Grails dbm-changelog-sync No such property - database

I am building a Grails app and was asked to integrate with liquibase. After a bit of research I found that the Database Migration plugin is the preferred method for this.
However, whenever I run any command involving the plugin, I get the following error:
Error executing script DbmChangelogSync: No such property: database for class: _DatabaseMigrationCommon_groovy
I am using database-migration version 1.3.6. I also tried with 1.3.8 but received the same error.
Any advice? Thanks.


Getting 404-Not Found Error on running Oracle APE X Application

I have started learning oracle APEX and installed oracle apex 20.2 on my desktop PC just now. I am facing a problem that on running a sample application after install it shows me 404 - Not Found error.
Can anybody help me on this issue?
I had a similar issue when I imported an application. Try this: in application properties untick "Friendly URLs" and run it again.
If you're still getting the issue show the end of your url (all parameters after the server).
I have solved this issue. Actually the issue was with the user rights. I created a new user other the APEX_PUBLIC_USER and then the APEX was not working well because my new user didn't have those rights which APEX_PUBLIC_USER has.
I solved it by configuring the APEX back to the APEX_PUBLIC_USER and it runs well.

Sonata-Project's Google Authenticator: Undefined Method "getTwoStepVerificationCode" from Application\Sonata\UserBundle\Entity\User

I am currently working on a project built on Symfony 2.8 and a few Sonata-Project bundles. The goal is to achieve Two-Factor Authentication (a.k.a Two-Step Verification). I saw that Sonata-Project has a package for implementing such functionality and installed it. Then configured the app/config/config.yml file according to sonata's documentation, but when I try to log into my Dashboard from the login form, I do that without any further obstacles (no 2-Factor Authentication Prompt). Here, on, I've seen a few answers, (not-fully) related to my question, that suggest running php app/console sonata:user:two-step-verification *ADMIN_USER_NAME*. I've tried to run this command in my terminal, but got this exception thrown:
Attempted to call an undefined method named "getTwoStepVerificationCode" of class
What seems to be the problem here? Why such method doesn't exist? How can I resolve this issue?
P.S.: I try to use this Google-Authenticator package in conjunction with Soanata-Project's UserBundle as it is "a feature" (if I may call it such) of the latter.
Does your application properly extend Sonata\UserBundle\Entity\BaseUser? Because if not you will have this issue. Check your class Application\Sonata\UserBundle\Entity\User.

CakePhp3.2 ORM ResultSet and ORM Query Error running skeleton app on shared host

Been running cake app on shared host, which worked great until recently. The shared host supports Apache,PHP 5.4.45 through to PHP 7.0.21 and Mysql Server 5.6.35.
FYI - A skeleton app throws up the same error. This error is thrown way before database connection is made.
Below is the error am getting, the same app works ok on my local server.
Fatal error: Class Cake\ORM\ResultSet contains 1 abstract method and must therefore be declared abstract or implement the remaining methods (Iterator::current) in /projects/vendor/cakephp/cakephp/src/ORM/ResultSet.php on line 593
Fatal error: Cannot instantiate abstract class Cake\ORM\ResultSet in /vendor/cakephp/cakephp/src/ORM/Query.php on line 922
Looking forward to your insights on above.
Currently it looks like that this is the result of a bug in PHP:
Make sure to update to the latest CakePHP version, and if you the problem persists, try switching to PHP 5.6 until a fixed PHP version, or a workaround is available.

Persistence manager failing to instantiate

I have a web application project using gwt and using google app engine to store my data. When I run my project I get the following error:
WARNING: Error for /proj/saat
java.lang.NoSuchFieldError: NUCLEUS_CONTEXT_LOADER
at org.datanucleus.api.jdo.JDOPersistenceManagerFactory.<clinit>(
saat is an the class that I am trying to store on my google app engine. proj is the name of my project. I try to instantiate my persistenceManager in saatServiceImpl in the server package as follows:
private static final PersistenceManagerFactory pmf = JDOHelper
and this the the line the error is issued at. I have no idea how to fix this problem. Any hints is appreciated.
You are using a wrong DataNucleus library for your GAE environment, check this table and set in your project the appropriate one.
I don't know how or why but something that worked for me was I opened up and changed the property:

Unable to synchronize resource src to server:ClassCastException

I am following this tutorial for setting google toolkit for salesforce org when I reach
Synchronizing with your Developer Edition org
and i synchronize it with my developer org suddenly a dialog error occurred with info:
Unable to synchronize resource src to server:ClassCastException:com.salesforce.ide.api.metadata.types.MetaData$JaxbAccessorF_full_Name can not be cast to com.sun.xml.Internal.bind.v2.runtime.reflect.Accessor
com.salesforce.ide.api.metadata.types.Metadata$JaxbAccessorF_full_Name cannot be cast to com.sun.xml.internal.bind.v2.runtime.reflect.Accessor
How to resolve this error any one g0t through this error then please help to resolve it
Instead of using jdk7 install java runtime enviorment6 and error is resolved.
Running the IDE as Administrator can also work.
