AngularJS - multiple use of component with same controller, using different data - angularjs

I have a simple component that is being included using ng-include. The controller of the component is assigned in the included HTML.
I would like to use the same component twice (or more) but load different data.
What I've tried to do is parse the JSON and create new objects (which works fine) but i can't assign the data to the appropriate component using it's id attribute.
Any help will be nice. A directive? jQuery?
I know this is a some-what weird way of doing it, so I'll add that at the moment the project's business logic needs this r similar behaviour.
"componentId" : 'component1",
"data" : "Hello"
"componentId" : 'component1",
"data" : "World"
Component Template (someTemplate.tpl.html)
<div data-ng-controller="DefaultController">
<div data-ng-controller="MainController">
<div data-ng-include="'someTemplate.tpl.html'" id="component1"></div>
<div data-ng-include="'someTemplate.tpl.html'" id="component2"></div>
function DefaultController($scope){
var componentId = ???
$scope.message = $scope[componentId].data;
Main controller
function MainController($scope, $http){
$ = response;
for(var i in ${
$scope[$[i].componentId] = $[i].data;


Angular: Service to Pass Data To Another Controlelr

So, I have a ng-repeated list of items as such.
<li><a ng-click="{{}}">Name of Person</a></li>
I would like to create a service wherein, on click, I can collect that and pass it to another controller in a different route.
This would normally be very simple by just using the url and route params, however, in this case it is important that the not be exposed within the browser url.
-- More Context
Whether service or not, I am needing to extract a {{person.Id}} that is data available via an ng-repeat on a list page of persons.
On click, I move from a persons controller to a new route with a "person" controller. I need that "person" controller to be able to pull the {{Person.ID}} that was clicked on the previous route in order to look up that person in a DB.
Any help would be really great!
Services aren't meant to interact directly with DOM elements. DOM should interact with directives/controllers. Controller should interact with models.
This example below demonstrates sending data from controller 1 to myFactory and then controller 2 gets it the value from myFactory.
.module('app', [])
.factory('myFactory', myFactory)
.controller('myCtrl1', myCtrl1)
.controller('myCtrl2', myCtrl2);
function myFactory() {
var fromSender = null;
return {
setSender: function(sender) {
fromSender = sender;
getSender: function() {
return fromSender;
function myCtrl1(myFactory) {
var vm = this;
vm.setSender = myFactory.setSender;
function myCtrl2(myFactory) {
var vm = this;
vm.getSender = myFactory.getSender;
<script src=""></script>
<div ng-app="app">
<div ng-controller="myCtrl1 as ctrl1">
Controller 1: <br>
<button ng-click="ctrl1.setSender('from controller 1')">Send to myFactory</button>
<div ng-controller="myCtrl2 as ctrl2">
Controller 2: <br>
value from ctrl1 via myFactory: {{ctrl2.getSender()}}
All services in Angular are singletons. So if you inject personService or something like that, in multiple controllers, then those controllers will be using the exact same object. So if you set a value on that service, then the other controllers will be able to see it.
With more code and context, I'll be able to give a more specific example.

