Golf Tournament Pairing Algorithm - c

Idea is simple. Function needs one argument which is the players amount. It generates the graph where each player is placed versus another one (screen included). If players are even, rounds equals to players-1 else, it equals players.
I've noticed that the best way to do the pairing is to change order of numbers (source).
I can't find any solution to make it work with uneven player's count. Any suggestions are welcomed, as I really need this algorithm to start working ASAP. It looks simple, and won't take much coding, so it's not an issue. I just need the tip.

If you have an odd number of players, add a dummy player. Whoever plays the dummy player in a certain round, doesn't compete in that round.
You can even see that in your example image where player 6 is the dummy. The left table is obtained by skipping all matches versus number 6.


what is the fastest way to check 3repetition of chess position?

I am wirting chess Ai as a project. if positon repetes 3 times it is a draw I can create array with all previus position then get every updated position iterete over every previus one of them and see if we have 2 same position in array. but this seem like a lot of work for computer and it will make calculating moves for Ai hard. is there any better way to do this?
I would suggest using Zobrist Hashing, which is designed to handle this kind of situation. Simply store a list of hash values for each position as you go along. You could also use a Bloom Filter.
It does not matter so much if you get some false positives if you keep track of the actual board configurations as well, so if you do get a collision, you can then quickly check if you have come across the current position before; this should not happen very often if you use sufficiently large hash values.
As Oliver mentioned in his answer you should use something like Zobrist Hashing, each position then have an (almost) unique number. Zobrist Hashing is hard to implement so you need to make sure your implementation is bug free, which is easier said than done. You then store this value in a list or similar that you loop over backwards to find how many time the same position has occured.
To make the lookup faster you only need to loop each other step since you are checking for a specific colors turn. You can also break the loop immediately if you find a pawn move or a capture since these moves make the position impossible to be repeated again.
You can look at Chessprogrmaming - Repetitions for more inspiration, especially the header "List of Keys".

How to undo multiple steps in a Tic-Tac-Toe game in C

I want to program a version of the Tic-Tac-Toe game using C, in which we have 'n × n' board decided by the user, and the loser is decided by the first who get first 'n' X's or O's in a row or column etc..
One of the requirements is to let the players be able to undo multiple steps, that means to get back to the board status as it was a couple of steps ago by entering a negative odd number.
For example, if player 1 entered '-3' as the row index, the game needs to revert back how it was 3 steps before (in case there has already been 3 steps done within the game), show the board and give the turn to player 2.
Any idea how I would be able to make such a function or at least a tip how would I start programming it?
idea how I would be able to make such a function or at least a tip how would I start programming it?
An alternative to undoing a step it to instead keep a history (linked list) of all actively. Replay the list sans the last one to "undo". Less efficient yet less complicated and less error prone to undo complicated steps - which may be present in more advanced games. Sometimes, "backing up" is wrought with subtle complexities where the prior state is not truly fully restored. Akin to #Tom Karzes #David C. Rankin
As a bonus, you have a game record.
Consider your game has events like:
Default setup-up
Select size n.
Select X or O to go first
Make a move
Rotate view
Save game
Restore game
Undo last command <-- now one can undo more than just the last "move"
Normally you would have a stack where you can put each new move and when you want to undo a move, you just pop it from the stack and do the reverse move on your game model.

Does the min player in the minimax algorithm play optimally?

