Where does SharePoint 2003 store actual farm database configuration? - sql-server

Migrating a 2003 SharePoint farm from an old SQL Server 2005 install to a SQL Server 2012 install on a separate server.
We recently lost our SharePoint expert, so since me the DBA uses Microsoft products it shouldn't be that much of a leap right?
I can't for the life of me find the actual farm database configuration in SharePoint. I will need to change the connection string(if it uses such a thing) to point to my new database server after I detach and attach the database files.

It might be better to move the content databases over, and then re-run the SharePoint Technologies Wizard and create a new config database. Once done you can recreate the applications and re-add the content databases. I have had to do this after upgrades / failed patches, config corruptions etc. With an upgrade, you will also want to run the tool again to update the database schemas to the latest version.


Why do I need SQL Server to install Azure DevOps?

I'm currently working on a enterprise that uses TFS 2017, and we pretend to upgrade to Azure DevOps. So far I'm just studying about how to implement this TOOL. I'm new on devops things and I have these following doubts... Why do we need SQL Server to install DevOps Azure? What kind of information are stored in there?
In the server configuration wizard, I have the option to select an existing database to use for the Azure DevOps Server that's being deployed... Can I select the currently database that's used by TFS 2017?
Azure DevOps Server and Team Foundation Server store just about everything in massive SQL Server databases.
The main server configuration is stored in the tfs_configuration database and each project collection is stored in a separate database The default is tfs_defaultcollection.
The collection database holds all version controlled files (TFVC and Git), all work items (Product Backlog, Sprints etc), Test Cases and all test run attachments, your Pipelines, Builds and Releases as well as all of the artifacts produced by these pipelines.
These databases can grow considerably.
Whether you can keep your current database server depends on what version you're currently running. SQL Server 2016 SP1+ happens to be supported by both Azure DevOps Server 2020 as well as Team Foundation Server 2017. You could keep using that for the upgraded installation.
But my recommendation would be to install SQL Server 2019, you'll get all of the performance and security benefits of the new server, support for the latest Windows Server platform, as well as a support window that matches your new Azure DevOps Server installation.
You can find the SQL Server compatibility matrix for TFS/ADS here:
Azure SQL Database and SQL Server
TFS 2017 was one of the last versions to require a database for the Warehouse, which is a form of replicated data. Reports can be written to pull data from the warehouse, without impacting the user experience. The database is somewhat deprecated now, especially for reporting. Microsoft promotes the use of the API to pull data from the live database. TFS does however still need its "live" database to store all of the data presented to users. These will be work items, discussion comments, project templates, user mappings to AD, amongst other things.
You will need to upgrade your 2017 Schema to conform to the new standard as defined by Azure, which will be taken care of as part of the upgrade.
What kind of information are stored in there?
Issues, templates, build results, lots of things.
Can I select the database that's used by TFS 2017?
Yes, that will be upgraded during the installation.

How to change TFS configuration, DefaultCollection from SQL Server Express to SQL Server on the same server

I was installing TFS 2015 and was never given a chance to choose my database. I already had a SQL Server Enterprise installed and installation "wizard" proceeded to install SQL Server Express and then putting TFS database on it. I am not sure why it works this way, but is there any way to change this??
My TFS has nothing on it, I just installed it. I've read a lot of blogs about moving "Collection" from one DB to another, but I don't want to move the collection (it's empty and it's easy to do through admin console). I am trying to move the actual TFS' internal components from SQL Server Express to SQL Server on the same server.
For anyone interested in knowing more about/how-to unconfigure TFS: Unconfigure Team Foundation Server
Copy the Tfs_Configuration database SQL Express instance to your full SQL Server instance, then run TFSConfig RemapDBs
An alternative, since you don't have any data: Just unconfigure your app tier and rerun the configuration wizard. Use the advanced configuration wizard and you'll have the opportunity to specify a database instance.
It's also worth noting that you should be installing TFS 2018, not TFS 2015, unless you have a very good reason. 2015 is 3 years old and two major releases behind.

