Is database diagram in SQL Server Management Studio considered as ER diagram? - sql-server

I just have this simple question. in SQL Server Management Studio there is an option Database Diagrams, is it ER diagram ?

No I believe.
ER diagram does not refer to relational data model and can be mapped into different data structures.
SQL Server diagram is specific only to relational model and DBMS.

Yes, you can do a database diagram.
Expand DataBases --> choose database--> database diagrams --> right click(NEW DB diagram).

SQL Server let you create a Physical data model Diagram that could come from a ER Diagram or not. An ER Diagram is more abstract.

The diagram produced by SSMS is not an Entity Relationship diagram.
It is a very useful tool, and does model the relationships that physically exist between tables, but is missing a few key features of ER diagrams.


How to make different types of relationship in Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio

To give some context I need help making a database on the Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio based on an ERD, I'm currently struggling on how to make different types of relationships between each table.
The relationships I have aren't what I need, and I can't change them to be mandatory one to many, etc.
My database of diagram of what I have
The ERD I'm using to make the database diagram
Every time I add the tables to the database diagram it gives me that type of relationship when I know I know I need different relationships instead, so overall I need help making the relationships in the database diagram match the ERD image.
Sidenote: I can't code the tables I have to use the database diagrams tool to make the tables the relationship.
What type of relationships are you needing?
Generally in SQL Server you can utilize Primary Key and Foreign Key relationships. I would consider scaling based on how the tables will be loaded and storage when designing.
Try adding an Employee-FK to the Computer object and a Computer-FK to the Software Package object.

SQL server ER diagram relations

I am generating an ER Diagram by SQL Server, but the relationships between the entities are not pointing to the columns they are supposed to (just to the entities).
Is there an option that would connect the exact columns the foreign keys should point to or should I do it manually every time?
I do not think the diagrams in SSMS are able to do this. You will need to look at other tools to generate your required design such as Visio.

How to denote primary key and foreign key in my entity relationship diagram?

I have a database and i want to generate ER (entity relationship) diagrams
for the database. I have tables and foreign key relation to the other tables
how to mention these relation ship in my ER diagrams?
I am new to ER diagrams can you tell me?what is the best way to design?
can u tell me ER diagrams only for database?
I have one table it contains nearly 32 fields all the fields is mandatory to
mentioned in ER diagram?
You can check This Link for your query , by this link these are the steps.
Follow these steps.
1.Go to Sql Server Management Studio ->Object Explorer->Databases->Database Node(The node which will have your databse name).
2.Under your database node you will find a node named Database Diagrams along with node for Tables,Views etc.
3.Right Click on "Database Diagrams" node and select new database diagram and it will launch a wizard to generate Database diagram.
This Diagram will contain all tables along with their keys and relationships.

ER vs database schema diagrams

when i search the web for er diagram and database schema these 3 diagram types found but all are named under er diagram.i want to know
what is database schema diagram and what is er diagram
why all are named under er diagram

How to get database dependency/relationship among tables

Can anyone give me an idea about database flow diagram in my SqlServer Server Management Studio? I have a database (ERBIA) in my server; I want to know about the database relationship among different tables.
You can simply click on this:
And then select the tables for which you wish to create diagrams (graphs)
By database flow diagram I think you mean an Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD). There are a number of 3rd party tools that exist to create ERDs. ERWin, Visio, ER/Studio are some examples.
These tools can read the database schema information and create a diagram and draw relationship lines based on the Foreign Key constraints. You can edit the diagrams and depending on the tool update the database or generate a DDL script for the database changes.
SQL Server also includes a database designer, but it should be noted there is no separation from a logical model and the physical model. This means if you draw a line from one table to another indicating a relationship a FK will actually be created when you save the diagram. For some scenarios this would be a problem.
