VB.NET and Access DataBase Trends - database

This might be a simple question and answer but I am just stuck. =(
Lets say we have a Access Database with items ordered by users saved
ID | Product Number | Product Name
1 | 00001 | Some Name 1
2 | 00001 | Some Name 1
3 | 00002 | Some Name 2
4 | 00003 | Some Name 3
5 | 00003 | Some Name 3
What I'd like is the code to
Open the db <-- Got that part down.
Read the table with the said data listed above. <--Got this down
Need Help : Report the most common Product number ordered.
I have messed with a few idea's but with no success. The data will be reported to a listview.

try this
Command.CommandText = "SELECT COUNT([Product Number]) AS CNT, [Product Number] FROM TableXXX GROUP BY [Product Number] ORDER BY COUNT([Product Number]) DESC"

You could just include most of this in your query to the database, like this (where t1 is your table name):
SELECT [Product Number], count(*) as TotalOrders
GROUP BY [product number]
ORDER BY count(*) desc
That will automatically count and order the Product Numbers.


How to efficiently match on dates in SQL Server?

I am trying to return the first registration for a person based on the minimum registration date and then return full information. The data looks something like this:
Warehouse_ID SourceID firstName lastName firstProgramSource firstProgramName firstProgramCreatedDate totalPaid totalRegistrations
12345 1 Max Smith League Kid Hockey 2017-06-06 $100 3
12345 6 Max Smith Activity Figure Skating 2018-09-26 $35 1
The end goal is to return one row per person that looks like this:
Warehouse_ID SourceID firstName lastName firstProgramSource firstProgramName firstProgramCreatedDate totalPaid totalRegistrations
12345 1 Max Smith League Kid Hockey 2017-06-06 $135 4
So, this would aggregate the totalPaid and totalRegistrations variables based on the Warehouse_ID and would pull the rest of the information based on the min(firstProgramCreatedDate) specific to the Warehouse_ID.
This will end up in Tableau, so what I've recently tried ignores aggregating totalPaid and totalRegistrations for now (I can get that in another query pretty easily). The query I'm using seems to work, but it is taking forever to run; it seems to be going row by row for >50,000 rows, which is taking forever.
select M.*
from (
select Warehouse_ID, min(FirstProgramCreatedDate) First
from vw_FirstRegistration
group by Warehouse_ID
) B
left join vw_FirstRegistration M on B.Warehouse_ID = M.Warehouse_ID
where B.First in (M.FirstProgramCreatedDate)
order by B.Warehouse_ID
Any advice on how I can achieve my goal without this query taking an hour plus to run?
A combination of the ROW_NUMBER windowing function, plus the OVER clause on a SUM expression should perform pretty well.
Here's the query:
,SUM(v.totalPaid) OVER (PARTITION BY v.Warehouse_ID) AS totalPaid
,SUM(v.totalRegistrations) OVER (PARTITION BY v.Warehouse_ID) AS totalRegistrations
#vw_FirstRegistration AS v
ORDER BY CASE WHEN v.firstProgramCreatedDate IS NULL THEN 1 ELSE 0 END,
And here's a Rextester demo: https://rextester.com/GNOB14793
Results (I added another kid...):
| Warehouse_ID | SourceID | firstName | lastName | firstProgramSource | firstProgramName | firstProgramCreatedDate | totalPaid | totalRegistrations |
| 12345 | 1 | Max | Smith | League | Kid Hockey | 2017-06-06 | 135.00 | 4 |
| 12346 | 6 | Joe | Jones | Activity | Other Activity | 2017-09-26 | 125.00 | 4 |
EDIT: Changed the ORDER BY based on comments.
For more information please refer to:

SQL count, group by, and retrieve related data from another table

I've written the following query:
SELECT [User], count(*) as Records
FROM dbo.PBBuilds
It selects a USERID and counts the amount or rows associated as 'records'.
| Users | records |
------------------------------------------------- |
| 0ca3f535-96f2-4926-9b4d-25fb2aa713eb | 3 |
| a32d1784-d636-4caf-bb9d-60bfbfc1aadf | 2 |
| 5fabb0aa-f61f-4180-90f6-5dd1650fd0db | 1 |
The Users column relates to an ID column in another table where the users name is stored. How can I retrieve and match the data by this link?
Assuming your other table is called other_table and also has the ID in column User, then:
SELECT UserName, COUNT(*) Records
FROM dbo.PBBuilds b INNER JOIN other_table o
on b.User = o.User

Aggregate sum over a particular ID value in SQL Server

Say, I have 3 columns in my table :
name | ID | Amt
ABC | 1 | 500
ABC | 1 | 650
XYZ | 2 | 700
XYZ | 2 | 550
DEF | 3 | 200
how can I get an output where the amount is aggregated for each ID, i.e.,
ABC gives 1150, XYZ 1250 and DEF 200?
You want a group by, with what sounds like a sum from your example:
Select Name, ID, sum(amt) as TotalAmt
from MyTable
Group by Name, ID
SELECT name,SUM(Amt) FROM [table] GROUP BY name
or, if you want to display name and ID
This could be done using a simple group by statement:
select name,
sum(amt) as agg_sum
from total
group by name,id;
SQL Fiddle Demo