Dynamically inserting elements in Angular JS

I have three tabs(Article(s), Visitor(s), Subscription(s)) and a common place of pagination; where each tab data will be provided with pagination. On click of the respective tab; respective ng-view are coming to picture and controllers are responding properly. For this custom made pagination; i want to update the number if <li> accordingly on the basis of the server response(number of pages available for next pagination).
<div ng-app="myLibrary">
<ul> //will behave as pagination toolbar and each <li> represents a page; after a minimum of 5 pages; i will add a combo(as in plan) to cater more page(s)
<li ng-repeat="tPageObj in recordPageNumbers">
<span ng-click="fetchPage(tPageObj.pageIndex)">{{ tPageObj.pageIndex }}</span>
<div ng-view></div>
When the view is rendered(after getting the data from server; i have a array with the $scope ($scope.recordPageNumbers) and calculating the page(s) accordingly. Even in the console; it shows appropriate number of page(s); but i am unable to figure-out why the ng-repeat is not behaving(as i learned so-far; being two way binding modification in the model will trigar the view update) as it should.
var myLibrary = angular.module('myLibrary', ['ngRoute', 'ngTable']);
myLibrary.config(['$routeProvider', function($routeProvider) {
{ templateUrl : 'angular-view/article.html', controller : 'articleList' } );
{ templateUrl : 'angular-view/article.html', controller : 'articleList' } );
{ templateUrl : 'angular-view/visitor.html', controller : 'visitorList' } );
{ templateUrl : 'angular-view/subscriptions.html', controller : 'subscriptions' } );
myLibrary.controller('articleList', function($scope, $http){
$scope.articleListArray = [];
$scope.recordPageNumbers = [];
.success(function(response) {
$scope.articleListArray =; //sending data to `ng-view`
var totalPageCount = response.totalPageCount;//calculating pages and according creating the `recordPageNumbers` array.
for(var counter = 1; counter <= totalPageCount; counter++)
$scope.recordPageNumbers.push({pageIndex : counter, disableButton : false});
} else {
$scope.recordPageNumbers.push({pageIndex : 1, disableButton : true});
console.log($scope.recordPageNumbers); //console show as expected
[Object { pageIndex=1}, Object { pageIndex=2}, Object { pageIndex=3}, Object { pageIndex=4}, Object { pageIndex=5}, Object { pageIndex=6}]
I tried with {{ $index }} as the loop index of the ng-repeat but it din't work as well. Please help. I am newbie to ng; hence could not figure out the way to check within the ng-repat tag through debug.
Without seeing the full project structure it is a bit difficult to know. But have you checked to see if the controllers scope covers the HTML you are trying to use?
For example update the first line to be
<div ng-app="myLibrary" ng-controller="articleList">
It could be that the way you have it set up with the routing, the controller is only being responsible for the HTML being injected into the ng-view part of the page.

How do I load an external HTML file and have the scope variables renderred properly in angularJS?

What I am trying to do is after clicking on a buddy in the buddy list, load a chat dialog template HTML file without disturbing other elements in current DOM just like chatting in facebook.
My problem is that after loading the html template file the scope variables such as {{contact.jid}} are not properly rendered, and the controller for the dialog is not even called.
How can I force a rerender or a call on the controller so that those variables are properly renderred? Or should I not use the jQuery.load function to do this? I can't figure out any other way.
Thank you.
Code of the controllers:
// Controller for the chat dialog
$scope.test = "Test"
// Controller for the buddy list
// $scope.toggleDialog is called when a buddy is clicked
$scope.contacts = window.contactList;
$scope.toggleDialog = function(to){
The controller function of chat dialog is not called after loading chatdialog.html which has an attribute of ng-controller, so the {{test}} variable is not set.
You need to wrap your content that will be compiled inside a directive.
This directive receives the variables and the HTML that will be compiled.
You can wrap this directive in the element that you like:
For example, given the following html and variables:
// In the controller
$scope.controllerHtml = '<span>{{variables.myVariable}}</span>';
$scope.controllerVariables = {myVariable: 'hello world'};
<!--In the HTML-->
<div compile-me html-to-bind="controllerHtml" variables="controllerVariables"></div>
You will get the following:
<span>hello world</span>
You are loading the external HTML via jQuery and Angular has no way of knowing how to use it. There are two ways to solve this issue:
use ngInclude to load the template from the server, angular will load it from the server and compile it for you to use.
continue to use jQuery load the HTML from the server and use the $compile service to teach angular how to use it
I would highly suggest using method #1 to load your external template.
I suppose the:
is the jQuery .load, or something similar. I would get the template via ngInclude, checking if test is setted or not; html:
<div id="chatarea" ng-if="test">
<div ng-include="'chatdialog.html'"/>
$scope.contacts = window.contactList;
$scope.test = '';
var callbackFunction = function(data) {
$scope.test = data.test;
$scope.toggleDialog = function(to){
AjaxRequestToGetBuddyInfoAndMessages(to, callbackFunction);
Obviously test will be a more complex object, so the ngIf test will be different (and you will need to take into account the fact that:
$scope.test = data.test
if they are objects, they will lose the reference and have an unwanted behaviour).

AngularJS: Binding to an array, but a specific property?

