How to call a angular controller kept in another file from a mvc partial view - angularjs

Edit:- My project that is mvc-4 having lay out page that holds angular.js and bootstrap.js, bootstrap.js and the angularmodule.js. the layout is wrapped into the index page. For the first time in the left section all categories are loaded in the index page. When i click on the any category a partial page that has got all products are loaded in to the middle section of index. Now when i again click on the any of middle section product button that comes with all the product spectic customization returning a partial _customization page that is to load in the model pop up. so the below code is kept on the _customization partial page.
I have created some ng-controler.js file
that holds the following code
EposApp.controller("cntrlCustomization", function ($scope, getCustomization) {
$scope.ListCollection = getCustomization.customization;
$ = 0;
$scope.chkUnchk = function (v) {
if (v.selectionState == 0) { v.selectionState = 1 }
some more code...
I have a _customization partial view in mvc with the following code.
<script src="~/Scripts/ngController/ngController.js"></script>
var customizationJson = #Html.Raw(Json.Encode(#Model))
EposApp.factory('getCustomization', function () {
return {
customization: customizationJson
My problem is that the Epos.Contoller not getting called, although when i keep controller code direct to the partial view itseld it works fine.. could some body please help me with this whats the problem.


Unable to have an ol3 map in each angular module

I'm using openlayers3 (ol3) and angular 1.5.6 on IE Edge.
I have two modules. Each has their own controller and component. Each controller wants to have a map in the view. One view is for interactively querying data off its map. The other view is for displaying interactive query results.
Under the hood, I provide a MapFactory which returns an instance of a object, containing the said openlayers map.
PROBLEM: The one displays while the other does not.
Here's a sample of my code (some details are left out for simplicity. For example the dependency injection checks. All of this code is being called as expected.):
Module A definition
ModuleAController.$inject = ['MapFactory'];
function ModuleAController(MapFactory){
var vm = this;
var = MapFactory.getMapInstance({
In ModuleA's view:
<div id='module-A-map' class="map-classes"></div>
Module B definition
ModuleBController.$inject = ['MapFactory'];
function ModuleBController(MapFactory){
var vm = this;
var = MapFactory.getMapInstance({
In ModuleB's view:
<div id='module-B-map' class="map-classes"></div>
MapFactory's definition:
MapFactory.$inject = [];
function MapFactory(){
var factory = {
getMapInstance : getMapInstance
return factory;
function getMapInstance(options){
return new _MapConstructor(options);
function _MapConstructor(options){
var _map = new ol.Map({
target :,
logo : false,
view : new ol.View({...}),
layers : [some,layers,here]
return {
publicMethod : publicMethod
function publicMethod(){...}
function privateMethod(){...}
... other stuff ...
Please, let me know if any clarification is needed to answer the question.
This issue: might be part of the problem. I am using collapsable DIVs with bootstrap. The ModuleA is in the default displayed one, while ModuleB is hidden at first. More to come.
I wrote this up as an OL3 issue as well:
I need to add a _map.updateSize() on a or event. Now, I need to figure out how to do that in Angular, and post it (unless somebody gets to it first).
Ah, this is in Bootstrap's collapse class. So, let's back up to the Module-B view. Each of my Module's is a panel within a Bootstrap panel accordian. The ModuleA map that displays is the default open panel (the one that has the in class). The ModuleB map is not open by default, and thus, OL3 gives the canvas a display:none in the map's div's style.
<div id="module-B-collapse" class="panel-collapse collapse" >
<div id='module-B-map' class="map-classes"></div>
In my ModuleBController, I simply added:

ExtJS loading panels repetition

In my website, in order to load diferent pages (to be multipage website) I have a main panel that has the id 'content-panel'.
When I want to load a diferent page I have a javascript function that is called 'loadPage' that loads the page (panel) that I want to the 'content-panel'.
But the page that I want to load has to have this code:
Ext.onReady(function() {
var panel = Ext.Cmp('content-panel');
In this case it is loading the page/panel that is loginPanel, that is defined inside Ext.onReady
For me this is fine, I don't know of any other way of my website being multi-page.
But everytime that I want to go to a page it loads that page to the 'content-panel', even if it already been loaded before. I want a way to only add the page to 'content-panel' if it is not inside 'content-panel' items.
Here is the loadPage
function swap(parent, replacement, url) {
var alpha = document.querySelector(parent);
var target = alpha.childNodes[0];
var omega = document.createElement(replacement);
omega.src = url;
omega.type = 'text/javascript';
alpha.replaceChild(omega, target);
function loadPage(panel, toPanel) {
swap('head', 'script', panel);
it is used like this: loadPage('Ctl_base/view_admin/mainPage', Ext.getCmp('panel'));
I'm using CodeIgniter with ExtJS.
What I have already tried:
I want to do panel.add(loginPanel) only if the loginPanel doesn't exist.
I have tried:
if(panel.getComponent(loginScreen) == undefined) { panel.add(loginPanel); }
and it adds the component even when panel already has that component.
I have also tried:
function hasComponent(parent, child) {
parent.items.items.forEach(function(item) {
if(item == child){
return true;
return false;
if(!hasComponent(panel, loginPanel)) { panel.add(loginPanel); }
and it also doesn't work.
I have manage to tackle this question by putting and itemId on the panel that I want to load, and on panel.layout.setActiveItem(loginPanel); I have put panel.layout.setActiveItem('itemIdOfPanel');

