i want to put "brian" in another array $request. How can i read the value of an array in another array ?
Can i do it directly like this ?
$paypal = array(
$request = array(
You could modify the script as below, i.e modify array once created
$request['USER'] = $paypal['USER'];
or set it while creating as below
$request = array(
'METHOD' => 'BMCreateButton',
'VERSION' => '87',
'USER' => $paypal['USER'],
Just try with:
$request = array(
'METHOD' => 'BMCreateButton',
'VERSION' => '87',
'USER' => $paypal['USER'],
$paypal = array(
$request = array(
'USER'=>$paypal['USER'] // works
I have registered a custom taxonomy as part of my custom post type, but when passing it through to get_categories() it returns an empty array. Any ideas as to why?
// Register FAQ Categories taxonomy
function bv_faq_register_categories() {
'label' => 'Categories',
'rewrite' => array('slug' => 'faq-category'),
'hierarchical' => true
add_action('init', 'bv_faq_register_categories');
// Category view
$categories = get_categories(array(
'taxonomy' => 'faq-category'
$categories is returning an empty array.
Have you tried get_terms instead?
$categories = get_terms( 'faq-category', array(
'orderby' => 'count',
'hide_empty' => 0
) );
Like #AD Styles said I would use get_terms using the custom taxonomy, to expand a bit here's some example code:
$post_type = 'faq-category';
// Get all the taxonomies for this post type
$taxonomies = get_object_taxonomies( (object) array( 'post_type' => $post_type ) );
foreach( $taxonomies as $taxonomy ) :
// Gets every "category" (term) in this taxonomy to get the respective posts
$terms = get_terms( array(
'taxonomy' => $taxonomy,
'parent' => 0
) );
foreach( $terms as $term ) :
echo "<h1>".$term->name."</h1>";
Your code looks ok. Do you have assigned this category to any post/post type?
If not then you will get an empty result. for testing you can set 'hide_empty' = false like this:
// Category view
$categories = get_categories(array(
'taxonomy' => 'faq-category',
'hide_empty' => false // set it true
Also, you can use get_terms() function.
I have a query in CakePHP as following :
lnguserID = 10;
$result = $this->Mymodel->find('all', array(
'fields' => array('Mymodel.intPhoneID'),
'conditions' => array('Mymodel.intUserid'=> $lnguserID)
When I debug the result like this: echo debug($result);
I get :
(int) 0 => array(
'Mymodel' => array(
'intPhoneID' => (int) 3975
How can I access directly to this id : 3975 from the resulted array? Something like :
I want to use it in an other query.
echo $result[0]['Mymodel']['intPhoneID'];
Also - you don't need to echo a debug. It's just:
I assume this is in the Controller - if so, you can then access it in the View by "'set'ing" it:
// Controller
$this->set('result', $result);
// View
if this is your object:
(int) 0 => array(
'Mymodel' => array(
'intPhoneID' => (int) 3975
you need to access the array by 0 -> Mymodel -> intPhoneID , so use:
I've set a simple search engine on my CakePHP project which looks like that :
echo $this->Form->create("Post", array(
"action" => "search",
"id" => "searchForm"
echo $this->Form->input("keyword", array(
"label" => "",
"type" => "search",
"placeholder" => "Recherche..."
echo $this->Form->end();
Here is the controller :
function search() {
$keyword = $this->request->data;
$keyword = $keyword["Post"]["keyword"];
$cond = array("OR" => array(
"Post.title LIKE '%$keyword%'",
"Post.description LIKE '%$keyword%'"
$posts = $this->Post->find("all", array("conditions" => $cond));
$this->set(compact("posts", "keyword"));
And it works great. The only problem is when I want to paginate the results. I simply add :
$posts = $this->paginate();
And here is the problem. When I add this, CakePHP give me all the posts and not only the ones that match the keyword.
So, if you would have a solution, it would be nice :)
According to the CakePHP book you should be able to do
$this->paginate('Post', array(
'OR' => array(
'Post.title LIKE' => "%$keyword%",
'Post.description LIKE' => "%$keyword%"
Or you can do it like this ( from the cakephp site ).
public function list_recipes() {
$this->paginate = array(
'conditions' => array('Recipe.title LIKE' => 'a%'),
'limit' => 10
$data = $this->paginate('Recipe');
Paginate does its own lookup on the data I believe. The find you are calling previously has no effect on the paginate.
