strange Selenium2 No Such Element error - selenium-webdriver

I have this HTML code.
`<div> <i class="icon-plus icon-white"></i>
<input type="file" multiple="multiple" name="uploadFile" value="Attach2" id="1309261001000145" style="visibility:hidden;position:absolute;top:0;left:0"> <input type="button" onclick="fireFileButton('1309261001000145')" value="Attach" name="input" class="btn_grn btn_sm">
the div is in a normal nested divs. The second is the displayed 'attach file', once clicked, the "fireFileButton" function will click the first form(which is hidden on top left 0,0 position). then a pop up window appear as the type is 'file' to select file to upload and an ajax to upload.
I'm to use Selenium2 to simulate the file upload process.
I use the following codes:
WebElement attach = (new WebDriverWait(driver, 15)).until(ExpectedConditions.presenceOfElementLocated(By.cssSelector("//input[name^='input']")));;
WebElement upload = (new WebDriverWait(driver, 15)).until(ExpectedConditions.presenceOfElementLocated("1309261001000145")));
upload.sendKeys("C:\\Users\\Public\\Pictures\\Sample Pictures\\Desert.jpg");
I also tried directly use sendKeys Function on first element. But have the error of NO SUCH ELEMENT both for first and second . I have used,name,cssSelector,xpath but to no avail.
the elements can be selected using javascript.
Any Suggestion is much appreciated.

Selectors should not contain //,so replace the above with :
You can refer this to know more about Selectors.

First check : ID tag.
It seems that ID for the input buttons are dynamic. So we cant access through the ID's.
Second check : NAME tag.
We can use, since it has a name for it.
WebElement attach = driver.findElement(By.Name("input"));;
If it is not clicking, use Actions.
Actions action = new Actions(driver);
You cannot pass the values directly using sendkeys for file upload.
Check this page for my solution in order to access with file upload : How to handle Windows file browse window using selenium webdriver


Element not visible with button click in selenium chrome driver

I'm trying to click the continue button after filling in the fields on this webpage. But an exception is thrown saying element is not visible even though I maximize the screen and you can clearly see the button.
I have tried the following even with waiting 10 seconds for the page:
driver.findElement(By.cssSelector("#submitButton > span")).click();
driver.findElement(By.xpath("//span[contains(#class,'red') and contains(text(), 'Continue')]")).click();
Here is the part of the html I am trying to access:
<button style="padding-left: 0px;" type=button" "id=submitButton" class = "nbutton" title = "Continue" onclick=_hblicnk('continue,'continue'); goFeaturePage('true');">
<span style = "padding-right: 12px;" class="red"
<img class="caret_rebrand">
I expect the continue button to be found and clicked. attached is the picture of the webpage
UPDATE: 8-3-19: I've tested the following pieces of code and it is able to find the element in all cases. But when adding the .click() function to any one of them, it causes a no such element exception.
My expectation is that you need to click the <button> element as this <span> might be not clickable at all. You can use i.e. title attribute to uniquely identify the element on the page
It's better to use Explicit Wait to ensure that the button is present and clickable as it might be the case it's not available in DOM right away. Check out How to use Selenium to test web applications using AJAX technology article for more details
Assuming all above I believe you should be able to use below code for clicking the button:
continue_button = WebDriverWait(driver, 10).until(EC.element_to_be_clickable((By.XPATH, "//button[#title='Continue']")))

Selenium-Java : Unable to click on an a date picker

I am trying to click on a date picker text box so that a calendar pops up where I can choose the date.
I am able to identify the element since it has easy accessible "id" attribute.
Manually clicking on the textbox, results in the calendar pop being displayed.
However, I am not able to click on the date picker using native Selenium click commands/ Javascript/ Jquery clicks.
Below is the HTML code :
<input class="ng-touched ng-dirty ng-valid" formcontrolname="effectiveDate" id="date_start" name="date_start" placeholder="dd/mm/yyyy" readonly="" type="text" ng-reflect-name="effectiveDate" autocomplete="off" value="22/09/2017" ng-reflect-model="22/09/2017">
Any reason why such a behavior? In what instances can we expect the Selenium native commands/ JS/ Jquery command to fail?
Using JavascriptExecutor You can enter date..
((JavascriptExecutor) wd).executeScript(
"document.getElementsByClassName('ng-touched ng-dirty ng-valid')[0].setAttribute('value', '2017-10-21')");
As per code this is written in angularjs so selenium driver is not able to locate such type of elements.Try to use cssSelector which is the best approach to locate angular based elements you can use By.cssSelector("input [id=date_start]").Don't forget to use proper wait before locating element.
You can try any of the following approaches:
WebElement datePicker = driver.findElement("date_start"));
WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(driver,20);
Actions act = new Actions(driver);
JavascriptExecutor js= (JavascriptExecutor ) driver;
I think you will have to take coordinates of text box and width and height of the textbox and try to click on centre of the calendar sign present in textbox...

