extract xml element from database using sql query - sql-server

Hello I have the following xml structure within a database table column :
DECLARE #Response XML =
'<star:ShowInfo xmlns="http://www.starstandard.org/STAR/5"
xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" releaseID="5.1.5"
<STText xsi:type="ns2:TextType">E12143 - Please fetch me from this xml </STText>
In the above xml I need to fetch the STText value which is
E12143 - Please fetch me from this xml . Can anyone point me on how I can do it ?
I tried the following but it doesnt seem to work :
;WITH XMLNAMESPACES ('http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema' as xsd,
'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance' as xsi)
SELECT #Response.value('(/xsd:Response)[1]','nvarchar(500)') as ExceptionMessage

What a pain.
It is not a sql issue, but rather namespace-getting-confused issue.
Its heplful totake SQL out the equation sometimes, by testing some place like


How to store XML data list in a table

Im working on a script that will allow me to save the xml data in a table. This will be used to compare with other tables which also contains an xml data.
I've been successful so far for simple node tags, but have encountered an issue when trying to store the data from a list.
The XML data looks like this:Sample XML Data
And my query is this:
XML Query display
I am able to get the 'TypeCode' as the main node but for the value, it's always showing blank. I'm not sure how to handle the list in XML.
I'm thinking as long as I can save the data
'' as text in the Value column, then I can find another way to parse it and display it in a nicer way as another query.
Any help is appreciated :D Thanks!
For your next question: Please do not post pictures. I had to type this in... Please provide consumable data, best as a stand-alone example to reproduce your issue.
<TypeCodes type="list">
<item key="A" text="A1"/>
<item key="C" text="C1"/>
--the Xml "as is"
SELECT #xml;
--fetch one value with XQuery
SELECT #xml.value('(/Codes/TypeCodes/item[#key="A"]/#text)[1]','varchar(10)');
--fetch all items as list
SELECT #xml.value('(/Codes/TypeCodes/#type)[1]','varchar(10)') AS TypeCode_type
,i.value('#key','varchar(10)') AS item_key
,i.value('#text','varchar(10)') AS item_text
FROM #xml.nodes('/Codes/TypeCodes/item') A(i);
check it out
Good day,
SQL Server include special data type XML which is what you should use in order to store your XML data.
declare #MyXML XML = '
<Item key="1" />
select #MyXML
Here is example of using table:
INSERT T(MyXML) values ('
<Item key="1" />
For more information check this documentation:
XML Data Type and Columns (SQL Server)

Creating XML Schema for Bulk Load to SQL Server - Child Element Describes Parent

I have an XML document that I'm working to build a schema for in order to bulk load these documents into a SQL Server table. The XML I'm focusing on looks like this:
Inside the Limit element, there's a child LimitAppliesToCd that I need to use to determine where the Amt element's value actually gets stored inside my table. Is this possible to do using the standard XML Bulk Load feature of SQL Server? Normally in XML I'd expect that the element would have an attribute containing the "PerPerson" or "PerAcc" information, but this standard we're using does not call for that.
If anyone has worked with the ACORD standard before, you might know what I'm working with here. Any help is greatly appreciated.
Don't know exactly what you are talking about, but this is a solution to get the information out of your XML.
Assumption: Your XML is already bulk-loaded into a declared variable #xml of type XML:
A CTE will pull the information out of your XML. The final query will then use PIVOT to put your data into the right column.
With a fitting table's structure the actual insert should be simple...
WITH DerivedTable AS
SELECT cov.value('CoverageCd[1]','varchar(max)') AS CoverageCd
,cov.value('CoverageDesc[1]','varchar(max)') AS CoverageDesc
,lim.value('(FormatCurrencyAmt/Amt)[1]','decimal(14,4)') AS Amt
,lim.value('LimitAppliesToCd[1]','varchar(max)') AS LimitAppliesToCd
FROM #xml.nodes('/root/Coverage') AS A(cov)
CROSS APPLY cov.nodes('Limit') AS B(lim)
(SELECT * FROM DerivedTable) AS tbl
MIN(Amt) FOR LimitAppliesToCD IN(PerPerson,PerAcc,Coverage)
) AS p