Postgres: Query that can filter during table join

I have a postgres database with duplicated entries on one of the table. I would like to show the created_by columns
id | number
1 | 123
2 | 124
3 | 125
4 | 126
id | number | created_on
1 | 123 | 3/29
2 | 123 | 4/3
3 | 124 | 3/31
4 | 124 | 4/1
On table 2 number are duplicated. I would like to form a single query to list the following:
id | number | created_on
1 | 123 | 4/3
2 | 124 | 4/1
For duplicated entries only the latest entry will be included. How could I form that SQL query?
SELECT DISTINCT ON (Table1.number) Table1.id, Table2.number, Table2.create_on FROM Table1
JOIN Table2 ON Table1.number=Table2.number
ORDER BY Table2.create_on;
Actually I tried putting 'DISTINCT ON' and 'ORDER BY' in a single query (with JOIN) it gives me the following error:
SELECT DISTINCT ON expressions must match initial ORDER BY expressions
The columns in DISTINCT ON() have to be the first ones in the ORDER BY query, also if you want the latest created_on date you should order by created_on DESC
SELECT DISTINCT ON (Table1.number) Table1.id, Table2.number, Table2.created_on
FROM Table1
JOIN Table2
ON Table1.number=Table2.number
ORDER BY Table1.number,Table2.created_on DESC;
As you said in the comment: created_on=date_trunc('day', now()), so the data type of the field created_on is timestamp. Here is what you can do:
SELECT table_1.id, table_1.number, max(created_on) as created_on
FROM table_1
inner join table_2 using(number)
group by table_1.id, table_1.number

Efficient Date Comparisons in SQL

I hope this question provides all of the necessary information, but please do request more if anything is unclear. This is my first question on stack overflow so please bear with me.
I am running this query on SQL Server 2005.
I have a large derived dataset (i'll provide a small subset later) which has 4 fields;
Within this data set the ID may (correctly) appear multiple times with different date combinations.
The question I have is what ways are there to identify if a record is 'new' I.E it's start date does not fall between the start and end date of any other records for the same id.
For an example take the data set below (I hope this table comes out correctly!);
| ID | Year | Start Date | End Date |
| 1 | 2007 | 01/01/2007 | 10/10/2007 |
| 1 | 2007 | 01/01/2007 | 05/04/2007 |
| 1 | 2007 | 05/04/2007 | 08/10/2007 |
| 1 | 2007 | 15/10/2007 | 20/10/2007 |
| 1 | 2007 | 25/10/2007 | 01/01/2008 |
| 2 | 2007 | 01/01/2007 | 01/01/2008 |
| 2 | 2008 | 01/01/2008 | 15/07/2008 |
| 2 | 2008 | 10/06/2008 | 01/01/2009 |
If we say nothing existed before 2007 then Row 1 and Row 6 are 'new' at that time.
Rows 2,3,7 and 8 are not 'new' as they either join the end of a previous record or overlap it to form a continuous date period (take rows 6 and 7 there are no 'breaks' between 01/01/2008 and 01/01/2009)
Row 4 and 5 would be considered a new record as it does not attach directly to the end of the previous period for ID 1 or overlap any of the other periods.
Currently to get this data set I have to put all of my data into temporary tables and then join them together on various fields to remove the records I don't want.
Firstly I remove rows where the startdate equals the enddate of another row for that ID (This would get rid of rows 3 and 7)
Then I remove rows where the the start date is between the startdate and enddate of other records for that ID (this would remove rows 2 and 8)
That would leave me withRows 1,4,5 and 6 as the 'new' records which is correct.
Is there a more efficient way to do this such as in some sort of loop, CTE or cough Cursor?
As per the above, if there is anything unclear don't hesitate to ask and I will try and provide you with the information you request.
;with cte as
Select *, row_number() over (partition by id order by startdate) rn from yourtable
select distinct t1.*
from cte t1
left join cte t2
on t1.ID = t2.ID
and t1.EndDate>=t2.StartDate and t1.StartDate<=t2.EndDate
and t1.rn<>t2.rn
where t2.ID is null
or t1.rn=1
this should work, if you have a unique identifier for each row:
select * from
tbl t3
left outer join
select distinct t1.id as id_inside, t1.recno as recno_inside
tbl t1 inner join
tbl t2 on
t1.id = t2.id and
(t1.startdate <> t2.startdate or t1.enddate <> t2.enddate) and
(t1.startdate >= t2.startdate and t1.enddate <= t2.enddate)
) t4 on
t3.id = t4.id_inside and
t3.recno = t4.recno_inside
id_inside is null and
recno_inside is null
