View all requests on Google Cloud Console? - google-app-engine

I just started using Google Cloud Console.
Even without creating any instance either on Compute Engine or App Engine, I see few request received by Google on my project. I am guessing these are the calls made by Google to set up my project. Found them on the main project homepage.
Is there a way for me to see all requests Google received for my project?

For Google Compute Engine, you can access them by going to "Operations". You can click on the Operation to get details about it.


Google cloud datastore API cannot find project when App Engine application is disabled

I'm trying to connect and get data from Google Cloud Datastore API.
After disabling my App Engine Application (which have no use for me at the moment), I cannot access any GC Datastore API methods.
When I send my request, I always get the following response:
{ [Error: The project [my-project] does not exist.] code: 404, metadata: Metadata { _internal_repr: {} } }
I've already double-checked this and my project name is correct.
Accessing the google cloud console, I noticed that the datastore dashboard also show the same message:
Then, after enabling the app engine application again, everything works.
I know that GC Datastore was initially created to work with App Engine, but since last year it was supposed to be available everywhere (according to this).
Someone have a tip about this issue? Any help would be appreciated.
The Google Cloud Datastore API currently requires that the associated App Engine application not be disabled.
I've filed to track this. It's something we may be able to fix in the future.

Google App Engine Custom Admin Pages in the New Google Cloud Console

I'm a Google App Engine user, and I got this message saying the old app engine console will be retired by the end of March.
However - as it seems, there is no place in the Google Cloud Console (which is supposed to be the only available console to manage App Engine projects) to access and use the custom admin pages used to manage the project.
Does anyone know what is up with that?

Google App Engine Access Cloud Datastore from Different Project

I have been trying to find a solution to accessing a datastore in one project from a different google app engine project. I went through the tutorial on accessing a datastore from a different project's compute engine, however, this is not what I am looking for. What is required here is accessing a datastore on one project from a different app engine project. Has anyone done this successfully? Any ideas?
As #Patrice says, this is possible by using the Remote API for Java (or for Python), which lets you access different App Engine services from any other application, as stated in the documentation.
For a more specific information on how to access the Datastore remotely with the Remote API, please take a look at this article from the documentation that explains step by step all the procedure.
Please, take into account that if your Google account is configured to use 2-Step Verification, you will need an App Password that authorizes the app to access your account resources.
there is actually an API that lets you make calls to App Engine services from anywhere, even from another App, as long as the credentials are ok, it's called the "remote API"

Google App Engine - Google APIs Console - Google Cloud Console

I wanted to ask what the difference between Google App Engine, Google APIs Console and Google Cloud Console is?
I will deploy a Project which will fetch some Websites and provide the data to my Android Application.
What is the best to use? I do not know what is for what.
Google App Engine lets you run web applications on Google's infrastructure :
Google APIs Console is Console to administrate Google API (deprecated)
Google Cloud Console is new version of Google APIs Console.
So for your Project use Google App Engine.
And for example use URL Fetch
A bit of background: At one point in time, Google APIs had its own console and Google App Engine had its own console. Eventually, it was decided that we should merge these two consoles into one console. We've already turned down the APIs console, and we're working on turning down the App Engine admin console.
So to answer your question: you should use the Cloud console unless you need to use the App Engine admin console for some obscure reason.

Console - created new project; auto-created app engine app; can't set billing

I am getting very confused with the whole cloud console api console thing.
I just created a new Cloud Console project in order to setup some GCE instances. It seems to have auto-created an App Engine app. That is fine, but when I go to enable billing, it tells me that it cannot enable billing for app engine apps and that I need to do that in App Engine Console.
Earlier this week, I tried to setup a project to include both an existing App Engine app and Compute Engine. I was asked to got through the request access process like before GCE was available.
I created a project in the Cloud Console by starting in the App Engine console and choosing Cloud Integration. I said there was an error creating the project, but it seems like it created it. However, when I go to that project in Cloud Console, there is no option to even add Compute Engine.
Two questions:
(1) Is there something outlining the differences between Cloud Console and API Console and when it is most appropriate to use one over the other?
(2) How do I get a project (in either one I suppose) that includes an existing App Engine app and Compute Engine resources that I want to create in this project?
Thanks for your help.
-- Jay
Cloud Console is essentially a planned replacement for the API console,
however it may not have all functionality yet
Try going to appengine admin console application settings, and at the bottom of
the page cloud integration. Click on create project. Once it succeeds go to the cloud
console and enable billing for Compute Engine
