Allow duplicate IDs to display in a Grid - Ext JS - extjs

I have a grid that is populated with records returned from an ajax request. When I exclude the id field from the model, all my results display properly (minus the id):
var model = Ext.define('Model', {
extend: '',
fields: [
{name : 'name', mapping : '', type : 'auto'},
{name : 'uid', mapping : 'element.uid', type : 'auto'},
//{name : 'id', mapping : 'element.attributes[0].attrvalue', type : 'auto'},
However, I can't include this field without truncating hundreds of records. From what I understand, Ext does not allow for duplicate IDs. In my grid, it is necessary to display multiple of the same IDs.
How can I accomplish this?

Set idProperty of you Model to something else. The Default value is 'id'. This field is used as unique identifier of models.

Well this is silly. It was as easy as changing the name : 'id' to anything besides 'id':
{name : 'elementId', mapping : 'element.attributes[0].attrvalue', type : 'auto'}
And of course matching that to the grid:
{header : 'ID', dataIndex : 'elementId'}
I suppose there is reason to keep unique IDs for each record in an Ext.Store, just like any other set of data/database. It just wasn't apparent that id was a keyword in the framework that must be unique in every store's record.


How can I filter records by their ObjectID (_id) in Ag-grid

I'm using MongoDB to store my records and am using Ag-grid react to display them. The grid has several columns including the record's ObjectID (_id), name, type, etc. Using the filter agColumnTextFilter works for the name and type fields with the columnDef of:
headerName: 'Column Name',
field: 'name',
filter: 'agTextColumnFilter',
which then leads to this query setup (using the contains filter option):
case "contains":
qp[fieldName] = new RegExp(['.*', user input string, '.*'].join(''), 'ig');
this logs the correct query:
"query db { name: /.*query string.*/gi }"
and the proper rows are displayed. Since the displayed _id is a string as well I tried something similar:
headerName: 'ID',
field: '_id',
valueGetter: (params) => {
let id =;
return id.slice(id.length-5); //only display last part of ID instead of entire thing
filter: 'agTextColumnFilter',
Using the same contains logic as above the following query is logged to the console:
query db { _id: /.*_id segment.*/gi }
However, no rows are returned in this case (even though there should be rows returned). Do I need to use different logic or is there a problem with this current logic? Any advice is appreciated.
Edit: Turns out even though the ID displays as a String a cast of the string to an ObjectID is needed:
qp[fieldName] = new ObjectID(_id string)
Problem with this is searching for part of a specific ID won't work because it's not a valid ID. Searching for a full ID works but isn't ideal either. If anyone has any ideas on how I can filter just part of the ID I'd appreciate it.
You can probably set a valueFormatter on the column that displays the partial ObjectId. The filtering will be done using the full ObjectId.

How to create 0..1 to many relationship in octobercms?

I have a table category it has a self relation to have belongs_to simply to be able to create subcategories and assign them to previously created categories and now i need to be able to either assign the new category to another (super) category or to assign it to none.
my model is :
public $belongsTo = [
'category' => ['plugin\pdf\models\Category']
This is found in the documents under backend -> forms. Look for the relation under widget fields. The option you is called emptyOption and it will be added in your fields.yaml file.
You would add the emptyOption like so to model's fields.yaml.
label: Field Label
nameFrom: name
descriptionFrom: description
span: auto
type: relation
emptyOption: None

Customise select columns in ui-grid

Is it possible to put a custom column definition for select fields in a ui grid and pick up the rest of the fields from the data schema? This use case arises because my json data schema is variable and there's just one column I'm sure about(its presence in data) and would like to apply a custom cell template to just that column.
Grid options:
$scope.gridOptions = {
data: data,
columnDefs: [
{ field: 'name', width: 250, cellTemplate: "../../tpl/grid/name_template.html" }
where data is the json object of variable schema.
If I define the grid this way, only the name field from my data object will be displayed in the grid. Is it possible to use the custom column def for the name field and also display the other objects in the data object without specifying column definitions for them?
To provide more clarity:
my data object can be:
[{name: 'apple', type: 'fruit', seasonal: true}]
[{name: 'apple', color: 'green', taste: 'sour'}]
Basically my use case is such that there's no way for me to know before hand what columns will be returned from the query that initialises the grid data object but I'm sure of the fact that a name column will be part of the data returned by the query. I would want to supply a custom cell template and other properties to the name field and also display the other columns that might be there.
The normal behaviour is that if I specify a column definition for one column in the field, then I have to specify definitions for all the other columns that are part of the data to make them visible and in my case I don't know what the other field names might be.
$scope.gridOptions = {
data: data,
columnDefs: [
{ field: 'name', width: 250, cellTemplate: $.get('url-to-your-template.html') }
Check if the above works. You can use your own service for fetching template

Concatenate textfield names

I want a price field to be displayed as '$'+ 'PRICE' but nothing shows when I use the included code. Can someone please tell me how to concatenate so that the view displays price as $123('PRICE')?
xtype : 'textfield',
label : 'Price',
name : 'PRICE'(this comes from store data),
readOnly : true
You are asking for the textfield to have a read only value of $XXX, $XXX('PRICE') and 'PRICE'(XXXX) all in the same question. However I think your mistake is just that you are using the name config instead of value. Give the following a shot an see if you can make that work.
xtype : 'textfield',
label : 'Price',
value : '$' + 'Price',
readOnly : true
If it turns out that you are instead having trouble getting the actual numeric value for price into the field that is a different issue just post the code involved with loading that data and I'll do my best to help.
Good luck, Brad

ExtJS GridPanel numberColumn - sort issue

I have a grid Panel with 4 columns, one of these is numeric (number up to 4 digit), and I would like to sort the row by this colum. My problem is Ext JS sorts the rows as if the column was textual, so 5 is sorted after 3000.
I tried to use a numberColumn instead of a normal column (specifying the x-type in the columns of the GridPanel), but it doesn't change the sorting.
Thus I tried to format the numbers so 5 would appear like 0005, and 0005 would be before 3000. But the format options of the numberColumn do not appear to let me specify a minimal number of digit (in Java, using NumberFormat, 0000 would work, but here it doesn't).
So I put a renderer to force my number to appear with 4 digits, it works, but it seems that the sort method use the values before beeing rendered, wich is quite logical.
I'm stuck after trying all my ideas, does anyone have a clue?
If you're using a remote store sort, then the sorting is done remotely (the database, like mysql). So what is the type of column on the database for that field? If it's a char or varchar, then that's the issue.
I've had a similar issue, the column type doesn't fix this. To have a proper ordering the type in model should be numeric.
1) Set your field type as integer in model definition.
Ext.define('myModel', {
extend: '',
fields: [{ name: 'myField', type: 'int' }]
2) Create a Store using that model.
var myStore = Ext.create('',{
model: 'myModel'
3) Define a GridPanel using the store and link your field as dataIndex into columns definition.
store: myStore,
columns: [{
header: 'Numbers', dataIndex: 'myField'
I encountered a similar problem where by exj grids sort by each digit in your number, so for example a list might be reordered to 1, 2, 22, 3, 4, 41, 5... for what its worth, i found in extjs4, that defining the type as int in the model did the trick, I havent specified the local or remote sort but it seems to be working...
Ext.define('ExtMVC.model.Contato', {
extend: '',
fields: [{'id', type: 'int'}, 'name', 'phone', 'email']
This is my code that connects to a MySQL. I followed this -> {'id', type: 'int'}, and it work out fine... Thank you all! I'm using Ext js 4.2.x
