conditions' => array(
'' => 'Venue.city_id'
'Schedule' => array(
'Date' => array(
'Date.start >=' => $start_date,
'Date.start <=' => $end_date,
Bonus answer: (that I have currently asked in another StackOverflow question) - The Date conditions are supposed to filter which events show up, but instead, they're only filtering which Date data to show.
WORKING ANSWER: (thanks bancer)
$this->Event->recursive = -1;
$options['joins'] = array(
array('table' => 'schedules',
'alias' => 'Schedule',
'type' => 'LEFT',
'conditions' => array(
' = Schedule.event_id',
array('table' => 'dates',
'alias' => 'Date',
'type' => 'LEFT',
'conditions' => array(
'Date.schedule_id =',
$options['fields'] = array(
$options['limit'] = 5;
$events = $this->Event->find('all', $options);
I would recommend to avoid using Containable. It generates too many queries in some cases. A better way for complex queries is to join tables "manually".
Another option I would consider at the first place is to search through 'Venue' model without using Containable like this: $this->Event->Venues->find('all', ...). As Venues directly associated with Cities and Events there should be possible to get what you want without extra complexities.
Update: take a look at the question How to change the sequence of 'joins' in CakePHP?
instead of containable, did you try including the city data in fields itself by fields=> array('','','
