Software exposed Bit width in C - c

I have two questions:
Is there any method to specify or limit the bit widths used for integer variables in a C program?
Is there any way to monitor the actual bit usage for a variable in a C program? What I mean by bit usage is, in some programs when a register is allocated for a variable not all the bits of that register are used for calculations. Hence when a program is executed can we monitor how many bits in a register have been actually changed through out the execution of a program?

You can use fixed width (or guaranteed-at-least-this-many-bits) types in C as of the 1999 standard, see e.g. Wikipedia or any decent C description, defined in the inttypes.h C header (called cinttypes in C++), also in stdint.h (C) or cstdint (C++).
You certainly can check for each computation what the values of the values could be, and limit the variables acordingly. But unless you are seriously strapped for space, I'd just forget about this. In many cases using "just large enough" data types wastes space (and computation time) by having to cast small values to the natural widths for computation, and then cast back. Beware of premature optimization, and even more of optimizing the wrong code (measure if the performance is enough, and if not, where modifications are worthwhile, before digging in to make code "better").

You have limited control if you use <stdint.h>.
On most systems, it will provide:
int8_t and uint8_t for 8-bit integers.
int16_t and uint16_t for 16-bit integers.
int32_t and uint32_t for 32-bit integers.
int64_t and uint64_t for 64-bit integers.
You don't usually get other choices. However, you might be able to use a bit-field to get a more arbitrary size value:
typedef struct int24_t
signed int b24:24;
} int24_t;
This might occupy more than 24 bits (probably 32 bits), but arithmetic will end up being 24-bit. You're not constrained to a power of 2, or even a multiple of 2:
typedef struct int13_t
signed int b13:13;
} int13_t;


Determine the fastest unsigned integer type for basic arithmetic calculations

I'm writing some code for calculating with arbitrarily large unsigned integers. This is just for fun and training, otherwise I'd use libgmp. My representation uses an array of unsigned integers and for chosing the "base type", I use a typedef:
#include <limits.h>
#include <stdint.h>
typedef unsigned int hugeint_Uint;
typedef struct hugeint hugeint;
#define HUGEINT_ELEMENT_BITS (CHAR_BIT * sizeof(hugeint_Uint))
struct hugeint
size_t s; // <- maximum number of elements
size_t n; // <- number of significant elements
hugeint_Uint e[]; // <- elements of the number starting with least significant
The code is working fine, so I only show the part relevant to my question here.
I would like to pick a better "base type" than unsigned int, so the calculations are the fastest possible on the target system (e.g. a 64bit type when targeting x86_64, a 32bit type when targeting i686, an 8bit type when targeting avr_attiny, ...)
I thought that uint_fast8_t should do what I want. But I found out it doesn't, see e.g. here the relevant part of stdint.h from MinGW:
/* Fastest minimum-width integer types
* Not actually guaranteed to be fastest for all purposes
* Here we use the exact-width types for 8 and 16-bit ints.
typedef signed char int_fast8_t;
typedef unsigned char uint_fast8_t;
The comment is interesting: for which purpose would an unsigned char be faster than an unsigned int on win32? Well, the important thing is: uint_fast8_t will not do what I want.
So is there some good and portable way to find the fastest unsigned integer type?
It's not quite that black and white; processors may have different/specialized registers for certain operations, like AVX registers on x86_64, may operate most efficiently on half-sized registers or not have registers at all. The choice of the "fastest integer type" thus depends heavily on the actual calculation you need to perform.
Having said that, C99 defines uintmax_t which is meant to represent the maximum width unsigned integer type, but beware, it could be 64 bit simply because the compiler is able to emulate 64-bit math.
If you target commodity processors, size_t usually provides a good approximation for the "bitness" of the underlying hardware because it is directly tied to the memory addressing capability of the machine, and as such is most likely to be the most optimal size for integer math.
In any case you're going to have to test your solution on all hardware that you're planning to support.
It's a good idea to start your code with the largest integer type the platform has, uintmax_t. As has already been pointed out, this is not necessarily, but rather most probably the fastest. I'd rather say there are exceptions where this is not the case, but as a default, it is probably your best bet.
Be very careful to build the size granularity into expressions that the compiler can resolve at compile type, rather than runtime for speed.
It is most probably a good idea to define the base type as something like
#define LGINT_BASETYPE uintmax_t
This will allow you to change the base type in one single place and adapt to different platforms quickly. That results in code that is easily moved to a new platform, but still can be adapted to the exception cases where the largest int type is not the most performant one (after you have proven that by measurement)
As always, it does not make a lot of sense to think about optimal performance when designing your code - Start with a reasonable balance of "designed for optimization" and "design for maintainability" - You might easily find out that the choice of base type is not really the most CPU-eating part of your code. In my experience, I was nearly always in for some surprises when comparing my guesses on where CPU is spent to my measurements. Don't fall into the premature optimization trap.