Migrate SQL database from 2014 to 2012 version - mvc codefirst

I'm developing a project with ASP.net-MVC and as it's Model first, it generates the .mdf and .ldf files of database automatically. and database is in version of 2014. when I wanted to upload it on host server they told me that they don't support upper version of 2012. so I need to migrate my data base from 2014 to 2012 version.
my data base is not that much big. and I follow this article
step by step but no diffrence happend to my database version. its still Product Version:12.0.2000.8
really appreciate you'r help. thanks
You develop the database based on the Model First, so you have all control in generation /modifying the database.
You needn't to migrate the database, but in visual studio you can re-generate the database in sql server 2012.
To Generate the database in sql 2012, do the same steps you follow to generate database for sql 2014 in visual studio, just for reminding:
In the EDMX design surface, right click ->Generate database from the model
Follow the wizard and create a new connection to sql2012.
At end of the wizard, a new database is created in sql server 2012.
Sql script is also auto generated named e.g. model.edmx.sql including all DDL of the Entity and associations,...
Exute that script within VS, you can select the connection and executing the script in the new database server 2012.
For the data, you can use the bcp utility or the export wizard in SSMS.
In the Model First approach, you create a diagram that will be automatically converted to a coded model and the model is saved in EDMX (xml file).
If there is no EDMX in the project, it means that you didn't use the ModelFirst approach, but you may used a template of MVC project which auto generate database at the start of the project.
The benefit of the Model First is the ease of change and sync between development Environment and the production for future changes.
You can re-engineer your project and add ModelFirst approach even you created a database.
From there you can re-create the database in the sql server 2012.
I describe step by step tutorial to build your mode:
Building DataModel from Existing Database in EntityFramework 6 For ModelFirst Approach
Compatibility Level should be set to SQL Server 2012(110) before to following the steps https://www.mssqltips.com/sqlservertip/2810/how-to-migrate-a-sql-server-database-to-a-lower-version/
To change the compatibility level go to database properties->Options->Compatibility Level
When you run the output script, it should be run on the target server (2012). Backups on recent versions cannot be restored on earlier versions.
Take a look here
The setup will change your database from 2014 to 2012.

Use own MSSQL Instace for TFS

We have a single MS Server 2012 for hosting our MSSQL 2014.
On the Server we already installed two instances of MSSQL 2014.
One for the productive Business-Applications and one instance for the development Databases.
Beside the MSSQL 2014 installation we need to setup the TFS2013.
My question is if it is a good thought to make an own instance for the TFS or if we should just use one of the existing instances (Probably the dev) to store the databases.
We would love to use another instance because we would like to isolate the TFS Databases (so a restart of the TFS SQL Service should not affect the prod dbs) from the rest. We know that the administration needed for three instances is bigger than for two but we can neglect that.
Will there be a big loose in performance with a third instance, or isnt it that dramatic?
To avoid some anwsers, there is no possibility to implement the TFS or MSSQL on an other server(Because we just don't have any free resources).
The Server is from the hardware POV suitable and because we're a small company there won't be that much connections to the DB's (40 Employees to the Prod Instance, 3-5 Developers connecting to the DEV and TFS Instances).
The data tier of your TFS installation does not require any restarts. It's just a database that's created on your SQL Server.
The application tier of TFS is where the real work happens. This is where your users connect to and where the Windows Service and IIS websites are running.
It is no problem to use a shared SQL Server instance for installing Team Foundation Server.
If you want more information on how to install TFS checkout the ALM Rangers documentation. We have just released a new version of the guide that can be found here.
I would install also on a separate instance because the development or the production databases may require an SQL Server services restart which will cause a TFS unavailability.
Also you don't want to give permissions to the developers on TFS databases (usually developers are requiring higher permissions on their development databases, e.g. sysadmin for backup/restore)

How can I transfer tables from one SQL Server database to another?

I have 2 SQL Server database files .mdf on 2 different projects in Visual Web Developer Express Edition 2010, I need to make them one database by taking the tables of one database to the other database.
I use the built in development server of Web Developer and I don't have SQL Server installed separately on my system.
So how can I do that ? Do I need special tools or this can be done with web developer ?
Check out the database publishing wizard. It should let you generate scripts for the entire database and then you can just run those scripts in your new db.
