How to sum columns in SQL Server? - sql-server

I am trying to create a column that is the total value of column A,B,C,D,E.
select,[TVIncome] a
,[XIncome] b
,[ZIncome] c
,[OIncome] e
sum(a,b,c,d,e) as total
The error I get when doing the above sum is :"The sum function requires 1 argument(s)."
The total above does not work. Also, if I just include the the proper names, XIncome and the rest,it still does not work. How do I do it?

SUM() adds each value in a column, to give a single value
+ adds each value in two columns together to give a column
It sounds like you are after a + b + c + d + e AS total,
or possibly SUM(a + b + c + d + e) AS total if you are after 1 value

Assuming you want a sum for those columns for each row
SELECT (TVIncome + XIncome + ZIncome + DIncome + OIncome) as TotalIncome
FROM Table
If you want a sum of sums, which will equal one row:
SELECT SUM(TVIncome + XIncome + ZIncome + DIncome + OIncome) as TotalIncome
FROM Table


sql query to append + or - and leading zeros

trying to query a table that stores prices but need a way to append + if number is >1 and - if <1 and append up to 8 zeros after the + or - sign , and round to 2 decimal places so if table contains
Current table: prices
Expected return: prices
Tried the following query but it does not round to 2 decimal places and does not add the + or - sign
While I agree with others, yuck, this belongs in your front end / presentation layer:
ABS(CONVERT(decimal(11,2),prices))), 11)
FROM dbo.sales;
Working example in this fiddle.

Iterating in dataframe and insert on text

There is a DataFrame loaded in pandas with size m*n, m can be big compare with columnes n which are values from 2 to 20.
each value from m*n has to be add to expecific text, it means that text between any value is constant.
I tried with For and If nested sentences, no good result how to make step from df.iloc[0,0] to df.iloc[m,n] and insert in text.
textA + df.iloc[0,0] + textB + df.iloc[0,1] + .... + textX + df.iloc[0,n]
textA + df.iloc[1,0] + textB + df.iloc[1,1] + .... + textX + df.iloc[1,n]
textA + df.iloc[m,0] + textB + df.iloc[m,1] + .... + textX + df.iloc[m,n]
I have 2 files, one include textA textB ... textX Second file is csv type where pandas dataframe is generated.
With dataframe and text prepare array above.
thanks for any tip.
Not exactly clear on your requirement but takae a look if the following code is able to help you iterate between df.iloc[0,0] to df.iloc[m,n] while adding information from your text file (in this case a text variable)
# i am using a dummy variable for the text data as i am not sure how your data look like
text = ['textA', 'textB', 'textC']
new_text = []
# using a nested for loop to iterate
for row in range(len(df)):
for col in range(len(df.columns)):
new_text.append(text[col] + str(df.iloc[row, col]))

