Set local variable in rdlc expression - sql-server

Is it possible to somehow create variable in rdlc report expression in 'online' manner?
For example, I have following expression:
=IIf(First(Fields!BillingAccount_billtostateprovince.Value, "Invoice") <> "",
First(Fields!BillingAccount_billtostateprovince.Value, "Invoice") + " ",
I suppose that I'm evaluating following expression First(Fields!BillingAccount_billtostateprovince.Value, "Invoice") twice. I don't like it and it looks ugly... I would prefer to create variable in the scope of current expression and use it.
Is it possible?

As user3056839 said, Welcome to SSRS!
Anyway, what you want is not possible since what you are writing right now is not a script but it's just an expression. It's a single statement that returns a value, so you cannot declare variables, use loops or anything that is part of a script.
You have to use exactly what you are writing.
Also it's not rare to see an IIF expression like yours. The one I constantly see is IFF( IS NOT NULL, , 'N/A'). The field may actually be evaluated twice, but there's nothing you can do. It's ugly but it's the only way you can do that.
Just think about the CASE WHEN clause:
MyField ELSE 0
You are evaluating the field twice, but there's nothing you can do :)

It is possible to do it in SQL Server 2008 and above. You can create a Report Variable which can be accessed through out your report.


SQL Server Report expression failing for NULL int values

IIF is giving me some hell. When I do this everything works:
=IIF (IsNothing(First(Fields!Temperature.Value, "ReportInfoDataSet")),"NULL","GOOD")
But when I want to actually use the value, I end up with #Error for the NULL values, and from what I've read it's because IIF evaluates everything at once, so the .ToString() argument fails for the "GOOD" condition even though it is not used.
This gives #Error when I have a null value:
IsNothing(First(Fields!Temperature.Value, "ReportInfoDataSet")),
First(Fields!Temperature.Value, "ReportInfoDataSet").ToString()
So how do I work around the fact that IIF wants to evaluate all terms? There is a TechNet article that shows nesting another IIF statement as the "GOOD" condition that helps with the NULL value, but I still get the error (doing this for example):
IsNothing(First(Fields!Temperature.Value, "ReportInfoDataSet")),
IsNothing(First(Fields!Temperature.Value, "ReportInfoDataSet")),
First(Fields!Temperature.Value,"ReportInfoDataSet").ToString() & ChrW("&H00B0") & "F"
Here is the article that indicates this potential solution, but it seems that I am still missing something, or that something changed invalidating this solution.
One further bit of information: I put a breakpoint in just after I fill the datatable, thinking that I would just intercept the table fill and modify so that NULLs turn to 0 or something, and it seems that datatables are strongly typed and don't allow for nullable data types so there is an exception for the temperature column:
'(ReportInfoRow((new System.Linq.SystemCore_EnumerableDebugView((test.Table).Rows)).Items[0]))
.Temperature' threw an exception of type 'System.Data.StrongTypingException'
Any insights are valued . . . I'm pondering whether I just want to add an extension to the dataset and add a MyTemp parameter that fixes the value for the report.
To not have the .ToString() forced in the lack of short-circuit Boolean evaluation above, replace it with CSTR().
CSTR(First(Fields!Temperature.Value, "ReportInfoDataSet"))

Safely converting a function into a procedure in SQL Server

I've been converting an oracle schema to an sql server one and got the following error
Invalid use of a side-effecting operator 'SET COMMAND' within a function.
In my case modifying the database involved this
set #originalDateFirst = ##DateFirst;
set datefirst 1;
set #DayOfWeek = datepart(weekday,#DATE); -- 1 to 5 = Weekday
set datefirst originalDateFirst;
Ideally this wouldn't have modified the database but the datepart function uses static state.
I'm not really from a database background so was slightly baffled by this but reading other answers it looked like all I needed to do was swap the word function for procedure and I'd be away. However I then got the following error
Incorrect syntax near 'RETURNS'.
Reading around a bit about stored procedures aren't allowed to return anything they like - only integers. However the integers normally have the same semantics as a console application's return code - 0 is success and anything else is an error.
Luckily the type I wanted to return was an integer so fixing the next error:
Incorrect syntax near 'RETURNS'.
Involved just removing
from the function/procedure. However I'm unsure if there are any weird side effects caused by this error code interpretation that will be outside of my control. The function actually just returns either 0 or 1 basically as a true or false flag (where 1 is true and 0 is false as you might expect). Therefore one of my return values would count as an 'error'.
What if any are the consequences of piggybacking on the return code of a procedure rather than using an out parameter? Is it just a bad practice? If it's safe to do this I'd certainly prefer to so I don't need to change any calling code.
This isn't an answer to your question as posed, but may be a better solution to the overall problem.
Rather than having to rely on a particular DATEFIRST setting, or changing the DATEFIRST setting, why not use an expression that always returns reliable results no matter what the DATEFIRST setting is.
For example, this expression:
select (DATEPART(weekday,GETDATE()) + 7 - DATEPART(weekday,'20140406')) % 7
always returns 1 on Mondays, 2 on Tuesdays, ..., 5 on Fridays. No matter what settings are in effect.
So, your entire original block of 4 lines of code could just be:
set #DayOfWeek = (DATEPART(weekday,#Date) + 7 -
DATEPART(weekday,'20140406')) % 7; -- 1 to 5 = Weekday
And now you should be able to continue writing it as a function rather than a stored procedure.
If it's safe to do this I'd certainly prefer to so I don't need to change any calling code.
Which you would have to do if you did change your function into a stored procedure. There's no syntax where you can look at the call and ever be in doubt of whether a stored procedure or a function is being invoked - they always use different syntaxes. A procedure is executed by being the first piece of text in a batch or by being preceded by the EXEC keyword and no parentheses.
A function, on the other hand, always has to have parentheses applied when calling it, and must appear as an expression within a larger statement (such as SELECT). You cannot EXEC a function, nor call one by it being the first piece of text in a batch.
An out param could be of (almost) any valid datatype, RETURN is always an int, not necessarily 0 or 1.
Because you can't use a procedure as a query source (it's not a table), to consume a return value from a procedure, declare a variable and exec the procedure like this:
create procedure p as
-- some code
return 13
declare #r int
exec #r = p
select #r
I wouldn't call it piggybacking, it's a regular way to return a success/error code for example. But how you interprete the return value is entirely up to calling code.
Functions, otoh, can be used as a query source, if table-valued, or as a scalar value in select list or where clause etc. But you can't modify data inside functions, and there are other restrictions with them (as you've learned already). Furthermore, functions can have nasty impact on performance (except the inline table-valued functions, they're pretty much safe to use).

