angularjs | date input not showing ng-model value - angularjs

date input is not showing the date until the user change it
// showing the date
<p>{{someDate | date}}</p>
// not showing the date. instead showing mm/dd/yyyy.
// but value will change when use change is
<input type="date" ng-model="someDate">
example code in jsbin
it IS working on version 1.3.0-beta.3, but
I need it to work on stable version 1.2.14.
is it possible?

I've created a simple directive to enable standard input[type="date"] form elements to work correctly with AngularJS ~1.2.16.
Please look here for details:
And here's the demo:
Hope it helps!

I think the answer is you must upgrade to angularjs 1.3 or newer. Details in angular.js/pull/5864. The commit implementing this is pretty large to try to backport to 1.2 IMHO.

Try converting the someDate scope variable from string to Date format and then if you use input type="date" ng-model="someDate" . This solved my problem .


angular: uib-datepicker locale is not set dynamically

Consider the following setup: I have a form with a angular-bootstrap datepicker (uib-datepicker-directive), which I want to serve with different languages, such that dates are shown in different formats.
I am changing the locale dynamically with the angular-dynamic-locale-module, by using information from the state parameters.
A date object is printed with correct language-specific format using the angular date filter: {{ | date:'fullDate'}}
Unfortunately the formatting for the datepicker is not working immediately. When loading the page and call a set-locale function it needs a click into the datepicker to adjust the format of the month and click to the month and back to additionally adjust the translations for the weekdays.
I have created a plunkr to demonstrate the behaviour.
Does anyone know this behaviour? And if so, is there a way to fix this, preferably without messing up the datepicker directive?
Thanx in advance, micoud

uib-datepicker-popup calendar with null/NaN if input initially null

I use UI Bootstrap 1.3.2, Bootstrap 3.3.6 and Angularjs 1.5.5, but I'm having a problem with uib-datepicker-popup. If the value of the corresponding input field is null/not set, the calendar shows undefined date fields (null, NaN):
Code of input field:
<input type="text" uib-datepicker-popup="dd.MM.yyyy" datepicker-options="datepickerOptions" ng-model="mydto.teilnahmebis" />
The initDate option is ignored - code from controller:
$scope.datepickerOptions = {
minDate : new Date( '2010-01-01' ),
initDate : new Date()
The popup works if the input field already has a value. But normally that's not the case. Any idea, how to resolve this issue? Thanks for an answer.
I had the same problem, your ng-model variables is setting with a invalid date data...
check if you are overwriting your default value and set it as null
I think you might have done something wrong.
I have created a plunker code for you, and its working as it should be.
You can go through it.

AngularJS Date Pattern Validation Changes from v1.3 to v1.4

I recently asked this question about the changes to RegExp pattern validation that were introduced in AngularJS v1.3. The answer I received apparently solved my problem, but now I am trying to apply that approach, and I see that the behavior is again different in AngularJS v1.4.
Specifically, I want to apply pattern validation to a date input field, but the validation RegExp will be exposed as a property of the model, instead of being hard-coded into the form markup.
As suggested, I am specifying the name of the model property in the ng-pattern attribute ...
<input type="date" ng-model="myDate" name="myDate" ng-pattern="control.dateRegex" />
... and exposing the validation RegExp as a property of the model:
$scope.control = {
dateRegex: /^2015-\d+-\d+$/
This JSFiddle shows it working correctly with AngularJS v1.3 and this one demonstrates that the same implementation does not work with v1.4. I am unable to find any documentation that describes the correct implementation for use with v1.4.
Any suggestions please?
After asking a similar question on the AngularJS issues forum, I learned that this behavior is specific to date input validation. It arises because the model property used for date input binding has changed from a String to a Date object, which means that is no longer possible to use a RegExp to validate it.
It seems that the AngularJS team recognize this as a bug and that we can expect a fix in a forthcoming release. I will monitor the issue and update this thread when there is some progress.

Angular Bootstrap DateTimePicker - Highlight Today Date on embedded Calender

Please accept my apologies if i had any mistakes in my post. This is my first post here. But, i am not new to StackOverflow. Correct me if any.
I am using angular-bootstrap-datetimepicker library from the below url:
Link to library
I am currently embedding the calender on the page.
I am using angular.js, moment.js, grunt and bower. Absolutely no issue loading the calender and can even select a date and display the selected date as well.
Here is the sample code:
Selected Date: {{ data.embeddedDate | date:'yyyy-MMM-dd' }}
<datetimepicker data-ng-model="data.embeddedDate" data-datetimepicker-config="{ startView:'day', minView:'day'}" />
I am trying to highlight today's date automatically when the datetimepicker shows on the page.
As you can see, in the config options, i could set the default view and min view.
Note: I tried to mimic the working code (till now) in Plunkr but, its not showing the calendar. I added all libraries as well. Anyways, that's just for idea only. If i could get the Plunkr working, i will update again.
Here is the link to Plunkr.
Any suggestions (regarding highlight today date by default) will be appreciated.
To get the directive to show todays date by default, you can set the value of data.embeddedDate in the controller through its scope, like so:
$ = { embeddedDate: new Date() };
Working Plunkr

Angular JS formate date

Is there any directive in Angular, I want to enable user when he write 2/3/67 in input for date date needs to be formatted like 02/03/1967 I tried few things on my own but they didn't work.
Just add a Angularjs formating, when displaying users input like so
{{yourdate.variable | date:'yyyy-MM-dd'}}
Se more at AnguarJS date function
Here is working Plunker, with different type of dates. Enjoy