I'm using this directive (wallop-slider-angularjs) and it requires an array of image urls, but my urls are properties of an array of objects. How can I bind the property in such a way that it is acceptable to the directive?
<div ng-repeat="user in users">
media = [{'mediumURL':''},{'mediumURL':''}]
I solved this with a custom filter:
app.filter('extractProperty', function() {
return function(array, propertyName) {
return { return item[propertyName]; });
To get an array containing the specific property you must use it like that:
<div ng-repeat="user in users">
<wallop-slider data-images="{{ media | extractProperty:'mediumURL' }}"...></wallop-slider>
Here is a working example:
Just create a function on the scope which will extract the needed properties from the array. Something like:
scope.getMediumUrls = function(arr) {
return $.map(arr, function(item) { return item.mediumURL; });
And then use it on the directive:
<div ng-repeat="user in users">
<wallop-slider data-images="getMediumUrls("...></wallop-slider>
You need to loop through the object along with the key and corresponding properties.
Suppose you have JS object as
var media = [
Lets apply for in loop for getting values
for(key in media){
Here "key" refers to index for media[] and "mediumURL" is the individual corresponding property.
In your case,
<div ng-repeat="user in users">
Note: You were using "", hence it wont work because "media" is not property for each object structure under media[].
You can refer to this link for more details on ng-repeat looping examples.
Edit: If you already have a dependency on jQuery, I would pick Shay Friedmans answer.
I think this will do your trick (without the need for any additional libraries).
// Helper function to pluck the url property from the media items.
function pluckUrls() {
var ret = [], c = $scope.mediaItems.length;
while(c--) {
return ret;
// Function that is called each watch cycle. The return value will differ
// if one of the urls has been modified.
function getUniqueWatchValue() {
return pluckUrls().join();
// Function that is called whenever one of the urls has been modified.
function watchValueChanged() {
console.log('One of the urls has been modified');
$scope.mediaUrls = pluckUrls();
// Hook up the watch.
$scope.$watch(getUniqueWatchValue, watchValueChanged);
Plunker in action can be found here.
Note: I noticed a piece of code in that wallop-slider thingy that is watching a reference to the array, not it contents. I haven't tested it but it probably requires you to recreate the array completely instead of simply adding or removing element from it.
$scope.$watch('images', function(images) {
if (images.length) {
The easiest way to do is using underscore like the following:
data-images="_.pluck(, 'mediumURL')"
But before that you need do 2 things:
add underscore
<script src="/whatever/underscore.js"></script>
inject underscorejs into controller like the folloiwng
angular.module('app', [])
.controller('Ctrl', function($scope, $window) {
$scope._ = $window._
Hope that help,

Angularjs - Using controller

I am new to Angular.js. I currently have the following html code, where I define my div with my file html ( ng-include ) and my controller ( ng-controller ):
<div id="customerinformation-maxi" ng-include="'pages/customerinformation-maxi.html'" ng-controller="customerInformationMaxiController" class="col-md-12"></div>
This is the html code for the called html in directive ng-include ( customer-information.html ):
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-2">
<span>Customer Number</span>
<div class="col-md-2">
This is the js controller:
angularRoutingApp.controller('customerInformationMaxiController', function($scope, $http) {
//Here i need to load the model variable with a literal text {{customer.number}} and {{customer.portfolio}}, how could do it? using scope object? with a json file?
Here I need to load the model variable with a literal text {{customer.number}} and {{customer.portfolio}}.
How could do it? Using scope object? With a json file?
Thanks for any help.
Yes, you should do it using the $scope object.
To get a general overview, here is a hello-world example:
<div ng-controller="HelloController">
{{ helloMessage }}
And in you controller's code (js file or script tag into the html):
var myApp = angular.module('myApp',[]);
myApp.controller('HelloController', ['$scope', function($scope) {
$scope.helloMessage= 'Hello World!';
But I foresee some nesting in the provided snippet of your question, so you 're probably dealing with a collection of objects which means that you have to iterate through it, in the html part, using the ng-repeat directive, like:
<tr ng-repeat="customer in customers>
So, your controller's functionality should contain the customers object, like:
angularRoutingApp.controller('customerInformationMaxiController', function($scope, $http) {
var customers=[
portfolio: 'blah blah'
portfolio: 'blah blah'
portfolio: 'blah blah'
For further reference, you could read two respective example I have written:
Angular.js Controller Example
Angular.js JSON Fetching Example
The second one is only to see a sample usage of traversing collections, it is not meant that you have to use json, as you stated in your question; but I see that you also defined the $http service in your controller, so if it's about data that are going to be fetched from a remote destination, the JSON Fetching Example should probably help you better).
You should use scope objects to give values to your modal variables.
angularRoutingApp.controller('customerInformationMaxiController', function($scope, $http) {
$scope.customer.number = 'sample number';
$scope.customer.portfolio = 'sample portfolio';
