ng-if without breaking stylesheet? - angularjs

Is there a way to use an ng-if directive without adding a containing element? I'm playing around with dynamic menu items placed by the current view controller and want to handle a dropdown type and non dropdown type, however the ng-if has to be in some kind of element which breaks the bootstrap css.
Here's an example of what I'm trying to do:
<li ng-repeat="item in dynNavList">
<div ng-if="item.dd" ><!--There will be more stuff in here-->
Dropdown test {{item.title}}
<span ng-if="!item.dd">
NoDropDown {{item.title}}
Any nav item created in that html above doesn't style correctly in the navbar because it's inside a div or span element so the css doesn't apply.
I do not want to modify the bootstrap css to get this working and I'm trying to avoid writing any custom directives if possible.
Any suggestions?

ng-if directly on the anchor is fine, demo.


How to access nested elements in AngularJS

I have a list of items (divs) with a button. When I click on one of this buttons I can access the element using
that returns some thing like
<div ng-click="myFunc()">
<i class="someclass"></i>
<span>bla bla</span>
how can I access and elements to modify attributes like class?
Don't. Use existing directives like ng-class or ng-if, etc in your html templates.
<div ng-click="clicked = true">
<span ng-class="{'someclass': clicked}">bla bla</span>
See stackblitz
Although you can get the html dom element and edit it you should only do this as a last option and other angularjs supported methods have failed or are not supported.
<div ng-click="myFunc($event)">
<i class="someclass"></i>
<span>bla bla</span>
$scope.myFunc(event) {
var elem = angluar.element(event.currentTarget);

How to set ngClass based on Bootstrap's collapse?

I use collapse plugin from Bootstrap, and i also want to change class for another element accordingly (change class of fa-icon).
I also use AngularJS and i liked the idea of using condition in ngClass like this:
<i ng-class="collapsableItemId.hasClass('in') ? 'fa-chevron-up' : 'fa-chevron-down'">
When item is not collapsed bootstrap adds in class to it. I want to try to change icon based on class presence in collapsable item, but did not succeed in it. In bootstrap manual there is also mentioned that collapse generates events which i could probably use, but i also do not know how.
It should work like this. Use ng-click on the collapse toggle element to change some other scope var and then use that var in the ng-class of the icon..
<a href="" data-toggle="collapse" data-target=".collapse" ng-click="isOpen=!isOpen">
<i class="fa" ng-class="(isOpen) ? 'fa-chevron-up' : 'fa-chevron-down'"></i>
<div class="collapse in">
I'm the collapsible element.
<i ng-class="{'fa-chevron-up': abc.isOpen ,'fa-chevron-down': !abc.isOpen }"></i><div ng-show="abc.isOpen">Hi..This div will be show hide and icon will be change accordingly</div>
Use ng-click on collapsing header and put that div which you want to collapse
add ng-show="abc.isOpen".

Programmatically Open Bootstrap UI Accordion Generated by Nested Ng-Repeat when Filtered Array is Not Empty

I have a Bootstrap-UI accordion group that generates individual accordion menus using ng-repeat. The content under each accordion is also generated using a nested ng-repeat.
<accordion close-others="false">
<span data-ng-repeat="category in categories">
<accordion-group is-open="filterText.length > 0">
<accordion-heading>{{category}}: {{reportList.length}} Items </accordion-heading>
<li data-ng-repeat="report in reportList = (getReports($parent.$index) | filter: filterText)">{{report}}</li>
The content generated by the second ng-repeat needs to be searchable. When the search is executed, accordions that contain matching values should open and display the matching values. I know that the outside ng-repeat sees the filtered array and its length because i can display the length value in the view (i.e. {{reportList.length}} updates when the filter executes).
The problem comes when i try to put the reportList.length value in the is-open attribute of an <accordion-group>. Using is-open="reportList.length" seems to pass the literal into the directive. In desperation, I tried using is-open="{{reportList.length}}" but that throws the expected syntax error.
Here's a plunker that shows what i have working as well commented out lines that show the way i think it should work (lines 22 & 23). Any suggestions are more than welcome.
Your binding is-open inside of an ng-repeat which creates a child scope for each item (category). You need to bind to $parent.filterText.length as filterText is not a category property.
What you bind the is-open to, Angular needs to be able to assign to it, not just evaluate it. It can evaluate an expression like "foo == 5" but it cannot assign to it.
What I do is create a variable and bind to that, then the accordion can change it, and I can change it, and everybody's happy.
$scope.accordionSettings = {
IsOpen: {
Section1: true,
Section2: false
In the markup:
<div uib-accordion-group is-open="accordionSettings.IsOpen.Section1">
... more markup ...
<div uib-accordion-group is-open="accordionSettings.IsOpen.Section2">

Why angularjs ignore ng-if?

i try use ng-if, but angular no compile him. Look in test code:
<ul class="tmmenu-admin-tabs-builder-panel-answer">
<li class="tmmenu-admin-tabs-builder-panel-portlet" ng-repeat="answer in answers">
<span ng-repeat="question in questions">
<label ng-repeat="answer in question.answers">
<input type="checkbox">{{}}.{{}}
<span ng-if="test()">ddd</span>
and function test:
$scope.test = function(){
return false;
if run this page, we can see "ddd" in "Li" despite to test return false.
Next step, i replaced at "ng-if" "ng-show" :
<ul class="tmmenu-admin-tabs-builder-panel-answer">
<span ng-show="test()">ddd</span>
And its working, "ddd" hide. Why ng-if not working where working ng-show?
The ngIf directive removes or recreates a portion of the DOM tree based on an {expression}. If the expression assigned to ngIf evaluates to a false value then the element is removed from the DOM, otherwise a clone of the element is reinserted into the DOM.
The ngShow directive shows or hides the given HTML element based on the expression provided to the ngShow attribute. The element is shown or hidden by removing or adding the ng-hide CSS class onto the element. The .ng-hide CSS class is predefined in AngularJS and sets the display style to none (using an !important flag). For CSP mode please add angular-csp.css to your html file (see ngCsp).
Could be a scope problem, is there something in a child scope that might override the value for test? ng-if works fine for me (plunker). I assume that everything else is working fine, are you seeing 'd' in the console to show that your function is getting executed?
Try changing your tag to this to help debug and you should see that it is a function:
<span ng-if="test()">test is: {{test.toString()}}</span>

how to freeze a div in angularjs?

I am doing Angularjs project and I need to freeze a div in that depend on a condition. I tried to use ng-disabled but Its not freezing a div for me. This is the code
<div ng-repeat="item in list.items" ng-disabled="true">
Help would be really appreciated.
Edited :
<div ng-repeat="item in list.items" ng-click="goToFunction()" ng-disabled="true">
now I have another problem, As you guys suggested me I can change the css. But the problem is every div has got a ng-click So even if it is look like disabled in css it will call to the function. So how can I prevent it?
Thanks in Advanced.
if you are using bootstrap3, you can use text-muted class if the div contains text and apply styles based on a condition
<div ng-repeat="item in list.items" ng-class="{'text-muted':item.myCondition}">
the DIV element doesnt support the disabled attribute.
or you can use css to make the div element support that attribute.
<div ng-repeat="item in list.items" ng-disabled="item.myCondition">
You are trying to use ng-disabled in DIV which in invalid. You can achieve this by applying css class conditionally like this.
<div class="box" ng-repeat="item in items" ng-class="{'disable-mode':item%2==0,'normal-mode':item%2!=0}">
Working Demo
