Syncfusion PDF Conversion Limit - winforms

I am using Syncfusion for Windows form and converting my data through GridPdfConvertor Class.
This Class works fine for upto 100,000 records But when my records exceed then its Gave me the GDI+ error.
So please tell me about the limitation of GridPdfConvertor Class.
Is there is a limitation exist or not ????

Usually while converting the data more than 100,000 records will throw exception. You can say that this is the limitation for converting the records. You can overcome this by exporting the grid to PDF using the ExportToPdfWithMerge.
This will export the grid into multiple parts and ensure its combination into a single document at the final. So it can export more rows than normal export.
// C#
pdfConverter.ExportToPdfWithMerge("Sample1.pdf", this.gridControl1);


BIRT xlsx export doesn't wrap cell contents

I'm working with BIRT reports (version 4.6.x) within Eclipse and I'm trying to export whole report into .xlsx. Rerport contains header with some data, image and table with results.
When I try SPUDSOFT xls or xlsx, I still encounter the same error.
Data in the table are correctly wrapped (if the column is too narrow, height of the line is increased and so on), however the table header (with column lablels) remains single line and you can't correctly read its contents.
I use whitespace wrapping Normal and I've tried to use dynamic text instead of standard label with wrap function (as it's used in datasets).
But the header row is still with no wrapping. It looks good on the web, but doesn't work in excel.
Have you encountered the same problem? How do I wrap the header line?
See attached report - it's only a draft, but how do I set the lines to wrap their content? Try exporting it to xlsx.
Test rptdesign sample

Setting SSRS BackgroundImage Source from field

I'm working on an SSRS template at present which pulls lots of its format information from a database. Part of this format information sets the Background Image of cells.
I'm currently filling the image by setting the Source to External and pulling its value from the database. This works lovely, however It means pulling the image from a network source each time and while a small efficiency hit, I'd like to try and remove that pull if possible by embedding the standard images.
Again this works fine, I can pull either an external image or an embedded image and display on screen. The problem comes when I'd like the option to do either.
I find that I cannot set the image Source from a field, there isn't an option in the GUI.
I've tried going into the code and entering the details there but I get a validation error:
The '' element is invalid - The value =First(Fields!bodyBackgroundImageSource.Value, "dsTemplate") is invalid according to its datatype String - The Enumeration constraint failed".
Has anyone else come across this and found a solution or know of a workaround? I can continue using only external images, but would prefer to avoid as many external calls as possible.
In our local environment, we tested this scenario and if the expression can return the correct image name, then the image can display properly. You can check if the "First(Fields!bodyBackgroundImageSource.Value, "dsTemplate")" expression return the image name existing under Images folder on Report Data window. And make sure the image source is embedded.

drupal theme multiupload image field

I have one drupal content type. there is one image field, the configuration is:
content type field setting
It works fine. I can upload multi image to that content type. The only problem is that, the uploaded image is themed in table format.
uploaded results
How can i change the output format other than table? I have searched for the whole day, still can not find the answer :(
What I have seen from your given images, you have an image field in your content type. Also I am not sure that in which way you are showing all the images on the front end. This could be done in several ways. One of them is using 'Views'.
So if you are collecting all the images into a view creating a page or block, then you can easily change the showing format. Like you can use the table format and also list format. And on the front end you could be able have a non-tabular format.
Tpl files
On the other hand, if you are using special node tpl then you have to format the html properly so that they won't come in a tabular format.
I will personally suggest you to use the views to avoid unnecessary problems and also you can also specify the view specific tpl file.
Cheers :) keep Drupalizing :)

Can you concatenate RTF in a Crystal Reports formula Field

I'm currently building an application that generates a separate letter for each user in the dataset. The letter contents are managed through a application and their RTF format saved to a database. When the letter is created, all the content is pulled from the database to form the letter using logic.
Once compiled it was sent as a parameter to Crystal. This worked great, setting the field text interpretation to RTF allowed proper RTF viewing.
The client has decided that they would instead like to make changes to the logic (if statements that compile the text) within Crystal.
So what I did was create a blank dataset with a bunch of columns and filled those columns with the RTF (Ordered by ID so the values will never change unless a paragraph is deleted and there is no option for this). This would allow me to build an RTF string by going {table.1} + {table.2} etc...
This is where the problem is. When building an RTF string in a Formula (Using + or &) it only displays the first RTF entry. If I switch the formula to no interpretation, I can see the RTF for the entries written out with all their content so I know it’s there. I also manually combined the RTF in the formula field and had the same issue.
StringVar output;
output := output & "{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Times New Roman;}}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\lang1033\f0\fs23 this is a first test }";
output := output & "{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Times New Roman;}}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\lang1033\f0\fs23 this is a second test \par\par}";
At this point I am unsure if there is a way around this other than moving all the text to separate Formula fields within crystal itself and then combine. This would mean if they wanted to change text it would have to be done within crystal. I would rather not go this route so I’m looking for opinions and suggestions.
Crystal does support RTF however it needs to be fully formed within the first occurance of an RTF entry. In my question it shows two separate COMPLETE RTF entries. As the entries all have the RTF ID tags this will not be possible. The same issue would occur if you copied the above text into a text editor and saved it as RTF. You would only get the first line. This doesnt explain why it works as a parameter and not a formula but its likely how each are evaluated and the later (parameter could loose support in the future).
To Properly pass RTF to crystal you will need to two Rich text box objects. One being a temp box and the other being the builder box and only selecting the formatted text, not the entire RTF content. An example of this can be found at:
Aside from some hacks such as removing the closing brace from the RTF string or rebuilding the RTF table are also avaliable however removing the brace could lead to an unsupported configuration and rebuilding can get messy really quick.
Hope this helps!!

Open/Libre Office drag and drop MIME types

Does OpenOffice or LibreOffice support any mime types which allow direct pasting/drag'n'drop of tabular data? I have implemented CSV drag and drop, but since my source data is already tabular, I'd like my users to not have to navigate the import screen that comes up with CSV.
I had exactly the same problem.
The solution is really stupid, and it cost me hours.
Instead of formatting you csv table to:
Use the \r character instead on \n as:
The mimetype you have to use is "text/plain"
I tried dragging some cells from one OOo Calc window to another, and it maintains the tabular structure of my data, which suggests it does allow such things (but doesn't prove it: it could be doing something special behind the scenes).
(I thought there used to be a program to list the mime-types that a drag contained, but I can't find one today.)
On a whim, I tried dragging a simple <table> from my web browser to OOo Calc, and it appeared there as a table, with no import screen. Based on this, I think that OOo sees a single <table> in a text/html data drop as something it knows how to put into cells.
I don't know if that's the best way but it seems to work!
