Injecting "ng-click" in HTML with ngSanitize - angularjs

I'm working on localization with Angular and I'm stuck with one last thing here.
I have this json blob
"key": "_need_to_login_",
"value": "You need to <a ng-click=\"login()\">log in</a> to add an event.",
"description": "Banner alert info tell user to login before they can add an event"
So with this Angular i18n module I will be able to do this
{{ "_need_to_login_" | i18n }}
The problem is that it contains some markup in there and it will simple escape it and will display this on the page
You need to <a ng-click="login()">log in</a> to add an event.
But with ngSanitize I'm able to unescape that markup and display it correctly as:
You need to log in to add an event.
But I don't have that ng-click inserted as well.
Try copy that and test it here :$sanitize
My question is that how can I insert ng-click from the injected code as well as unescape the string?

ng-bind-html should do what you want. Let me know how it works out, we are planning to add translation support soon to our app.
Edit2: nevermind about the jsfiddle edit. It didnt work.


Unable to click button using ng-click for AngularJS application

I am automating AngularJS application and need help for ng-click.
Here is the HTML code:
<a ng-click="openProjectModal($event)">Create Project</a>
I tried the code below:
Using xpath is working, but i don't want to use xpath.
since it is a link 1st think is you have to javascriptvoid(); to stop it redirection.
and in your controller you should have to write openProjectModal function
<a ng-click="javascriptvoid();openProjectModal($event)">Create Project</a>
$scope.openProjectModal = function(event){
it will might help you

Show directive as result of a click

I want to show content that comes from a directive when the user clicks on a link.
<li>Show popup</li>
Obviously I'm new to angularjs. I know the approach above doesn't make sense really but I was also trying to imagine how this might be done with ng-if but not coming up with anything. Any ideas? Thanks!
Edit 1: The directive that I want to use is:
That's part of ngPopup.
Edit 2: This is now resolved. It turns out that in the case of ngPopup, you put the directive somewhere, then you open the dialog using the open method, so I really didn't take advantage of the solutions given here. Giving Martin credit because his solution solves problem originally stated. Thanks all.
Not exactly sure what you are looking for.
When you say, content from a directive, is this an existing directive, or do you think the content should come from a directive?
In your example where you have show popup, do you mean you would like to have a dialog displayed when you click the link?
Or do you just want something like the following example?
angular.module('app', []);
<script src=""></script>
<div ng-app=app>
<a href="#" ng-click='showMessage = true'>Click Here</a>
<div ng-show="showMessage">Your Message Here</div>
Try looking at using ng-if (AngularJS docs). You can use a boolean in your scope to that is toggled by the ng-click.

VisualForce page with AngularJS tag

I've got an interesting question.
I have a VisualForce page with some Angular JS.
The problem is with the ng-repeat-end tag.
The HTML looks like this:
<span ng-repeat-end ng-if="$last" class="a nav__links__link" data-nav="control">You are here: {{breadcrumb.label}}</span>
VisualForce won't save with this error:
Attribute name "ng-repeat-end" associated with an element type "span" must be followed by the ' = ' character.
So I change the offending tag to this:
<span ng-repeat-end="" ng-if="$last" class="a nav__links__link" data-nav="control">You are here: {{breadcrumb.label}}</span>
Which makes VisualForce happy but Angular JS mad with this error:
Unterminated attribute, found 'ng-repeat-start' but no matching 'ng-repeat-end' found.
How can I satisfy both VisualForce's parser and AngularJS?
At the end of the day Visualforce needs a valid XML document. Try searching for "Angular + XHTML" I guess? I've found!topic/angular/8iorDWKsMyI for example.
Will ng-repeat-end="ng-repeat-end" work? I remember that a trick with attr. name as attr. value is what's a perfectly fine workaround to convert for example <input type="checkbox" checked /> into valid XHTML.
SF themselves didn't include an example similar to what you're trying to do and I'm not familiar with AngularJS... It might be that they promote it but only for hybrid apps (where you could have local HTML file without the restrictions) or apps where you'd build your DOM from javascript, without having any skeleton in VF other than <script>s and <body>.
Last but not least - check what you can salvage from:
the "Mobile Pack": (looks like it's only VF sample in that directory),
Maybe contact the developers? All examples I can find seem to just "repeat" by creating a <table>, no <span>s...

ngSanitize does not allow allow id attribute

I am using ngBindHtml to display some HTML from an (internal) CMS:
<span ng-bind-html="cmsHtml"></span>
The HTML contains a link with an id attribute:
"<a id='fsgPdfLink' href='http://blah/download.pdf' target='_blank'>Click here to download the PDF</a>"
However, I notice that the id attribute is removed by angular before writing the link to the page, so what gets rendered is just:
<a href='http://blah/download.pdf' target='_blank'>Click here to download the PDF</a>
Looking at the source for the ngSanitize module, it seems that for some reason the id attribute is not on the list of valid attributes:
What's the reason for not allowing the id attribute? Is it a security risk?
I'd really like to continue to use ngBindHtml if possible. Is there an API where I can add safe tags to the sanitizer's list? Or do I have to edit the source myself to add this tag?
To partially answer my own question, there doesn't seem to be an API to change the built-in whitelist, as described in this open issue:

How to click a particular tab using Angular and how to include Angular UI in the code

I am using Angular UI Bootstrap I have two questions:
I followed the example given at, there they use
<script src="">
but I don't want to use the CDN so I downloaded Angular UI and added it to my project. How to include it into my code?
I did add
['ui.bootstrap'] to my angular.module, but it's not working until I add the above script code.
I'm using <tabset> to create two tabs, contacts and group. For
example, a user is in the Group tab, he wants to add members to an existing group, so if he clicks the Add Member button, I want to navigate to the Contacts tab automatically.
I thought of using document.getElementByTagName() inside my
controller. Will it work? And what is the Angular way to click
something programmatically.
Question #1:
<script src="folder_of_js/ui-bootstrap-tpls-0.10.0.js"></script>
Question #2:
You don't use document.getElementByTagName() with AngularJS, if you want to navigate to a tab while you are in another tab's content, an example might be the following:
<tab ng-repeat="tab in tabs" heading="{{tab.title}}">
<button class="btn btn-default btn-sm" ng-click="tabs[2].active = true">Select third tab</button>
As you can also see in this plunker, I added a button that navigates to the third tab whenever you click it.
The script file is probably not loaded by the browser. You have to add a script tag pointing to where the file is in your project. For example, if the script is placed in the folder /scripts/lib/:
<script src="/scripts/lib/ui-bootstrap-tpls-0.10.0.js" />
One of the golder rules of AngularJS is to never, for any reason, referrence the DOM (i.e. an HTML element) from a controller. So while document.getElementByTagName() will technically work, I would advice against it.
In angular, you really don't click things programmatically. The common way is to bind something in your HTML to a variable in the $scope, either by curly brackets ({{someVariable}}), or by directives such as ng-class, ng-bind etc. Then you change that variable in $scope, and the HTML changes to reflect that. Is there a variable in $scope which determines which tab is open? If so, you can just change that variable, and it should work automagically.