In the minimax algorithm, the first player plays optimally, which means it wants to maximise its score, and the second player tries to minimise the first player's chances of winning. Does this mean that the second player also plays optimally to win the game? Trying to choose some path in order to minimise the first player's chances of winning also means trying to win?
I am actually trying to solve this task from TopCoder: EllysCandyGame. I wonder whether we can apply the minimax algorithm here. That statement "both to play optimally" really confuses me and I would like some advice how to deal with this type of problems, if there is some general idea.
Yes, you can use the minimax algorithm here.
The problem statement says that the winner of the game is "the girl who has more candies at the end of the game." So one reasonable scoring function you could use is the difference in the number of candies held by the first and second player.
Does this mean that the second player also plays optimally to win the game?
Yes. When you are evaluating a MIN level, the MIN player will always choose the path with the lowest score for the MAX player.
Note: both the MIN and MAX levels can be implemented with the same code, if you evaluate every node from the perspective of the player making the move in that round, and convert scores between levels. If the score is a difference in number of candies, you could simply negate it between levels.
Trying to choose some path in order to minimize the first player's chances of winning also means trying to win?
Yes. The second player is trying to minimize the first player's score. A reasonable scoring function will give the first player a lower score for a loss than a tie.
I wonder whether we can apply the minimax algorithm here.
Yes. If I've read the problem correctly, the number of levels will be equal to the number of boxes. If there's no limit on the number of boxes, you'll need to use an n-move lookahead, evaluating nodes in the minimax tree to a maximum depth.
Properties of the game:
At each point, there are a limited, well defined number of moves (picking one of the non-empty boxes)
The game ends after a finite number of moves (when all boxes are empty)
As a result, the search tree consists of a finite number of leafs. You are right that by applying Minimax, you can find the best move.
Note that you only have to evaluate the game at the final positions (when there are no more moves left). At that point, there are only three results: The first player won, the second player won, or it is a draw.
Note that the standard Minimax algorithm has nothing to do with probabilities. The result of the Minimax algorithm determines the perfect play for both side (assuming that both sides make no mistakes).
By the way, if you need to improve the search algorithm, a safe and simple optimization is to apply Alpha Beta pruning.

Pathfinding Algorithm For 2 Pacmans

I'm trying to implement Pacman. It works fine, but so far, the ghosts aren't using any pathfinding, but instead just decide randomly on each path junction which path to take. So you can imagine that it isn't really difficult for Pacman to win the game ;)
So I read a little bit about path finding algorithms in Pacman and here on SO I found a really good answer: Pathfinding Algorithm For Pacman
The answers are referring to
This is all fine, but in my implementation of Pacman, there are two Pacmans which are played by two different players. So I wonder how to adapt the pathfinding algorithms, so that the ghosts are not always chasing one player.
Any thoughts on how to modify the algorithm so that the ghosts are more or less equally fair to both players?
I think the easiest strategy is to make each ghost chase the player closest to it. Proximity can be calculated using Manhattan distance (there was a link to it in the pathfinding question) or Euclidean distance or by a path length to the players. The last option means that you will have to compute paths to both players. Try all these options and choose one to your taste.
Also, on a side note. All people answering the pathfinding question didn't mention Dijkstra's algorithm which is even slower than BFS :) but allows to search all shortest paths only once. That is, if you implement A* or BFS and have n ghosts you will make at least n pathfinding queries. With Dijkstra you can do it only once starting from the player. But it all depends. If your game field is too large, Dijkstra is not the best choice. Try, experiment and maybe it'll suit you.
(Haven't looked but) I'm guessing that all the ghost algorithms base their behaviour on the relative positions of the ghost and 'the player' - well, simply have each ghost change its mind about which of the two players it uses as 'the player' in its algorithm, every so often.
Determining what exactly "every so often* means here is going to be a question for playtesting - should it be on a fixed schedule? Vary per ghost? Vary based on the relative proximity of the two players? Randomly - on a uniform / Poisson / other distribution?
There are as you can see many possibilities. Bear in mind that you want to avoid both behaviour which is 'too good' and behaviour which is 'too stupid'...
If you can query the distance and direction to any one Pacman from any one Ghost and also the number of Ghosts (and which Ghosts) are currently chasing any one Pacman, you should be able to make a pretty good and simple AI with some creativity.
I think you keep the pathfinding algorithms described on this web page you mentioned. That will make the game feel more true to the original. The only problem then is to determine how many ghosts chase a particular Pacman. I think this behavior should include scenarios where all of the ghosts are chasing one player. So, an algorithm is needed to determine if 1, 2, 3, or 4 ghosts are chasing a player. The algorithm could be based on the point difference between the players. So, the player in the lead would get chased by more ghosts. The algorithm should probably factor in the number of lives left for the player. So, if the player in the lead has fewer lives, the algorithm should delay increasing the number of ghosts chasing the player in the lead. The frequency of change in the number of ghosts chasing a player should also not happen too often. If a ghost changes the player being chased too much, then the ghost will seem to not really be chasing either. Just like the web page mentioned, getting a good behavior is going to take some experimentation. I think keeping it simple at first is key because sometimes complex looking behavior can be achieved by using a few simple rules. Good luck and I would love to see what you come up with. Please post a link when you get done!
I don't know if this coincides with your notion of "fairness", but I imagine one would like to prevent the case where one player happened to be the closer target to all 4 ghosts and so they end up ganging up on him and following him around, never again to chase the other player. This would be a possible result of the rule to have the ghost always follow the closest player.
You might consider first allocating fairly 2 ghosts to player 1 and 2 other ghosts to player 2, and then have them chase their targets (and reassigning this every so often). Although, if I were a ghost in the real world I wouldn't care if all my friends and I were ganging up on one pacman.
Instead of BFS or Dijkstra, I would use depth first search to depth 3 or 4, using Cartesian distance between your ghost and the Pacman at the leaves of this search tree and picking the value of the best leaf up to the root. For a small lookahead, it would be faster and easier to code compared to BFS and Dijkstra. Depth limited search should give you pretty intelligent behavior for your ghosts, assuming your gameboard does not have spiraling corridors where the number of moves required to escape the spiral is greater than 3 or 4. It also means the running time of the algorithm doesn't increase with larger and larger boards as does BFS and Dijkstra, again assuming you don't have spiraling corridors.

