How to accelerate loading resource file in J2ME - file

I'm writing a J2ME application using J2ME Wireless Toolkit 2.2
I have the following code:
public class BusReader
private String[] fileNames;
private final String allFilesInfoFile = "files_in_dir";
public BusReader ()
fileNames = getFileNames ();
String busNo = getBusNo ("BusNo1p.bin");
public String[] getAllBusFiles ()
return fileNames;
public String getBusNo (String fileName)
String[] fileLines = loadResourceFile (fileName);
int linesCount = fileLines.length;
for (int i=0;i<linesCount;++i)
if (fileLines[i].equals ("[BusNo]") && i < linesCount-1)
return fileLines[i+1];
return null;
public String getDefaultDirection (String fileName)
String[] fileLines = loadResourceFile (fileName);
int linesCount = fileLines.length;
for (int i=0;i<linesCount;++i)
if (fileLines[i].equals ("[BusDirection]") && i < linesCount-1)
return fileLines[i+1];
return null;
private String[] getFileNames ()
return loadResourceFile (allFilesInfoFile);
private String[] loadResourceFile (String fileName)
String content = "";
Reader in = new InputStreamReader(this.getClass().getResourceAsStream(fileName), "iso-8859-2");
StringBuffer temp = new StringBuffer(1024);
char[] buffer = new char[1024];
int read;
while ((, 0, buffer.length)) != -1)
temp.append(buffer, 0, read);
content = temp.toString();
} catch (IOException e) {
return null;
int len = content.length ();
if (content.charAt (len-1) == '\n' && content.charAt (len-2) == '\r')
String newContent = "";
for (int i=0;i<len-2;++i)
newContent += content.charAt (i);
content = newContent;
String[] fileLines = TString.Split ("\r\n", new TString(content));
for (int i=0;i<fileLines.length; ++i)
fileLines[i] = fileLines[i].trim ();
if (fileLines[i].length () == 0)
fileLines[i] = "";
return fileLines;
All works correctly, but the problem is when I'm trying to copy my application into mobile phone. On my mobile phone when I open the application before application show I must wait 35 seconds. This is because, constructor executes the function twice:
loadResourceFile (String fileName)
which loads the resource file. Files size which function is loading are: 1.22KB and 29KB.
The question is: How to accelerate loading function (loadResourceFile)?
I tried to create java class files as resource data but it exceeded java memory limit. I changed arrays String[][][][] to String[][][] and it was loading on my mobile phone in 15 seconds. I thought when I will load data as a resource it will work faster. My mobile phone: Nokia 3110c

I found it.
It was following lines (it takes 35 seconds):
if (content.charAt (len-1) == '\n' && content.charAt (len-2) == '\r')
String newContent = "";
for (int i=0;i<len-2;++i)
newContent += content.charAt (i);
content = newContent;


LZH in Byte Array Decompress in .NET?

