Where can I find HotRod file : startServer.bat (Windows users) - batch-file

I downloaded infinispan-6.0.0.Final-all.zip.
I need to implement Infinispan Server, using HotRod protocol, but, I don't find at all the file startServet.bat that they mention in their documentation.
Can anybody give me the right link to get it? or the best thing would if somebody give me a small sample of code.
Thank you a lot!

Please refer to Infinispan Server Guide.
In the download link, you imagine that *-all.zip would include servers as well. But it doesn't.

The server has now been separated and it's a different download. Once you've downloaded it, run it with /bin/standalone.sh


How to open a very long link from batch

I write to you because I should create a small batch file to open a very long link containing symbols including &.
At the moment I'm trying to use the following structure:
explorer "www.mylink.com etc"
But not all the link is opened but it is truncated in half and therefore the server gives me an error reply.
Do you have any ideas on how to solve the problem?
I point out that I cannot shorten the link via a third party site as it contains confidential information.
Thank you in advance for your support. I'm sure it will be a very simple thing for those who are familiar with the language.
thanks for your feedback. It was easier then i thought, it worked in this way (i always need to open the link from Internet Explorer):
start iexplore.exe "https://myurl.com/etc%%etc7"

How can I install different DFS's on IBM Bluemix?

As part of my Research Project. I am supposed to test different DFS'S (Distributed File Systems) like HDFS, Ceph etc. For this purpose I have planned to use IBM Bluemix.
I tried doing google to get help in this regard but there is not much available in this regard. Is there any help available in this regard or any suggestion(s) please? Not getting how to start?
My understanding is you should start using Virtual Machines, get into them and install and test each File System type you want to explore: https://console.ng.bluemix.net/docs/virtualmachines/vm_index.html#vm_index

MariaDB c connector for OSX

i was wondering if the MariaDB native client library is also available for OSX.
I did not find any evidence of this after searching the net.
So i checked out the sources and tried to compile it myself. And as you can guess it didn't work.
I got the error following message while running 'make':
Sorry for posting an image, but pasting this error message as text really looked ugly.
Has anyone some hints for me, on how to get this working?
Many thanks in advance.
Greetings, -chris-
The issue was fixed in rev. 66
You can obtain the source code from the bazaar repository: bzr branch lp:mariadb-native-client

where/ how can I get the selenium server source code used to build 2.0b3

I am trying to apply this bug fix http://code.google.com/p/selenium/source/detail?r=11856 to the selenium-server-standalone-2.0b3.jar.
Does anyone know where I can get the source code? The jar only contains class files.
Or if there are alternate ways of getting what I need, please do tell.
You should be able to check it out from SVN:
Use this command to anonymously check out the latest project source code:
Non-members may check out a read-only working copy anonymously over HTTP.
svn checkout http://selenium.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ selenium-read-only
I am not entirely sure how this project branches their code, but I assume it would be a branch in the project for a release.

How to check if Tomcat runnning using Embedded Tomcat

In reference with one of the articles: Howto embed Tomcat 6?
I understood how to embed tomcat in a java application. Thanks for that.
However I need to know if there is any elegant method provided by org.apache.catalina.startup.Embedded to check if the container is already started or not?
For example, if I create a batch file for the example given in the link above and click it twice; second time it would fail with JVM_BIND error; tomcat is running.
Please help.
You could use the example code given on the Tomcat wiki
Note: This doesnt use Embedded
It is trying to connect to the Tomcat ip:port and seeing if it responds.