Why do I get a SQL syntax error with this?

Trying to run this query in LINQPad 4:
SELECT item_group_id as AccountID, IIF(ISNULL(t_item_group.description),'[blank]',t_item_group.description) AS Name
FROM t_item_group
WHERE active = TRUE
I get, "the isnull function requires 2 argument(s)."
I've tried moving the parens around, changing the "[blank]" to "[blank]" and "[blank]" , but none of it helps...
The queries (I have two similar ones (with IIF(ISNULL)) that LINQPad won't run for this reason, yet they run in actuality (in my Web API app) fine; so, LINQPad is more "picky" than it needs to be, perhaps, but what is it expecting, SQL syntax-wise?
ISNULL is already like a 'if' type statement.
You can just replace
ISNULL(t_item_group.description, '[blank]')
The ISNULL uses the first parameter (the 'description'), unless that value is null in which case it will use the second parameter.
As an aside, one of the reasons I don't care for ISNULL is that it is poorly named. You'd assume that given its name it will return a bit - true if the parameter is null, false if not null - which you could use in an 'if' statement like you attempted. But that's not how it works.
The alternative is to use COALESCE. It provides much the same functionality, but the naming makes sense.
co·a·lesce ˌkōəˈles verb
1. come together and form one mass or whole.
To COALESCE two parameters is to force them into one non-nullable result. And the function is actually more powerful, as you can provide multiple parameters - COALESCE(i.description,, '[blank]') is perfectly valid.

Evaluate logical expressions in string column SQL

I have a table containing columns id(int), logical expression(varchar) and result(bit). The logical expression is stored in a varchar which I need to evaluate and put the result into the result column. For example, the column could contain:
'2<3 AND 1^1=1'
'3>4 OR 4<2'
The result column should then contain
Currently I am using a cursor to navigate the rows and using dynamic sql to evaluate the expression.
"IF(" + #expression + ") SET #result = 1"
Is there a better, more efficient way to do this? I would ideally like to get rid of the cursor. Any ideas? Would this be better performed using an assembly?
I'd go with a CLR.
I posted a very similar answer here: Convert string with expression to decimal
infact, the above answer would work fine unmodified for (and any other simple expressions):
SELECT dbo.eval('1=1' )
SELECT dbo.eval('3>4 OR 4<2' )
However, it would fail for the one using the ^ (caret) operator - you would need to tweak the CLR to handle the bitwise XOR.
Some time ago, I wrote a user-defined function in SQL to give the decimal result of evaluating infix arithmetic expressions like 1+2+3+4/(5-2). The code is here. You could probably adapt it to work for your boolean expressions. It uses a table of integers called Sequence0_8000, which you can populate in any way you want.

How do you deal with NULL values in columns of type boolean in MS Access?

I was wondering if there is a better way to cope with MS-Access' inability to handle NULL for boolean-values other than change the column-data-type to integer.
I think you must use a number, and so, it seems does Allen Browne, Access MVP.
Not that I've found :( I haven't programmed Access in awhile, but what I remember involves quite a lot of isNull checks.
I think it depends on how you want your app/solution to interpret said NULLs in your data.Do you want to simply "ignore" them in a report... i.e. have them print out as blank spaces or newlines? In that case you can use the handy IsNull function along with the "immediate if" iif() in either the SQL builder or a column in the regular Access query designer as follows:
IIF(IsNull(BooleanColumnName), NewLine/BlankSpace/Whatever, BooleanColumnName)On the other hand, if you want to consider the NULLs as "False" values, you had better update the column and just change them with something like:Update table SET BooleanColumnName = FALSE WHERE BooleanColumnName IS NULL