An LZH archive is embedded within a file. The file was read into a byte[], and the LZH part is identified as a smaller byte[].
How can the embedded LZH bytes be decompressed into another byte[] using .NET Framework 4.6 (C#)? I have only see which doesn't exactly do what I need.
the code snippet that follows is taken from the sample program from this article
There are no significant changes: instead of reading and writing files, it reads and write byte arrays. Changes are marked by comments
Run with sevenzip.exe e "C:\temp\gwo0.11-sample-win32.lzh" 3 for example
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using Nomad.Archive.SevenZip;
using System.IO;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Reflection;
namespace SevenZip
class Program
private static void ShowHelp()
Console.WriteLine("SevenZip l {ArchiveName}");
Console.WriteLine("SevenZip e {ArchiveName} {FileNumber}");
static void Main(string[] args)
if (args.Length < 2)
string ArchiveName;
uint FileNumber = 0xFFFFFFFF;
bool Extract;
switch (args[0])
case "l":
ArchiveName = args[1];
Extract = false;
case "e":
ArchiveName = args[1];
Extract = true;
if ((args.Length < 3) || !uint.TryParse(args[2], out FileNumber))
using (SevenZipFormat Format = new SevenZipFormat(Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location), "7z.dll")))
IInArchive Archive = Format.CreateInArchive(SevenZipFormat.GetClassIdFromKnownFormat(KnownSevenZipFormat.Lzh));
if (Archive == null)
//the byte array is provided by you. here it's coming from a file
byte[] data;
using (var stream = File.OpenRead(ArchiveName))
data = new byte[stream.Length];
stream.Read(data, 0, data.Length);
using (InStreamWrapper ArchiveStream = new InStreamWrapper(new MemoryStream(data))) //modified here
ulong CheckPos = 32 * 1024;
if (Archive.Open(ArchiveStream, ref CheckPos, null) != 0)
Console.Write("Archive: ");
if (Extract)
PropVariant Name = new PropVariant();
Archive.GetProperty(FileNumber, ItemPropId.kpidPath, ref Name);
string FileName = (string) Name.GetObject();
Console.Write("Extracting: ");
Console.Write(' ');
MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();
Archive.Extract(new uint[] { FileNumber }, 1, 0, new ArchiveMemoryCallback(FileNumber, ms)); //modified here
byte[] output = ms.ToArray(); //here you have the output byte array
uint Count = Archive.GetNumberOfItems();
for (uint I = 0; I < Count; I++)
PropVariant Name = new PropVariant();
Archive.GetProperty(I, ItemPropId.kpidPath, ref Name);
Console.Write(' ');
catch (Exception e)
Console.Write("Error: ");
class ArchiveCallback : IArchiveExtractCallback
private uint FileNumber;
private string FileName;
private OutStreamWrapper FileStream;
public ArchiveCallback(uint fileNumber, string fileName)
this.FileNumber = fileNumber;
this.FileName = fileName;
#region IArchiveExtractCallback Members
public void SetTotal(ulong total)
public void SetCompleted(ref ulong completeValue)
public int GetStream(uint index, out ISequentialOutStream outStream, AskMode askExtractMode)
if ((index == FileNumber) && (askExtractMode == AskMode.kExtract))
string FileDir = Path.GetDirectoryName(FileName);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(FileDir))
FileStream = new OutStreamWrapper(File.Create(FileName));
outStream = FileStream;
outStream = null;
return 0;
public void PrepareOperation(AskMode askExtractMode)
public void SetOperationResult(OperationResult resultEOperationResult)
class ArchiveMemoryCallback : IArchiveExtractCallback
private uint FileNumber;
private Stream stream;
private OutStreamWrapper FileStream;
public ArchiveMemoryCallback(uint fileNumber, Stream stream)
this.FileNumber = fileNumber; = stream;
#region IArchiveExtractCallback Members
public void SetTotal(ulong total)
public void SetCompleted(ref ulong completeValue)
public int GetStream(uint index, out ISequentialOutStream outStream, AskMode askExtractMode)
if ((index == FileNumber) && (askExtractMode == AskMode.kExtract))
FileStream = new OutStreamWrapper(stream);
outStream = FileStream;
outStream = null;
return 0;
public void PrepareOperation(AskMode askExtractMode)
public void SetOperationResult(OperationResult resultEOperationResult)