SQL Server aggregating data that may contain multiple copies

I am working on some software where I need to do large aggregation of data using SQL Server. The software is helping people play poker better. The query I am using at the moment looks like this:
Select H, sum(WinHighCard + ChopHighCard + WinPair + ChopPair + Win2Pair + Chop2Pair + Win3OfAKind + Chop3OfAKind + WinStraight + ChopStraight + WinFlush + ChopFlush + WinFullHouse + ChopFullHouse + WinQuads + ChopQuads + WinStraightFlush + ChopStraightFlush) / Count(WinStraightFlush) as ResultTotal
from [FlopLookup].[dbo].[_5c3c3d]
inner join[FlopLookup].[dbo].[Lookup5c3c3d] on [FlopLookup].[dbo].[Lookup5c3c3d].[id] = [FlopLookup].[dbo].[_5c3c3d].[id]
where (H IN (1164, 1165, 1166) ) AND
(V IN (1260, 1311))
Group by H;
This works fine and is the fastest way I have found to do what I am trying to achieve. The problem is I need to enhance the functionality in a way that allows the aggregation to include multiple instances of V. So for example in the above query instead of it just including the data from 1260 and 1311 once it may need to include 1260 twice and 1311 three times. But obviously just saying
V IN (1260, 1260, 1311, 1311, 1311)
won't work because each unique value is only counted once in an IN clause.
I have come up with a solution to this problem which works but seems rather clunky. I have created another lookup table which just takes the values between 0 and 1325 and assigns them to a field called V1 and for each V1 there are 100 V2 values that for e.g. for V1 = 1260 there is a range from 126000 through to 126099 for the V2 values. Then in the main query I join to this table and do the lookup like this:
Select H, sum(WinHighCard + ChopHighCard + WinPair + ChopPair + Win2Pair + Chop2Pair + Win3OfAKind + Chop3OfAKind + WinStraight + ChopStraight + WinFlush + ChopFlush + WinFullHouse + ChopFullHouse + WinQuads + ChopQuads + WinStraightFlush + ChopStraightFlush) / Count(WinStraightFlush) as ResultTotal
from [FlopLookup].[dbo].[_5c3c3d]
inner join[FlopLookup].[dbo].[Lookup5c3c3d] on [FlopLookup].[dbo].[Lookup5c3c3d].[id] = [FlopLookup].[dbo].[_5c3c3d].[id]
inner join[FlopLookup].[dbo].[VillainJoinTable] on [FlopLookup].[dbo].[VillainJoinTable].[V1] = [FlopLookup].[dbo].[_5c3c3d].[V]
where (H IN (1164, 1165, 1166) ) AND
(V2 IN (126000, 126001, 131100, 131101, 131102) )
Group by H;
So although it works it is quite slow. It feels inefficient because it is adding data multiple times when what would probably be more appropriate is a way of doing this using multiplication, i.e. instead of passing in 126000, 126001, 126002, 126003, 126004, 126005, 126006, 126007 I instead pass in 1260 in the original query and then multiply it by 8. But I have not been able to work out a way to do this.
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
EDIT - Added more information at the request of Livius in the comments
H stands for "Hero" and is in the table _5c3c3d as a smallint representing the two cards the player is holding (e.g. AcKd, Js4h etc.). V stands for "Villain" and is similar to Hero but represents the cards the opponent is holding similarly encoded. The encoding and decoding takes place in the code. These two fields form the clustered index for the _5c3c3d table. The remaining field in this table is Id which is another smallint which is used to join with the table Lookup5c3c3d which contains all the equity information for the hero's hand against the villain's hand for the flop 5c3c3d.
V2 is just a field in a table I have created to try and resolve the problem described by having a table called VillainJoinTable which has V1 (which maps directly to V in _5c3c3d via a join) and V2 which can potentially contain 100 numbers per V1 (e.g. when V1 is 1260 it could contain 126000, 126001 ... 126099). This is in order to allow me to create an "IN" clause that can effectively have multiple lookups to equity information for the same V multiple times.
Here are some screenshots:
Structure of the three tables
Some data from _5c3c3d
Some data from Lookup5c3c3d
Some data from VillainJoinTable

Additions based on item frequency in an array (Lua)

I have an array which is used to compute a score in a game:
a = {1,7,5,1,2,6,2,3,4,5,5,6,7,7,7}
All numbers should be simply added, except when a number appears several times, for instance 7 (which appears 4 times) it should be added as such:
1*7 + 2*7 + 3*7 + 4*7
So, altogether, array "a" should give this score:
score = (1*1 + 2*1) + (1*2 + 2*2) + (1*3) + (1*4) + (1*5 + 2*5 + 3*5) + (1*6 + 2*6) + (1*7 + 2*7 + 3*7 + 4*7)
I wouldn't know where to start doing this. What's a good method for this kind of calculation?
Any help is appreciated.
You can keep track of the current multiplier for each number in another table:
function calculateScore(a)
local multipliers = {}
local score = 0
for i,number in ipairs(a) do
local multiplier = multipliers[number] or 1
multipliers[number] = multiplier + 1
score = score + number * multiplier
return score
local a = {1,7,5,1,2,6,2,3,4,5,5,6,7,7,7}
local score = calculateScore(a)

What will be the DFA for the regular expression 0(0+1)*0+1(0+1)*1?

This is the DFA i have drawn-
Is it correct?
I am confused because q4 state has 2 different transitions for same input symbol which violates the rule of DFA, but I can't think of any other solution.
Your DFA is not correct.
your DFA is completely wrong so I don't comment
DFA for RE:
0(1 + 0)*0 + 1(1 + 0)*1
Language Description: if string start with 0 it should end with 0 or if string start with 1 it should end with 1. hence two final states (state-5, state-4).
state-4 : accepts 1(1 + 0)*1
state-5 : accepts 0(1 + 0)*0
state-1 : start state.
+ Operator in Regular Expression
(0 + 1)* = (1 + 0)* that is any string consist of 1s and 0s, including Null string ^.
Here + means Union if it appear between two RE: and A U B = B U A (similarly)=> (0 + 1) = (0 + 1) .
meaning of plus + depends on syntax it appears in: If expression is a+ (+ is superscripted) this means one of more as, and If a+b then + means Union operation either a or b.
a+ : { a, aa, aaa, aaa.....} that is any number of a string in language with length > 1.
I think you should start with 0 first
0(1 + 0)*0 + 1(1 + 0)*1