Is there a general way in C to make a number greater than 64 bits or smaller than 8 bits?

First of all, I am aware that what I am trying to do might be outside the C standard.
I'd like to know if it is possible to make a uint4_t/int4_t or uint128_t/int128_t type in C.
I know I could do this using bitshifts and complex functions, but can I do it without those?
You can use bitfields within a structure to get fields narrower than a uint8_t, but, the base datatype they're stored in will not be any smaller.
struct SmallInt
unsigned int a : 4;
will give you a structure with a member called a that is 4 bits wide.
Individual storage units (bytes) are no less than CHAR_BITS bits wide1; even if you create a struct with a single 4-bit bitfield, the associated object will always take up a full storage unit.
There are multiple precision libraries such as GMP that allow you to work with values that can't fit into 32 or 64 bits. Might want to check them out.
8 bits minimum, but may be wider.
In practice, if you want very wide numbers (but that is not specified in standard C11) you probably want to use some arbitrary-precision arithmetic external library (a.k.a. bignums). I recommend using GMPlib.
In some cases, for tiny ranges of numbers, you might use bitfields inside struct to have tiny integers. Practically speaking, they can be costly (the compiler would emit shift and bitmask instructions to deal with them).
See also this answer mentioning __int128_t as an extension in some compilers.

Is there a standard way to detect bit width of hardware?

Variables of type int are allegedly "one machine-type word in length"
but in embedded systems, C compilers for 8 bit micro use to have int of 16 bits!, (8 bits for unsigned char) then for more bits, int behave normally:
in 16 bit micros int is 16 bits too, and in 32 bit micros int is 32 bits, etc..
So, is there a standar way to test it, something as BITSIZEOF( int ) ?
like "sizeof" is for bytes but for bits.
this was my first idea
register c=1;
int bitwidth=0;
printf("Register bit width is : %d",bitwidth);
But it takes c as int, and it's common in 8 bit compilers to use int as 16 bit, so it gives me 16 as result, It seems there is no standar for use "int" as "register width", (or it's not respected)
Why I want to detect it? suppose I need many variables that need less than 256 values, so they can be 8, 16, 32 bits, but using the right size (same as memory and registers) will speed up things and save memory, and if this can't be decided in code, I have to re-write the function for every architecture
After read the answers I found this good article
I will quote the conclusion (added bold)
the bottom line is this. If you want
to start writing efficient, portable
embedded code, the first step you
should take is start using the C99
data types ‘least’ and ‘fast’. If your
compiler isn’t C99 compliant then
complain until it is – or change
vendors. If you make this change I
think you’ll be pleasantly surprised
at the improvements in code size and
speed that you’ll achieve.
I have to re-write the function for every architecture
No you don't. Use C99's stdint.h, which has types like uint_fast8_t, which will be a type capable of holding 256 values, and quickly.
Then, no matter the platform, the types will change accordingly and you don't change anything in your code. If your platform has no set of these defined, you can add your own.
Far better than rewriting every function.
To answer your deeper question more directly, if you have a need for very specific storage sizes that are portable across platforms, you should use something like types.h stdint.h which defines storage types specified with number of bits.
For example, uint32_t is always unsigned 32 bits and int8_t is always signed 8 bits.
#include <limits.h>
const int bitwidth = sizeof(int) * CHAR_BIT;
The ISA you're compiling for is already known to the compiler when it runs over your code, so your best bet is to detect it at compile time. Depending on your environment, you could use everything from autoconf/automake style stuff to lower level #ifdef's to tune your code to the specific architecture it'll run on.
I don't exactly understand what you mean by "there is no standar for use "int" as "register width". In the original C language specification (C89/90) the type int is implied in certain contexts when no explicit type is supplied. Your register c is equivalent to register int c and that is perfectly standard in C89/90. Note also that C language specification requires type int to support at least -32767...+32767 range, meaning that on any platform int will have at least 16 value-forming bits.
As for the bit width... sizeof(int) * CHAR_BIT will give you the number of bits in the object representation of type int.
Theoretically though, the value representation of type int is not guaranteed to use all bits of its object representation. If you need to determine the number of bits used for value representation, you can simply analyze the INT_MIN and INT_MAX values.
P.S. Looking at the title of your question, I suspect that what you really need is just the CHAR_BIT value.
Does an unsigned char or unsigned short suit your needs? Why not use that? If not, you should be using compile time flags to bring in the appropriate code.
I think that in this case you don't need to know how many bits has your architecture. Just use variables as small as possible if you want to optimize your code.