Get IMSI from the SIM using codename1

I need to get the IMSI (International
Mobile Subsriber Identity) stored in the SIM card using codename1. Also in the case of dual or tri SIM phones, i need to get the IMSI for each SIM. Please, How do i get it?
Display.getMsisdn() will work for some devices but most don't allow accessing that information. For more information you can just use a native interface if you can access it that way.
Another way to get IMSI for dual Sim device:
Try this .. its working for me. Idea is to call service for iphonesubinfo function#3. you will get output as parcel value thats why I use getNumberFromParcel to extract number.
import android.util.Log;
* Created by Apipas on 6/4/15.
public class SimUtil {
public static String getIMSI_1() {
String imsiParcel = runCommand("service call iphonesubinfo 3");
String imsi = getNumberFromParcel(imsiParcel);
Log.d("apipas", "IMSI_1:" + imsi);
return imsi;
public static String getIMSI_2() {
String imsiParcel = runCommand("service call iphonesubinfo2 3");
String imsi = getNumberFromParcel(imsiParcel);
Log.d("apipas", "IMSI_2:" + imsi);
return imsi;
public static String runCommand(String src) {
try {
Process process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(src);
BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(process.getInputStream()));
int read;
char[] buffer = new char[2048];
StringBuffer output = new StringBuffer();
while ((read = > 0) {
output.append(buffer, 0, read);
// Waits for the command to finish.
return output.toString();
} catch (IOException e) {
Log.e("apipas", "IOException:" + e.getMessage());
return null;
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
Log.e("apipas", "InterruptedException:" + e.getMessage());
return null;
public static String getNumberFromParcel(String str) {
String res = "";
if (str != null && str.length() > 0) {
String lines[] = str.split("\n");
for (String line : lines) {
if (line == null || line.length() == 0)
String content[] = line.split("'");
if (content.length > 1) {
res += content[1].replace(".", "");
} else return "NA";
return res;
Then call these static methods like:
String imsi1 = SimUtil.getIMSI_1();
String imsi2 = SimUtil.getIMSI_2();
You'd need to set this permission:
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE"/>

how do I make Selenium webdriver to read a csv file to perform an action

how do I make Selenium webdriver to read a csv file to perform an action. I have my script to load it in the browser and perform an action how do I make it to read csv file and replace that action with the data in the csv file
The best way to do this would be to use another library that specializes in such parsing, and feed it into memory. A good StackOverflow question regarding this is here.
Remember that WebDriver simply interacts with a browser. It's the language that your writing in that does file IO. I'd suggest creating a CSV class. Since csv is just a text file, you can read it in as a string and iterate through each line. Split by commas and you're good to go. You didn't specify a language so here is an example in C# from our library. Notice I use yield for efficiency. This was something I found somewhere. No need to reinvent the wheel.
public static class CSV
private static bool ignoreFirstLineDefault = false;
public static IEnumerable<IList<string>> FromFile(string fileName)
foreach (IList<string> item in FromFile(fileName, ignoreFirstLineDefault)) yield return item;
public static IEnumerable<IList<string>> FromFile(string fileName, bool ignoreFirstLine)
using (StreamReader rdr = new StreamReader(fileName))
foreach (IList<string> item in FromReader(rdr, ignoreFirstLine)) yield return item;
public static IEnumerable<IList<string>> FromStream(Stream csv)
foreach (IList<string> item in FromStream(csv, ignoreFirstLineDefault)) yield return item;
public static IEnumerable<IList<string>> FromStream(Stream csv, bool ignoreFirstLine)
using (var rdr = new StreamReader(csv))
foreach (IList<string> item in FromReader(rdr, ignoreFirstLine)) yield return item;
public static IEnumerable<IList<string>> FromReader(TextReader csv)
//Probably should have used TextReader instead of StreamReader
foreach (IList<string> item in FromReader(csv, ignoreFirstLineDefault)) yield return item;
public static IEnumerable<IList<string>> FromReader(TextReader csv, bool ignoreFirstLine)
if (ignoreFirstLine) csv.ReadLine();
IList<string> result = new List<string>();
StringBuilder curValue = new StringBuilder();
char c;
c = (char)csv.Read();
while (csv.Peek() != -1)
switch (c)
case ',': //empty field
c = (char)csv.Read();
case '"': //qualified text
case '\'':
char q = c;
c = (char)csv.Read();
bool inQuotes = true;
while (inQuotes && csv.Peek() != -1)
if (c == q)
c = (char)csv.Read();
if (c != q)
inQuotes = false;
if (inQuotes)
c = (char)csv.Read();
curValue = new StringBuilder();
if (c == ',') c = (char)csv.Read(); // either ',', newline, or endofstream
case '\n': //end of the record
case '\r':
//potential bug here depending on what your line breaks look like
if (result.Count > 0) // don't return empty records
yield return result;
result = new List<string>();
c = (char)csv.Read();
default: //normal unqualified text
while (c != ',' && c != '\r' && c != '\n' && csv.Peek() != -1)
c = (char)csv.Read();
curValue = new StringBuilder();
if (c == ',') c = (char)csv.Read(); //either ',', newline, or endofstream
if (curValue.Length > 0) //potential bug: I don't want to skip on a empty column in the last record if a caller really expects it to be there
if (result.Count > 0)
yield return result;
I suggest you to use Excel files instead of csv. limitation while using CSV is when you want to use the delimiter ',' in the data itself e.g. if you you have an address field say Gyandeep Colony, B. No : - 1/5 here the ',' make break your code.
The way i do reading of data is by using my Utility Code
public class ExcelHandler {
public static String getSheetData(String path,String sheetName, int col , int row) {
Workbook workbook;
String data = null;
try {
workbook = Workbook.getWorkbook(new File(path));
Sheet sheet = workbook.getSheet(sheetName);
data = sheet.getCell(row,col).getContents();
} catch (BiffException e) {
} catch (IOException e) {
return data;
public static String getSheetData(String path, int sheetNo, int col , int row) {
Workbook workbook;
String data = null;
try {
workbook = Workbook.getWorkbook(new File(path));
Sheet sheet = workbook.getSheet(sheetNo);
data = sheet.getCell(row,col).getContents();
} catch (BiffException e) {
} catch (IOException e) {
return data;
I just call these method wherever i want in my code .
Lets take an example
WebElement username = driver.findElement("username"));
Happy Coding :)
FileInputStream file = new FileInputStream(new File("C:\\testdata.xls"));
HSSFWorkbook workbook = new HSSFWorkbook(file);
HSSFSheet sheet = workbook.getSheetAt(0);
for (int i=1; i <= sheet.getLastRowNum(); i++){
String keyword = sheet.getRow(i).getCell(0).getStringCellValue();
driver.manage().timeouts().implicitlyWait(10000, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);