Upload file using arrow mark in webdriver

I have to upload an excel file in the application.For that, I need to click on one arrow mark (i.e;browse button)which will open up the popup for the user to choose the file from local drives.Below is the code displayed when I did inspect element on the arrow mark.
" ".
Also, the path which will display after choosing the file will be greyed out before user selects the file. This will be enabled only when the user chooses some file from the local.
I was trying below code but it did not work. I think send keys is wrong option as the text path is greyed out.
Help me on this.
WebElement El = driver.findElement("'uploadInp'"));
El.sendKeys("D:\\NTN 4\\Demo\\BulkCart_Template.xlsx");
Arrow HTML code:-
<input id="file1" type="file" value="" style="background-color: red;opacity:0;filter:alpha(opacity=0);cursor: pointer; padding-top:3px;width:25px;" name="file">
You do not need to click on browser button or open any pop-up. sendkeys will going to dump your path in HTML DOM for you
So don't click on browser button while use the same button element to perform sendkeys like below:-
WebElement El = driver.findElement("'uploadInp'"));
El.sendKeys("D:\\NTN 4\\Demo\\BulkCart_Template.xlsx");
Now you need to click on element which is going to start your upload. As you didn't mention and it's unclear according to your question that which element going to upload your file. Just find that element and click on it normally.
Hope it will help you :)

Unable to click on a link

I have been trying to click on a link in my application at work , but the control failed to click on the link whichever locator I used. I test all the locators with Selenium IDE and javascript before using them in the script and it all seem fine prior to running the test. I manage to identify and click on the link with this:
#FindBy(css ="/html/body/div[4]/div/div/div[2]/div[1]/a/strong") but I ran the test the second time but it failed to click on the link same.
See below the html code:
<div class="container container-outer">
<div class="row-fluid long-text-fitted content-container" id="page-content-container">
<div class="span12">
<div class="row-fluid container-alert">
<div class="left-side-spacer-layout right-side-spacer-layout" id="page-content">
<div class="button-spacer" id="breadcrumb-content">
<a href="/shopping/marketplace/landingPage">
<strong>< Back to Search Results</strong>
You should click on parameter. remove strong attribute.
/#FindBy(css ="/html/body/div[4]/div/div/div[2]/div[1]/a")
I would avoid using XPath in general and especially an XPath that starts at the HTML tag. That makes the test very fragile. I would suggest a CSS selector like the below.
driver.findElement(By.cssSelector("#breadcrumb-content > a")).click();
The CSS selector reads find an A tag that is a child (>) of an element with an ID (#) of breadcrumb-content.
Read more about CSS Selectors.
Using absolute Xpath is not a good idea. As you said it is working for the first time then possible your DOM strcture is changing after click it once
You can try with below xpath:
driver.findElement(By.xpath("//strong[contains(.,'< Back to Search Results')]")).click();
If still not working, you should try to click using JavascriptExecutor as it directly working on HTML DOM. Feel free to locate element in below code according to your convenience:
WebElement element=driver.findElement(By.xpath("//strong[contains(.,'< Back to Search Results')]"));
JavascriptExecutor executor = (JavascriptExecutor) driver;
executor.executeScript("arguments[0].click();", element);

How to browse and upload file through selenium Web driver

I am trying to upload a file through selenium webDriver but selenium gives an error:Unable to locate element. I have used all method to find element and click on browse but not any click occurring on that.
The HTML is <input type="file" onmousedown="this.blur();" onclick="//this.blur();" onchange="$('file-loader').show(); this.form.submit();" name="metadata_item" id="metadata_item">
First check the input element is visible
Then, you don't have to click on the browse button, it will trigger an OS level dialogue box and effectively stop your test dead.
In order to deal with this follow this code:
myElementId is the id of that element (button in this case) and in sendKeys you have to specify the absolute path of the content you want to upload. The Webdriver will do the rest for you.
Keep in mind that the upload will work only If the element you send a file should be in the form
cant answer without HTML code.
in order to click Browse button place the pointer in previous field i.e,
email address field and use
Robot robot=new Robot();
and then a system popup displays then use AutoIT tool to handle it
It could be under another frame.
Try switching to that frame and click the element.
It would work.
For Example - If the browse button is under another frame which has Id = "frameUpload", then switch the webdriver to that frame like this:
Now click on the browse button like this:
driver.findElement(By.Id("Id of the button")).click();
once you are done with the click, you can always get back to the default window like this
