Microsoft Application Virtualization - mstsc

How to install the Microsoft Application Virtualization. After Installed how to add a numbers of user and how to connect to Application Virtualization Sever.
I am completely new about that Server configuration.


how to use sql server for creating window application and installing the application on other systems

When I create window form application it works fine but when I install on other system it shows database error. so how to develop an application where the connection string is changed by the time of installation or what type of database should be used.
I installed sql server databases, sql management studio in the target system but failed. please show me how applications are built which requires no installation of sql server etc. or a method in which confection string is changed by the time of installation.

how to connect local SQL database from UWP application that can run in Raspberry PI3 device?

I developed UWP application and deployed this application in one of my IOT device. But I want to connect to local SQL database from UWP application that can run in the IOT device.
For that I created WCF web service project to connect to local database. But my application run In IoT device and database available in my local machine.
Can you please tell me how to connect local SQL database from UWP application that can run in Raspberry PI3 device.
With the Windows 10 Fall Creators Update we have added support for .NET Standard 2.0 to UWP. With this you can now use SqlClient APIs to enable this scenario.
For this scenario to work, you need the following configuration: - Visual Studio 2017 Update 4 (or later) - Min version in your UWP project 16299 (=Fall Creators Update) - NETCore version 6.0.1 (or later)
Here is a sample app:
Here is the session at Microsoft Ignite 2017 where we demo'ed it:
The is no way to connect to a sql server database directly from a UWP app. You need to create a web service to connect to the sql server and pass the info to the UWP app. You can use databases like SQLite with a uwp app. To use the sqlite database with a uwp app you can use the entity framework core or sqlite-net to get data to and from it

Setting up DB in client computer for WPF

I have a wpf application developed with VS2015 community edition. I'm done with the development. I want to test it in the client computer. The program uses SQL database. I installed Microsoft SQL in the computer where it was developed. How to setup a db in the client computer? Is there a easier solution other than azure or installing Microsoft SQL in the client's computer. I wish to publish it as a ClickOnce application. Please give a simple solution. Thank you.

How to build a specialized installer in VS2010?

I'm looking to build a specialized msi installer, preferably with VS2010 to do the following:
Be able to configure SQL server connection.
Pick the database to be used from the SQl server.
Create database table with specified credentials.
Assign a new DB user a set of permissions.
Also configure the IIS application.
I looked into a default installer project in VS2010 and it has nothing related to dealing with SQL server and IIS. Any idea how can I do all this?
Visual Studio setup projects do not offer support for SQL scripts and IIS. The best you can do is write some custom actions (using custom code) to handle this during install.
Commercial setup authoring tools offer the most control over SQL scripts and IIS elements. You can find a list here:
You can also try WiX. It has a steep learning curve, but it's free and gets the job done.

deploy SQL Server Express database with desktop app?

I've created my first database based desktop app in .NET and not able to understand how can I deploy the database with the application installer, so that the database, application and the SQL Server is installed in one go.
If I only deploy the native client for SQL Server and the database with the installer, will it work?
The application uses the database very frequently.
You need to install the SQL Express engine if you want to use it. Deploying only the client connectivity will give you exactly what the 'client connectivity' name implies: you'll be able to connect to a SQL Server. But only a running SQL Server instance will be able to read/write your application database.
The SQL Express install MSI is actually very customizable and allows for a lot of scenarios, including unattended setup and remote deployment. For the most basic options, see Configuring SQL Express During Installation. Your application installer will have to invoke the Express installer passing in the desired parameters.
Using click once you can make sql server express a dependency of the main project and it would be deployed with the instalation data and installed, if it is not instaled yet, when you first install your app.
You can do it in the project properties, in Visual Studio.