How to save bitmapimage in Isolated storage?

I am developing silverlight web part by using the client object model. I am getting the bitmap image from sharepoint server. Now I want to save this bitmap image in isolated storage. So I am using following code
WriteableBitmap wb = new WriteableBitmap(attachments);
using (IsolatedStorageFile isoFile = IsolatedStorageFile.GetUserStoreForApplication())
using (IsolatedStorageFileStream isoStream =
new IsolatedStorageFileStream("abcd1.jpg", FileMode.Create, isoFile))
using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(isoStream))
Now I am seeing the saved image at location C:\Users\Rent2\AppData\LocalLow\Microsoft\Silverlight\is\vzvpufsm.s4i\m0laonzr.til\1\s\nkhajster01es5wdoyfxd0n5rd2dls3ovyu4wcdig04zjx44hyaaafea\f
When I click on it, it gives me message as "Invalid Image". Can you please tell me how should i write code so that I can see the actual image after saving it in isolated storage ?
private void zipFile()
context = Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.ClientContext.Current;
#"/TemplateInvoice/" + App.templateFileName + ".xlsx", successFile, FailFile);
private void successFile(object sender, OpenBinarySucceededEventArgs args)
System.Windows.Deployment.Current.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(() =>
// Obtain the isolated storage for an application.
using (var store = IsolatedStorageFile.GetUserStoreForApplication())
Stream strm = args.Stream;
using (var isoStream = store.OpenFile(App.templateFileName + ".zip", FileMode.OpenOrCreate))
// Read the resource file into a byte array.
bytes = new byte[strm.Length];
int numBytesToRead = (int)strm.Length;
int numBytesRead = 0;
while (numBytesToRead > 0)
// Read may return anything from 0 to numBytesToRead.
int n = strm.Read(bytes, numBytesRead, numBytesToRead);
// The end of the file is reached.
if (n == 0)
numBytesRead += n;
numBytesToRead -= n;
numBytesToRead = bytes.Length;
// Write the byte array to the IsolatedStorageFileStream.
isoStream.Write(bytes, 0, numBytesToRead);
string path = App.templateFileName + ".zip";
ZipHelp.UnZip(path, System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(path), 4096);
string rootDirectory = System.Windows.Browser.HttpUtility.UrlDecode(path);
string fileName = ZipHelp.Zip(rootDirectory.Replace(".zip", ""), invoice);
//string filename = DateTime.Now.Day.ToString() + DateTime.Now.Month.ToString() + DateTime.Now.Year.ToString() + DateTime.Now.Hour.ToString() + DateTime.Now.Minute.ToString() + DateTime.Now.Second.ToString() + "Invoice1.xlsx";
// Read the resource file into a byte array.
using (var stream = store.OpenFile(fileName, FileMode.Open))
bytes = new byte[stream.Length];
int numBytesToRead = (int)stream.Length;
int numBytesRead = 0;
while (numBytesToRead > 0)
// Read may return anything from 0 to numBytesToRead.
int n = stream.Read(bytes, numBytesRead, numBytesToRead);
// The end of the file is reached.
if (n == 0)
numBytesRead += n;
numBytesToRead -= n;
InvoiceTemplete invoiceTemplate = new InvoiceTemplete(fileName, bytes, SetMessage);
//mark rows as billed
foreach (var item in PrivatePayList)
MedwaiverViewModel MedwaiverViewModelObj = new MedwaiverViewModel();
MedwaiverViewModelObj.ChangeBillingStatus(item.ListItemId, "Billed");
if (MedwaiverTimeLogList != null)
if (ClientSpecificTimeLogList != null)
if (rangeBoundTimeLogListForDate != null)
if (vRangeBoundTimeLogListForDateAndClient != null)
catch (IsolatedStorageException isx)
private void FailFile(object sender, OpenBinaryFailedEventArgs e)
System.Windows.Deployment.Current.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(() =>
//The following class zip and unzip the file
class ZipHelp
static List<string> folderPathList = new List<string>();
public static string Zip(string rootDirectory, string fileName)
byte[] buffer;
using (var store = IsolatedStorageFile.GetUserStoreForApplication())
IsolatedStorageFileStream zipFileStream = store.CreateFile(fileName + ".xlsx");
ZipOutputStream zipOutStream = new ZipOutputStream(zipFileStream);
zipOutStream.UseZip64 = UseZip64.Off;
foreach (var item in folderPathList)
string entryName = "";
buffer = new byte[4096];
if (item.Substring(0,1) == #"/")
//removes leading /