Try this:
$this->paginate = array( 'conditions' => $cond, ));
you can use Session for storing conditions
the first, when you submit form you store conditions into Session
and then(paginate) you can read conditions from Session
example i want to search the products:
echo $this->Form->create('Product');
echo $this->Form->input('keyword');
echo $this->Form->end(__('Search'));
class ProductsController extends AppController{
public function search() {
if ($this->request->is('post')) {
$keyword = $this->request->data['Product']['keyword'];
$this->paginate = array(
'fields' => array('Product.name', 'Product.price', 'Product.created'),
'order' => array('Product.created' => 'DESC', 'Product.price' => 'DESC'),
'limit' => 30,
'conditions' => array('Product.name LIKE' => '%' . $keyword . '%')
// store array $this->paginate into Session
$this->Session->write('paginate', $this->paginate);
$this->paginate = $this->Session->read('paginate');
$this->set('products', $this->paginate('Product'));
I am trying to implement selectbox in my site.Option for that selectbox is set in my controller like below
$tmp_user = $this->User->find('first',array('id'=>$this->Auth->user('id')));
$zip_info = $this->Zipcode->find('first',array('id'=>#$tmp_user['User']['zip_id']));
$region_admins = $this->AdminRegion->find('all',array('conditions'=>array('AdminRegion.region_id'=>#$zip_info['Zipcode']['region_id'])));
foreach($region_admins as $radmn):
$admin_user = $this->User->find('list',array('conditions'=>array('id'=>$radmn['AdminRegion']['user_id']),'fields'=>array('id','username')));
I am getting value like this when i print from controller
[137] => governmentuser1
[198] => testadmin
[215] => adminregion
[224] => testcompany1234
[225] => testuser12345678
but only last value is set in select box....
Where did i made mistake?
How about something like this:
$tmp_user = $this->User->find('first', array(
'id' => $this->Auth->user('id')
$zip_info = $this->Zipcode->find('first', array(
'id' => #$tmp_user['User']['zip_id']
$region_admins = $this->AdminRegion->find('list', array(
'conditions' => array(
'AdminRegion.region_id' => #$zip_info['Zipcode']['region_id']
'fields' => array('AdminRegion.user_id', 'AdminRegion.user_id')
$admin_users = $this->User->find('list', array(
'conditions' => array(
'id' => $region_admins
'fields' => array(
A few side notes:
Why do another query for the user data? Isn't it all in the session?
I wouldn't use the # anywhere, it's slower and suppresses errors. It will make debugging a nightmare too.
I think you missed array:
$admin_user[] = $this->User->find('list',array('conditions'=>array('id'=>$radmn['AdminRegion']['user_id']),'fields'=>array('id','username')));
Hope it helps
I am using this query, but it is not returning ctotal. Please help.
$total = $this->RequestedItem->find('all',
'sum(cost * quantity) AS ctotal',
'conditions' => [
'RequestedItem.purchase_request_id' => $_GET['po_id']
You should not be using PHP superglobals directly in CakePHP. You should instead use Model.field naming so that you do not get ambiguous field errors.
Virtual fields is the way to go but that is not your problem, you need to read the book some more.
$total = $this->RequestedItem->find('all', array(array('fields' => array('sum(Model.cost * Model.quantity) AS ctotal'), 'conditions'=>array('RequestedItem.purchase_request_id'=>$this->params['named']['po_id'])));
should work fine, with the virtualFields it would be
var $virtualFields = array('total' => 'SUM(Model.cost * Model.quantity)');
$total = $this->RequestedItem->find('all', array(array('fields' => array('total'), 'conditions'=>array('RequestedItem.purchase_request_id'=>$this->params['named']['po_id'])));
Fields go in the 'fields' key, just like conditions go in the 'conditions' key. See http://book.cakephp.org/2.0/en/models/retrieving-your-data.html#find
This works too, worked fine for me
$sum = $this->Modelname->find('all', array(
'conditions' => array(
'Modelname.fieldname' => $conditions),
'fields' => array('sum(Modelname.fieldname) as total_sum'
Temporarily set the virtualFields prior to doing a find.
$this->MaterialScan->virtualFields = array(
'total_qty' => 'COUNT(MaterialScan.id)',
'total_lbs' => 'SUM(MaterialScan.weight)'
$materialScans = $this->MaterialScan->find('all',array(
'conditions' => array(
'MaterialScan.id' => $scans
'group' => array('MaterialScan.part_number')
This avoids having the [0] elements in the returned array.
You can use virtualFields:
var $virtualFields = array(
'the_sum' => 'SUM(Model.cost * Model.quantity)'