Protractor won't get repeater inside a ng-view

I've a tricky question for you guys out there. I've made a simple exercise webapp using AngularJS and ngRoute.
Inside my index.html I got an ng-view element which provide two pages search_page.html and detail_of_result_page.html. The code works pretty fine, I put something in the first page input field, hit search button and all results magically appears in my page. The troubles comes with protractor that seems to not see my result in results repeater with his:
element.all(by.repeater("result in results"))
I've tried to put in browser.pause() and watch for errors, but everything seems right.
I've forgot the error code from Protractor:
Failed: Index out of bound.
Trying to access element at index: 0, but there are only 0 elements that match locator by.repeater("result in results")
OK, under your searchTest.js line: 27
beforeEach(function () {
var EC = protractor.ExpectedConditions;
var resultItem = element.all(by.repeater('result in results')).first(); //BUG
var resultLink = resultItem.element(by.css('a'));;
resultId = resultLink.getAttribute('href').then(function (attr) {
//var res = attr.match('/\/TDDBook\/Search\/#\/detail\/(\d+)/')[1]; // TODO: fix this shit
return 1;
Things seem alright until you do; Assuming that it work fine for the first it ("should set the url to the selected detail view"). But when it come to second it("should see the details in the main page component") at this moment you are no longer on /#/splash route. Therefore your pereater no longer available to be located when your beforeEach() run again.
Your beforeEach doesn't seem useful and logically not run-able for your second it("should see the details in the main page component"). So just move all the thing like this:
it ("should set the url to the selected detail view",function () {
var EC = protractor.ExpectedConditions;
var resultItem = element.all(by.repeater('result in results')).first(); //BUG
var resultLink = resultItem.element(by.css('a'));;
resultId = resultLink.getAttribute('href').then(function (attr) {
//var res = attr.match('/\/TDDBook\/Search\/#\/detail\/(\d+)/')[1]; // TODO: fix this shit
return 1;
resultId.then(function (id) {
var expectedUrl = '/detail/'+id;
browser.getLocationAbsUrl().then(function (url) {
P.S. just for your information, there is Page Object in protractor, which will be fit with the thing you attempt to do with your beforeEach() . Plus with a tiny bit of knowledge of commonJS (module.exports & require()) it will perfectly suit your needs ;) Cheer!

angular-ui/ui-calendar change event source after render in Angular JS

I am trying to use angular-ui/ui-calendar( FullCalendar ) in my Angular Js app.
I have select box which lists some items, based on the selcted item, my event source url need to be updated. So in controller, I do update it, but the calendar is still not using the updated URL and also I need the calendar to refresh/Render, once the source is changed.
As per this link need to some remove and add event source.
I am new to both Jquery and Angular so I would appreciate if any one can explain how I can do it in angular js.
some bits of my controller where i set the url source , but I think it is not the right way to do , and it is also not working.
$scope.locationId = 0
$scope.url = "./api/ev/event/calendarByLocationId?locationId=" + $scope.locationId;
$scope.eventSource = {
url : $scope.url
$scope.setURL = function(locationId) {
$scope.locationId = locationId
$scope.url = "./api/ev/event/calendarByLocationId?locationId=" + $scope.locationId;
$scope.eventSource = {
url : $scope.url
$scope.eventSources = [ $scope.eventSource ];
Without using refetchEvents, below code works for me. Once the new event source is added, Calendar automatically fetching the new data from new source.
// This function is called to change the event source. When
// ever user selects some source in the UI
$scope.setEventSource = function(locationId) {
// remove the event source.
uiCalendarConfig.calendars['myCalendar'].fullCalendar('removeEventSource', $scope.eventSource);
// Create the new event source url
$scope.eventSource = {url : "./api/ev/event/calendarByLocationId?locationId=" + locationId};
// add the new event source.
uiCalendarConfig.calendars['myCalendar'].fullCalendar('addEventSource', $scope.eventSource);
I am figuring out on adding and removing events sources as well. There seems to be a problem.
But as temporarily, what I had was a REST url. Once updated, the data is updated. By then I made the program to refresh the event on the same url by triggerring this. This enables the url to be refreshed and grabbed from database again.
$scope.myCalendar.fullCalendar( 'refetchEvents' );
Which your HTML code should look like this:
<div class="calendar" ng-model="eventSources" calendar="myCalendar" config="uiConfig.calendar" ui-calendar="uiConfig.calendar"></div>
Hope this helps.

Display a angular variable in my html page

as the title says I'm trying to display an Angular variable in a html page. I have this function inside the controller I'm using :
$http.get('/api/tasks/?format=json').success(function(data) {
$scope.tasks = data;
for (var i=0; i < $scope.tasks.results.length; i++)
if ($scope.tasks.results.status == 0)
And now I'd like to display tobedone inside my html page. I've tried [[tobedone]] (I'm using Django, thus custom providers), but nothing displays. Any help please ?
In your template, you have access to all the variables that are members of the current $scope. So, tobedone should be $scope.tobedone, and then you can display it with {{tobedone}}, or [[tobedone]] in your case.