SQL Server FOR XML PATH: Set xml-declaration or processing instruction "xml-stylesheet" on top

I want to set a processing instruction to include a stylesheet on top of an XML:
The same issue was with the xml-declaration (e.g. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>)
Desired result:
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="stylesheet.xsl"?>
My research brought me to node test syntax and processing-instruction().
SELECT 'type="text/xsl" href="stylesheet.xsl"' AS [processing-instruction(xml-stylesheet)]
,'Test' AS Test
,'SomeMore' AS SomeMore
FOR XML PATH('TestPath')
produces this:
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="stylesheet.xsl"?>
All hints I found tell me to convert the XML to VARCHAR, concatenate it "manually" and convert it back to XML. But this is - how to say - ugly?
This works obviously:
'<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="stylesheet.xsl"?>
</TestPath>' AS XML);
Is there a chance to solve this?
There is another way, which will need two steps but don't need you to treat the XML as string anywhere in the process :
declare #result XML =
'Test' AS Test,
'SomeMore' AS SomeMore
FOR XML PATH('TestPath')
set #result.modify('
insert <?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="stylesheet.xsl"?>
before /*[1]
Sqlfiddle Demo
The XQuery expression passed to modify() function tells SQL Server to insert the processing instruction node before the root element of the XML.
Found another alternative based on the following thread : Merge the two xml fragments into one? . I personally prefer this way :
SELECT CONVERT(XML, '<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="stylesheet.xsl"?>'),
'Test' AS Test,
'SomeMore' AS SomeMore
FOR XML PATH('TestPath')
Sqlfiddle Demo
As it came out, har07's great answer does not work with an XML-declaration. The only way I could find was this:
'Test' AS Test,
'SomeMore' AS SomeMore
DECLARE #XmlWithDeclaration NVARCHAR(MAX)=
SELECT N'<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>'
SELECT #XmlWithDeclaration;
You must stay in the string line after this step, any conversion to real XML will either give an error (when the encoding is other then UTF-16) or will omit this xml-declaration.

Bulk Import of XML Into Existing Tables

I am new to XML and SQL Server and am trying import an XML file into SQL Server 2010. I have 14 tables that I would like to parse the data into. All 14 table names are listed in the XML as nodes (I think) I found some example code that worked with the simple example XML, but my XML seems a little more complicated and may not be structured optimally; unfortunately, I can't change that. As a basic attempt, I tried to insert the data into just one field of one existing table (SILVX_SN16000), but the Message pane shows "(0 rows(s) affected). Thanks in advance for looking at this.
Declare #xml XML
Select #xml =
CONVERT(XML,bulkcolumn,2) FROM OPENROWSET(BULK 'C:\Users\Kevin_S\Documents \SilvxInSightImport.xml',SINGLE_BLOB) AS X
Insert into [SILVX_SN16000]
P.value('MD_GROUP[1]','NVARCHAR(255)') AS md_group
From #xml.nodes('/TableData/Row') PropertyFeed(P)
Here is a much-shortened (rows removed) version of my XML:
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<SilvxInSightImport Version="1.0" Host="uslsss17" Date="14-09-14_20-40-02">
<Tables Count="14">
<Table Name="SN16000">
The xPath in .nodes() must specify the whole path to the Row nodes so you should start with SilvxInSightImport and work your way down to Row.
In your case you have multiple table nodes, one for each table and I assume you only need one table at a time. You can use a predicate on the table name in the .nodes() xPath expression.
/SilvxInSightImport/Tables/Table[#Name = "SN16000"]/TableData/Row
Your whole query for SN16000 should look something like this.
select T.X.value('(MD_GROUP/text())[1]', 'varchar(20)') as MD_GROUP,
T.X.value('(PARENT_HPKEY/text())[1]', 'int') as PARENT_HPKEY,
T.X.value('(PKEY/text())[1]', 'int') as PKEY,
T.X.value('(NAME/text())[1]', 'varchar(20)') as NAME,
T.X.value('(ROUTER_ID/text())[1]', 'varchar(20)') as ROUTER_ID,
T.X.value('(IP_ADDR/text())[1]', 'varchar(20)') as IP_ADDR,
T.X.value('(S_STATE/text())[1]', 'varchar(20)') as S_STATE
from #XML.nodes('/SilvxInSightImport/Tables/Table[#Name = "SN16000"]/TableData/Row') as T(X)
You have to sort out the data types used for each column.
SQL Fiddle

