SMTP Setting in cakephp - cakephp

I'm using cakephp for new project. I need to fetch the SMTP setting from database table for sending emails. is that any possible way. please let me know.

The docs says:
CakeEmail will create an instance of the EmailConfig class to access the config. If you have dynamic data to put in the configs, you can use the constructor to do that:
So you could do something like this:
class EmailConfig {
public $dynamic;
public function __construct() {
$this->dynamic = ClassRegistry::init('MailConfig')->getConfig();
Where MailConfig is a Model and getConfig() is a function in that model that loads the configuration from the database and return it in a valid CakeEmail configuration format.
Later you can use the dynamic configuration as follow:
$Email = new CakeEmail('dynamic');


calling plugin's controller from AppController in CakePHP 3

I have written a plugin for CakePHP 3.4.*.
This plugin will check for Database configuration has been set or not, if not then It you move user through a GUI interface to setup database configuration just like wordpress.
The plugin is working perfectly, but it has to be loaded manually by visiting url of the plugin
where installer is the plugin name which is calling InstallController class inside plugins/Installer/src/Controller/ directory
Now what I want to check it automatically and redirect user to the Installation interface if database connection couldn't be established.
For that I have written a function inside InstallController of plugin's controller
public function installationCheck() {
$db = ConnectionManager::get('default');
if(!$db->connect()) {
if(Configure::read('Database.installed') == true) {
$this->Flash->error(__("Database connection couldn't be established. Please, re-configure it to start the application"));
return $this->redirect(['action' => 'index']);
} else {
$this->Flash->error(__("Please configure your database settings for working of your application"));
return $this->redirect(['action' => 'index']);
return true;
Now the Question.
What is the easiest way to call this method from /app/src/Controller/AppController.php file of the main application?
Simple answer, you don't!
Shared controller logic belongs either in AppController itself, a Component or a Trait. The AppController should never being accessing methods defined in other controllers, these shouldn't be made accessible to it.
For what you're doing you probably want to do this in a component that you can load via your AppController or the relevant controller.
So your component would look something like:-
namespace Installer\Controller\Component;
use Cake\Controller\Component;
class InstallComponent extends Component
public function installationCheck()
// Method's logic
Which you would then load in the relevant controller:-
public function initialize()
Then you can use the component's method from the controller like:-
You should not Do that!
If you need to access another controller I recommend you to move that functionality to a Component, that are packages of logic that are shared between controllers.

CakePHP 3.x: how to extend the Request class

I have a plugin and I wish to extend the Request class (Cake\Network\Request), to add new methods and properties that can be used by the controllers of my plugin.
How to do?
Create your extended request class and simply pass an instance of it to the dispatcher in your apps webroot/index.php front controller:
// ....
use App\Network\MyCustomRequest;
$dispatcher = DispatcherFactory::create();
MyCustomRequest::createFromGlobals(), // there it goes
new Response()

CakePHP : override BasicAuthenticate.php

I'm trying to override lib/Cake/Controller/Component/Auth/BasicAuthenticate.php,
because I need to change the unauthenticated() method.
So I copied and modified the file to app/Lib/Cake/Controller/Component/Auth/BasicAuthenticate.php (also tried without the 'Cake' folder), but the changes are not taken into account.
My edit works when modifying directly the core file but I'd rather not.
How should I do ?
I'm using Cake 2.5
Check if you really need to override a core class
To me this looks like you are on the wrong track, overriding the class shouldn't be neccesary unless for example you have no controler over where and how the basic authentication adapter is being used (for example in a plugin that doesn't offer configuration).
If you'd really need to overwrite the class, then the path should be
and it should work just fine (it does for me, using CakePHP 2.5.6).
Use a custom authentication handler instead
If you have control over the adapter configuration, the I'd suggest that you extend the BasicAuthenticate class instead, and only override the unauthenticate() method, and finally make the auth component use the custom adapter.
Something like
App::uses('BasicAuthenticate', 'Controller/Component/Auth');
class CustomBasicAuthenticate extends BasicAuthenticate {
public function unauthenticated(CakeRequest $request, CakeResponse $response) {
// do something special
public $components = array(
'Auth' => array(
'authenticate' => array(
See also the Creating Custom Authentication objects section in the Cookbook.

saving the xml file generated through cakephp 2.3 serialize function

I am using cakephp 2.3 and using the default code from the cookbook. The xml is generated automatically, without having to create any view files.
class PostsController extends AppController {
public function index() {
$this->set(’posts’, $this->paginate());
$this->set(’_serialize’, array(’posts’));
However, I do not want to display the XML. Instead I want to save the generated XML file in the document root upon click of a button as Posts.xml. How can I do this? Please help.
You might not have look thoroughly enough:
It clearly states how to send files with the appropriate headers via response object.
So in your controller action, add:

Extends cakephp plugin

I'm using spark_plug plugin on cakephp, this plugin provides an authentication-acl system for register and admin users in cakephp. I want to add some new code and functionalities to the user's controller but I don't want to change the "main" plugin files.
I was thinking if it is possible leave the "main" plugin controller as it (unchanged) "\app\plugins\spark_plug\controllers\users_controller.php" and create a secondary controller with all the new code and functionalities, something like this "\app\controllers\users_controller.php" and extends the plugin "main" controller.
Is that possible? and how achieve that?
Or do you think is there any other way to do what I want?
You could perhaps use composition rather than inheritance? I.e. create a "app\controllers\users_controller" that has inside it an instance of the plugin's controller. The UsersController passes through any unmodified actions via stubs, eg:
class UsersController extends AppController {
var spark_plug_users_controller;
public function __construct() {
App::import('Controller', 'SparkPlug/Users'); // this is probably wrong.
$this->spark_plug_users_controller = new UsersController; // as is this.
//example non-overridden method
function login() {
return $this->spark_plug_users_controller->login();
your problem would be accessing protected/private methods within the spark_plug Users controller. But if you did not need to, this may work.
