XAML designer in visual studio cannot display anything - wpf

Why is it that every time I open a user control or anything a little more complicated than simple markup, Visual studio is unable to display it in the designer? Sometimes I have a form where there are several elements, but all the designer displays is a rectangle? How does one work on more complicated pages with XAML?

If you use Binding in XAML, VS designer invokes the binded object as a compiled manner like part of your program being executed. At this time, if the binded object does not prepare any fake data programatically which gives null in general, VS designer is failed to render UI because it is treated as NullReferenceException during rendering process.
Those fake data is called design-time data in XAML.
To prepare design-time fake data for UI, please check this link: https://stackoverflow.com/a/11561369/361100

In my experience, Visual Studio's designer is almost completely useless for anything more complicated than the simplest designs. Have you tried using Blend? It actually works (most of the time.)


Error while loading designer in wpf form

My application is working fine, all of a sudden while loading a designer in wpf form, im getting errors.
Object reference not set to instance of an object.
As if it is in a loop. After pressing the enter button for sometime. Im getting this error.
Microsoft Visual Studio XAML UI Designer has stopped working.
And after this, im getting this.
[9980] Designer process terminated unexpectedly!
The number in square brackets is changing evrytime.
Im using Visual Studio 2012. Im not yet running the application, Im just switching to designer mode from code behind. If I compile and run the application, it runs fine.
Kindly help.
Here are the three errors in single image. (I cant post morethan one link)
There's an error either in the code-behind or DataContext (if you're using a ViewModel). After you fix that error, click on Click here to reload the designer. What's happening is that the designer is trying to load everything up during design time and since there's an error, it's unable to, as if the program was actually running. That null reference exception can be a bit misleading in terms of trying to figure out the cause, because it'll be thrown if you have an error in your code-behind or ViewModel.
Things to check:
Is your View referencing the correct ViewModel?
Is your code-behind portion of the View matching the View name? Some people copy their Views, but forget to change the Class name in the code-behind.
Do you have any errors in your ViewModel?
What about models? If they're loaded during design time and contain errors, this could cause the above exception.
I noticed that those kind of errors are almost everytime caused by
an error in the parameterless constructor of the view
an error in the constructor of the view model which is attached to the view
Keep in mind that when the designer loads, it calls the parameterless constructor of the view (there has to be one for the designer!). If there are "complex things" done there which can only performed correctly at runtime, there will likely be errors at design time.
The same is true for the constructor of the view model which is called from the view.
Check whether design mode is active
For example you should not load data from a repository in a constructor.
If you do it in the constructor, at least check whether the design mode is active or not like explained in this answer here about the GetIsInDesignMode attached property and only do the complex logic in the constructor if the design mode is not active.
Debugging the problem
You also have the possiblity to debug the problem. In order to do this, you have to open a second instance of Visual Studio and debug the designer process of your original Visual Studio instance from there.
The process is described in detail here: Debugging an Exception (only) occurring in design view

Why does my Attached Property show in Blend designer but not in VS2010?

I have an attached property and I am registering it with the designer using a design-time assembly. I am using the AttachedPropertyBrowsableForTypeAttribute so that the property will be shown when a TextBox is selected.
The property shows up fine in Expression Blend 4, but does not show in Visual Studio 2010 SP1.
Does anyone know why it would not show up in Visual Studio?
You can download a test project demonstrating the problem from here:
Test Project
The short answer is indeed because the Cider designer is a complete piece of crap. Here's the longer answer:
From a Microsoft blog:
One thing to keep in mind is that one of the requirements of showing
attached properties in the designer is that the owning type needs to
have been loaded by the designer. This happens whenever the designer
accesses the type because it is in the XAML source or is a dependency
of an element loaded from the XAML source.
So the problem is the Cider designer only cares about types which have already been loaded. You can see an example of this by changing your containing Grid to a StackPanel: the Grid.Row and Grid.Column attached properties will then disappear from the list of TextBox properties within Visual Studio. The Blend design surface is somehow more forgiving and recognizes your type. In addition, Blend dutifully displays the Grid.IsSharedSizeScope (under Layout properties) even when using a StackPanel.
Looking at how Microsoft uses and supports attached properties, they seem to favor using them on layout containers. For example there's the AttachedPropertyBrowsableForChildrenAttribute. It's so you can do things like show Canvas.Left for children of a Canvas element. I get the impression they did not thoroughly consider how most people actually are using attached properties today (bolting functionality onto the side of an object versus having functionality flow downhill from a parent).

WPF quick prototyping. See changes without running

I'm doing a WPF application, using Blend4 and VS2010 for editing the XAML files.
One of the most anoying things of this is the process of making small changes and see them in action. As the data in the View is populated from a ViewModel and a Model via Bindings, the things you see in the Blend designer aren't the same you get when you run your application. You need to recompile and "re-run" your application every time you make a change, no matter if it was only to change a pixel in the margin of some element.
I want to know if there is any way to perform quick changes in your XAML and watch them in the real interface.
Like in the Websites, the idea is similar to make a change in the HTML and then press F5 to see the changes.
Maybe you can run "part" of your application to bind the view data to the model, and then change only the "view code" of the xaml.
Do you know if this is possible?
Whether using Blend or Visual Studio, the key to rapid design of MVVM user interfaces is sample data. You can use the same view model at design-time as you you do at run time as long as the data is doesn't access services.
Whether you are using MVVM Light or not, you can use its technique to allow your view-model to detect design time and return different data. You can also read Laurent Bugnion's ideas on sample data here:
WPF: Simulating data in design mode in Microsoft Expression Blend

WPF Creation versus Visual Studio Creation

I created a form in WPF and it looked great. When I opened it in Visual Studio 2010, it look alot different than what I created.
Any ideas why this would happen? Should I ignore how it shows up in VS? This makes me wonder if either is how the user will actually see it.
Any suggestions?
Thanks again!
The Visual Studio view of your WPF form is the designer view. Designer views of WPF forms, or really any other design of a UI component, will often differ in dislpay vs. the actual running component. Some of these differences are intentional to make design easier and some are just limitations of not having the WPF element actually running in a program (lack of certain runtime data bindings for example).
I wouldn't worry about it unless it starts looking incorrect when running.

How do I stub data for designers when using Expression Blend and Visual Studio?

We are trying out Visual Studio 2008 and Expression Blend on a new project. The goal is to clearly define the role of the developer and designer as separate, but reap the benefit of the developer being able to directly consume the XAML produced by the designer.
For the most part this has worked great, and I really like the possibilities. One difficulty we have come across though is designing against DataBindings. In many cases, the GUI does not populate rows, or other data structures unless the application is run, and a database call is made. Consequently the designer does not have access to the visual layout of the GUI.
What I would like to do, is somehow create some simple stubbed or mocked data that the designer can use to work on the design. The big goal is to have that stubbed data show up in Expression Blend, but then be applied to the real collection at runtime.
Has anyone found a solid method of doing this?
I would suggest reading this blog. The final method seems to work well, your test data shows up in Blend very nicely. Just keep in mind that you have to compile the DLL before it will display the data.
I would look into creating XML data islands which emulate the structure of the objects you will eventually bind the UI to. This way your designer can bind the root element of the page (or user control, etc.) to the top level of your fake XML data island and all the relative paths will stay the same when you swap that data island out for the real DataContext binding.
there will be some degree of refactoring to attach to the real object when you are ready, but that is why your developers should at least know enough XAML to know how to modify the bindings properly.
it looks like the commenter above me has a link to an example of this.