entryName = item.Substring(1);
entryName = item;
ZipEntry entry = new ZipEntry(entryName);
//entry.CompressionMethod = CompressionMethod.Deflated;
using (IsolatedStorageFileStream stream = store.OpenFile(rootDirectory + #"\" + item, FileMode.Open))
int size;
size = stream.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
zipOutStream.Write(buffer, 0, size);
} while (size > 0);
return fileName + ".xlsx";
//string[] directories = GetLocationTypes();
//string[] filenames = Directory.GetFiles(directories);
//using (var store = IsolatedStorageFile.GetUserStoreForApplication())
// using (var isoStream = store.OpenFile("#" + rootDirectory, FileMode.OpenOrCreate))
// {
// //foreach(string dir in
// }
private static string[] GetLocationTypes()
using (var store = IsolatedStorageFile.GetUserStoreForApplication())
return store.GetDirectoryNames();
/// <summary>
/// UnZip a file
/// </summary>
/// <param name="SrcFile">source file path</param>
/// <param name="DstFile">unzipped file path</param>
/// <param name="BufferSize">buffer to use</param>
public static void UnZip(string SrcFile, string DstFile, int BufferSize)
IsolatedStorageFile store = IsolatedStorageFile.GetUserStoreForApplication();
FileStream fileStreamIn = store.OpenFile(SrcFile, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
ZipInputStream zipInStream = new ZipInputStream(fileStreamIn);
string rootDirectory = System.Windows.Browser.HttpUtility.UrlDecode(SrcFile);
rootDirectory = rootDirectory.Replace(".zip", "");
while (true)
ZipEntry entry = zipInStream.GetNextEntry();
if (entry == null)
if (entry.Name.Contains("/"))
string[] folders = entry.Name.Split('/');
string lastElement = folders[folders.Length - 1];
var folderList = new List<string>(folders);
folderList.RemoveAt(folders.Length - 1);
folders = folderList.ToArray();
string folderPath = "";
foreach (string str in folders)
folderPath = folderPath + "/" + str;
if (!store.DirectoryExists(rootDirectory + "/" + folderPath))
store.CreateDirectory(rootDirectory + "/" + folderPath);
folderPath = folderPath + "/" + lastElement;
writeToFile(BufferSize, fileStreamIn, zipInStream, rootDirectory, folderPath);
writeToFile(BufferSize, fileStreamIn, zipInStream, rootDirectory, entry.Name);
private static void writeToFile(int BufferSize, FileStream fileStreamIn, ZipInputStream zipInStream, string rootDirectory, string folderPath)
IsolatedStorageFile store1 = IsolatedStorageFile.GetUserStoreForApplication();
FileStream fileStreamOut = store1.OpenFile(rootDirectory + "/" + folderPath, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write);
int size;
byte[] buffer = new byte[BufferSize];
size = zipInStream.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
fileStreamOut.Write(buffer, 0, size);
} while (size > 0);
I can think of two viable options here.
In your code above, save off the Pixels array of the WriteableBitmap. Then to restore it, you would create a WriteableBitmap of the appropriate size and the set the Pixels array to the stored data.
Use a HttpWebRequest or WebClient request to get the raw image stream and save that to IsolatedStorage.
There are pros and cons to each of these, in the first case the data is uncompressed and will take up more space in isolated storage and you would not be able to open the image from disk outside of Silverlight, similar to the issue you had above. For the second option you can run into cross domain issues if the images are on a different server than your Silverlight XAP file and it's also a bit more complex to implement.
The basic problem is that you're storing the decoded RGBA pixels array as a JPEG file - but they're not the same. Your code is basically correct: you just can't use this method to store it as a JPEG file. But if you happen to know that the image is, say, 800x600, you could create an 800x600 WriteableBitmap, and then set the Pixels property to the retrieved stream's byte array. Or if you don't know the dimensions when you're retrieving it, you could store the dimensions as the first two integers in the stream (before you write the pixels to the stream), and read out the dimensions when you're reading the file. You'd effectively be creating your own very simplistic .bmp format.