Using SQL Server 2005's XQuery select all nodes with a specific attribute value, or with that attribute missing

Update: giving a much more thorough example.
The first two solutions offered were right along the lines of what I was trying to say not to do. I can't know location, it needs to be able to look at the whole document tree. So a solution along these lines, with /Books/ specified as the context will not work:
SELECT x.query('.') FROM #xml.nodes('/Books/*[not(#ID) or #ID = 5]') x1(x)
Original question with better example:
Using SQL Server 2005's XQuery implementation I need to select all nodes in an XML document, just once each and keeping their original structure, but only if they are missing a particular attribute, or that attribute has a specific value (passed in by parameter). The query also has to work on the whole XML document (descendant-or-self axis) rather than selecting at a predefined depth.
That is to say, each individual node will appear in the resultant document only if it and every one of its ancestors are missing the attribute, or have the attribute with a single specific value.
For example:
If this were the XML:
SET #Xml =
<Novel category="1">Novel1</Novel>
<Novel category="2">Novel2</Novel>
<Novel category="4">Novel4</Novel>
<Volume category="2">G-L</Volume>
<Volume category="3">M-S</Volume>
<Volume category="4">T-Z</Volume>
<Dictionaries category="1">
A parameter of 1 for category would result in this:
<Novel category="1">Novel1</Novel>
<Dictionaries category="1">
A parameter of 2 for category would result in this:
<Novel category="2">Novel2</Novel>
<Volume category="2">G-L</Volume>
I know XSLT is perfectly suited for this job, but it's not an option. We have to accomplish this entirely in SQL Server 2005. Any implementations not using XQuery are fine too, as long as it can be done entirely in T-SQL.
It's not clear for me from your example what you're actually trying to achieve. Do you want to return a new XML with all the nodes stripped out except those that fulfill the condition? If yes, then this looks like the job for an XSLT transform which I don't think it's built-in in MSSQL 2005 (can be added as a UDF: http://www.topxml.com/rbnews/SQLXML/re-23872_Performing-XSLT-Transforms-on-XML-Data-Stored-in-SQL-Server-2005.aspx).
If you just need to return the list of nodes then you can use this expression:
//Book[not(#ID) or #ID = 5]
but I get the impression that it's not what you need. It would help if you can provide a clearer example.
Edit: This example is indeed more clear. The best that I could find is this:
SET #Xml.modify('delete(//*[#category!=1])')
The idea is to delete from the XML all the nodes that you don't need, so you remain with the original structure and the needed nodes. I tested with your two examples and it produced the wanted result.
However modify has some restrictions - it seems you can't use it in a select statement, it has to modify data in place. If you need to return such data with a select you could use a temporary table in which to copy the original data and then update that table. Something like this:
UPDATE #temp SET data.modify('delete(//*[#category!=2])')
Hope that helps.
The question is not really clear, but is this what you're looking for?
SET #Xml =
<Book ID="1">Book1</Book>
<Book ID="2">Book2</Book>
<Book ID="3">Book3</Book>
<Book ID="5">Book5</Book>
<Book ID="6">Book6</Book>
<Book ID="8">Book8</Book>
SET #BookID = 5
SET #result = (SELECT #xml.query('//Book[not(#ID) or #ID = sql:variable("#BookID")]'))
SELECT #result