Heuristic for sliding tile problem

The idea is to move all of the right elements into the left and the left into the right with an empty space in the middle. The elements can either jump over one or two pieces into an empty space.
I'm trying to think of a heuristic for this task. Is the heuristic meant to aid in finding a possible solution, or actually return a number of moves as the solution? How would I express such a heuristic?
Sounds like you are a bit confused about what a heuristic is.
A rough definition is "a simplifying assumption" or "a decent guess"
For example, let's say you have to put together a basketball team, and you have fact sheets on people who want to play that list their contact info, birth date, and height. You could hold tryouts where you test each candidate's specific skills; that would require bringing in all the candidates, though, and that could take a long time. You use a heuristic to narrow the search -- only call people who are at least 6'2" tall. This might ignore some great basketball players, but it's a pretty decent guess.
Another example of a heuristic: you are trying to use the smallest number of coins to pay a bill. The heuristic (a simplifying approach) is to pick the coin with the biggest value (which is less than the remaining bill) first, subtract the value from the bill, and repeat. This is not guaranteed to work every time, but it'll get you to the right neighborhood most of the time.
A heuristic for your problem might be "never move Ls to the right, and never move Rs to the left" -- it narrows the "search space" of all possible moves by eliminating some of the possibilities from the outset.
Are you looking for a heuristic or an algorithm? A heuristic may or may not solve a given problem. It is really just intended to point you in the direction that the solution probably lies in. An algorithm really should solve a given problem.
A heuristic is generally a "hint" which usually (but not always) will guide your procedure to the correct direction. Using heuristics speeds up your procedures (your algorithms), again, usually, but not always. It's like an "advice" to the algorithm which is correct more often than not.
I'm not sure what you are looking for, as the description is a little vague. If you want the algorithm, you will need to study what effect a particular move will have to the current situation and a way to step forward for all possible moves each time, in effect traversing a tree of states (ie. states that will evolve if you make a particular sequence of moves).
You can also see that it possibly matters how close the current position is to what you want to achieve (your desired final position).So instead of calculating all the possible paths from your initial state until you find the final state, you can guide your algorithm based on the heuristic "how close is the current state to the desired one" and only traverse a part of the tree.