How to save image into photo gallery of samsung,Lg,Nokia mobiles using j2me [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 11 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
How to save an image into photo gallery using j2me
I am working on an application in which i want to download an image from internet and save it to photo gallery of every mobile. Please provide me suggestion.
private void downloadImage(String folder, String photoName, String url) throws IOException
byte[] rawImg = null;
String imageData = getDataFromUrl(url);
rawImg = imageData.getBytes();
putPhotoToPhone(rawImg, folder, photoName);
catch(Exception e1) {
private String getDataFromUrl(String url) throws IOException {
StringBuffer b = new StringBuffer();
InputStream is = null;
HttpConnection c = null;
long len = 0 ;
int ch = 0;
c = (HttpConnection);
is = c.openInputStream();
len = c.getLength();
if( len != -1)
for(int i =0 ; i < len ; i++ )
if((ch = != -1)
b.append((char) ch);
while ((ch = != -1)
len = is.available() ;
return b.toString();
private void putPhotoToPhone(byte[] rawImg, String photoDir, String imageName)
FileConnection fcDir, fcFile;
String pRoot = "Phone:/";
OutputStream os;
if (rawImg != null)
fcDir = (FileConnection)"file:///"+pRoot+photoDir+"/", Connector.READ_WRITE);
if (!fcDir.exists())
fcFile = (FileConnection)"file:///"+pRoot+photoDir+"/"+imageName, Connector.READ_WRITE);
if (fcFile.exists())
os = fcFile.openOutputStream();
catch (Exception e) {}