Different int sizes on my computer and Arduino

Im working on a sparetime project, making some server code to an Arduino Duemilanove, but before I test this code on the controller I am testing it on my own machine (An OS X based macbook). I am using ints some places, and I am worried that this will bring up strange errors when code is compiled and run on the Arduino Duemilanove because the Arduino handles ints as 2 bytes, and my macbook handles ints as 4 bytes. Im not a hardcore C and C++ programmer, so I am in a bit of worry how an experienced programmer would handle this situation.
Should I restrict the code with a typedef that wrap my own definition of and int that is restricted to 2 bytes? Or is there another way around?
Your best bet is to use the stdint.h header. It defines typedefs that explicitly refer to the signedness and size of your variables. For example, a 16-bit unsigned integer is a uint16_t. It's part of the C99 standard, so it's available pretty much everywhere. See:
The C standard defines an int as being a signed type large enough to at least hold all integers between -32768 and 32767 - implementations are free to choose larger types, and any modern 32-bit system will choose a 32-bit integer. However, as you've seen, some embedded platforms still use 16-bit ints. I would recommend using uint16_t or uint32_t if your arduino compiler supports it; if not, use preprocessor macros to typedef those types yourself.
The correct way to handle the situation is to choose the type based on the values it will need to represent:
If it's a general small integer, and the range -32767 to 32767 is OK, use int;
Otherwise, if the range -2147483647 to 2147483647 is OK, use long;
Otherwise, use long long.
If the range -32767 to 32767 is OK and space efficiency is important, use short (or signed char, if the range -127 to 127 is OK).
As long as you have made no other assumptions that these (ie. always using sizeof instead of assuming the width of the type), then your code will be portable.
In general, you should only need to use the fixed-width types from stdint.h for values that are being exchanged through a binary interface with another system - ie. being read from or written to the network or a file.
Will you need values smaller than −32,768 or bigger than +32,767? If not, ignore the differnt sizes. If you do need them, there's stdint.h with fixed-size integers, singned und unsigned, called intN_t/uintN_t (N = number of bits). It's C99, but most compilers will support it. Note that using integers with a size bigger than the CPU's wordsize (16 bit in this case) will hurt performance, as there are no native instructions for handling them.
avoid using the type int as it's size can depend upon architecture / compiler.
use short and long instead

Primitive data type in C to represent the WORD size of a CPU-arch

I observed that size of long is always equal to the WORD size of any given CPU architecture. Is it true for all architectures? I am looking for a portable way to represent a WORD sized variable in C.
C doesn't deal with instructions. In C99, you can copy any size struct using an single assignment:
struct huge { int data[1 << 20]; };
struct huge a, b;
a = b;
With a smart compiler, this should generate the fastest (single-threaded, though in the future hopefully multi-threaded) code to perform the copy.
You can use the int_fast8_t type if you want the "fastest possible" integer type as defined by the vendor. This will likely correspond with the word size, but it's certainly not guaranteed to even be single-instruction-writable.
I think your best option would be to default to one type (e.g. int) and use the C preprocessor to optimize for certain CPU's.
No. In fact, the scalar and vector units often have different word sizes. And then there are string instructions and built-in DMA controllers with oddball capabilities.
If you want to copy data fast, memcpy from the platform's standard C library is usually the fastest.
Under Windows, sizeof(long) is 4, even on 64-bit versions of Windows.
I think the nearest answers you'll get are...
int and unsigned int often (but not always) match the register width of the machine.
there's a type which is an integer-the-same-size-as-a-pointer, spelled intptr_t and available from stddef.h IIRC. This should obviously match the address-width for your architecture, though I don't know that there's any guarantee.
However, there often really isn't a single word-size for the architecture - there can be registers with different widths (e.g. the "normal" vs. MMX registers in Intel x86), the register width often doesn't match the bus width, addresses and data may be different widths and so on.
No, standard have no such type (with maximize memory throughput).
But it states that int must be fastest type for the processor for doing ALU operations on it.
Things will get more complicated in embedded world. ASAIK, C51 is 8bit processor but in Keil C for c51, long have 4 bytes. I think it's compiler dependent.
